999 resultados para 987.0633


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Analisa em que medida epidemias de varíola e de sarampo ensejaram transformações nas formas de aquisição e uso de força de trabalho na Amazônia colonial, de meados do século XVII a meados do século XVIII, com o incremento de descimentos privados de índios e a tentativa de organização de uma rota de tráfico negreiro para a região. Trata igualmente de entender como a mortandade de indígenas significou, no fim do século XVII, uma preocupação com a defesa da região e motivou o recrutamento de soldados da Madeira.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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During the sugarcane mechanized harvester process, the wear of base cutting knives is directly correlated to the quality of the cut made by the machines, and the use of quality control tools important in monitoring this process. Thus, the present study in Ribeirão Preto region aimed to assess the knives cut baseline and damage caused to wear brass knuckles in mechanized harvesting of cane raw sugar, from the viewpoint of statistical quality control (SQC). The wear of the knives was quantified by mass loss and its dimensions, while cutting quality was assessed by cutting height and damage to stumps visually classified according to the level of damage caused. The results showed that the wear of the knives was more pronounced in certain periods of use, but still within control standards. The cutting height was not affected by the wear of the knives, keeping within the limits of desirable quality for operation. Eventually damage the stumps ranged among themselves depending on each face of the cutting knives evaluated, and the predominance of certain classes of damage in each cutting face, but always remained in statistical control.


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Teleost fish underwent whole-genome duplication around 450 Ma followed by diploidization and loss of 80-85% of the duplicated genes. To identify a deep signature of this teleost-specific whole-genome duplication (TSGD), we searched for duplicated genes that were systematically and uniquely retained in one or other of the superorders Ostariophysi and Acanthopterygii. TSGD paralogs comprised 17-21% of total gene content. Some 2.6% (510) of TSGD paralogs were present as pairs in the Ostariophysi genomes of Danio rerio (Cypriniformes) and Astyanax mexicanus (Characiformes) but not in species from four orders of Acanthopterygii (Gasterosteiformes, Gasterosteus aculeatus; Tetraodontiformes, Tetraodon nigroviridis; Perciformes, Oreochromis niloticus; and Beloniformes, Oryzias latipes) where a single copy was identified. Similarly, 1.3% (418) of total gene number represented cases where TSGD paralogs pairs were systematically retained in the Acanthopterygian but conserved as a single copy in Ostariophysi genomes. We confirmed the generality of these results by phylogenetic and synteny analysis of 40 randomly selected linage-specific paralogs (LSPs) from each superorder and completed with the transcriptomes of three additional Ostariophysi species (Ictalurus punctatus [Siluriformes], Sinocyclocheilus species [Cypriniformes], and Piaractus mesopotamicus [Characiformes]). No chromosome bias was detected in TSGD paralog retention. Gene ontology (GO) analysis revealed significant enrichment of GO terms relative to the human GO SLIM database for growth, Cell differentiation, and Embryo development in Ostariophysi and for Transport, Signal Transduction, and Vesicle mediated transport in Acanthopterygii. The observed patterns of paralog retention are consistent with different diploidization outcomes having contributed to the evolution/diversification of each superorder.


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There are three distinct and complementary objectives in this article in order to clarify the higher education outline in Brazil, specifically evening courses (classes are held on weekdays, generally from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm) and thesecurrent sector policies. The first objective is to present a short historical overview on the establishment of evening courses in Brazil, including those in the higher education level, occurred on the middle of last century. The second objective is to demonstrate the growth of evening higher education in Brazil, considering that in 1998, of the 2.1 million college enrollments, 55.3% were enrolled in evening courses; in 2010, twelve years later, of the 5.4 million students enrolled, there were 63.5% enrolled in evening courses. This expansion is due to the growing need of many students who must work while attending college, to defray costs of the study as well as personal and family costs. The reality of the working student is hostile considering external factors, such as transport problems, public security and lack of legislation for flexible working hours. The third objective is to discuss current public policies to expand eveningopenings in public institutions which represent nowadays only 16.1% of the 3.4 million enrollments for evening classes, including federal (6.8%), state (7.0%) and municipal (2.3%) institutions. In the third objective it is included the discussion of programs for scholarships and tuition loans. The methodology applied was to rescue historical information on the establishment and the expansion of evening courses in Brazil, analyzing the current general Brazilian policies and the specific ones from the State of São Paulo. The research results pointed to the importance of federal programs for scholarships and tuition loans for students from private institutions such as the 1,382,484 scholarships since 2004 (PROUNI Program) and the 847,000 tuition loans since 1999 (FIES Program). Important steps have been made by the Brazilian government. Considering that there are 3,987,424 enrollments in private institutions, the effectiveness of the programs for scholarships and tuition loans is still insufficient to meet the universal benefits for the student’s needs. Evening courses became the real instrument of social inclusion for many Brazilian youths and must be expanded quantitatively and qualitatively, with aggressive public policies, including also, scholarships and tuition loans.


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There are three distinct and complementary objectives The first objective is to present a short historical overview on the establishment of evening courses in Brazil (classes are held on weekdays, generally from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm), including those in the higher education level, occurred on the middle of last century. The second objective is to demonstrate the growth of evening higher education, considering that in 1998, of the 2.1 million college enrollments, 55.3% were enrolled in evening courses; in 2010, twelve years later, of the 5.4 million students enrolled, there were 63.5% enrolled in evening courses. The third objective is to discuss current public policies to expand evening openings in public institutions which represent nowadays only 16.1% of the 3.4 million enrollments for evening classes. In the third objective it is included the discussion of programs for scholarships and tuition loans. The research results pointed to the importance of federal programs for scholarships and tuition loans for students from private institutions such as the 1,382,484 scholarships since 2004 (PROUNI Program) and the 847,000 tuition loans since 1999 (FIES Program). Important steps have been made by the Brazilian government. Considering that there are 3,987,424 enrollments in private institutions, the effectiveness of the programs for scholarships and tuition loans is still insufficient to meet the universal benefits for the student’s needs. Evening courses became the real instrument of social inclusion for many Brazilian youths and must be expanded quantitatively and qualitatively, with aggressive public policies, including also, scholarships and tuition loans.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The enriched environment (EE) is a promoter of physical activity, by its characteristics such as ample room for movement and exploration, presence of wheels, tunnels and toys. The maintenance of animals in enriched environment can bring a range of benefits, but the majority of the researches investigate cognitive parameters and changes related to the nervous system. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the maintenance of aged rats in enriched cages on biochemical and metric parameters. Wistar rats were randomly distributed (n=6) into two groups during 6 weeks: control (C) in a conventional cage and enriched environment (EE). The body mass were recorded weekly and the body length at the end of the study. After euthanasia, blood was collected for analysis of glucose, triglycerides and the brain was collected for analysis of mass. The EE group had higher brain mass and lower gain of body weight compared to control group. The control group animals had normal values of blood glucose and triglyceride levels, and the maintenance in an EE did not promote changes in these parameters. Therefore, it can be concluded that the EE group increases brain mass and reduces the gain of body weight without changing the blood glucose and triglycerides in aged animals.


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Herpes zoster-associated urinary retention is an uncommon event related to virus infection of the S2-S4 dermatome. The possible major reasons are ipsilateral hemicystitis, neuritis-induced or myelitis-associated virus infection. We report a case of a 65-year-old immunocompetent female patient who presented an acute urinary retention after four days under treatment with valacyclovir for gluteal herpes zoster. The patient had to use a vesical catheter, was treated with antibiotics and corticosteroids and fully recovered after eight weeks.


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The development of a new methodology for the construction of very efficient flow cells for mercury detection by potentiometric stripping analysis, employing the thin gold layer of recordable CDs as working electrode is reported. This new source of electrodes (CDtrodes) show very attractive performance, similar to that obtained with commercial gold electrodes, with superior versatility. The low cost of this new source of gold electrodes allows a frequent replacement of the electrode, avoiding cumbersome clean-up treatments. Various experimental parameters have been optimized to yield low detection limits (0.25 ng/mL of mercury for 5 min deposition at 0.3 V) and good precision (standard deviation of 1.9% was obtained for 15 repetitive measurements using 10 ng/mL of mercury). Standard curves were found to be linear over the range of 0.5-100 μg L-1 of mercury. The flow cells developed were used for the quantification of mercury in oceanic and tap water. © Springer-Verlag 2000.


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The electrochemical behaviour of copper in 6.0 mol 1-1 sulfuric acid at 30°C, was studied by means of the potentiodynamic method. At low potential sweep rates, v < 200 m V s-1, the data reveal that the anodic process is basically constituted of copper dissolution and a film formation which inhibits further metal oxidation and which may undergo further dissolution. For higher potential sweep rates, a modification in the passivation region of the voltammogram is observed. It can be ascribed to a change in the passivation mechanism which possibly involves different surface species. The kineticrelationships derived from the potentiodynamic I/E curves obtained at low v suggest a film formation via a dissolution/precipitation mechanism. © 1993.


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O tema proposto para o 18º COLE é intrigante: “O mundo grita. Escuta?” Vale-se de uma afirmação e de uma interrogação com verbos de conotações diversas, num entrelace quiasmático da linguagem. Enfocando esta proposição, nosso objetivo é examinar conotações e atos de linguagem que perpassam o referido tema. Para tanto, utilizaremos como corpus a tela: “O grito”, de Munch; um capítulo de “Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas”, de Machado de Assis; a crônica “Diálogo de todo dia”; de Carlos Drummond de Andrade; a música: “Sinal fechado”, de Paulinho da Viola; e cinco aulas do escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges, in: “Borges oral & sete noites”, destacando que, apesar de o mundo pretender comunicar-se, o que resta é uma dúvida quanto à consecução de seu escopo. Os textos focados vão para a oralidade: pela representação iconográfica do grito, em Munch; pelo diálogo tipográfico, em Machado; pela conversa psitacista, em Drummond; pela conversa de tempo marcado, em Paulinho da Viola; e pela força da oralidade de um escritor cego, Nobel de Literatura. Várias linguagens representam o grito do mundo e outras escutam. Representações das artes plásticas e literárias fazem-nos refletir sobre a recusa de escutarmos os gritos de cada indivíduo, em solilóquios que se somam, mas continuam sendo, apenas, ouvidos, sem resposta concreta, pois, frequentemente, as redes sociais tomam lugar da oralidade. Embora haja diálogos, o grito individual está dentro do grito do mundo e o escutar resulta de um ato perlocutivo, impondo ao enunciatário uma resposta, uma ação.


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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In the past 50 years, the range of the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) in the south has been rapidly expanding. As their range expands, armadillos increasingly come into conflict with suburban landowners. When foraging, armadillos often uproot ornamental plants. Their rooting also destroys gardens, lawns, and flower beds. Their burrowing can damage tree roots and building foundations. Most armadillo damage is a result of their feeding habits. Armadillos dig shallow holes, 1- 3 inches deep and 3-5 inches long, as they search for soil invertebrates. A recent survey of Georgia county extension agents by scientists at the University of Georgia found that 77.6% of all agents reported receiving complaints or requests for information on armadillos. Armadillo related inquiries made up 10.1 % all inquiries for all agents across the state, surpassing even the white-tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Armadillos are often assumed to destroy nests of ground-nesting birds. Armadillo diets have been studied in several states including Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Georgia, Arkansas, and Florida. According to these studies, vertebrate matter, especially bird eggs, made up an minor portion of their diet. The armadillo’s diet often consists of more than 90% insects, grubs and earthworms. Based on these studies, it seems that claims of armadillos being significant nest predators are unfounded.


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Octopus vulgaris is a cephalopod species in several oceans and commonly caught by artisanal and industrial fisheries. In Brazil, O. vulgaris populations are mainly distributed along the southern coast and have been subjected to intensive fishing during recent years. Despite the importance of this marine resource, no genetic study has been carried out to examine genetic differences among populations along the coast of Brazil. In this study, 343 individuals collected by commercial vessels were genotyped at six microsatellite loci to investigate the genetic differences in O. vulgaris populations along the southern coast of Brazil. Genetic structure and levels of differentiation among sampling sites were estimated via a genotype assignment test and F-statistics. Our results indicate that the O. vulgaris stock consists of four genetic populations with an overall significant analogous F(ST). (phi(CT) = 0.10710, P<0.05) value. The genetic diversity was high with an observed heterozygosity of Ho = 0.987. The negative values of F(IS) found for most of the loci examined suggested a possible bottleneck process. These findings are important for further steps toward more sustainable octopus fisheries, so that this marine resource can be preserved for long-term utilization. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.