920 resultados para teaching and learning quality improvement


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Three-dimensional (3D) immersive virtual worlds have been touted as being capable of facilitating highly interactive, engaging, multimodal learning experiences. Much of the evidence gathered to support these claims has been anecdotal but the potential that these environments hold to solve traditional problems in online and technology-mediated education—primarily learner isolation and student disengagement—has resulted in considerable investments in virtual world platforms like Second Life, OpenSimulator, and Open Wonderland by both professors and institutions. To justify this ongoing and sustained investment, institutions and proponents of simulated learning environments must assemble a robust body of evidence that illustrates the most effective use of this powerful learning tool. In this authoritative collection, a team of international experts outline the emerging trends and developments in the use of 3D virtual worlds for teaching and learning. They explore aspects of learner interaction with virtual worlds, such as user wayfinding in Second Life, communication modes and perceived presence, and accessibility issues for elderly or disabled learners. They also examine advanced technologies that hold potential for the enhancement of learner immersion and discuss best practices in the design and implementation of virtual world-based learning interventions and tasks. By evaluating and documenting different methods, approaches, and strategies, the contributors to Learning in Virtual Worlds offer important information and insight to both scholars and practitioners in the field. AU Press is an open access publisher and the book is available for free in PDF format as well as for purchase on our website: http://bit.ly/1W4yTRA


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Proceedings of the Advances in Teaching & Learning Day Regional Conference held at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in 2004.


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Proceedings of the Advances in Teaching & Learning Day Regional Conference held at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in 2003.


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Background: As scholars who prepare future school leaders to be innovative instructional leaders for their learning communities, we are on the verge of a curriculum design revolution. The application of brain research findings promotes educational reform efforts to systemically change the way in which children experience school. However, most educators, school leaders, board members, and policy makers are ill prepared to reconsider the implications for assessment, pedagogy, school climate, daily schedules, and use of technology. This qualitative study asked future school leaders to reconsider how school leadership preparedness programs prepared them to become instructional leaders for the 21st century. The findings from this study will enhance the field of school leadership, challenging the current emphasis placed on standardized testing, traditional school calendars, assessments, monocultural instructional methods, and meeting the needs of diverse learning communities. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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Introduction or Statement of Problem: It is often challenging to get students in a large classroom setting actively involved in a classroom discussion. In order to help students appreciate the effects of low immunization rates, a classroom activity was developed using active learning techniques. This allowed the students to identify and appreciate the complexity of the issues concerning childhood immunizations. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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Both TBL and PBL attempt to maximally engage the learner and both are designed to encourage interactive teaching / learning. PBL is student centered. TBL, in contrast, is typically instructor centered. The PBL Executive Committee of the UTHSC-Houston Medical School, in an attempt to capture the pedagogical advantages of PBL and of TBL, implemented a unique PBL experience into the ICE/PBL course during the final block of PBL instruction in year 2. PBL cases provided the content knowledge for focused learning. The subsequent, related TBL exercises fostered integration / critical thinking about each of these cases. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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Introduction: Concerns about the quality of physician education have changed current medical education practices. Learners must demonstrate competency in core areas, rather than solely participating in educational activities. Academic medical institutions are challenged with identifying leaders to direct curricular and evaluation reforms. An innovative partnership between the University of Houston College of Education and Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Texas Medical School at Houston, and the University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston offers a Masters of Education in Teaching degree with an emphasis in Health Sciences. Courses encompass fundamental areas including curriculum, instruction, technology, measurement, research design and statistics. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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Proceedings of the Advances in Teaching & Learning Day Regional Conference held at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in 2005.


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Introduction: Clinical medical education is increasingly utilizing novel technological approaches in order to supplement traditional lecture-based didactics. The Neurology Core Clerkship at Baylor College of Medicine is a four week required course taken by clinical medical students. Given the large amount of information to be disseminated in a short period of time, part of the didactic material has been provided online in the form of narrated PowerPoint files or lecture audio tracks along with stand-alone PowerPoint files. The narrated files are generated using the native PowerPoint narration function while the stand-alone audio files are created as MP3 format files using an inexpensive digital recording device. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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Although there are various definitions for the term “well-being,” it is agreed that well-being in school represents a set of subjective feelings and attitudes toward school. Moreover, enjoyment (some use the term “happiness”) is recognized as a core element of well-being in general as well as at school. Well-being in school is defined as an indicator of the quality of scholastic life, and contributes to students’ physical and psychological health and development. As such it is strongly connected to learning. Well-being in school consists of cognitive, emotional, and physical components, i.e., a learner’s thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. Consequently, it differs significantly from an individual’s cognitive appraisals like satisfaction, or from discrete positive emotions like enjoyment. Well-being in school can be described through the relationship of positive and negative aspects of school life


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This paper examines cross-country patterns of economic growth by estimating a stochastic frontier production function for 80 developed and developing countries and decomposing output change into factor accumulation, total factor productivity growth, and production efficiency improvement. In addition, this paper incorporates the quality of inputs in analyzing output growth, where the productivity of capital depends on its average age, while the productivity of labor depends on its average level of education. Our growth decomposition involves five geographic regions - Africa, East Asian, Latin America, South Asia, and the West. Factor growth, especially capital accumulation, generally proves much more important than either the improved quality of factors or total factor productivity growth in explaining output growth. The quality of capital positively and significantly affects output growth in all groups. The quality of labor, however, only possesses a positive and significant effect on output growth in Africa, East Asia, and the West. Labor quality owns a negative and significant effect in Latin America and South Asia.


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Public health departments play an important role in promoting and preserving the health of communities. The lack of a system to ensure their quality and accountability led to the development of a national voluntary accreditation program by Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). The concept that accreditation will lead to quality improvement in public health which will ultimately lead to healthy communities seems intuitive but lacks a robust body of evidence. A critical review of literature was conducted to explore if accreditation can lead to quality improvement in public health. The articles were selected from publically available databases using a specific set of criteria for inclusion, exclusion, and appraisal. To understand the relationship between accreditation and quality improvement, the potential strengths and limitations of accreditation process were evaluated. Recommendations for best practices are suggested so that public health accreditation can yield maximum benefits. A logic model framework to help depict the impact of accreditation on various levels of public health outcomes is also discussed in this thesis. The literature review shows that existing accreditation programs in other industries show limited but encouraging evidence that accreditation will improve quality and strengthen the delivery of public health services. While progress in introducing accreditation in public health can be informed by other accredited industries, the public health field has its own set of challenges. Providing incentives, creating financing strategies, and having a strong leadership will allow greater access to accreditation by all public health departments. The suggested recommendations include that continuous evaluation, public participation, systems approach, clear vision, and dynamic standards should become hallmarks of the accreditation process. Understanding the link between accreditation, quality improvement, and health outcomes will influence the successful adoption and implementation of the public health accreditation program. This review of literature suggests that accreditation is an important step in improving the quality of public health departments and in ultimately improving the health of communities. However, accreditation should be considered in an integrated system of tools and approaches to improve the public health practice. Hence, it is a means to an end - not an end unto itself.^


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Proceedings of the Advances in Teaching & Learning Day Regional Conference held at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in 2006.


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El artículo analiza como la región está inserta en un proceso de internacionalización, pero ella es de dimensiones muy reducida, lo cual redunda negativamente en el mejoramiento de la calidad. La educación transfronteriza es una de las cuatro modalidades a través de las cuales se desarrolla la educación internacional. El artículo analiza las manifestaciones de esta dimensión de la internacionalización y constata la existencia de un conjunto más amplio de bienes y servicios asociados que están siendo sometidos a complejos y diversos procesos de internacionalización. A partir de allí se sostiene la hipótesis de una nueva dimensión en el intercambio internacional educativo referido a servicios de apoyo. Ello está siendo impulsado tanto por la digitalización de la enseñanza, como por la creciente terciarización de la gestión universitaria en un creciente contexto global y competitivo, lo cual muestra a su vez una más amplia articulación entre la virtualización educativa y la internacionalización de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje


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El artículo analiza como la región está inserta en un proceso de internacionalización, pero ella es de dimensiones muy reducida, lo cual redunda negativamente en el mejoramiento de la calidad. La educación transfronteriza es una de las cuatro modalidades a través de las cuales se desarrolla la educación internacional. El artículo analiza las manifestaciones de esta dimensión de la internacionalización y constata la existencia de un conjunto más amplio de bienes y servicios asociados que están siendo sometidos a complejos y diversos procesos de internacionalización. A partir de allí se sostiene la hipótesis de una nueva dimensión en el intercambio internacional educativo referido a servicios de apoyo. Ello está siendo impulsado tanto por la digitalización de la enseñanza, como por la creciente terciarización de la gestión universitaria en un creciente contexto global y competitivo, lo cual muestra a su vez una más amplia articulación entre la virtualización educativa y la internacionalización de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje