998 resultados para Atletas - Redes de relações sociais
Science and technology are increasingly present in society’s everyday living, interfering with the appearance and social relationships, which requires from the population: knowledge, skills and actions to intervene consciously and responsibly in the new socio-cultural setting. The science education might become a great ally in the task of literacy and / or enable students to live consciously and critically in a world even more influenced by scientific and technological aspects. The aim of the dissertation is to develop a didactic-pedagogic proposal for science classes of the 6th year of elementary school, based on the "Generator Theme: Water and its treatment", involving the dynamics of the Three Pedagogic Moments. Such proposal consists of a Course which embraces seven teaching modules containing topics related to Generator Theme. The modules were designed and developed with four student groups of 6th year in twelve hours / class per group, with a total of approximately 120 students. The interpretation of the developed content, resulting from the thematic modules with students, led to the creation of five analysis categories. Considering the results, it is possible to conclude it is necessary, for successful teaching practices in the school environment, that the teachers embrace the aim of teaching in a meaningful way, drawing up activities that really recognize and include the student as an active subject of the educational and learning process. The use of activities that lead students to recognize themselves as main process actors, developing practices based on previous knowledge and on their specific learning, results in a situation which they will recognize the science in their lives, learn to be reflective and aware of their attitudes about the world where they live.
The nursing staff is now the largest contingent of professionals in healthcare environments, with more than 1.8 million professionals, and of these 15% are men, showing a masculinization of the historical profession and culturally conceived and carried out by women (COFEN / FIOCRUZ, 2013). This dissertation discusses the profession forward to some issues related to gender, quality of life and night work. Objective: To analyze the impact that shift work has the professional quality of life male, through a specific instrument to identify the main problems and joint damage to that front group to his professional activity. Methods: descriptivo, Cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, performed with 72 professional male nursing staff, 41 (56.9%) nursing technicians, 18 (25%) of nursing assistants and 13 (18.1%) of nurses, in January 2015 in a university hospital in the city of Uberlândia (Minas Gerais). For this, we used the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. Quantitative variables were described as mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum, in addition to the Shapiro-Wilk test and Kruskal-Wallis used in the data analysis, with a confidence level of 5% (p <0.05). Results: the profile of respondents, most are married 42 (58.3%) under the employment contract via Single Legal Regime 50 (69.4%) with mean age of 40 and having 16 years of service; and within a range of 0 to 100, the areas with better evaluation were the Social Relations (70.1) and psychological (67.5); already the worst were the Environment (57.4) and Physical (65.4). In the overall assessment, the average was 63.3 and staying below the national average (65-70). Thus, the professionals who were married obtained better scores, regardless of the category which is in the nursing team. Conclusions: The group is average, taking into account the standard deviation, but we can say that working conditions affect their profession, and these results allow the detection of the difficulties experienced by men of the nursing team, and can cooperate with the design strategies that benefit or minimize the search for conflicts that affect the health of these workers and their quality of life.
A dissertação que aqui se apresenta, de cariz qualitativo, procura perceber quais os contributos que as atividades de animação sociocultural desempenham para os idosos de Serviço de Apoio Domiciliário (SAD) da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Pombal (SCMP), uma resposta social que oferece, apenas, serviços de higiene habitacional e pessoal, alimentação, tratamento de roupas e cuidados de saúde aos seus utentes. Animação Sociocultural na terceira idade surge como resposta à diminuição da sua atividade e das suas relações sociais. É considerada um fator determinante para a qualidade de vida das pessoas preservando a sua autonomia e podendo contribuir para um envelhecimento mais ativo e participativo. O método usado foi a investigação ação, com 13 utentes do serviço de apoio domiciliário, desenvolvendo-se um conjunto de atividades, previamente escolhidas por eles, como a expressão plástica, tertúlias, ginástica, caminhadas, manicure, jogos de cartas, leitura de jornais e a comemoração do aniversário. As técnicas que nos permitiram proceder à recolha de dados foram a pesquisa documental, a entrevista estruturada e a observação direta com recurso ao diário de campo. A pesquisa desenvolvida evidenciou que os utentes mostram maior interesse em desenvolver atividades que envolvam o diálogo, sobre assuntos do quotidiano pessoal e da atualidade portuguesa, e a atividade física. Percebeu-se que as atividades de animação socioculturais desenvolvidas trouxeram contributos a nível da mobilidade, das relações pessoais, da auto estima, da motricidade fina, entre outras. De futuro consideramos que as atividades de animação sociocultural devem ser um serviço a incluir na resposta social do serviço de apoio domiciliário.
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul para a obtenção do título de mestre em comunicação
CARDOSO, M. F. ; RAMOS, A. S. M. . Vigilância eletrônica e cibercultura: reflexões sobre a visibilidade na era da informação. Revista Espaço Acadêmico (UEM) , JCR, v. 10, p. 150-158, 2010.
O Serviço Social e seu Significado nos Serviços de Psicologia e Orientação do Ministério da Educação
Esta dissertação resulta das reflexões desenvolvidas no âmbito de uma pesquisa exploratória qualitativa, cujo objecto de análise, o significado político e profissional da inserção do Serviço Social nos Serviços de Psicologia e Orientação (SPO) do Ministério da Educação, foi abordado segundo o quadro teórico conotado com a corrente do Serviço Social Crítico, donde retirámos os contributos analíticos de vários autores de que destacamos os de Baptista, Faleiros, Iamamoto, Martins, Netto, Negreiros, Henriquez, YasbecK etc. De acordo com esses modelos, foram definidas três dimensões analíticas no sentido de enquadrar e conceder significado(s) ao nosso objecto empírico(os SPO): i) a conjuntura sócio política do contexto europeu e nacional que precedeu e concorreu para a definição das políticas educativas e, consequentemente, para a criação destes Serviços - análise das relações sociais globais; ii) as diferentes posturas teórico metodológicas da Sociologia da Educação, Sociologia das Profissões e do Serviço Social que têm sustentado as práticas educativas em geral e em particular as práticas da actividade profissional (intimamente articuladas à primeira dimensão) - análise dos paradigmas teóricos e iii) as características essenciais do perfil profissional que foi e é requisitado pelas demandas do poder político no âmbito destes serviços, mais especificamente, no que se refere às práticas do quotidiano dos profissionais de Serviço Social - análise das relações de poder entre as diferentes profissões e entre estas e o Estado. Partindo do pressuposto que o Serviço Social, enquanto actividade profissional, conhece um processo de desvalorização gradual na área da educação, adoptámos como objectivo central desta pesquisa, tentar perceber as razões desse processo de desvalorização e, em consequência,tentar compreender o lugar / significado que foi atribuído ao Serviço Social nos SPO. Das conclusões a retirar há que situá-las, de entre outras, nas transformações ocorridas nos anos 80 e 90 nos contextos nacional e europeu. Isto é, na emergência de políticas neoliberais que proclamam a redução de encargos para o Estado, de entre eles, os encargos destinados às políticas sociais, nomeadamente na educação. Esta redução passará pela restrição de políticas colectivas e universais substituídas por políticas fragmentadas destinadas a determinadas categorias específicas da população atendendo a situações individuais (caso a caso), reduzindo-se assim o espaço destinado à profissão de Serviço Social. Por outro lado, ao nível dos paradigmas teóricos da educação, parece existir uma recuperação por parte do poder político, de uma concepção de educação e sucesso escolar assente em pressupostos individuais (capacidades individuais) negligenciando-se os aspectos sócioculturais, para os quais os assistentes sociais estariam mais sensibilizados. A conjugação destas duas tendências, aliadas a outras, permitem estabelecer um quadro compreensivo da perda de espaço e poder por parte do Serviço Social na área da educação, logo da desvalorização da actividade profissional neste campo de intervenção. Porém, pretende-se com este quadro contribuir para pensar os pressupostos da actividade de Serviço Social na educação e num futuro próximo.
Encarada como universal e transversal, a Violência Doméstica é um constructo complexo que não escolhe idades, género, nem estratos sociais. O investimento nesta problemática tem particular intensidade a partir da década de sessenta manifestações feministas) e maior destaque, em Portugal, na primeira década do século XXI. Surgem transformações no âmbito dos valores e mentalidades, deixando de ser um problema pessoal e do foro privado, passando a ter reflexos ao nível legislativo, na consideração de crime público; na implementação dos diversos Planos Nacionais de Combate à Violência Doméstica; assim como, na última década, nas políticas de proteção às vítimas. Hoje há um olhar diferente sobre o tema, garantindo maior investimento estatal e particular no combate ao flagelo. Com base na revisão teórica efetuada, e enfatizando algumas das medidas protetivas recentemente instituídas, pretendemos estudar a medida de afastamento entre agressores e vítimas, por meios técnicos de controlo à distância, designados por Vigilância Eletrónica. O objetivo principal da dissertação foi entendermos quais os contributos dos serviços de Vigilância Eletrónica para a proteção das vítimas de Violência Doméstica. Para o efeito, contactámos a Direção Geral de Reinserção Social, nomeadamente os Serviços de Vigilância Eletrónica, sendo indicadas 5 vítimas que se encontram fiscalizadas pelo sistema de Vigilância Eletrónica, na Equipa de Coimbra, passando à recolha dos dados através de entrevista semi-diretiva. A partir da análise de conteúdo das entrevistas, verificámos que esta medida é para todas as vítimas uma grande vantagem, por permitir, desde logo, o afastamento do agressor e o fim da vitimização; o restabelecer das relações sociais; proporcionar um sentimento de segurança; evitar pressões, aproximações e ameaças do agressor; e promover uma melhoria ao nível do estado de saúde, assim como dos seus filhos, possibilitando o seu tratamento e acompanhamento. A problemática da Violência Doméstica vem a reunir maior discussão, dispondo de novas medidas na proteção das vítimas e de novos instrumentos legais. Contudo, o sistema judicial deverá ser mais célere no tratamento dos casos, bem como na determinação das medidas de coação, uma vez que se trata da proteção de vítimas com especificidades próprias.
É incontornável o estatuto que o conceito de qualidade de vida assume hoje na prática e políticas de saúde pública. Na infância e adolescência é ainda escassa a investigação, tornando-se crucial o desenvolvimento de instrumentos de qualidade vida relacionada com a saúde validados para esta população. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo fundamental analisar as qualidades psicométricas e validar a versão portuguesa do Youth Quality of Life (YQOL-R) (Patrick, et al., 2002). A amostra é constituída por 507 adolescentes, com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 19 anos, a frequentar o 3º ciclo do ensino básio e ensino secundário de escolas públicas do ensino regular. Para além do citado instrumento a validar, os jovens preencheram também, para a análise da validade convergente e divergente, o Kidscreen-27 (Gaspar & Matos, 2008) e a Escala da Depressão, Ansiedade e Stresse (EADS-21) (Pais-Ribeiro, Honrado & Leal, 2004). Os resultados mostram que o YQOL-R apresenta uma estrutura fatorial de quatro fatores, semelhantes à versão original americana (individual, relações sociais, ambiente e qualidade de vida em geral). Possui uma boa consistência interna e uma adequada estabilidade temporal. Mostrou correlações significativas e no sentido esperado com as variáveis em estudo. Foram igualmente encontradas diferenças de género em relação à qualidade de vida, sendo os rapazes a reportarem em média níveis mais elevados de perceção da qualidade de vida, comparativamente às raparigas. Futuros estudos devem ser realizados em amostras clínicas para confirmação dos dados. Não obstante esta limitação, o presente estudo contribuiu para a disponibilização de um novo instrumento para avaliação da qualidade de vida em crianças e adolescentes, o qual evidenciou boas propriedade psicométricas, apoiando, assim empiricamente, a sua utilização nas práticas de saúde e investigação em amostras da comunidade. / Nowadays, it´s unavoidable the status that, the concept of quality of life assumes in practices and politics of public health. In childhood and adolescence it´s weak the investigation but it´s crucial the development of instruments of quality of life related to health validated to this population. The present work has an important aim, it´s analyze the psychometric qualities and validate the Portuguese version of Youth Quality of Life (YQOL-R) (Patrick, et al., 2002). The sample consists of 507 adolescents, aged between 12 and 19 years old and they attend the 3 rd cycle of basic education and secondary education schools in villages of regular education. Apart from that instrument, teenagers fill in, also, to the analysis convergent and divergent, the Kidscreen-27 (Gaspar & Matos, 2008) and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (EADS-21) (Pais-Ribeiro, Honrado & Leal, 2004). The results show that the YQOL-R presents a factorial structure with four factors similar to original American version (individual, social relations, environment and general quality of life), presenting a good internal consistence and an adequate temporal stability. Substantial correlations showed and in the expected way with the variables in study. Have been found differences of gender related to quality of life, boys reported on average higher levels of quality of life perception, comparatively to the girls. Future studies must be performed in clinical samples to confirm the findings. In spite of this restriction, the actual study contributes to providing a new instrument to evaluate the quality of life in children and adolescents, this evidenced good psychometric properties, supported empirically its application in heath practices and investigation in community samples.
The central research question was to search for data to ratify the theory and discourse of the so-called practitioners of economic solidarity, by defending the substantive rationality should guide the principles of economic solidary, designing the space economy incidental and not the primacy of relations in determining social as well, reflecting the predominance of dimensions of social management in administrative practices of ESS's. For both analyzed the theoretical dimensions of social management - sociopolitical, economic, organizational and environmental - manifested in organizational practices supportive of economic organization Potiguar West. For the success of the research realized the triangulation involving a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches. At first the research will use a quantitative approach, from the cluster analysis, to verify the behavior of the sample chosen for this study. In the second stage of the qualitative study was carried out focus group technique (FLICK, 2002) for further analysis of the dimensions of social management on organizational practices supportive of economic organization, related to the principles of Solidary Economy, established in a quantitative approach. In quantitative analysis, the socio-political dimension, it was clear that the more equity instruments of internal and external, from the purposeful living in public spaces, the best monetary results. Another point worth stressing concerns the economic dimension, with the practice reciprocity prevailing in market. Thus, the qualitative approach was possible to understand the processes of exchange of product or service. Rural enterprises surveyed in the allocation of the agro-ecological products have the following scale of priority, sequentially: self-consumption (domestic), market and exchange. The research leads to the fact that training and practices that enhance the socio-political dimension (knowledge, empowerment, sense of belonging) become the guiding principle for the strengthening of the social management in the context of other dimensions, leading to gains sociopolitical, economic, organizational and environmental. Despite the weaknesses found in the organizational dimension and environment, both in a quantitative as in qualitative, we determined that the practices of ESS's Potiguar West incorporate predominantly elements of social management and economic solidarity, with a preponderance of substantive rationality in the primacy of the instrumental. Finally, research has brought information that the participants of the ESS's do not give the money economy primacy in determining social relations, which in turn leads to the confirmation that, in practice the solidarity economy, prevailing the dominance of substantive rationality, as a guide for organizational practices
The present study regards an applied social research (qualitative) performed in two institutions which lead children s cancer treatment in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The main goal of this study is, as of a literature review at works which characterizes the first generations of study about substantive rationality, to detect Decision Making process related aspects that may serve as a basis to elaborate analysis categories from decision making process, aggregating them into a new study that may provide an advance to the theme in administrative science. The academic works based on the analysis model created by Mauricio Serva served as a basis to deep research into such theme, which verifies the predominant rationality in eleven administrative internal processes in productive organizations. This dissertation intends to go beyond the identification of the predominant rationality by elaborating new categories of analysis, and making possible the continuity of the subject in administrative science. Based on Guerreiro Ramos s work, which sees a kind of ideal organization, as known as isonomies, this study still calls upon Karl Polanyi s thoughts, which with the objective of comprehending the independent economic phenomenon of the value that allows considering non-market economies, find that the economy of the men is submerged in his social relations; it also rescues the studies from Max Weber who investigates the meaning of social action to better understand the rationality, and refers to the study of Jürgen Habermas, who proposes a broader conception about rationality, within the theory of communicative action. As a result of this theme s review, seven analysis categories of the decision making process have been formulated. They were applied in the institutions that had been chosen and helped to detect the type of predominant rationality in the categories of the decision making process. The results confirm that, although the decisions making process involves rational elements, such as information, identification of alternatives, there are also specific values of each individual with his experience and view oh the world, permeated not only by instrumental rationality, but also by substantive rationality. The study has verified that two similar institutions may show different types of rationality in the decision making process, when decision factors may tend to instrumental rationality, according to administration classic way, as well as they may emerge from substantive rationality, thus contributing to the process of emancipation of the human being in his sphere of work
This dissertation examines the organizational innovation as a nonlinear process, which occurs in a social and political context and, therefore, socially immersed. Examines the case of shrimp in the state of RN, starting from the following problem: although the norteriograndense shrimp occupies the largest producer of farmed shrimp from Brazil, has a series of bottlenecks concerning the generation of industry innovation, concerning the social relationships and policies between the various actors in the network, whether private or public, and its consequences in terms of opportunity and limits generated for the innovative dynamics. The objective of the research is to understand how the social embeddedness of political actors affects norteriograndense shrimp within the context of structural relations, the industry generation of innovation, throughout its technological trajectory . The approach of social embeddedness balances atomised perspectives, undersocialized and oversocialized, of economic action, considering both the human capacity to act as sources of constraint, whose mechanisms are analyzed the structural and political. In methodological terms this is a case study, analyzed from the research literature, documentary and experimental. Primary data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed in depth by the technique of content analysis. Was adopted a longitudinal approach, seeking to understand the phenomenon from the perspective of the subjects, describing it in an inductive process of investigation. After characterizing the sector and defining their technological trajectory, the analysis of the results followed its four stages: (1) Introduction of Technology: 1973-1980, (2) Intensification of Research: 1981-1991, (3) Technological Adaptation, 1992 -2003, (4) Technological Crisis: 2004-2009. A cross-sectional analysis along the evolutionary trajectory revealed the character of structural changes and policies over time, and implications on the generating process of innovation. Note that, the technological limit to which the sector reached requires changes in technology standards, but is more likely that the potiguar shrimp is entering a new phase of his career in technology rather than a new technological paradigm
This study deals with the participation of the dance of São Gonçalo of the Mussuca town/SE, in the process of construction of the ethnic identity among this social group. The Mussuca is a grouping recognized as afro-descendents, linked with black enslaved people in the valley of the Cotinguiba region. The collective memory functions as a drive of this linking with the past and if it makes to elaborate narratives on this descent. The objective of this study was to investigate the ways the rite went through to constitute itself as an element of ethnic representation. Internal and external agents had been identified who had participated in different contexts. By means of an ethnographic work we ve reached some aspects of the local structure social which demonstrated the contradictions through the social relations of the group. This process of ethnic autorecognition presents the kinship and the space question as definers of the social arrangements which establish its ethnic boundaries
The south region of the Rio Grande do Norte has been historically recognized as a place of old indian villages. Inhabitants of the edges of the Catu River, border between the cities of Canguaretama and Goianinha, the Eleotérios in the threshold of 21st century had passed to be seen and self recognized as "remaining indians" of the RN. Their ethnic mobilizations, when becoming public had placed to the intellectual and political fields an old question to be reflected on: the asseverations concerning the "indian disappearing" in the State. This item brings with it other implications. Accessed by a para-oficial indigenism, the Eleotérios had started to establish political relations with the Potiguara indians of the Baía da Traição/PB and the Indian Movement, feeling stimulated to produce and to reproduce forms of social differentiation. In this context, this research is worried about elucidating the process of construction of the ethnicity among the Eleotérios, percepted from the social relations and politics kept with the amplest society, into a particular historical situation involving sugar cane fields owners, proprietaries, militants, researchers, ambiental agencies. The effects of these political and social relations had been extended, making Eleotérios appear to the society as susceptible social actors to the specific policies for the aboriginal populations
This work intends to describe and analyze the parties of forró that happen in Serra da Gameleira, in São Tomé/RN. Serra is a divided social space: groups of different ethnic origins live together in Gameleira de Baixo, Salgadinho (or Gameleira de Cima) and Chaves Belas. They are approximately two hundred families that live exclusively from agriculture. We try to understand how the parties inform about the social organization, the ethnic composition of the families that live there and the past of Serra, through the genealogy offorró players. In the discussion, we identify the festive places: in the total, we have Five houses of forró that function regularly one of them has been described. The private and public spaces inside them are intimate related, with no clear limits between the house of forró and the residence. Each house of forró has an owner, that regularly makes the parties, mobilizing a big part of the inhabitants, and provoking the straitening of the social relations. Observing the festive sociability between different social segments, the forró appears like na element that minimizes social conflicts, providing news ways of association and cooperation in the space of Serra da Gameleira. For the collection of facts, we used the ethnographic method, through the direct observation, interviewing and documentary research. The local history is recounted following the routes of oral memory and historical documents analysis. In the end of the analysis, we concluded that music and party are elements that aggregate the different groups that live in the location and determine forms of expression of what is seen as a traditional culture
The proposal of the present study is to get to know and to analyze the building up of the culture notion among the participants of the Paresi Kozarini group in the ethnodevelopment context. The main focus is the ethnographic study, presenting a description of Aldeia Rio Verde (Paresi Indigenous Land), understanding it as a synthesis of historic processes which explains the current moment of Paresi Indigenous group. By using the mentioned methodology, the processes and social relations produced along the contact path of this group with regional-national culture were focused, and how that contact affects the present. The research questions which concern the present study refer to the processes of identification of the researched subjects about themselves and in relation to others. According as almost the totality of the indigenous group we usually know as Paresi, recognize itself as Kozarini, the attention is directed to the manner how they see themselves and how they differ from the other Paresi groups, not indigenous people, and other indigenous groups; and which meanings of the prefix ethno- (which culture elements) they have elected to represent and manage external matters to their culture and society, in the context of discussions about ethnodevelopment