914 resultados para two dimensions


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Anomalous dynamics in complex systems have gained much interest in recent years. In this paper, a two-dimensional anomalous subdiffusion equation (2D-ASDE) is considered. Two numerical methods for solving the 2D-ASDE are presented. Their stability, convergence and solvability are discussed. A new multivariate extrapolation is introduced to improve the accuracy. Finally, numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the schemes and confirm the theoretical analysis.


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Broadly speaking, axiology is the study of values. Axiologies are expressed materially in patterns of choices that are both culture-bound and definitive of different cultures. They are expressed in the language we use; in the friends we keep; in the clothes we wear; in what we read, write, and watch; in the technologies we use; in the gods we believe in and pray to; in the music we make and listen to—indeed, in every kind of activity that can be counted as a definitive element of culture. In what follows, I describe the axiological underpinnings of two closely related multimedia repository projects— Australian Creative Resources Online (ACRO) and The Canadian Centre for Cultural Innovation (CCCI)—and how these are oriented towards a potentially liberating role for digital repositories.


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In this paper, a two-dimensional non-continuous seepage flow with fractional derivatives (2D-NCSF-FD) in uniform media is considered, which has modified the well known Darcy law. Using the relationship between Riemann-Liouville and Grunwald-Letnikov fractional derivatives, two modified alternating direction methods: a modified alternating direction implicit Euler method and a modified Peaceman-Rachford method, are proposed for solving the 2D-NCSF-FD in uniform media. The stability and consistency, thus convergence of the two methods in a bounded domain are discussed. Finally, numerical results are given.


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The ‘particle size effect’ and its manifestation in abrasion still attracts considerable debate as to its origins and the ranking of its likely causes. Experiments have been conducted to study the important contribution that the formation of wear debris can have on the progression of wear. The experiments consist of unlubricated (dry) pin-on-disk tests with silicon carbide coated paper of varying particle size, with different pin material, diameter and loads. It has been observed that the influence of debris formation on wear rate is more pronounced for fine abrasives and soft-wearing materials. Consequently, it is proposed that the particle size effect can be explained in terms of geometrical scaling and the evolution of third-body effects with diminishing particle diameter.


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For over a decade, IT expenditure in China and Malaysia has shown a significant increase, as organisations in these countries are increasingly dependent on information systems (IS) for achieving strategic advantages and business benefits. However, there have been numerous reports of dissatisfaction with IS, and in some cases the effectiveness of the information systems have yet to be reviewed. Two exploratory case studies reported in this paper are the first phase of an overall research in validating the IS-Impact model introduced by Gable, Sedera and Chan in two countries: China and Malaysia. This validation research aims to produce a standard measuring model across different contexts. The purpose of this paper is to present preliminary findings from two exploratory case studies, attempt to test the feasibility of the research design and to investigate applicability of the IS-Impact model in Chinese and Malaysian organisations. Twenty-nine respondents from a Chinese private company and seventeen respondents from a state government in Malaysia were involved in these studies. Findings indicated that most of existing IS-Impact measures are applicable in the study contexts, however, there are some new measures informed by the respondents. Feedback from the case studies also suggested necessary modifications to the Mandarin instrument.


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This paper presents the design of self-tuning controllers for a two terminal HVDC link. The controllers are designed utilizing a novel discrete-time converter model based on multirate sampling. The nature of converter firing system necessitates the development of a two-step ahead self-tuning control strategy. A two terminal HVDC system study has been carried out to show the effectiveness of the control strategies proposed which include the design of minimum variance controller, pole assigned controller and PLQG controller. The coordinated control of a two terminal HVDC system has been established deriving the signal from inverter end current and voltage which has been estimated based on the measurements of rectifier end quantities only realized through the robust reduced order observer. A well known scaled down sample system data has been selected for studies and the controllers designed have been tested for worst conditions. The performance of self-tuning controllers has been evaluated through digital simulation.


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Information System (IS) success may be the most arguable and important dependent variable in the IS field. The purpose of the present study is to address IS success by empirically assess and compare DeLone and McLean’s (1992) and Gable’s et al. (2008) models of IS success in Australian Universities context. The two models have some commonalities and several important distinctions. Both models integrate and interrelate multiple dimensions of IS success. Hence, it would be useful to compare the models to see which is superior; as it is not clear how IS researchers should respond to this controversy.


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While there is substantial research on attitudinal and behavioral loyalty, the deconstruction of attitudinal loyalty into its two key components – emotional and cognitive loyalty – has been largely ignored. Despite the existence of managerial strategies aimed at increasing each of these two components, there is little academic research to support these managerial efforts. This paper seeks to advance the understanding of emotional and cognitive brand loyalty by examining the psychological function that these dimensions of brand loyalty perform for the consumer. We employ Katz’s (1960) four functions of attitudes (utilitarian, knowledge, value-expression, ego-defence) to investigate this question. Surveys using a convenience sample were completed by 268 consumers in two metropolitan cities on a variety of goods, services and durable products. The relationship between the functions and dimensions of loyalty were examined using MANOVA. The results show that both the utilitarian and knowledge functions of loyalty are significantly positively related to cognitive loyalty while the ego-defensive function of loyalty is significantly positively related to emotional loyalty. The results for the value-expressive function of loyalty were nonsignificant.


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The population Monte Carlo algorithm is an iterative importance sampling scheme for solving static problems. We examine the population Monte Carlo algorithm in a simplified setting, a single step of the general algorithm, and study a fundamental problem that occurs in applying importance sampling to high-dimensional problem. The precision of the computed estimate from the simplified setting is measured by the asymptotic variance of estimate under conditions on the importance function. We demonstrate the exponential growth of the asymptotic variance with the dimension and show that the optimal covariance matrix for the importance function can be estimated in special cases.


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This paper synthesises the existing literature on the contemporary conception of ‘real world’ and compares it with similar notions such as ‘authentic’ and ‘work integrated learning’. While the term ‘real world’ may be partly dependent on the discipline, it does not necessarily follow that the criterion-referenced assessment of ‘real world’ assessment must involve criteria and performance descriptors that are discipline specific. Two examples of summative assessment (court report and trial process exercise) from a final year core subject at the Queensland University of Technology, LWB432 Evidence, emphasise real world learning, are authentic, innovative and better prepare students for the transition into the workplace than more generic forms of assessment such as tutorial participation or oral presentations. The court report requires students to attend a criminal trial in a Queensland Court and complete a two page report on what they saw in practice compared with what they learned in the classroom. The trial process exercise is a 50 minute written closed book activity conducted in tutorials, where students plan questions that they would ask their witness in examination-in-chief, plan questions that they would ask their opponent’s witness in cross-examination, plan questions that they would ask in reexamination given what their opponent asked in cross-examination, and prepare written objections to their opponent’s questions. The trial process exercise simulates the real world, whereas the court report involves observing the real world, and both assessment items are important to the role of counsel. The design of the criterion-referenced assessment rubrics for the court report and trial process exercise is justified by the literature. Notably, the criteria and performance descriptors are not necessarily law specific and this paper highlights the parts that may be easily transferred to other disciplines.


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This research reports on a project concerned with the relationship between the person and the environment in the context of achieving a contemplative or existential state – a state which can be experienced either consciously or subconsciously. The need for such a study originated with the desire to contribute to the design of multicultural spaces which could be used for a range of activities within the public and the personal arena, activities including contemplation, meditation and prayer. The concept of ‘sacred’ is explored in the literature review and in primary interviews with the participants of this study. Given that the word ‘sacred’ is highly value-laden and potentially alienating for some people, it was decided to use the more accessible term ‘contemplative’. The outcomes of the study inform the practice of interior design and architecture which tends currently to neglect the potential for all spaces to be existentially meaningful. Informed by phenomenological methodology, data were collected from a diverse group of people, using photo-elicitation and interviews. The technique of photo-elicitation proved to be highly effective in helping people reveal their everyday lived experience of contemplative spaces. Reflective analysis (Van Manen 2000) was used to explore the data collected. The initial stage of analysis produced three categories of data: varying conceptions of contemplation, aspects of the person involved in the contemplation, and aspects of environment involved in contemplation. From this, it was found that achieving a state of contemplation involves both the person and the environment in a dialectic process of unfolding. The unfolding has various physical, psycho-social, and existential dimensions or qualities which operate sequentially and simultaneously. Two concepts emerged as being central to unfolding: ‘Cleansing’ and ‘Nothingness’. Unfolding is found to comprise the Core; Distinction; Manifestation; Cleansing; Creation; and Sharing. This has a parallel with Mircea Eliade’s (1959) definition of sacred as something that manifests itself as different from the profane. The power of design, re-contextualization through utility and purpose, and the existential engagements between the person and environment are used as a basis for establishing the potential contribution of the study to interior design. In this way, the study makes a contribution to our understanding of how space and its elements inspire, support and sustain person environment interaction – particularly at the existential level – as well as to our understanding of the multi-dimensional and holistic nature of this interaction. In addition, it points to the need for a phenomenological re-conceptualisation of the design/client relationship. In summary, the contributions of this research are: the exploration of contemplative experience as sacred experience; an understanding of the design of space as creating engagement between person and environment; a rationale for the introduction of a phenomenological approach to the relationship between designer and clients; and raising awareness of the spiritual in a holistic approach to design.


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Functional communication training was used to replace multiply determined problem behaviour in two boys with autism. Experiment 1 involved a functional analysis of several topographies of problem behaviour using a variation of the procedures described by Iwata, Dorsey, Slifer, Bauman, and Richman. Results suggested that aggression, self-injury, and disruption were multiply determined (i.e., maintained by both attention and access to preferred objects). Experiment 2 involved a multiple-baseline design across subjects. The focus of intervention was to replace aggression, self-injury, and disruption with functionally equivalent communicative alternatives. Both boys were taught alternative “mands” to recruit attention and request preferred objects. Acquisition of these alternative communication skills was associated with concurrent decreases in aggression, self-injury, and disruption. Results suggest that multiply determined challenging behaviour can be decreased by teaching an alternative communication skill to replace each assessed function of the problem behaviour.


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Intervention to reduce challenging behaviour may be enhanced when based on a prior functional analysis. The present study describes a discrete-trial approach for the functional analysis of aggressive behaviour in two boys with autism. Twenty brief assessment trials were conducted in the classroom by the teacher under each of three conditions (i.e., attention, task and tangible). The results showed a clear pattern to each child's aggressive behaviour and suggested logical intervention strategies, although the study is limited because it involved only two children. The discrete-trial approach would appear to represent a practical and ecologically valid technique for conducting a functional analysis of challenging behaviour in applied settings


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Within the Australian wet tropics bioregion, only 900 000 hectares of once continuous rainforest habitat between Townsville and Cooktown now remains. While on the Atherton Tableland, only 4% of the rainforest that once occurred there remains today with remnant vegetation now forming a matrix of rainforest dispersed within agricultural land (sugarcane, banana, orchard crops, townships and pastoral land). Some biologists have suggested that remnants often support both faunal and floral communities that differ significantly from remaining continuous forest. Australian tropical forests possess a relatively high diversity of native small mammal species particularly rodents, which unlike larger mammalian and avian frugivores elsewhere, have been shown to be resilient to the effects of fragmentation, patch isolation and reduction in patch size. While small mammals often become the dominant mammalian frugivores, in terms of their relative abundance, the relationship that exists between habitat diversity and structure, and the impacts of small mammal foraging within fragmented habitat patches in Australia, is still poorly understood. The relationship between foraging behaviour and demography of two small mammal species, Rattus fuscipes and Melomys cervinipes, and food resources in fragmented rainforest sites, were investigated in the current study. Population densities of both species were strongly related with overall density of seed resources in all rainforest fragments. The distribution of both mammal species however, was found to be independent of the distribution of seed resources. Seed utilisation trials indicated that M.cervinipes and R.fuscipes had less impact on seed resources (extent of seed harvesting) than did other rainforest frugivores. Experimental feeding trials demonstrated that in 85% of fruit species tested, rodent feeding increased seed germination by a factor of 3.5 suggesting that in Australian tropical rainforest remnants, small mammals may play a significant role in enhancing germination of large seeded fruits. This study has emphasised the role of small mammals in tropical rainforest systems in north eastern Australia, in particular, the role that they play within isolated forest fragments where larger frugivorous species may be absent.


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The missing-item format and interrupted behaviour chain strategy have been used to increase spontaneous requests among children with developmental disabilities, but their relative effectiveness has not been compared. The present study compared the extent to which each strategy evoked spontaneous requests and challenging behaviour in three children with autism. Sessions where a needed item was withheld (missing-item format) were compared to sessions involving the removal of a needed item (interrupted behaviour chain strategy). Comparisons were conducted across three activates in an alternating treatments design. Both strategies evoked spontaneous requests with no significant difference in effectiveness. Few differences were obtained in the amount of challenging behaviour evoked but the two conditions, although a moderate inverse relationship between spontaneous requesting and challenging behaviour was observed. The results suggest that theses two procedures yield similar outcomes. Concurrent use of both strategies may enable teachers to create a greater number of opportunities for requesting.