914 resultados para university sector
BACKGROUND: Even if a large proportion of physiotherapists work in the private sector worldwide, very little is known of the organizations within which they practice. Such knowledge is important to help understand contexts of practice and how they influence the quality of services and patient outcomes. The purpose of this study was to: 1) describe characteristics of organizations where physiotherapists practice in the private sector, and 2) explore the existence of a taxonomy of organizational models. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional quantitative survey of 236 randomly-selected physiotherapists. Participants completed a purpose-designed questionnaire online or by telephone, covering organizational vision, resources, structures and practices. Organizational characteristics were analyzed descriptively, while organizational models were identified by multiple correspondence analyses. RESULTS: Most organizations were for-profit (93.2%), located in urban areas (91.5%), and within buildings containing multiple businesses/organizations (76.7%). The majority included multiple providers (89.8%) from diverse professions, mainly physiotherapy assistants (68.7%), massage therapists (67.3%) and osteopaths (50.2%). Four organizational models were identified: 1) solo practice, 2) middle-scale multiprovider, 3) large-scale multiprovider and 4) mixed. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study provide a detailed description of the organizations where physiotherapists practice, and highlight the importance of human resources in differentiating organizational models. Further research examining the influences of these organizational characteristics and models on outcomes such as physiotherapists' professional practices and patient outcomes are needed.
Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al Center for Socio-Legal Studies de la Universitat d’Oxford, Gran Bretanya, entre setembre del 2006 i gener del 2007. L'objectiu d'aquesta recerca ha estat determinar i avaluar com la política de la competència de la Unió Europea ha contribuït a la configuració del sector públic televisiu espanyol i britànic. El marc teòric està basat en el concepte d’ “europeització”, desenvolupat per Harcourt (2002) en el sector de mitjans, i que implica una progressiva referencialitat de les polítiques estatals amb les europees mitjançant dos mecanismes: la redistribució de recursos i els efectes en la socialització de la política europea. Per tal de verificar aquest impacte en el sector televisiu, la recerca ha desenvolupat una aproximació en dues etapes. En primer lloc, a banda de fer un inicial repàs bibliogràfic s'han estudiat les accions de la Comissió Europea en aquest terreny, sobre tot la Comunicació sobre aplicació de la reglamentació d'ajudes públiques al sector de la radiodifusió de 2001. En una segona etapa, s'han desenvolupat un seguit d'entrevistes personals a directius i polítics del sector a Brussel•les, Londres i Madrid. Els resultats de la recerca mostren que el procés d’Europeïtzació es un fenomen creixent en el sector audiovisual públic a Espanya i el Regne Unit, però que encara les peculiaritats estatals juguen un factor preponderant en regular aquesta influència de la UE. L'anàlisi de les entrevistes qualitatives mostren també que hi ha una relació inversament proporcional entre la tradició democràtica i el grau d’influència i de referència que suposa la UE en el sector audiovisual. Mentre que el Regne Unit, l'acció de la política de la competència de la UE es percep com a element suplementari, a Espanya la seva referencialitat ha estat clau, tot i que no decisiva, per la reforma dels mitjans públics estatals.
Informe d'un Grup de Treball sobre Serveis Bibliogràfics de la University of California que presenta un seguit de recomanacions sobre els canvis que aquests serveis haurien d'implementar per millorar les seves prestacions. Els autors posen de manifest el desfasament que pateixen bona part dels serveis bibliotecaris actuals davant les prestacions que ofereixen portals com Amazon o Google. Les recomanacions s'estructuren en quatre apartats: millorar la cerca i la recuperació, redissenyar l'OPAC, adoptar noves pràctiques catalogràfiques i donar suport a la millora continua. L'informe finalitza amb l'enumeració d'una seixantena de possibles actuacions addicionals que també es van considerar i les raons per les quals finalment es van descartar.
El present projecte està orientat a investigar una tendència cada cop més influent dintre del panorama publicitari espanyol i internacional: la Publicitat Emocional. En els últims anys s’ha constatat una important evolució de la comunicació publicitària, que ha anat substituent el seu caràcter principalment informatiu i racional per un altre més emocional que aposta pels sentiments del consumidor. En aquest context, es pretén demostrar la superioritat d’aquest enfocament publicitari a l’hora d’establir una relació més propera, fidel i duradora amb el consumidor. Per això, la primera part del treball abordarà la realitat de les marques davant les noves exigències del mercat, mentre que la de tipus pràctic s’orientarà a analitzar la publicitat de vuit categories d’alimentació amb l’objectiu de determinar quina tipologia publicitària preval i quina és més efectiva per connectar amb el consumidor del s.XXI
Introduction: Drug prescription is difficult in ICUs as prescribers are many, drugs expensive and decisions complex. In our ICU, specialist clinicians (SC) are entitled to prescribe a list of specific drugs, negotiated with intensive care physicians (ICP). The objective of this investigation was to assess the 5-year evolution of quantity and costs of drug prescription in our adult ICU and identify the relative costs generated by ICP or SC. Methods: Quantities and costs of drugs delivered on a quarterly basis to the adult ICU of our hospital between 2004 and 2008 were extracted from the pharmacy database by ATC code, an international five-level classification system. Within each ATC first level, drugs with either high level of consumption, high costs or large variations in quantities and costs were singled out and split by type of prescriber, ICP or SC. Cost figures used were drug purchase prices by the hospital pharmacy. Results: Over the 5-year period, both quantities and costs of drugs increased, following a nonsteady, nonparallel pattern. Four ATC codes accounted for 80% of both quantities and costs, with ATC code B (blood and haematopoietic organs) amounting to 63% in quantities and 41% in costs, followed by ATC code J (systemic anti-infective, 20% of the costs), ATC code N (nervous system, 11% of the costs) and ATC code C (cardiovascular system, 8% of the costs). Prescription by SC amounted to 1% in drug quantities, but 19% in drug costs. The rate of increase in quantities and costs was seven times larger for ICP than for SC (Figure 1 overleaf ). Some peak values in costs and quantities were related to a very limited number of patients. Conclusions: A 5-year increase in quantities and costs of drug prescription in an ICU is a matter of concern. Rather unexpectedly, total costs and cost increases were generated mainly by ICP. A careful follow-up is necessary to try influencing this evolution through an institutional policy co-opted by all professional categories involved in the process.
BACKGROUND: Robot surgery is a further step towards new potential developments in minimally invasive surgery. Surgeons must keep abreast of these new technologies and learn their limits and possibilities. Robot-assisted laparoscopic cholecystectomy has not yet been performed in our institution. The purpose of this report is to present the pathway of implementation of robotic laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a university hospital. METHODS: The Zeus(R) robot system was used. Experimental training was performed on animals. The results of our experimental training allowed us to perform our first two clinical cases. RESULTS: Robot arm set-up and trocar placement required 53 and 35 minutes. Operative time were 59 and 45 minutes respectively. The overall operative time was 112 and 80 minutes, respectively. There were no intraoperative complications. Patients were discharged from the hospital after an overnight stay. CONCLUSION: Robotic laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe and patient recovery similar to those of standard laparoscopy. At present, there are no advantages of robotic over conventional surgery. Nevertheless, robots have the potential to revolutionise the way surgery is performed. Robot surgery is not reserved for a happy few. This technology deserves more attention because it has the potential to change the way surgery is performed.
La base de este trabajo se sustenta en que la Sociedad tiene unos requerimientos fisiológicos y psicológicos que satisface con materia y energía. Esta materia y energía, recursos, se hacen escasos en relación a las necesidades y deseos subjetivos de los agentes, que dependen en gran medida de los valores asociados a los mismos. Desde la Economía se trata de buscar la mejor forma de distribuir esos recursos entre aquellos deseos o necesidades y, en su evolución científica, ha desarrollado el análisis de la naturaleza física de los procesos económicos que ha sido, hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo, un objeto escasamente estudiado por los economistas, centrándose éstos en los estudios de las valoraciones monetarias más que en las valoraciones físicas. La aportación de este trabajo, se podría sintetizar en tres ideas. En primer lugar, la introducción de un concepto (creemos que no utilizado aún por la literatura) que hemos denominado “Metabolismo Hídrico”, y la idea derivada de la Contabilidad de los Flujos de Agua, como parte importante del Metabolismo Socioeconómico. En segundo lugar, el trabajo se separa de la línea reduccionista complementando el análisis físico con un análisis monetario para tratar de entender las causas de la escasez de agua. En nuestra opinión, el análisis monetario complementa al físico y no al revés, como más adelante explicaremos. En tercer lugar, el trabajo aporta la idea de la territorialidad, estimando no sólo el volumen de los flujos sino también su procedencia y destino.
OBJECTIVES: Pediatric resuscitation is an intense, stressful, and challenging process. The aim of this study was to review the life-threatening pediatric (LTP) emergencies admitted in a Swiss university hospital with regards to patients' demographics, reason for admission, diagnosis, treatment, significant events, critical incidents, and outcomes. METHODS: A retrospective observational cohort study of prospectively collected data was conducted, including all LTP emergencies admitted over a period of 2 years in the resuscitation room (RR). Variables, including indication for transfer, mode of prehospital transportation, diagnosis, and time spent in RR, were recorded. RESULTS: Of the 60,939 pediatric emergencies treated in our university hospital over 2 years, a total of 277 LTP emergencies (0.46%) were admitted in the RR. They included 160 boys and 117 girls, aged 6 days to 15.95 years (mean, 6.69 years; median, 5.06). A medical problem was identified in 55.9% (n = 155) of the children. Of the 122 children treated for a surgical problem, 35 (28.3%) went directly from the RR to the operating room. Hemodynamic instability was noted in 19.5% of all LTP emergencies, of which 1.1% benefited from O negative transfusion. Admission to the intensive care unit was necessary for 61.6% of the children transferred from another hospital. The average time spent in the RR was 46 minutes. The overall mortality rate was 7.2%. CONCLUSIONS: The LTP emergencies accounted for a small proportion of all pediatric emergencies. They were more medical than surgical cases and resuscitation measures because of hemodynamic instability were the most frequent treatment.
In this paper we show that the ability of multinational firms to manipulate transfer prices affects the tax sensitivity of foreign direct investment (FDI). We offer a model of international capital allocation where firms are heterogeneous in their ability to manipulate transfer prices. Perhaps paradoxically, we show that the ability to shift profits can make parent companies' investment more sensitive to host-country tax rates, as long as investors expect fisscal authorities to use price and profit detection methods. We then offer a comprehensive empirical study to test our predictions in the case of Japanese FDI. We exploit the finding that the unobservable ability to manipulate transfer prices is correlated with whole ownership of a±liates and R&D expenditure. Based on country, parent firm and sector characteristics, we estimate an investment equation on a sample of 3614 Japanese affiliates in 49 emerging countries. We obtain a greater semi-elasticity of investment to the statutory tax rate in a±liates that are wholly-owned and that have R&D intensive parents. We interpret these results as indirect evidence that abusive transfer pricing is one of the determinants of FDI activity.
Using new linked employee-employer data for Britain in 2004, this paper shows that, on average, full-time male public sector employees earn 11.7 log wage points more than their private sector counterparts. Decomposition analysis reveals that the majority of this pay premium is associated with public sector employees having individual characteristics associated with higher pay and to their working in higher paid occupations. Further focussing analysis on the highly skilled and unskilled occupations in both sectors, reveals evidence of workplace segregation positively impacting on earnings in the private sector for the highly skilled, and in the public sector for the unskilled. Substantial earnings gaps between the highly skilled and unskilled are found, and the unexplained components in these gaps are very similar regardless of sector.
In this paper the role of institutions in determining foreign direct investment (FDI) is investigated using a large panel of 107 countries during 1981 and 2005. We find that institutions are a robust predictor of FDI and that the most significant institutional aspects are linked to propriety rights, the rule of law and expropriation risk. Using a novel data set, we also study the impact of institutions on FDI at the sectoral level. We find that institutions do not have a significant impact on FDI in the primary sector but that institutional quality matters for FDI in manufacturing and particularly in services. We also provide policy implications for institutional reform.