962 resultados para Auctions Econometrics


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The solution of a TU cooperative game can be a distribution of the value of the grand coalition, i.e. it can be a distribution of the payo (utility) all the players together achieve. In a regression model, the evaluation of the explanatory variables can be a distribution of the overall t, i.e. the t of the model every regressor variable is involved. Furthermore, we can take regression models as TU cooperative games where the explanatory (regressor) variables are the players. In this paper we introduce the class of regression games, characterize it and apply the Shapley value to evaluating the explanatory variables in regression models. In order to support our approach we consider Young (1985)'s axiomatization of the Shapley value, and conclude that the Shapley value is a reasonable tool to evaluate the explanatory variables of regression models.


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Several game theoretical topics require the analysis of hierarchical beliefs, particularly in incomplete information situations. For the problem of incomplete information, Hars´anyi suggested the concept of the type space. Later Mertens & Zamir gave a construction of such a type space under topological assumptions imposed on the parameter space. The topological assumptions were weakened by Heifetz, and by Brandenburger & Dekel. In this paper we show that at very natural assumptions upon the structure of the beliefs, the universal type space does exist. We construct a universal type space, which employs purely a measurable parameter space structure.


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In this paper we consider a primal-dual infinite linear programming problem-pair, i.e. LPs on infinite dimensional spaces with infinitely many constraints. We present two duality theorems for the problem-pair: a weak and a strong duality theorem. We do not assume any topology on the vector spaces, therefore our results are algebraic duality theorems. As an application, we consider transferable utility cooperative games with arbitrarily many players.


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Certain aspects of advertising–especially on television–are not easily explained with conventional economic models. In particular, much of the imagery and repetitive thematic content seen in advertisements suggests it is "psychological" in nature, as opposed to "informative". To understand the economic rationale for incorporating such material, we develop a theory of preferences in which information about threshold payoffs induces sudden shifts in demand. These threshold payoffs are best understood in the context of human evolutionary history. Furthermore, the presence of threshold payoffs in consumer preferences gives firms incentive for providing threshold-type information. To examine the use of threshold-related content in television advertisements, we look for this con- tent in a sample of 370 television advertisements. We find considerable evidence that advertisers make strategic use of threshold-type content in television advertisements. Specifically, threshold-related content occurred in 83% of food and beverage advertisements for children and in 71% of advertisements for general audiences. Furthermore, the threshold-related content in children’s food and beverage advertisements occurred with statistically greater frequency than factual content, which isn’t true for food and beverage advertisements for general audiences.


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Computer scientists and social scientists consider the political districting problem from different viewpoints. This paper gives an overview of both strands of the literature on districting in which the connections and the differences between the two approaches are highlighted.


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We determine the endogenous order of moves in a mixed pricesetting duopoly. In contrast to the existing literature on mixed oligopolies we establish the payo equivalence of the games with an exogenously given order of moves if the most plausible equilibrium is realized in the market. Hence, in this case it does not matter whether one becomes a leader or a follower. We also establish that replacing a private firm by a public firm in the standard Bertrand-Edgeworth game with capacity constraints increases social welfare and that a pure-strategy equilibrium always exists.


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Meier (2008) shows that the universal knowledge-belief space exists. However, besides the universality there is an other important property might be imposed on knowledge-belief spaces, inherited also from type spaces, the completeness. In this paper we introduce the notion of complete knowledge-belief space, and demonstrate that the universal knowledge-belief space is not complete, that is, some subjective beliefs (probability measures) on the universal knowledge-belief space are not knowledge-belief types.


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We generalize exactness to games with non-transferable utility (NTU). A game is exact if for each coalition there is a core allocation on the boundary of its payoff set. Convex games with transferable utility are well-known to be exact. We consider ve generalizations of convexity in the NTU setting. We show that each of ordinal, coalition merge, individual merge and marginal convexity can be uni¯ed under NTU exactness. We provide an example of a cardinally convex game which is not NTU exact. Finally, we relate the classes of Π-balanced, totally Π-balanced, NTU exact, totally NTU exact, ordinally convex, cardinally convex, coalition merge convex, individual merge convex and marginal convex games to one another.


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The concept of types was introduced by Harsányi[8]. In the literature there are two approaches for formalizing types, type spaces: the purely measurable and the topological models. In the former framework Heifetz and Samet [11] showed that the universal type space exists and later Meier[13] proved that it is complete. In this paper we examine the topological approach and conclude that there is no universal topological type space in the category of topological type spaces.


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Az életben számtalan olyan esettel találkozunk, amikor egy jószág iránti kereslet meghaladja a rendelkezésre álló kínálatot. Példaként említhetjük a kárpótlási igényeket, egy csődbement cég hitelezőinek igényeit, valamely szerv átültetésére váró betegek sorát stb. Ilyen helyzetekben valamilyen eljárás szerint oszthatjuk el a szűkös mennyiséget a szereplők között. Szokás megkülönböztetni a determinisztikus és a sztochasztikus elosztási eljárásokat, jóllehet sok esetben csak a determinisztikus eljárásokat alkalmazzák. Azonban igazságossági szempontból gyakran használnak sztochasztikus elosztási eljárásokat is, mint például tette azt az Egyesült államok hadserege a második világháború végét követően a külföldön állomásozó katonáinak visszavonásakor, illetve a vietnami háború során behívandó személyek kiválasztásakor. / === / We investigated the minimal variance methods introduced in Tasnádi [6] based on seven popular axioms. We proved that if a deterministic rationing method satisfies demand monotonicity, resource monotonicity, equal treatment of equals and self-duality, than the minimal variance methods associated with the given deterministic rationing method also satisfies demand monotonicity, resource monotonicity, equal treatment of equals and self-duality. Furthermore, we found that the consistency, the lower composition and the upper composition of a deterministic rationing method does not imply the consistency, the lower composition and the upper composition of a minimal variance method associated with the given deterministic rationing method.


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Ebben a cikkben azzal foglalkozom, hogy a kockázat és a vevőkör nagysága együttesen hogyan hat a termék árára. Kétféle piacot hasonlítok össze: egy biztosítási piacot, és egy termékpiacot. A kétféle piac között az a legfontosabb különbség, hogy termékpiac esetében az eladó számára csak ott jelentkezik kockázat, hogy el tudja-e adni a terméket, míg biztosítási piac esetében az eladó a termék értékesítése után is szembesül kockázattal. A cikk során megmutatom, hogy a vevőkör növekedésének ellentétes hatása lehet a termék árára termék- illetve biztosítási piacok esetében. / === / An economic approach for modeling the insurance markets. The study focuses on the monopolistic market, where one insurance company sells a product with predetermined benefits for the customers. An outline of the company and the insureds' behavior with utility functions is given. The study investigates the problem of policy pricing in relation to the number of clients the company acquires. Analytic tools will be used to further clarify the points.


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A dolgozat célja, hogy rövid bevezetést adjon a folytonos idejű sztochasztikus analízisbe. A hazai pénzügyi oktatási gyakorlat nagyrészt a diszkrét idejű és gyakran diszkrét állapotterű modellekre épül. Ennek oka a folytonos időparaméterű sztochasztikus folyamatok elméletétől való érthető idegenkedés. A folytonos időparaméterű sztochasztikus analízis a modern matematika egyik csúcsteljesítménye, amely teljeskörű matematikai megértése egyrészt feltételezi, hogy az olvasó tisztában van a modern analízis szinte minden részletével; másrészt a matematikai részletek pontos megértése nem sok segítséget jelent a pénzügyi gondolatok elsajátításakor. / === / In the article we present a short, intuitive introduction to stochastic analysis. Our presentation is aimed for economist and we try to discuss only the most elementary properties of the stochastic analysis. Instead of precise proofs we present some simplified intuitive arguments. The central concept of the discussion is the quadratic variation and the Itō's lemma.


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Ennek a cikknek az a célja, hogy áttekintést adjon annak a folyamatnak néhány főbb állomásáról, amit Black, Scholes és Merton opcióárazásról írt cikkei indítottak el a 70-es évek elején, és ami egyszerre forradalmasította a fejlett nyugati pénzügyi piacokat és a pénzügyi elméletet. / === / This review article compares the development of financial theory within and outside Hungary in the last three decades starting with the Black-Scholes revolution. Problems like the term structure of interest rate volatilities which is in the focus of many research internationally has not received the proper attention among the Hungarian economists. The article gives an overview of no-arbitrage pricing, the partial differential equation approach and the related numerical techniques, like the lattice methods in pricing financial derivatives. The relevant concepts of the martingal approach are overviewed. There is a special focus on the HJM framework of the interest rate development. The idea that the volatility and the correlation can be traded is a new horizon to the Hungarian capital market.


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Considering the so-called "multinomial discrete choice" model the focus of this paper is on the estimation problem of the parameters. Especially, the basic question arises how to carry out the point and interval estimation of the parameters when the model is mixed i.e. includes both individual and choice-specific explanatory variables while a standard MDC computer program is not available for use. The basic idea behind the solution is the use of the Cox-proportional hazards method of survival analysis which is available in any standard statistical package and provided a data structure satisfying certain special requirements it yields the MDC solutions desired. The paper describes the features of the data set to be analysed.


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In the article we shortly discuss the proof of the theorem of Dalang-Morton-Willinger. We show that the proof of the theorem depends on some interesting general properties of the stochastic convergence.