886 resultados para value and price


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A partir de la dinámica evolutiva de la economía de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones y el establecimiento de estándares mínimos de velocidad en distintos contextos regulatorios a nivel mundial, en particular en Colombia, en el presente artículo se presentan diversas aproximaciones empíricas para evaluar los efectos reales que conlleva el establecimiento de definiciones de servicios de banda ancha en el mercado de Internet fijo. Con base en los datos disponibles para Colombia sobre los planes de servicios de Internet fijo ofrecidos durante el periodo 2006-2012, se estima para los segmentos residencial y corporativo el proceso de difusión logístico modificado y el modelo de interacción estratégica para identificar los impactos generados sobre la masificación del servicio a nivel municipal y sobre las decisiones estratégicas que adoptan los operadores, respectivamente. Respecto a los resultados, se encuentra, por una parte, que las dos medidas regulatorias establecidas en Colombia en 2008 y 2010 presentan efectos significativos y positivos sobre el desplazamiento y el crecimiento de los procesos de difusión a nivel municipal. Por otra parte, se observa sustituibilidad estratégica en las decisiones de oferta de velocidad de descarga por parte de los operadores corporativos mientras que, a partir del análisis de distanciamiento de la velocidad ofrecida respecto al estándar mínimo de banda ancha, se demuestra que los proveedores de servicios residenciales tienden a agrupar sus decisiones de velocidad alrededor de los niveles establecidos por regulación.


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El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la existencia de la relación entre la atrofia cortical difusa objetivada por neuroimagenes cerebrales y desempeños cognitivos determinados mediante la aplicación de pruebas neuropsicológicas que evalúan memoria de trabajo, razonamiento simbólico verbal y memoria anterógrada declarativa. Participaron 114 sujetos reclutados en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi de la ciudad de Bogotá mediante muestreo de conveniencia. Los resultados arrojaron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos (pacientes con diagnóstico de atrofia cortical difusa y pacientes con neuroimagenes interpretadas como dentro de los límites normales) en todas las pruebas neuropsicológicas aplicadas. Respecto a las variables demográficas se pudo observar que el grado de escolaridad contribuye como factor neuroprotector de un posible deterioro cognitivo. Tales hallazgos son importantes para determinar protocoles tempranos de detección de posible instalación de enfermedades neurodegenerativas primarias.


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Vitis vinifera L. cv. Crimson Seedless is a late season red table grape developed in 1989, with a high market value and increasingly cultivated under protected environments to extend the availability of seedless table grapes into the late fall. The purpose of this work was to evaluate leaf water potential and sap flow as indicators of water stress in Crimson Seedless vines under standard and reduced irrigation strategy, consisting of 70 % of the standard irrigation depth. Additionally, two sub-treatments were applied, consisting of normal irrigation throughout the growing season and a short irrigation induced stress period between veraison and harvest. Leaf water potential measurements coherently signaled crop-available water variations caused by different irrigation treatments, suggesting that this plant-based method can be reliably used to identify water-stress conditions. The use of sap flow density data to establish a ratio based on a reference ‘well irrigated vine’ and less irrigated vines can potentially be used to signal differences in the transpiration rates, which may be suitable for improving irrigation management strategies while preventing undesirable levels of water stress. Although all four irrigation strategies resulted in the production of quality table grapes, significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found in both berry weight and sugar content between the standard irrigation and reduced irrigation treatments. Reduced irrigation increased slightly the average berry size as well as sugar content and technical maturity index. The 2-week irrigation stress period had a negative effect on these parameters.


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Abstract Vitis vinifera L. cv. Crimson Seedless is a late season red table grape developed in 1989, with a high market value and increasingly cultivated under protected environments to extend the availability of seedless table grapes into the late fall. The purpose of this work was to evaluate leaf water potential and sap flow as indicators of water stress in Crimson Seedless vines under standard and reduced irrigation strategy, consisting of 70 % of the standard irrigation depth. Additionally, two sub-treatments were applied, consisting of normal irrigation throughout the growing season and a short irrigation induced stress period between veraison and harvest. Leaf water potential measurements coherently signaled crop-available water variations caused by different irrigation treatments, suggesting that this plant-based method can be reliably used to identify water-stress conditions. The use of sap flow density data to establish a ratio based on a reference ‘well irrigated vine’ and less irrigated vines can potentially be used to signal differences in the transpiration rates, which may be suitable for improving irrigation management strategies while preventing undesirable levels of water stress. Although all four irrigation strategies resulted in the production of quality table grapes, significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found in both berry weight and sugar content between the standard irrigation and reduced irrigation treatments. Reduced irrigation increased slightly the average berry size as well as sugar content and technical maturity index. The 2-week irrigation stress period had a negative effect on these parameters.


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Structured abstract Purpose: To deepen, in grocery retail context, the roles of consumer perceived value and consumer satisfaction, as antecedents’ dimensions of customer loyalty intentions. Design/Methodology/approach: Also employing a short version (12-items) of the original 19-item PERVAL scale of Sweeney & Soutar (2001), a structural equation modeling approach was applied to investigate statistical properties of the indirect influence on loyalty of a reflective second order customer perceived value model. The performance of three alternative estimation methods was compared through bootstrapping techniques. Findings: Results provided i) support for the use of the short form of the PERVAL scale in measuring consumer perceived value; ii) the influence of the four highly correlated independent latent predictors on satisfaction was well summarized by a higher-order reflective specification of consumer perceived value; iii) emotional and functional dimensions were determinants for the relationship with the retailer; iv) parameter’s bias with the three methods of estimation was only significant for bootstrap small sample sizes. Research limitations:/implications: Future research is needed to explore the use of the short form of the PERVAL scale in more homogeneous groups of consumers. Originality/value: Firstly, to indirectly explain customer loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction it was adopted a recent short form of PERVAL scale and a second order reflective conceptualization of value. Secondly, three alternative estimation methods were used and compared through bootstrapping and simulation procedures.


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We start in Chapter 2 to investigate linear matrix-valued SDEs and the Itô-stochastic Magnus expansion. The Itô-stochastic Magnus expansion provides an efficient numerical scheme to solve matrix-valued SDEs. We show convergence of the expansion up to a stopping time τ and provide an asymptotic estimate of the cumulative distribution function of τ. Moreover, we show how to apply it to solve SPDEs with one and two spatial dimensions by combining it with the method of lines with high accuracy. We will see that the Magnus expansion allows us to use GPU techniques leading to major performance improvements compared to a standard Euler-Maruyama scheme. In Chapter 3, we study a short-rate model in a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) framework for negative interest rates. We define the short rate as the difference of two independent CIR processes and add a deterministic shift to guarantee a perfect fit to the market term structure. We show how to use the Gram-Charlier expansion to efficiently calibrate the model to the market swaption surface and price Bermudan swaptions with good accuracy. We are taking two different perspectives for rating transition modelling. In Section 4.4, we study inhomogeneous continuous-time Markov chains (ICTMC) as a candidate for a rating model with deterministic rating transitions. We extend this model by taking a Lie group perspective in Section 4.5, to allow for stochastic rating transitions. In both cases, we will compare the most popular choices for a change of measure technique and show how to efficiently calibrate both models to the available historical rating data and market default probabilities. At the very end, we apply the techniques shown in this thesis to minimize the collateral-inclusive Credit/ Debit Valuation Adjustments under the constraint of small collateral postings by using a collateral account dependent on rating trigger.


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This thesis reports on the two main areas of our research: introductory programming as the traditional way of accessing informatics and cultural teaching informatics through unconventional pathways. The research on introductory programming aims to overcome challenges in traditional programming education, thus increasing participation in informatics. Improving access to informatics enables individuals to pursue more and better professional opportunities and contribute to informatics advancements. We aimed to balance active, student-centered activities and provide optimal support to novices at their level. Inspired by Productive Failure and exploring the concept of notional machine, our work focused on developing Necessity Learning Design, a design to help novices tackle new programming concepts. Using this design, we implemented a learning sequence to introduce arrays and evaluated it in a real high-school context. The subsequent chapters discuss our experiences teaching CS1 in a remote-only scenario during the COVID-19 pandemic and our collaborative effort with primary school teachers to develop a learning module for teaching iteration using a visual programming environment. The research on teaching informatics principles through unconventional pathways, such as cryptography, aims to introduce informatics to a broader audience, particularly younger individuals that are less technical and professional-oriented. It emphasizes the importance of understanding informatics's cultural and scientific aspects to focus on the informatics societal value and its principles for active citizenship. After reflecting on computational thinking and inspired by the big ideas of science and informatics, we describe our hands-on approach to teaching cryptography in high school, which leverages its key scientific elements to emphasize its social aspects. Additionally, we present an activity for teaching public-key cryptography using graphs to explore fundamental concepts and methods in informatics and mathematics and their interdisciplinarity. In broadening the understanding of informatics, these research initiatives also aim to foster motivation and prime for more professional learning of informatics.


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The notion of commodification is a fascinating one. It entails many facets, ranging from subjective debates on desirability of commodification to in depth economic analyses of objects of value and their corresponding markets. Commodity theory is therefore not just defined by a single debate, but spans a plethora of different discussions. This thesis maps and situates those theories and debates and selects one specific strain to investigate further. This thesis argues that commodity theory in its optima forma deals with the investigation into what sets commodities apart from non-commodities. It proceeds to examine the many given answers to this question by scholars ranging from the mid 1800’s to the late 2000’s. Ultimately, commodification is defined as a process in which an object becomes an element of the total wealth of societies in which the capitalist mode of production prevails. In doing so, objects must meet observables, or indicia, of commodification provided by commodity theories. Problems arise when objects are clearly part of the total wealth in societies without meeting established commodity indicia. In such cases, objects are part of the total wealth of a society without counting as a commodity. This thesis examines this phenomenon in relation to the novel commodities of audiences and data. It explains how these non-commodities (according to classical theories) are still essential elements of industry. The thesis then takes a deep dive into commodity theory using the theory on the construction of social reality by John Searle.


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Although MRI is utilized for planning the resection of soft-tissue tumors, it is not always capable of differentiating benign from malignant lesions. The risk of local recurrence of soft-tissue sarcomas is increased when biopsies are performed before resection and by inadequate resections. PET associated with computed tomography using fluorodeoxyglucose labeled with fluorine-18 ((18)F-FDG PET/CT) may help differentiate between benign and malignant tumors, thus avoiding inadequate resections and making prior biopsies unnecessary. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of (18)F-FDG PET/CT in differentiating benign from malignant solid soft-tissue lesions. Patients with solid lesions of the limbs or abdominal wall detected by MRI were submitted to (18)F-FDG PET/CT. The maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) cutoff was determined to differentiate malignant from benign tumors. Regardless of the (18)F-FDG PET/CT results all patients underwent biopsy and surgery. MRI was performed in 54 patients, and 10 patients were excluded because of purely lipomatose or cystic lesions. (18)F-FDG PET/CT was performed in the remaining 44 patients. Histopathology revealed 26 (59%) benign and 18 (41%) malignant soft-tissue lesions. A significant difference in SUVmax was observed between benign and malignant soft-tissue lesions. The SUVmax cutoff of 3.0 differentiated malignant from benign lesions with 100% sensitivity, 83.3% specificity, 89.6% accuracy, 78.3% positive predictive value, and 100% negative predictive value. (18)F-FDG PET/CT seems to be able to differentiate benign from malignant soft-tissue lesions with good accuracy and very high negative predictive value. Incorporating (18)F-FDG PET/CT into the diagnostic algorithm of these patients may prevent inadequate resections and unnecessary biopsies.


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A combination of the variational principle, expectation value and Quantum Monte Carlo method is used to solve the Schrödinger equation for some simple systems. The results are accurate and the simplicity of this version of the Variational Quantum Monte Carlo method provides a powerful tool to teach alternative procedures and fundamental concepts in quantum chemistry courses. Some numerical procedures are described in order to control accuracy and computational efficiency. The method was applied to the ground state energies and a first attempt to obtain excited states is described.


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Limiares auditivos de crianças surdas pré-linguais usuárias de implante coclear foram avaliados com estimulação elétrica em um dos eletrodos mediais. A avaliação empregou um procedimento operante do tipo go/no go para ensinar uma discriminação simples, evidenciada por uma resposta motora, entre presença e ausência do estímulo auditivo. Estabelecida a linha de base, a manipulação na intensidade do estímulo foi implementada de acordo com o método psicofísico de escada modificado, começando por uma seqüência descendente. Os sete participantes do estudo mostraram perda da precisão no responder sob controle do estímulo quando a intensidade diminuía além de um certo valor e a precisão era recuperada quando a intensidade era novamente aumentada, o que permitiu a identificação de limiares individuais. Os resultados sugerem que o método psicofísico combinado com o procedimento operante pode ser uma alternativa viável para avaliar limiar auditivo de pessoas sem linguagem em situação clínica de regulagem do implante coclear.


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The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of adding cassava scrapings on gas and effluent losses, dry matter recovery, pH, contents of N-NH3, organic acids and volatile fatty acids and the bromatological composition of elephant grass silages. It was used a randomized complete design, with four levels of cassava scrapings (0, 7, 15 or 30% natural matter) each one with four replications per level. The grass was cut at 50 days of regrowth and ensiled in 15-L silos, equipped with a Bunsen valve to allow gas outflow. The gas losses decreased quadratically with the addition of cassava scrapings, whereas effluent losses decreased linearly. Dry matter recovery increased quadratically with the addition of cassava scrapings. Dry matter (DM) concentration increased but crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and hemicellulose (HEM) decreased linearly with the addition of cassava scrapings. The pH value and lactic acid concentration increased quadratically with the addition of cassava scrapings. Contents of N-NH3 and butyric acid decreased quadratically with the addition of cassava scrapings, whereas acetic acid content decreased linearly. Addition of cassava scrapings reduced gas and effluent losses and improved the fermentation profile of elephant grass silages and the level of 7% already ensures this improvement.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever opiniões e atitudes sobre sexualidade da população urbana brasileira. MÉTODOS: Inquérito de base populacional realizado em 2005, em amostra representativa de 5.040 entrevistados. Realizou-se análise das atitudes diante da iniciação e educação sexual de adolescentes, considerando sexo, idade, escolaridade, renda, estado civil, religião, cor, região geográfica e opiniões sobre fidelidade, homossexualidade e masturbação. Os resultados foram contrastados com pesquisa similar realizada em 1998, sempre que possível. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos entrevistados escolheu como significado para o sexo a alternativa: "sexo é uma prova de amor". Como em 1998, a maioria manifestou-se pela iniciação sexual dos jovens depois do casamento (63,9% para iniciação feminina vs. 52,4% para a masculina), com diferenças entre praticantes das diversas religiões. A educação escolar de adolescentes sobre o uso do preservativo foi apoiada por 97% dos entrevistados, de todos os grupos sociais. Foi elevada a proporção de brasileiros que concordaram com o acesso ao preservativo nos serviços de saúde (95%) e na escola (83,6%). A fidelidade permaneceu um valor quase unânime e aumentou, em 2005, a proporção dos favoráveis à iniciação sexual depois do casamento, assim como a aceitação da masturbação e da homossexualidade, em relação à pesquisa de 1998. As gerações mais novas tendem a ser mais tolerantes e igualitárias. CONCLUSÕES: Como observado em outros países, confirma-se a dificuldade de estabelecer uma dimensão única que explique a regulação da vida sexual ("liberal" vs "conservador"). Sugere-se que a normatividade relativa à atividade sexual deva ser compreendidas à luz da cultura e organização social da sexualidade ao nível local, auscultadas pelos programas de DST/Aids. A opinião favorável ao acesso livre ao preservativo na escola contrasta com resultados mais lentos no âmbito do combate ao estigma e à discriminação das minorias homossexuais. A formulação de políticas laicas dedicadas à sexualidade permitirá o diálogo entre diferentes perspectivas.


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Objetivou-se quantificar na cana-de-açúcar o teor de carboidratos solúveis (CHOs) que anula a produção de etanol e avaliar os efeitos desses carboidratos sobre o valor nutritivo e outras características fermentativas da silagem de cana-de-açúcar. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos, cada um com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram da retirada total do caldo da cana-de-açúcar, por meio de prensagem, e de sua reconstituição (0, 50 ou 100%) à cana. No nível de 50% de reconstituição, o caldo foi adicionado à cana juntamente com 50% de água e, no nível 0%, adicionou-se 100% de água à cana. A restituição resultou em concentrações de 41,6; 34,0 e 23,0% de carboidratos solúveis na matéria seca (MS). O material foi ensilado em 12 silos experimentais confeccionados a partir de baldes plásticos. A abertura dos silos foi realizada 85 dias após a ensilagem, quando foram determinados os teores dos ácidos orgânicos e a composição química das silagens. A retirada de carboidratos solúveis da cana-de-açúcar teve efeito linear decrescente sobre os teores de matéria seca, o teor de carboidratos solúveis e a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) das silagens, no entanto, ocasionou aumento dos teores de fibra detergente ácido (FDA), fibra detergente neutro (FDN) e lignina. Observou-se efeito linear decrescente da retirada dos carboidratos solúveis sobre os teores de etanol e ácidos lático e butírico e as perdas de matéria seca das silagens. Não se observaram efeitos de tratamentos sobre os dados de estabilidade aeróbia. A produção de etanol seria nula se a cana-de-açúcar contivesse apenas 12,4% de CHOs com base na matéria seca (MS).