The year 1977 saw the making of the first Latino superhero by a Latino artist. From the 1980s onwards it is also possible to find Latina super-heroines, whose number and complexity has kept increasing ever since. Yet, the representations of spandexed Latinas are still few. For that reason, the goal of this paper is, firstly, to gather a great number of Latina super-heroines and, secondly, to analyze the role that they have played in the history of American literature and art. More specifically, it aims at comparing the spandexed Latinas created by non-Latino/a artists and mainstream comic enterprises with the Latina super-heroines devised by Latino/a artists. The conclusion is that whereas the former tend to conceive heroines within the constraints of the logic of Girl Power, the latter choose to imbue their works with a more daring political content and to align their heroines with the ideologies of Feminism and Postcolonialism.
The objective of this study is to investigate if exist relationship between organizational culture and the organizational climate, having as research s locus three dairy industries in the Rio Grande do Norte State. As such, an exploratory-descriptive and conclusive-causal study, with a sample composed of 211 employees of all firms hierarchical levels was undertaken. By way the data collection, the employees personal characteristics, the predominant organizational culture profile and the predominant organizational climate in the industries researched were identified. In order to analyse the organizational culture, the Competing Value Model (CAMERON; QUINN, 2006), with adaptations by Santos (1998, 2000), was used. In order to analyse the organizational climate, the Organizational Climate Measurement Scale, proposed by Martins (et al., 2004, 2008), with modifications, was used. The data were submitted to quantitative statistical analyses, firstly to the set of firms and afterwards to the firms alone, that permitted arrival to the following conclusions: the cultural profiles was met in a balanced way in the researched organizations, with emphasis to clan culture and market culture profiles; the researched organizations have a good organizational climate, based in the Martins (2008) classification, with emphasis to boss and organization s support and physical comfort , being these factors coherent whit the clan culture profile; the personal variables are correlated with the cultural profiles and with the organizational climate factors, however, each organization show its singular form of relation; and the cultural profiles showed influence on organizational climate factors. Thus, the results permitted to conclude that there are relations between the cultural profiles and the organizational climate factors in the researched organizations
El negocio de las remesas es tan importante para Colombia que para el año 2004 es la segunda fuente de divisas, después del petróleo. Debido a esta situación, los principales gruposfinancieros colombianos han decidido entrar al negocio. Este caso contempla el análisis económico, social y de mercado del negocio de las remesas en Colombia y deja planteada su evolución.
Kuntaliitos tuo kuntien toimintaan ja niiden asukkaiden elämään monenlaisia muutoksia. Yksi vähäisimmistä ei ole liitoksen vaikutus edustuksellisen demokratian toteutumiseen: kunnan luottamustehtävät vähenevät, kilpailu niistä kiristyy ja valta jakautuu uudella tavalla. Tässä tutkielmassa asiaa on lähestytty vallan maantieteellisen jakautumisen ja kunnan eri osien alueellisen edustavuuden näkökulmasta. Vallan ja edustuksen mittareina toimivat kunnalliset luottamuspaikat valtuustossa, hallituksessa ja muissa kunnan toimielimissä. Lisäksi on selvitetty poliittisten päättäjien näkemyksiä kuntaliitoksen jälkeisestä vallankäytöstä ja liitoksen hyödyistä ja haitoista. Kyseessä on tapaustutkimus vuoden 2009 alussa toteutuneesta Kurikan ja Jurvan kuntaliitoksesta. Aineistona ovat vuosien 2004, 2008 ja 2012 kunnallisvaalien tulokset, kuntahallinnon pöytäkirjat sekä tutkimuskuntien 19 pitkäaikaisen luottamushenkilön haastattelut. Tilasto- ja asiakirja-aineiston analysoinnissa on käytetty tilastollisia perusmenetelmiä, luokittelua ja taulukointia. Haastatteluaineisto on kerätty puhelimitse strukturoituna lomakehaastatteluna ja sitä on analysoitu kuvailun, luokittelun ja dikotomisen ristiintaulukoinnin avulla. Tutkielman teoreettisen viitekehyksen rakennuspuina toimivat yhtäältä kunnat, kuntarakenne ja kuntaliitostutkimus, toisaalta valta ja edustuksellisen demokratian instituutiot ja kolmantena poliittinen maantiede ja vaalimaantiede. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana toimii kuntaliitoskuntien kunnallisvaaleja koskeva aiempi valtakunnallinen tutkimus, jonka mukaan kuntaliitosten reuna-alueet ovat usein vaaleissa saaneet kokoaan suuremman edustuksen uuden kunnan valtuustoon. Alueellinen edunvalvonta kunnallisvaaleissa tiivistyy ehdokasasetteluun, äänten keskittämiseen ja alueperustaiseen äänestämiseen. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että Kurikan ja Jurvan kuntaliitoksen jälkeen kunnan poliittinen valta ei ole jakautunut tasapuolisesti, vaan jurvalaiset ovat olleet luottamuselimissä yliedustettuina. Keskeiset syyt yliedustukseen löytyvät ehdokasasettelusta ja äänten onnistuneesta keskittämisestä. Haastattelujen tulokset osoittavat selkeitä eroja kurikkalaisten ja jurvalaisten päättäjien käsityksissä koskien vallan jakautumista, käyttöä ja kuntaliitoksen alueellisia vaikutuksia.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografia, 2015.
The objective of this study is to investigate if exist relationship between organizational culture and the organizational climate, having as research s locus three dairy industries in the Rio Grande do Norte State. As such, an exploratory-descriptive and conclusive-causal study, with a sample composed of 211 employees of all firms hierarchical levels was undertaken. By way the data collection, the employees personal characteristics, the predominant organizational culture profile and the predominant organizational climate in the industries researched were identified. In order to analyse the organizational culture, the Competing Value Model (CAMERON; QUINN, 2006), with adaptations by Santos (1998, 2000), was used. In order to analyse the organizational climate, the Organizational Climate Measurement Scale, proposed by Martins (et al., 2004, 2008), with modifications, was used. The data were submitted to quantitative statistical analyses, firstly to the set of firms and afterwards to the firms alone, that permitted arrival to the following conclusions: the cultural profiles was met in a balanced way in the researched organizations, with emphasis to clan culture and market culture profiles; the researched organizations have a good organizational climate, based in the Martins (2008) classification, with emphasis to boss and organization s support and physical comfort , being these factors coherent whit the clan culture profile; the personal variables are correlated with the cultural profiles and with the organizational climate factors, however, each organization show its singular form of relation; and the cultural profiles showed influence on organizational climate factors. Thus, the results permitted to conclude that there are relations between the cultural profiles and the organizational climate factors in the researched organizations
Repercussions of innovation adoption and diffusion studies have long been imperative to the success of novel introductions. However, perceptions and deductions of current innovation understandings have been changing over time. The paradigm shift from the goods-dominant (G-D) logic to the service-dominant (S-D) logic potentially makes the distinction between product (goods) innovation and service innovation redundant as the S-D logic lens views all innovations as service innovations (Vargo and Lusch, 2004; 2008; Lusch and Nambisan, 2015). From this perspective, product innovations are in essence service innovations, as goods serve as mere distribution mechanisms to deliver service. Nonetheless, the transition to such a broadened and transcending view of service innovation necessitates concurrently a change in the underlying models used to investigate innovation and its subsequent adoption. The present research addresses this gap by engendering a novel model for the most crucial period of service diffusion within the S-D logic context – the post-initial adoption phase, which demarcates an individual’s behavior after the initial adoption decision of a service. As a wellfounded understanding of service diffusion and the complementary innovation adoption still lingers in its infancy, the current study develops a model based on interdisciplinary domains mapping. Here fore, knowledge of the relatively established viral source domain is mapped to the comparatively undetermined target domain of service innovation adoption. To assess the model and test the importance of the explanatory variables, survey data from 750 respondents of a bank in Northern Germany is scrutinized by means of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings reveal that the continuance intention of a customer, actual usage of the service and the customer influencer value all constitute important postinitial adoption behavior that have meaningful implications for a successful service adoption. Second, the four constructs customer influencer value, organizational commitment, perceived usefulness and service customization are evidenced to have a differential impact on a iv customer’s post-initial adoption behavior. Third, this study indicates that post-initial adoption behavior further underlies the influence of a user’s age and besides that is also provoked by the internal and external environments of service adoption. Finally, this research amalgamates the broad view of service innovation by Nambisan and Lusch (2015) with the findings ensuing this enquiry’s model to arrive at a framework that it both, generalizable and practically applicable. Implications for academia and practitioners are captured along with avenues for future research.
320 p.
Este estudo analisa a evolução das exportações portuguesas para Espanha e os seus factores determinantes no período 2004-2008, tendo por base uma amostra das 97 maiores empresas exportadoras para Espanha. O estudo utiliza vários indicadores económico-financeiros para caracterizar estas empresas e é feita a comparação entre as 5 maiores empresas e 5 pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) da amostra. A análise evidencia a concentração geográfica destas empresas nos distritos de Porto e Aveiro e o melhor desempenho das grandes empresas em termos de produtividade, rendibilidade dos capitais próprios e salário médio quando comparadas com as PMEs. Quanto ao estudo econométrico, que utiliza dados em painel, consideraram-se como variáveis explicativas teoricamente relevantes, o valor acrescentado bruto, os resultados líquidos, os capitais próprios, a dimensão da empresa, a remuneração e as despesas em investigação e desenvolvimento (I&D). Os resultados do modelo estimado confirmam a influência positiva destas variáveis sobre a variação das exportações, embora as despesas em I&D e as remunerações se tenham revelado estatisticamente não significativas.
How can we calculate earthquake magnitudes when the signal is clipped and over-run? When a volcano is very active, the seismic record may saturate (i.e., the full amplitude of the signal is not recorded) or be over-run (i.e., the end of one event is covered by the start of a new event). The duration, and sometimes the amplitude, of an earthquake signal are necessary for determining event magnitudes; thus, it may be impossible to calculate earthquake magnitudes when a volcano is very active. This problem is most likely to occur at volcanoes with limited networks of short period seismometers. This study outlines two methods for calculating earthquake magnitudes when events are clipped and over-run. The first method entails modeling the shape of earthquake codas as a power law function and extrapolating duration from the decay of the function. The second method draws relations between clipped duration (i.e., the length of time a signal is clipped) and the full duration. These methods allow for magnitudes to be determined within 0.2 to 0.4 units of magnitude. This error is within the range of analyst hand-picks and is within the acceptable limits of uncertainty when quickly quantifying volcanic energy release during volcanic crises. Most importantly, these estimates can be made when data are clipped or over-run. These methods were developed with data from the initial stages of the 2004-2008 eruption at Mount St. Helens. Mount St. Helens is a well-studied volcano with many instruments placed at varying distances from the vent. This fact makes the 2004-2008 eruption a good place to calibrate and refine methodologies that can be applied to volcanoes with limited networks.
This dissertation focused on the longitudinal analysis of business start-ups using three waves of data from the Kauffman Firm Survey. The first essay used the data from years 2004-2008, and examined the simultaneous relationship between a firm’s capital structure, human resource policies, and its impact on the level of innovation. The firm leverage was calculated as, debt divided by total financial resources. Index of employee well-being was determined by a set of nine dichotomous questions asked in the survey. A negative binomial fixed effects model was used to analyze the effect of employee well-being and leverage on the count data of patents and copyrights, which were used as a proxy for innovation. The paper demonstrated that employee well-being positively affects the firm's innovation, while a higher leverage ratio had a negative impact on the innovation. No significant relation was found between leverage and employee well-being. The second essay used the data from years 2004-2009, and inquired whether a higher entrepreneurial speed of learning is desirable, and whether there is a linkage between the speed of learning and growth rate of the firm. The change in the speed of learning was measured using a pooled OLS estimator in repeated cross-sections. There was evidence of a declining speed of learning over time, and it was concluded that a higher speed of learning is not necessarily a good thing, because speed of learning is contingent on the entrepreneur's initial knowledge, and the precision of the signals he receives from the market. Also, there was no reason to expect speed of learning to be related to the growth of the firm in one direction over another. The third essay used the data from years 2004-2010, and determined the timing of diversification activities by the business start-ups. It captured when a start-up diversified for the first time, and explored the association between an early diversification strategy adopted by a firm, and its survival rate. A semi-parametric Cox proportional hazard model was used to examine the survival pattern. The results demonstrated that firms diversifying at an early stage in their lives show a higher survival rate; however, this effect fades over time.
En este documento se analiza el proceso de transformación estructural para algunas economías de América Latina y su comparación con los milagros asiáticos. De igual forma, para el caso de Colombia y de Corea del Sur, se describe el comportamiento de la productividad agregada y su descomposición sectorial. Los resultados evidencian que, en los dos países, el sector de servicios ha ganado participación en las últimas décadas. Para el caso de Colombia este sector explica en gran medida la baja competitividad del país frente a los Estados Unidos. Por su parte, en Corea del Sur la brecha de productividad con los Estados Unidos se ha cerrado en los tres sectores (agricultura, industria y servicios). Finalmente, se adapta un modelo de cambio estructural para estas dos economías y se encuentra que para Colombia el modelo logra reproducir las tendencias observadas en los datos. Para Corea el modelo no ajusta durante la época de industrialización tardía, pero para las últimas décadas replica de manera cercana los datos.
Introducción: Las patologías del hombro suelen ser una de las causas de mayor solicitud de consulta en el ámbito laboral, con generación de incapacidad y pérdidas económicas, tanto para el afectado como para la empresa e incluso, la Entidad Promotora de Salud responsable de la atención y tratamiento. Entre las patologías de hombro más frecuentes se hallan el síndrome del manguito rotador, bursitis del hombro, síndrome de abducción dolorosa del hombro, tendinitis del bíceps, traumatismos del tendón del manguito rotador y tendinitis calcificante del hombro. Objetivo: Determinar y caracterizar las patologías del hombro de origen común y laboral, las prestaciones asistenciales y económicas que de estas se deriva en una EPS durante el periodo 2012 a 2014 en la ciudad de Bogotá. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal con datos secundarios procedentes de 657 afiliados del Régimen Contributivo en una EPS de la ciudad de Bogotá, con información de las patologías del hombro registradas de origen común y laboral, durante el periodo de 2012 a 2014. Las variables incluidas fueron las sociodemográficas, ocupacionales y clínicas. Se describieron las variables cualitativas en términos de proporción y las variables cuantitativas a través de medidas de tendencia central (medias/ medianas) y dispersión (rangos, desviación estándar, cuartiles). Para evaluar la asociación entre variables se utilizó la prueba de Chi cuadrado de Pearson usando nivel de significación α de 0,05. Resultados: Del total de afiliados se encontró que el 27,3% de las patologías fueron de origen laboral y el resto de origen común, predominando el género femenino (76.9%); el estado civil casado (34,4%), la escolaridad secundaria (60,4%). Un alto porcentaje de los pacientes se han desempeñado en la industria manufacturera (51%) y el diagnóstico más frecuente fue el síndrome de manguito rotatorio (89,2%). Al revisar los factores asociados con el origen de la patología en la calificación de estas, se encontró asociación con la edad (p = 0,000), la escolaridad (p = 0,013), la actividad económica (p = 0,0000), el factor ocupacional ergonómico (p = 0,0000) y con los diagnósticos de patologías del hombro (p = 0,025). Los días de incapacidad por las patologías del hombro reportaron una mediana de 111 días con rango de 0 a 1925 días. El tiempo de exposición al factor de riesgo ocupacional presento un rango de 6 a 470 meses, los costos por las patologías del hombro generadas correspondieron a un rango de $4000 a $68894438, con una mediana de $2287304. Es transcendental diagnosticar a tiempo e instaurar medidas terapéuticas, que permitan mejorar la sintomatología que ocasionan las patologías del hombro y la alteración en la funcionalidad del mismo, minimizando así los costos y días de incapacidad que a esto conlleva.
Hoy en día la Innovación y la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial son una herramienta clave para la perdurabilidad de una empresa a través del tiempo. Este es el caso de las organizaciones colombianas donde las decisiones de gerencia son enfocadas en el desarrollo de plataformas que soportan practicas sociales y éticas ya que estas incentivan a los trabajadores ofreciéndoles a sus clientes un mejor servicio y son necesarias para generar una estrategia de reputación, ganar fidelidad y credibilidad por parte de los consumidores. Crepes & Waffles es uno de los restaurantes colombianos más exitosos y que ha logrado mantenerse en el tiempo aún así en tiempos turbulentos. Su éxito se debe al uso de RSE en su estrategia, ellos crean innovación de valor en cada uno de sus platos al hacerlos diferentes, en el servicio al cliente y en los servicios y el buen trato que se le ofrece a los trabajadores. Por otro lado, Procolombia es una organización que promueve las exportaciones no tradicionales, la inversión extranjera y la marca país. Ellos al igual que Crepes & Waffles también se enfocan en la RSE y crea innovación de valor en sus procesos de orientar a las empresas a través de conferencias, seminarios, entrenamientos entre otras.
O presente artigo tem a finalidade de discutir a apropriação do espaço e a formação de novos territórios e territorialidades por trabalhadores migrantes brasileiros nordestinos, sobretudo os advindos do Estado da Bahia chamados popularmente de “baianos”; para o município de Araucária (Paraná, Brasil). A presença e estadia destes se tornaram alvo de inúmeras controvérsias e mudanças na espacialidade local. A tentativa de se fazer presente e dominante garante expressivos choques entre culturas numa área. No municipio de Araucária, tais choques mostram duas distintas faces: a primeira retrata o ápice do desenvolvimento econômico; a segunda evoca o enfrentamento cultural entre os moradores locais e os migrantes. Compreender como se dão tais vínculos territoriais bem como verificar as consequências sociais e culturais e analisar sua contribuição no local onde se estabeleceram em virtude de seu trabalho, terão como pressuposto teórico os apontamentos de HAESBAERT (2004; 2008), SACK (1986) e RAFFESTIN (1987). As discussões evidenciadas por tais autores foram aliadas à concepção de espaço de relações, de BOURDIEU (1996), além de outros autores que tratam sobre esta temática, numa tentativa de se estabelecer um parâmetro geral acerca da construção de territorialidades singelas, mas que se fazem presentes no cotidiano de toda uma cidade.