846 resultados para Academic Research Groups


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The Exhibitium Project , awarded by the BBVA Foundation, is a data-driven project developed by an international consortium of research groups . One of its main objectives is to build a prototype that will serve as a base to produce a platform for the recording and exploitation of data about art-exhibitions available on the Internet . Therefore, our proposal aims to expose the methods, procedures and decision-making processes that have governed the technological implementation of this prototype, especially with regard to the reuse of WordPress (WP) as development framework.


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Our proposal aims to display the analysis techniques, methodologies as well as the most relevant results expected within the Exhibitium project framework (http://www.exhibitium.com). Awarded by the BBVA Foundation, the Exhibitium project is being developed by an international consortium of several research groups . Its main purpose is to build a comprehensive and structured data repository about temporary art exhibitions, captured from the web, to make them useful and reusable in various domains through open and interoperable data systems.


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At first moment we present a reflection about the history of theater and later a contextualization of didactic movements oriented to scenic arts. Through at the constant dialogue with authors of areas involving education, theatre, corporeality and music was possible analyzing, develop and criticize a education work under my responsibility involving fourteen classes. At the second moment will occur a critical self about the quality of theater classes his contents and methodologies. The technique will be at side of the emotion and together develop skills aimed at tracing paths for theater developed at a classroom of a especific private school in Natal-RN. At the third moment one class is chosen for analyze of the academic research and many experiments happen after this decision, initiated and sensitized through of the music with a significant look at the corporeality and prioritizing the theater as content in ninth grade - elementary school two. At the conclusion is possible see that learning is mutual and the theater can become life routine as well as the arts in general and when all arts will be regularized into the national educational system for public and private schools we will have more susceptible humans and more intellectual capacity


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There are ongoing tensions between academics who employ artistic practice as part of their skills set versus artists who enter the academy through a higher degree or taking up a university job opportunity. This panel will address both the pitfalls and opportunities when academic research interacts with creative practice. How one area supports and engages the other is a multifaceted and complex endeavour.


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Directional fluid motion driven by the surface property of solid substrate is highly desirable for manipulating microfluidic liquid and collecting water from humid air. Studies on such liquid motion have been confined to dense material surfaces such as flat panels and single filaments. Recently, directional fluid transport through the thickness of thin porous materials has been reported by several research groups. Their studies not only attract fundamental, experimental and theoretical interest but also open novel application opportunities. This review article summarizes research progress in directional fluid transport across thin porous materials. It focuses on the materials preparation, basic properties associated with directional fluid transport in thin porous media, and their application development. The porous substrates, type of transporting fluids, structure-property attributes, and possible directional fluid transport mechanism are discussed. A perspective for future development in this field is proposed.


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La rédaction de ce mémoire a été possible grâce à la bourse d’études supérieures du Canada (BESC M), Joseph-Armand-Bombardier du Centre de Recherche en Sciences Humaines (CRSH) du gouvernement du Canada, 2015.


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La rédaction de ce mémoire a été possible grâce à la bourse d’études supérieures du Canada (BESC M), Joseph-Armand-Bombardier du Centre de Recherche en Sciences Humaines (CRSH) du gouvernement du Canada, 2015.


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Stem cell-based regenerative medicine is poised to revolutionize the way diseases are treated. In recent years, induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, a newly stem cell species, has attracted significant attention. This paper seeks to understand the pathways along which emerging clinical research efforts in the field of iPS cells is evolved. In particular, the empirical case of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is used, which is the world-pioneering clinical application of iPS cells. In line with the literature, this study explores the interrelations between three different pathways, such as biomedical scientific understanding, development of medical technologies, and learning in clinical practice. For this, a techmining approach is used including co-term, co-citation, and direct citation methods. Scientific publications indexed in the Thomson Reuters' Web of Science and Elsevier's Scopus databases form the basis of the study. This research first explores the iPS cell research landscape through the construction of a co-term map, particularly stressing the location and intensity of disease-tackling efforts; then focus on the evolution of scientific knowledge on AMD through co-citation networks and the main path algorithm on direct citations. At the researcher level, the development of four different research groups working on cell therapies for AMD is evaluated through the software CitNetExplorer. By integrating these approaches, the result shows a wider picture of the complexities inherent in the translation of knowledge into revolutionary clinical methods.


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Using critical feminist border ethnography, the thesis explores the healing of older Khmer women who endured the Khmer Rouge genocide and subsequent migration to Australia. A conceptual framework was developed to describe the process from immense suffering to embodied healing, thus contributing to international feminist justice work and decolonising academic research in the healing of women genocide survivors.


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The world’s oceans cover about 70% of our planet. To safeguard the delicate ecological and environmental functions of the oceans and their remarkable biodiversity, networks of marine protected areas are being created. In some of these areas, human activity is restricted to non-exploitative activities and in others it is managed in a sustainable way. Australia is at the forefront of marine conservation, with one of the largest systems of marine protected areas in the world.Big, Bold and Blue: Lessons from Australia’s Marine Protected Areas captures Australia’s experience, sharing important lessons from the Great Barrier Reef and many other extraordinary marine protected areas. It presents real-world examples, leading academic research, perspectives on government policy, and information from indigenous sea country management, non-governmental organisations, and commercial and recreational fishing sectors. The lessons learnt during the rapid expansion of Australia’s marine protected areas, both positive and negative, will aid and advise other nations in their own marine conservation efforts.The book is ideal reading for marine planners and managers across the globe; academic institutions where research on marine environments occur; government agencies across the world implementing and creating policy around MPA development; non-government organisations involved in lobbying for MPA expansion; and fisheries agencies and industry stakeholders.


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This paper is an analysis of emic versus etic approaches to climate change resiliency, taking as a case study the traditional ceremony performed by farmers in eastern Flores, Indonesia to rid their fields of rats. This paper begins by providing a theoretical framework discussion on the dominant etic and emic academic research on monsoons and climate change impacts on agriculture. The rat ceremony performed in villages throughout East Flores is a local custom used to rid agricultural fields of pests—often rats—that come from the surrounding forests to feed on the agricultural crops when the rains become erratic. This paper argues that analyzing the rat ceremony through an emic lens allows for better future resiliency to monsoon shifts due to climate change. It is argued that the rat ceremony demonstrates a way in which community resiliency is strengthened by an adaptive approach that supports an already existing community ceremony that emphasizes two essential tenets: community solidarity and coexistence with nature. Both tenets directly promote community resiliency. An explicit emphasis on emic approaches to climate change challenges could help re-define how resiliency is understood and supported within vulnerable communities such as rural villages.


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Understanding confinement and its complex workings between individuals and society has been the stated aim of carceral geography and wider studies on detention. This project contributes ethnographic insights from multiple sites of incarceration, working with an under-researched group within confined populations. Focussing on young female detainees in Scotland, this project seeks to understand their experiences of different types of ‘closed’ space. Secure care, prison and closed psychiatric facilities all impact on the complex geographies of these young women’s lives. The fluid but always situated relations of control and care provide the backdrop for their journeys in/out and beyond institutional spaces. Understanding institutional journeys with reference to age and gender allows an insight into the highly mobile, often precarious, and unfamiliar lives of these young women who live on the margins. This thesis employs a mixed-method qualitative approach and explores what Goffman calls the ‘tissue and fabric’ of detention as a complex multi-institutional practice. In order to be able to understand the young women’s gendered, emotional and often repetitive experiences of confinement, analysis of the constitution of ‘closed space’ represents a first step for inquiry. The underlying nature of inner regimes, rules and discipline in closed spaces, provide the background on which confinement is lived, perceived and processed. The second part of the analysis is the exploration of individual experiences ‘on the inside’, ranging from young women’s views on entering a closed institution, the ways in which they adapt or resist the regime, and how they cope with embodied aspects of detention. The third and final step considers the wider context of incarceration by recovering the young women’s journeys through different types of institutional spaces and beyond. The exploration of these journeys challenges and re-develops understandings of mobility and inertia by engaging the relative power of carceral archipelagos and the figure of femina sacra. This project sits comfortably within the field of carceral geography while also pushing at its boundaries. On a conceptual level, a re-engagement with Goffman’s micro-analysis challenges current carceral-geographic theory development. Perhaps more importantly, this project pushes for an engagement with different institutions under the umbrella of carceral geography, thus creating new dialogues on issues like ‘care’ and ‘control’. Finally, an engagement with young women addresses an under-represented population within carceral geography in ways that raise distinctly problematic concerns for academic research and penal policy. Overall, this project aims to show the value of fine grained micro-level research in institutional geographies for extending thinking and understanding about society’s responses to a group of people who live on the margins of social and legal norms.


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En la sociedad actual del conocimiento las universidades tienen la responsabilidad de generar conocimiento e innovaciones para ofrecer soluciones a problemas de comunidades de interés. Para lograrlo las universidades deben enfocarse en su activo más importante, su capital intelectual. Hasta ahora las investigaciones relacionadas con el capital intelectual y la innovación en las universidades, son limitadas a pesar de ser un elemento estratégico para la dirección de estas organizaciones, ya que estos aspectos le representan valor en el tiempo, por tanto esta investigación busca establecer cuál es la relación que existe entre el capital intelectual y la innovación en la Universidad CES. El objetivo de esta investigación era identificar el grado de relación entre capital intelectual e innovación en la Universidad CES. La metodología del estudio, es un estudio cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo explicativo, con un diseño transversal, que permitió establecer el efecto del capital intelectual sobre la innovación de la Universidad CES. La población del fueron los directivos, líderes de los grupos de investigación y los coordinadores de investigación de la Universidad CES. Según los resultados obtenidos, este estudio determinó que el capital intelectual no tiene una relación estadísticamente significativa con la innovación personal de la Universidad CES y se determinó también que las tres dimensiones del capital intelectual tienen una relación estadísticamente significativa con los resultados de la innovación en la Universidad CES. El principal aporte de este estudio fue ofrecer evidencias sobre el capital intelectual como una de las principales fuentes de innovación para la Universidad.


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BULLYING- espectáculo/intervenção, é um relatório de estágio elaborado no contexto do curso de Mestrado de Teatro em Arte do Actor da Universidade de Évora pelo aluno 20584 Pedro Mendes. Dá conta da experiência curricular do mestrando enquanto actor numa companhia de teatro profissional, bem como de urna análise e pesquisa temática, processual e académica, por ele desenvolvidas e redigidas. O estágio de três meses foi realizado na ACTA- A Companhia de Teatro do Algarve, sedeada na cidade de Faro, e teve como objectivo a construção e consequente apresentação do espectáculo BULLYING, terceira produção artística da companhia de carácter pedagógico, nas diversas escolas básicas da região. Segundo a orientação da docente Ana Tamen, o discente abordou todo o objecto de estágio através de urna aproximação estética ao Teatro do Oprimido de Augusto Boal. _Summary: BULLYING- Show/lntervention, is an internship report, elaborated within the context of a Master's Degree in Theatre, «The Actor’s Art» - at the University of Évora by the student, number 20584, Pedro Mendes. This report contains the curricular experience of the student while acting for a professional theatre company, as well as an analysis and a thematic, procedure and academic research, developed and written by the student. The three-month internship was made at ACTA - A Companhia de Teatro do Algarve (Algarve's Theatre Company), established in the town of Faro. The development and presentation of the show BULLYING, is the third artistic educational production of the company, in several schools of the region. Under the guidance of the teacher Ana Tamen, the student meant to establish, through this report, an aesthetic connection between the work developed in this context and Augusto Boal’s ‘Teatro do Oprimido'. NOTA: Contém DVD com ficheiros de vídeo que só podem ser consultados na biblioteca.


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It is well known that activated carbon with welldeveloped porosity is a promising material that have been used for several applications, from adsorption to catalysis. Research in this field has intensified in recent years, looking for new and improved characteristics and applications. Our research group, recently renamed Materials for Adsorption and Catalysis group (MAC) in LAQV-REQUIMTE, has also devoted many research work in this subject, and has developed several collaboration works with other national and international research groups in the field. Among our research group interests there is the study of catalytic properties of carbon materials and specifically mesoporous carbon. Some of the promising results were selected and summarized here, demonstrating that mesoporous carbon is an efficient and environmentally friendly heterogeneous catalyst.