989 resultados para valor genético
O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar métodos de seleção visando ao aumento de flores femininas na população FCA-UNESP-PB de mamona (Ricinus communis L.). A seleção foi realizada no município de Botucatu (SP), na safrinha de 2007. Por meio de seleção massal, foram selecionadas plantas com racemo primário estritamente feminino. Destas plantas, as que tinham reversão sexual foram autofecundadas. As avaliações foram realizadas na safrinha de 2008 em Botucatu e São Manuel (SP), onde foram comparados os tratamentos: método de seleção massal; método de seleção massal com autofecundação e testemunha (racemos de plantas colhidos ao acaso, sem seleção). Foram avaliados: porcentagem de flores femininas do racemo primário (%), produtividade de grãos (kg ha-1) e teor de óleo das sementes (%). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com 30 repetições. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância individual para cada local e conjuntamente para os dois locais, pelo teste F a 1% de probabilidade. Mediante os resultados conclui- se que o método de seleção massal com autofecundação foi aquele que proporcionou maiores valores de porcentagem de flores femininas no racemo primário, com ganho fenotípico realizado de 18% em Botucatu e 29% em São Manuel (SP). Por meio dos métodos de seleção, notou-se comportamento diferencial em relação aos locais para a característica produtividade de grãos, e o método seleção massal com autofecundação proporcionou a menor produtividade. No teor de óleo não houve diferenças significativas entre os métodos e os locais avaliados.
The most common malignant neoplasm of the oral cavity and oropharynx are squamous cell carcinoma. Injuries to the same stage and subjected to the same treatment protocol have sometimes different evolutionary courses. The scope of this study was to investigate, through a retrospective cohort, associations between the number of CD8 + T cells and natural killer, identified immunohistochemically in the inflammatory infiltrate in a series of cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma and orofaringeano, and the level of tumor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, overall survival and relapse-free survival of patients. We identified 54 patients with unresectable disease were treated exclusively with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The median follow-up was 22 months. The sample was characterized by the predominance of male subjects, median age 60 years, all were smokers. The most frequent site was the tongue and 81.5% were in stage IV. Patients with disease in the oral cavity had a worse response to treatment (p = 0.006), worse relapse-free survival (p = 0.007), worse overall survival (p = 0.007). The advanced T stage was shown a negative prognostic factor (p= 0.006) for the clinical treatment response made. Immunohistochemistry was performed to select CD8 + cells (anti-CD8) and NK cells (anti-CD57). Lymphocytes positive and negative markings were counted using the program ImageJ ®. Two groups were created for each marking evaluated: Group I patients with more than 50% cells positive, Group II: less than 50% of labeled cells. For CD8 + cells detected in 38 (70.3%) of Group I were CD8 + and 16 (29.7%) Group II CD8 +. For NK cells, 26 (48.15%) Group I NK and 28 (51.85%) Group II NK. Regarding the clinical response to treatment, we observed that 39% of patients achieved a complete response and 25.9% remained without recurrence at the end of follow-up. These results were better in Group I CD8 + (p = 0.2). Identified that 72.2% of patients progressed to death, this finding had no association with the immunohistochemical data. There was no statistically significant differences between the number of CD8 + and NK cells and the ability of tumor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, or with overall survival and relapse-free survival of patients. However, especially in relation to a learned response, we found that this group of patients with advanced disease have a low count of CD8 + T cells active. Believing in the role that the immune response plays in the local fight against neoplastic cells, however, our results do not support the use of quantitative analysis of CD8 + T cells and NK cells as a prognostic factors for oral squamous cell carcinoma and oropharynx
He aim of this study was to evaluate the structural characters, herbage accumulation, nutritive value and performance of sheep in different tropical pastures. The treatments were two cultivars and two of the genera Panicum Brachiaria pastures under intermittent stocking and variable stocking rate, in the rainy season. We evaluated the masses and the components of herbage pre grazing in two layers, and after grazing. Chemical analyzes were made of the stems and leaf blades pre grazing in two layers. We used 48 male sheep and whole for the assessment of individual weight gain and area, and anestrous females to adjust the stocking rate. In the cv. Massai showed the highest herbage mass, leaf blades and dead material, and the largest volume density and leaf blade: stem pre grazing. There was no difference among cultivars for the percentage of leaf blade (PLB) in both strata, but the higher the PLB was higher than the bottom. The highest percentage of dead material (PDM) was observed in cvs. Massai and Marandu in the two strata. In cvs. Massai and Piatã were observed lower levels of crude protein in stem and leaf. In stratum 0-25 cm lower nutritional value was observed in the stem in the leaf blades did not grant the nutritional value among the strata. Herbage mass, leaf blade, PLB and proportion of stem in the residue of the Massai pastures were higher than cv. Aruana. There was no difference for efficiencies in harvest leaf and stem between the cultivars. The cv. Massai got the higher accumulation of leaf per cycle per day. Animals kept in grass swards Aruana had the highest average daily gain. The higher stocking rates and earnings per area were observed in grass swards and Marandu Massai. The cultivars are suitable for sheep meat production in the rainy season
The present study was conducted to evaluate the intake and digestibility of diets containing increasing levels of byproduct of cashew in sheep. The animals were distributed in a completely randomized design were evaluated in four levels (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%) by product of cashew with four replicates, making up 16 observations. The indicator used was the Purified Lignin and Enriched - LIPE ®. The scorer was orally administered directly into the mouth of the animals, in the form of capsules 250mg/animal/dia for a period of two days and five days of adaptation samples being the same supplied with the aid of a hose polyethylene and a device allowing the release of the capsule in the esophagus of sheep. With the estimate made by the indicator LIPE was observed a reduction for DM, OM, CP, NDF, EE, NFC and MM along the inclusion of byproduct of cashew. The results of nutrient digestibility were not satisfactory with the inclusion of byproduct of cashew, reducing linearly with the inclusion of the diets. The use of increasing levels of byproduct of cashew in the diets of sheep did not provide satisfactory results, it is not feasible to use the animals studied in this experiment
Given the significant share of food costs of poultry production, it is necessary to use strategies and techniques to maximize the utilization and biological value of the components of the diets, keeping constant or improving animal performance. In this context, seeking partial substitution of corn and the best use of the constituents of the diet, the present study aimed to evaluate the effects of inclusion of cashew pomace dehydrated (BCD) and enzyme complex (EC) in the diet on performance and quality eggs of Japanese quails. A total of 200 Japanese quail at 87 days of age, in 25 cages in a completely randomized design in a factorial 2 x 2 + 1 (two levels of cashew bagasse x two levels of enzymes) + control diet without cashew bagasse totaling five treatments with five replicates of eight birds each repetition. The experiment lasted 84 days, divided into four periods of 21 days. The treatments consisted of T1-Ration Control, T2-ration with 7.5% without EC BCD, T3-ration with 7.5% BCD with CE, T4-Ration with 15% BCD without EC and T5-Feed with 15% of BCD with EC. The enzyme complex (EC) is used fermentation product of Aspergillus niger, and cashew bagasse was obtained from the juice industry, passed through drying and crushing process for producing the bran. The performance and egg quality of quails, and performance variables: feed intake (FI), feed conversion ratio per dozen eggs (CAKDZ) and egg mass (CAMO), egg production (OP% bird / day), average egg weight (PMO) and egg mass (MO), and variables were egg quality, specific gravity (SG), Haugh unit (HU), yolk index, and the relationships between components eggs (%albumen,% yolk and %shell). Data were analyzed with the Statistical SAEG (2007). The 7.5 and 15% of cashew bagasse, independent of the enzyme complex decreased feed intake and improved the average egg weight. The two levels with the addition of EC showed significant differences for feed conversion by egg mass. The 7.5 with the addition of enzyme complex obtained the lowest average feed conversion per dozen eggs. The inclusion of up to 15% of cashew bagasse dehydrated with or without addition of enzyme complex in the diet of Japanese quails not interfere in the internal and external quality of eggs. The 7.5 and 15% BCD without added enzyme complex gave better means for specific gravity. Under conditions in which the experiment was conducted, it can be stated that the inclusion of up to 15% of cashew bagasse dehydrated with added enzyme complex feeding quail is economically viable, with the level of 7.5% with the addition of complex enzyme presented the best economic indices
The objective of this study was to characterize the socioeconomic profile of the family farmers who live and work in Brazilian rural space and highlight the importance of family agribusiness through the significant relation between some variables as the value of the total production, GDP share in total area of the establishments, agricultural production and farmer income, that show the important participation of these farmers in agricultural productivity and consequently on the economy of country. Therefore, this sector deserves a greater attention and more investment in the development of public policies that lead to a quality education in rural areas, availability of technical courses for farmers, technical assistance more efficient and effective, as well as funding more readily available
The low quality of tropical pastures in the dry season justifies the use of dietary supplements to meet the nutritional needs of sheep to meat production. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of massaigrass in the dry season and the effect of protein supplements in the performance and productivity of sheep to meat production grazing. The protein supplements evaluated were: soybean meal, Leucena hay, Gliricidia hay and multiple mixture. The animals were managed in massaigrass pastures under rotational stocking and supplemented daily. Were used 24 sheep ½ Santa Inês x ½ SPRD (without defined breed), males uncastrated, mean age 90 days in a completely randomized design. Performance of sheep was evaluated for average daily gain of live weight gain per area and stocking rate (animals of 25 kg/ha). The pasture was evaluated for forage mass of pre and post-grazing, the percentages of participation of morphological constituents and their nutritional values and rates of herbage accumulation. The total herbage mass decreased throughout the dry season. Crude protein and in vitro digestibility of organic matter of the leaf were higher in the upper 15 cm of the canopy stratum. The average daily weight gain of the animals supplemented with legume hay was similar to that gained by animals supplemented with soybean meal in the four grazing cycles. The total live weight gain of animals supplemented with legume hay was higher than the animals supplemented only with multiple mixing the first two grazing cycles. Hays of Leucena and Gliricidia can be given for supplementation of sheep maintained on pasture
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of supplements feeding on growth of calves grazing a Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça pasture during the dry season. The experimental design was a randomized blocks with three treatments and three replications. The treatments were: mineral salt ad libidum; multiple mixture (MM) fed at 0.2% of live weight (PV); and, concentrate feed (SC) fed at 0.7% of PV. Thirty six weaned calves averaging eight months and 192 kg of initial live weight were utilized. The masses and pasture components, nutritive value and rate of forage growth were evaluated. Animal performance was measured as average daily gain (ADG) and live weight gain (LWG). The supplemental feeding was adjusted after weighing. There was no difference between periods for forage mass and leaf: stem ratio. The highest values for forage green mass, leaf blades mass and stem percentage were observed in the first trial period. The canopy height and the available forage on offer did not differ among treatments. The percentage of dead was higher for the last periods of evaluation. The leaf: stem ratio and the leaf percentage were greater in the second period. There was significant difference (p<0,05) among treatments for the ADG and were 250, 460 and 770 g/day for salt, MM and SC, respectively. The biggest LWG was observed in the treatment SC. contents of PB, DIVMO, NDF and LDA on leaf blades, thatched roofs and dead material dead not differ among treatments. The highest GPV was observed in the SC treatment. The contents of PB, DIVMO, NDF and LDA for leaf blades stem and dead material did not differ among treatments. Independent of the use supplements , it is possible to keep steers gaining weight, during dry season, since the stocking rate is appropriately adjusted
O objetivo deste experimento foi determinar a qualidade e o valor nutritivo de silagens do subproduto da pupunha, produzidas com aditivos, conforme os tratamentos: T1 - Testemunha (sem aditivo); T2 - Adição de 2,5% de açúcar; T3 - Adição de 10,0% de polpa cítrica e T4 - Adição de 10,0% de milho moído, base da matéria natural. Verificou-se que a adição 10% de polpa cítrica (PC) ou milho moído (MM) elevou o teor de matéria seca da massa a ser ensilada, bem como da silagem, em 6,5 e 8,0 unidades percentuais, respectivamente. Silagens com aditivos apresentaram menores valores de nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH3 / NT) e pH. O consumo de matéria seca foi maior para as silagens feitas com PC ou MM, atingindo 85 g/kg PV0,75 ou 2,1% do PV, contra 44,7 g/kgPV0,75 ou 1,12%, para as silagens sem aditivo ou com 2,5% de açúcar. O coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, também foi superior para as silagens contendo 10% de PC ou MM (65,0%) em relação à média das demais (52,0%). A digestibilidade da parede celular não mostrou tendência definida em função dos tratamentos. A silagem de subproduto da pupunha feita com a adição de 10% de polpa cítrica ou milho moído, apresentou valor nutritivo semelhante às silagens de forrageiras convencionais.
Due to the expansion of sugarcane in areas that are not traditional in it's cultivation, there is need of study the management of fertilizer, mainly phosphorus, since it's the nutrient that most limits the production in the tropics. The aim of this work was to evaluate the productivity and nutritional value of two varieties of sugarcane grown under different phosphorus sources, for three production cycles in North of Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks in factorial scheme 4x2, with four replications. The sources of phosphorus used were bone meal, Arad phosphate and triple superphosphate at a dose of 100 kg P2O5 ha(-1), and a control without nutrient application at planting. The varieties of sugarcane were planted IAC86-2480 and SP79-1011. We evaluated the productivity of dry matter, dry matter content, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent, lignin, cellulose, in vitro digestibility and crude protein of forage. The phosphorus sources provided higher yields during the first cycle of sugarcane and did not cause significant effect on productivity in subsequent cycles. Phosphorus fertilization did not cause significant changes in the nutritional value of sugarcane. The variety IAC86-2480 showed higher crude protein content in three cycles and higher dry matter yield in the first two cycles, compared to SP79-1011. Regarding the fiber constituents, both showed similar results.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Twenty two open-pollinated Hevea progenies from different parental clones of the Asian origin were tested at five sites in the Northwestern São Paulo State Brazil to investigate the progeny girth growth, rubber yield, bark thickness and plant height. Except for the rubber yield, the analysis of variance indicated highly significant (p<0.01) genotype x environment interaction and heterogeneity of regressions among the progenies. However, the regression stability analysis identified only a few interacting progenies which had regression coefficients significantly different from the expected value of one. The linear regressions of the progeny mean performance at each test on an environmental index (mean of all the progenies in each test) showed the general stability and adaptability of most selected Hevea progenies over the test environments. The few progenies which were responsive and high yielding on different test sites could be used to maximize the rubber cultivars productivity and to obtain the best use of the genetically improved stock under different environmental conditions.
Trata-se de um artigo que comenta sobre a real importância do Termo de Consentimento Informado na prática médica. Este documento tem sido cada vez mais usado como uma prática defensiva, a fim de constituir provas para defesa de um eventual processo judicial de responsabilidade médica, desvirtuando assim a idéia original, que seria a de respeitar a autonomia do paciente e delimitar a responsabilidade médica. O documento tem como objetivo mostrar que o médico cumpriu com seu dever de informar. Seu grande valor reside nos casos onde existam riscos de danos irreversíveis ao paciente. Conclui-se, porém, que um prontuário bem elaborado onde se inclui o registro das informações que foram transmitidas, bem como o grau de participação dos pacientes e seus familiares nas decisões terapêuticas, também deve ter valor ético e jurídico semelhante do TCI.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desempenho diagnóstico do índice de respiração rápida e superficial (IRRS) na predição do insucesso da extubação de pacientes adultos em terapia intensiva e verificar a adequação do valor de corte clássico para esse índice. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo realizado na unidade de terapia intensiva de adultos do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, através da avaliação do IRRS em 73 pacientes consecutivos considerados clinicamente prontos para extubação. RESULTADOS: O IRRS com valor de corte clássico (105 ciclos/min/L) apresentou sensibilidade de 20% e especificidade de 95% (soma = 115%). A análise da curva receiver operator characteristic (ROC) demonstrou melhor valor de corte (76,5 ciclos/min/L), o qual forneceu sensibilidade de 66% e especificidade de 74% (soma = 140%), e a área sob a curva ROC para o IRRS foi de 0,78. CONCLUSÕES: O valor de corte clássico do IRRS se mostrou inadequado nesta casuística, prevendo apenas 20% dos pacientes com falha na extubação. A obtenção do novo valor de corte permitiu um acréscimo substancial de sensibilidade, com aceitável redução da especificidade. O valor da área sob a curva ROC indicou satisfatório poder discriminativo do índice, justificando a validação de sua aplicação.