848 resultados para Índice de qualidade de vida urbana
O processo de envelhecimento da humanidade é um fenômeno mundial e nas últimas décadas a população brasileira tem acompanhado essa tendência. No entanto, este fenômeno somente pode ser considerado como uma real conquista em termos sócios demográficos na medida em que se agregue qualidade aos anos adicionais de vida para a população. Em populações idosas, a incapacidade funcional e os sintomas depressivos tornaram-se importantes conceitos tanto por suas consequências para a saúde pública, quanto pelo impacto na qualidade de vida dessas populações. Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar se há associação entre os sintomas depressivos e o desempenho funcional de idosos comunitários. Foram avaliados 313 idosos de um centro urbano do nordeste brasileiro através das baterias de testes; Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression CES-D e Short Physical Performance Battery - SPPB; além de variáveis relacionadas ao estado físico, condições crônicas, função cognitiva e características sócio demográficas. Foram utilizadas medidas de correlação e aplicado método de análise multivariada para construir um modelo explicativo da influência da sintomatologia depressiva no desempenho funcional. Os resultados revelaram que as mulheres apresentaram mais sintomas depressivos (p< 0.01) e pior desempenho funcional (p< 0.01) que os homens. Os indivíduos com sintomatologia depressiva apresentaram pior desempenho funcional, especialmente as mulheres. A idade, o sexo feminino, o estado de saúde percebido, o nível de função cognitiva e o Índice de massa corporal foram identificados como fatores associados ao desempenho funcional na amostra estudada. Os resultados deste estudo permitem inferir a relação de associação entre sintomas depressivos e desempenho funcional em uma população de idosos de um centro urbano no nordeste do Brasil. Estes resultados fornecem informações úteis para intervenções terapêuticas adequadas voltadas para a prevenção do declínio na mobilidade em idosos
Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte
O presente trabalho tem origem em nossas vivências como professora alfabetizadora na escola pública em contextos de periferias urbanas, o que nos levou ao envolvimento com questões relativas à (não)aprendizagem das crianças em seu processo de alfabetização. Por outro lado, a inserção na vida acadêmica nos aproximou de perspectivas de compreensão dos processos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento das crianças, bem como do papel que o meio sociocultural tem nesses processos. Dessas experiências, emergiram os questionamentos que guiaram nossa investigação: em que contextos/situações crianças que vivem em um meio socialmente adverso se apropriam de conhecimentos acerca da linguagem escrita? Onde, com quem, como e o que aprendem as crianças de tal meio sobre a escrita como prática cultural? Tendo como objeto de estudo os contextos/situações em que crianças que vivem em contextos sociais marcados por condições adversas de extrema pobreza se apropriam de conhecimentos pertinentes à linguagem escrita, definimos, como objetivo, Analisar contextos/situações (intra e extra-escolares) em que crianças que vivem em um meio social adverso interagem e se apropriam de conhecimentos pertinentes à linguagem escrita. O campo de estudo foi a comunidade Frei Damião, localizada na periferia do município de Caicó, RN, originária de um lixão e reconhecida na região por ser economicamente carente, com alto índice de analfabetismo e baixíssimo nível de qualidade de vida (escassez de condições sanitárias, serviços públicos de saúde, saneamento e segurança, dentre outros próprios de meios urbanos). Assumindo os princípios da pesquisa qualitativa e as características de um estudo de caso, tomamos como sujeitos do estudo, nove crianças, com idades entre sete e oito anos, residentes na comunidade e estudantes da escola no segundo ano do Ensino Fundamental. Além das crianças, foram também considerados como sujeitos, suas mães, a diretora e duas funcionárias da escola. Os dados foram construídos a partir de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, questionários e anotações em diário de campo. Da sistematização desenvolvida com base nos princípios da análise de conteúdo emergiram evidências de que, mesmo vivendo em um ambiente marcado pela escassez de bens materiais, como de práticas e materiais escritos, as crianças constroem conhecimentos significativos sobre a escrita, apresentando níveis avançados de conceitualizações sobre o funcionamento do sistema alfabético. Tais construções resultam de interações em que se envolvem em diversos contextos intra e extra-escolares em sua comunidade nos quais são mediados, tanto por seus pais, em suas casas, como pela professora, na escola. Mesmo analfabetos ou com pouca instrução escolar, verificou-se que os pais inserem as crianças em processos de letramento e alfabetização ao valorizarem a escrita e seu aprendizado. Enquanto contexto de interação e apropriação de conhecimentos destaca-se, na comunidade, a escola e suas práticas. Mediante parcos recursos e limites, a professora cria situações de aprendizado do funcionamento do sistema de escrita e de habilidades textuais, aproximando as crianças da escrita como linguagem. Esses resultados apontam para a necessidade de reflexões e reformulações acerca das possibilidades da escola pública na promoção de educação de qualidade para as crianças de meios populares
A arborização urbana em calçadas é fundamental para manutenção da qualidade de vida, proporcionando conforto aos habitantes das cidades. Contudo, existem problemas causados principalmente pela falta de planejamento na implantação e no manejo da arborização. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi a criação de um banco de dados relacional para auxiliar no cadastro informatizado, na avaliação e no manejo da arborização de vias públicas. Apresenta resultados sobre a valoração de indivíduos cadastrados, cálculo da diversidade entre os bairros, introdução de fotos digitais e relatórios para manejo em interface amigável, podendo servir de instrumento à manutenção da arborização e de vetor de comunicação para educação ambiental.
People with venous ulcers constitute as an important public health problem, its treatment is onerous and require assistance provided by trained professionals, systematized through protocols, however what lies in the assistance is that the management of this group of people differs from that preconized in the scientific literature, interfering with wound healing and quality of life of affected. In this sense, the construction of a assistance protocol specific to people with venous ulcers (VU) can help professionals of the Family Health Strategy both in patient assessment as and in establishment of quality assistance. Thus, this study aimed to analyse the validity of a multiprofessional assistance protocol for people with venous ulcers in primary care by health professionals using Delphi technique. This is a quantitative study, the methodological type conducted in two steps: first step related to integrative literature review to subsidize the development of the protocol, then these aspects were organized and proposed to the judges of the study through the Delphi technique. The study was initiated after approval by the Research Ethics Committee. The first step was performed between August and September 2012, in the virtual library of health, in the page of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, of Municipal Health Secretariat and international guidelines of associations and in the subsequent step carried out between September 2012 to January 2013, was performed search by Lattes platform of the National Council of Technological and Scientific Development, in order to identify health professionals in Brazil who act as judges of the instrument and then, via online, the form was submitted to them.The sample for the second step was 51 judges in the first round and 35 for the second round Delphi. The analysis was done by adopting Kappa index ≥ 0.81 and Content Validity Index (CVI)> 0.80. In the first submission for the judges, items that did not reach Kappa and CVI established were: request / realization / test results, demographic data, medical history, risk factors, verification of pain / vital signs / pulse / infection signs / lesion location/ edema and pain treatment. After removal of items which have not obtained Kappa or CVI index established, it was found achieving optimal levels of these index for the categories. In the next step was the ressubmissão of protocol to judges through the Delphi technique in it was found that, of the 15 categories of the protocol, 12 presented higher scores in Delphi 2 phase and the other three categories remained the same Kappa and IVC of the previous phase. As for the average of evaluation requirements of the protocol was found that the scores assigned by the judges were higher in the second phase in nine of the 10 items, remaining the same in only one of the items indicating validity of the instrument before the consensus of the judges. Thus, we accepted the alternative hypothesis in this study, as they were obtained in the second Delphi phase the validity index greater than or equal to the Delphi 1 phase. The formulation of this assistance protocol valid and reproducible will enable a reorganization and redesign of assistance, with standardization of actions and continuity of care for persons with venous ulcers in primary health care
The therapeutic possibilities for chronic renal failure closely are related to the biological and social condition, and in this perspective the renal transplant is considered the best option, for providing quality of life better. This study it objectified to apprehend, by means of the rescue of the verbal history of life of the kidney transplant patients, the experiences lived since the diagnosis of the renal to the current with the current therapeutic modality. One is about a study of qualitative boarding, exploratory and descriptive, having the verbal history of life as a technique and method. The colony was formed with the ten first kidney transplant patients of the Rio Grande of the North, taken care of in the clinic of the Nephrology in the University Hospital Onofre Lopes-UFRN, located in the city of Christmas-RN. The net was composed for collaborators of both the sex, in the age band between 21 and 56 years of age, submitted it more than has one year to the renal transplant and that, in some cases, together of its familiar ones, they had voluntarily accepted to participate of the study. The first collaborator interviewed for this was excluded not to desire to participate the study more than. After approval for the Committee of Ethics in Search of the UFRN, we carry through the collection of data, by means of a halfstructuralized interview, recorded individually, in environment chosen for the collaborators. We carry through the transcription of the interviews and later we return to the interviewed ones so that the same ones made the conference, what it made possible in them to carry through the transcriation, after consecutive readings. We analyze the stories by means of the analysis of content of Bardin. Guiding the analysis of the stories of the collaborators, we find three axles thematic: Impact in the social relations, Impact in the social condition and Behavior front the illness and treatment. We conclude in this study that the loss of the renal function reed-echo drastically in the life of the collaborators, but that the acceptance of the pathological condition emerged, mainly for the support of the family and in the belief in God. The renal transplant was seen as the chance for a new life, however, so that they reach an improvement in the quality of life, other questions must be optimized, as the guarantee of constitutional laws, the rescue of the citizenship and offer of bigger support of the professionals of the health, family and society for the confrontation of the problems generated for the chronic renal illness and its treatments
One of the concerns of this century is with the handling and the final destination of urban solid waste (RSU), where depending on the form as they will be made use, they can cause diverse problems, they are of ambient or social order, being able to generate the loss of the quality of life and illnesses to the population, of direct or indirect form. The objective of the present work was to diagnosis the environmental partner situation of the Final Destination of the urban solid residues in the District of Guajiru, city of São Gonçalo do Amarante/RN, standing out the partner-economic situation of the scavengers. The research was carried through in the period of March of 2008 the October of 2009, with a methodology developed through analyzes them of documents made available for the state ambient agency, the Air base of Christmas and managing agencies of the city. For collection of the date, it was used directly application of the questionnaire with 20 existing scavengers in points of destination of residues, evaluation of the old place of final destination through the use of the spread sheet of the IQR (Index of Quality of the Residues), developed for the CETESB, identification of the matter dump and photographic register. For effect of treatment of the data, a descriptive analysis with regard to the answers of the interviewed scavengers was carried through. The acquired date, Scale had been according to tabulated and analyzed in Excel 2003, where they had been generated graphical to observe the behavior of the data. The results show that of the twenty interviewed scavengers, 35% possess age between 20 and 30 years; 75% possess incomplete basic education; 60% inhabit in houses of waal or huts (cardboard or wood); 55% do not make use of system of water supply and system of sanitary exhaustion; with regard to income monthly for scavengers, 35% had presented income between R$ 200,00 and R$300,00 and 20% possess income above of R$ 500,00 for possessing another source of income; 80% of the interviewed ones, use some type of equipment of individual protection; In the year of 2009, confirming what it was informed by the State agency of Environment, during the field visit, we evidence that the city of Is Gonçalo do Amarante, currently, destines its residues in Sanitary landfill of São Region Metropolitan of Natal in the District of Massaranduba in the city of Ceará-Mirim, after some interventions of the State Public prosecution service. However, in the district of Guajiru some diggings still exist that today are used as final destination of RCD' s (Residues of Construction and Demolition) of the cities of Natal and São Gonçalo do Amarante, as well as private dumps that are used by scavengers that deviate the final destination (Sanitary landfill) of the residues of the great generators (supermarkets, shopping Center and hotels), with presence of urubus, generating a new ambient problem for the city and the aeroportuária security. Ahead of this scene, the study it suggests viable alternatives for the elimination of the private dumps and for the social situation of the escavengers, aiming at to improve its quality of life and 10 to minimize the ambient impacts caused by the inadequate destination of the solid waste in the community of Guajiru, São Gonçalo do Amarante/RN, being able to contribute so that the public managers carry through action in the handling and the control of the final destination of the urban solid waste
This work has goal of analyzing the practices of Human Resources in the per missionary enterprises of urban transportation, by bus, in the metropolitan region of de Natal, based on the standard person of the National Program of Quality 2004 and points if they are able to take part as prize-winning in this standard. Also this work aims, through a theoretical evolution of people management and its current practices, the history of the National prize Quality and its main standards, the importance of the urban transportation, its characteristics and the system itself in the metropolitan region of Natal. The research was carried out in 11 enterprises that operated in the area, with several dimensions and forms of management. The research variations were based on the standard person of the 2004 NPQ that deals with the system of work, preparation and development and life quality. In the statistical treatment, discriminated and exploiting analyses were applied. The main obtained results through the research, we can verify an administrative centralization in managers and owners hands; that 45% of the enterprises don t have a Human Resources Department, however, on the other hand, they practice some human Resources politics, indicated by the variations; as to the items system of work, 55% of the enterprises are able; preparing and development, 43%
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Environmental pollution has become a subject of public interest throughout the world. Not only have developed countries been affected by environmental problems but also the developing nations have started to suffer from the serious impacts of pollution. Within this context it is necessary to collect simplified environmental data to assist in the management of water resources by the appropriate authorities. These data are obtained through an environmental index that allows a space-time comparison of points distributed in the same aquatic body, or between different water bodies, for physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters. The aim of this present study was to determine the environmental status of the Lagoa de Baixo at Guamaré/RN, where a production unit of PETROBRAS RN/CE is located. For this purpose the Water Quality Index (WQI) was used in both an add and multiply form, the Trophic State Index (TSI) and the Environmental Quality Quotient (EQQ), as well as determining the concentrations of metals. The average values obtained for the WQI, in its two forms were 68,67 and 62,76 respectively which were inside the good qualification. According to the TSI the lagoon showed characteristics of a middle trophic state, and an impact level of regular as determined by the EQQ
In the semiarid region of northeastern of Brazil, the reservoirs are vulnerable to water level seasonal fluctuations, they re related to the hydrological cycle. The rain periods are irregular and there are long periods of drought that increases eutrophication process. That happens because of the water level s reduction and nutrient concentration. The Boqueirao, located in northeastern Brazil , is a mesotrophic reservoir. The reservoir is naturally susceptible to deterioration of water quality. This happens because of the potential diffuse sources arising from the use and occupation of the basin, associated with shallow soil caatinga biome and highly vulnerable to erosion. This study aimed to analyze the influence of the use and occupation of the area around and the water quality of the watershed. A study of the area around the Boqueirão was performed, taking the potentially polluting activities. Limnological variables were monitored monthly in 3 points of the reservoir to assess the water quality. Was evidenced an event of prolonged drought, with rainfall below the historical average for the year of study. By the index of water quality, the watershed was classified as " good " during the whole year of 2012. According to the trophic index adopted the reservoir is characterized as mesotrophic. The main anthropogenic impacts identified in the soil were arboreal selective logging, mining, diffuse contribution of residues from agricultural and livestock activities. The lack of precipitation and the degradation of the surrounding area, affect negatively the water quality, requiring immediate control to prevent degradation of the watershed . Although there wasn t a majority polluting activity in the region. The total of several impacting activities, the high susceptibility of the soil and the selective clearing of caatinga vegetation can accelerate the natural process of eutrophication in the water body
Physical Exercise (PE) is a necessary component in the management in COPD patients, where respiratory symptoms are associated with reduced functional capacity. Even with the increase in the number of studies that have been published and the therapeutics success using aquatic therapy approach, studies using PE in water in COPD patients are so few. Objective: the aim of this present study was to analyze the effects of low intensity water exercise in COPD patients, developed in two different places aquatic and ground. Methods: This is a randomized clinical trial study, 42 patients with moderate to very severe DPOC were recruited for the study, mean age of 63,2 10,9 years old. Randomized in 3 groups: Control Group (CG), Land Group (LG) and Water Group (WG). The PE protocol was performed in a period of 8 weeks, with frequency of 3 times per week. The CG participated in an educational program. All the patients were assessed twice through spirometry, respiratory muscular strength, the 6-min walk test, the quality of life (SF-36 and SGRQ), the LCADL, the MRC, the BODE index and the upper limbs (UP) incremental test. Results: There was a significant difference after the approaches in DP6 from the WG (p=0,02); in VEF1 in LG (p=0,00) and WG (p=0,01); in MIP in LG (p=0,01) and WG (p=0,02); in MEP in LG (p=0,02) and WG (p=0,01); the MRC decreases in WG (p=0,00). there was an increase of the weight supported by the UP in LG (p=0,00) and WG (p=0,01). The LG showed an increase of the quality of life represented by the SGRQ total score (p=0,00). The BODE index decreased in LG (p=0,00) and WG (p=0,01). In LCDAL, the LG showed a decrease. Conclusion: This data in this present study suggest that both approaches of low intensity exercise showed to be beneficial in moderate to very severe COPD patients. The WG showed additional benefits in physical function, pointing to a new therapeutic modality for COPD patients
Introduction: The aging process causes quantitative and qualitative changes in sleeping. Such changes affects more than half of the adults above 65 years old, that live in the community and 70% of the institutionalized, a great negative impact in their quality of life. One of the pathological displays of aging, that share some characteristics with sleeping disorders and predict similar results, is the Frailty Syndrome, that characterize the most weakened and vulnerable elderly. The way sleeping disorders play a role in the frailty pathogeneses remains uncertain. Objective: Evaluate the relation between the sleeping and the frailty syndrome on institutionalized elderly. Methodology: A transversal study was performed with 69 elderly in institutions in the city of João Pessoa PB. Were used the Pittsburgh Sleeping Quality Index and actigraphy to subjective and objective variables, respectively, and questionnaires and specific tests to frailty phenotype variant (Fried Frailty Criteria). In the statistic analysis were used the Pearson correlation test, Chi Square and One-way ANOVA test, with Tukey-Krammer posttest. Subsequently, a Simple Linear Regression model was built. On every statistical analysis were considered a confidence interval of 95% and a p < 0,05. Results: The sample was characterized by the prevalence of the frail (49,3%), women (62,3%), single (50,7%) and 77,52 (±7,82).The frail elderly obtained the worst sleeping quality 10,37 (±4,31) (f = 4,15, p = 0,02), when compared with the non-frail. The sleep latency influenced more the frailty (R2 = 0,13, β standard = 1,76, β = 0,41, p = 0,001). Weren t found differences between the standard resting-activity variable and the frailty phenotype categories. Conclusion: Sleeping alterations, including bad sleeping quality, prolonged sleep latency, low sleep efficiency and day drowsiness, influenced the frailty in institutionalized elderly
Introdução: A asma se tornou um problema de saúde pública devido aos seus grandes custos em cuidados de saúde. Os exercícios respiratórios constituem uma intervenção não farmacológica de baixo custo e baixo risco que vem sendo utilizada por fisioterapeutas em diferentes países no tratamento de pacientes asmáticos. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia dos exercícios respiratórios no tratamento de pacientes adultos com asma nos seguintes desfechos: qualidade de vida, sintomas da asma, número de exacerbações agudas, episódios de hospitalização, mensurações fisiológicas (função pulmonar e capacidade funcional), número de consultas médicas, número de faltas no trabalho devido a exacerbações da doença, avaliação subjetiva do paciente em relação à intervenção. Método: Revisão sistemática de estudos controlados randomizados com metanálise realizada em parceria com a Colaboração Cochrane. As seguintes bases de dados foram consultadas: the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED, e PsycINFO, além de busca manual em revistas da área e em resumos de congressos. Os seguintes termos foram utilizados: (breath*) and (exercise* or retrain* or train* or re-educat* or educat* or physiotherap* or "physical therap*" or "respiratory therapy" or buteyko ). As listas de referências dos estudos selecionados e registros de ensaios clínicos também foram consultados. A seleção dos estudos e a avaliação do risco de viés dos estudos incluídos foram realizadas de maneira independente por dois revisores. O software Review Manager foi utilizado para análise dos dados, no qual o modelo de efeito fixo foi utilizado. As variáveis contínuas foram expressas como diferença de média ponderada com um intervalo de confiança de 95%. A heterogeneidade dos resultados dos estudos incluídos foi realizada por meio da análise dos Forest plots. O teste qui-quadrado (Chi2) com um P valor de 0.10 foi utilizado para indicar significância estatística. O Índice de heterogeneidade (I2) foi implementado com um valor acima de 50% como um nível substancial de heterogeneidade. Resultados: 13 estudos envolvendo 906 pacientes estão atualmente incluídos na revisão. Os seguintes desfechos foram mensurados pelos estudos incluídos: qualidade de vida, sintomas da asma, número de exacerbações agudas e função pulmonar. Os estudos relataram uma melhora na qualidade de vida, sintomas da asma e número de exacerbações agudas. Seis dos onze estudos que avaliaram função pulmonar mostraram uma diferença significativa favorável aos exercícios respiratórios. Não houve relato de efeitos adversos. Devido à heterogeneidade substancial encontrada entre os estudos, metanálise foi possível apenas para sintomas da asma, a qual incluiu dois estudos e mostrou uma diferença significativa favorável aos exercícios respiratórios. A avaliação do risco de viés foi prejudicada devido ao relato incompleto de aspectos metodológicos pela maioria dos estudos incluídos. Conclusão: Embora os resultados encontrados pelos estudos incluídos demonstraram individualmente que os exercícios respiratórios podem ser importantes no tratamento da asma, não há evidência conclusiva nesta revisão para suportar ou refutar a eficácia desta intervenção no tratamento de pacientes asmáticos. Este fato foi devido às diferenças metodológicas entre os estudos incluídos e à ausência de relato de aspectos metodológicos por parte da maioria dos estudos incluídos. Não há dados disponíveis em relação aos efeitos dos exercícios respiratórios nos seguintes desfechos: episódios de hospitalização, número de consultas médicas, número de faltas no trabalho devido a exacerbações da doença, e avaliação subjetiva do paciente em relação à intervenção
Pulmonary Rehabilitation, especially due to aerobic exercise, positive impact in reducing morbidity/mortality of patients with COPD, however the economic impact with costs of implementing simple programs of aerobic exercise are scarce. This is a blind randomized clinical trials, which aimed to evaluate the costs and benefits of a simple program of aerobic exercise in individuals with COPD, considering the financial costs of the Public Health System and its secondary endpoints. We evaluated lung function, the distance walked during six minutes of walking, the respiratory and peripheral muscle strength, quality of life related to health (QLRH), body composition and level of activity of daily living (ADL) before and after eight weeks of an aerobic exercise program consisting of educational guidance for both groups, control and intervention and supervised walks to the intervention group. The health costs generated in both groups were calculated following table Brazilian Public Health System. The sample consisted of forty patients, two being excluded in the initial phase of desaturation during the walk test six minutes. Were randomized into control and intervention group thirty-eight patients, three were excluded from the control group and one was excluded from the intervention group. At the end, thirty-four COPD comprised the sample, 16 in the control group and 18 in the intervention group (FEV1: 50.9 ± 14% pred and FEV1: 56 ± 0.5% pred, respectively). After for intervention, the intervention group showed improvement in meters walked, the sensation of dyspnea and fatigue at work, BODE index (p <0.01) in QLRH, ADL level (p <0.001) as well as increased strength lower limbs (p <0.05). The final cost of the program for the intervention group was R $ 148.75, including: assessments, hiking supervised by a physiotherapist and reassessments. No patient had exacerbation of IG, while 2 patients in the CG exacerbated, generating an average individual cost of R $ 689.15. The aerobic exercises in the form of walking showed significant clinical benefits and economic feasibility of its implementation, due to low cost and easy accessibility for patients, allowing them to add their daily practice of aerobic exercises