999 resultados para seedling type
Based on internal structure, a new family of entactinarian radiolarians, the Kungalariidae, is described with three new genera and four species: Kungalaria newcombi, Cachecreekaria californiensis, Transylvanaria devaensis, and T. hattorii. Members of this family have an eccentric internal, nassellarian-type initial spicule with bar MB, rays A, V, L, I, and spine Ax; a medullary shell built above the plane of lateral rays as in the cephalis of many nassellarians; and a spherical to subspherical cortical shell around the medullary shell. This new family is part of a group of Triassic entactinarians structurally intermediate between Entactinaria, or spicule-bearing Spumellaria, and Nassellaria. The new genera and species described occur in the Rhaetian of Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Aalenian to early-mid Bajocian of central Japan, Cenomanian of California, and Coniacian of Romania.
Resistance of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) to antiretroviral agents results from target gene mutation within the pol gene, which encodes the viral protease, reverse transcriptase (RT), and integrase. We speculated that mutations in genes other that the drug target could lead to drug resistance. For this purpose, the p1-p6(gag)-p6(pol) region of HIV-1, placed immediately upstream of pol, was analyzed. This region has the potential to alter Pol through frameshift regulation (p1), through improved packaging of viral enzymes (p6(Gag)), or by changes in activation of the viral protease (p6(Pol)). Duplication of the proline-rich p6(Gag) PTAP motif, necessary for late viral cycle activities, was identified in plasma virus from 47 of 222 (21.2%) patients treated with nucleoside analog RT inhibitor (NRTI) antiretroviral therapy but was identified very rarely from drug-naïve individuals. Molecular clones carrying a 3-amino-acid duplication, APPAPP (transframe duplication SPTSPT in p6(Pol)), displayed a delay in protein maturation; however, they packaged a 34% excess of RT and exhibited a marked competitive growth advantage in the presence of NRTIs. This phenotype is reminiscent of the inoculum effect described in bacteriology, where a larger input, or a greater infectivity of an organism with a wild-type antimicrobial target, leads to escape from drug pressure and a higher MIC in vitro. Though the mechanism by which the PTAP region participates in viral maturation is not known, duplication of this proline-rich motif could improve assembly and packaging at membrane locations, resulting in the observed phenotype of increased infectivity and drug resistance.
Résumé : Les concentrations plasmatiques du peptide natriurétique de type B sont augmentées chez les diabétiques de type 2 atteints de complications vasculaires. But : Les concentrations plasmatiques du peptide natriurétique de type B (NT-proBNP) sont augmentées chez les diabétiques de type 2 atteints de complications vasculaires. Les concentrations plasmatiques du peptide natriurétique de type B (BNP), ou de sa pro-hormone (NT-proBNP), sont reconnues depuis peu comme marqueur de choix de la dysfonction cardiaque. Les diabétiques de type 2 sont à haut risque de développer des complications cardiovasculaires. L'objectif de cette étude a été de déterminer si les concentrations plasmatiques de NT-proBNP étaient comparables chez des diabétiques de type 2 avec ou sans complications vasculaires. Méthodes : Nous avons mesuré le NT-proBNP plasmatique chez 54 diabétiques de type 2, 27 sans complications micro- ou macrovasculaires et 27 présentant des complications soit micro- soit macrovasculaires, soit les deux. Le même dosage a été effectué chez 38 témoins sains, appariés pour l'âge et le sexe avec les diabétiques. Résultat : Le NT-proBNP plasmatique était plus élevé chez les diabétiques avec complications (médiane 121 pg/ml, intervalle interquartile 50-240 pg/ml) que chez ceux sans complications (37 pg/ml, 21-54 pg/ml, P < 0,01). Comparés au groupe témoin (55 pg/ml, 40-79 pg/ml), seuls les diabétiques avec complications vasculaires avaient un NT-proBNP plasmatique significativement augmenté (P < 0,001). Chez les diabétiques la maladie coronarienne et la néphropathie (définie selon l'excrétion urinaire d'albumine) étaient chacune associée de façon indépendante avec une augmentation des concentrations plasmatiques de NT-proBNP. Conclusion : Chez les diabétiques de type 2 souffrant de complications micro- ou macrovasculaires, les concentrations plasmatiques de NT-proBNP sont augmentées par rapport à celles des malades indemnes de complications vasculaires. L'augmentation de sécrétion de ce peptide est associée de façon indépendante avec la maladie coronarienne et la néphropathie. La mesure du NT-proBNP plasmatique pourrait donc être utile pour dépister la présence de complications micro- ou macrovasculaires.
The reaction of fluorinated fatty acids, perfluorobutyric acid (C3F7CO2H), and perfluorododecanoic acid (C11F23CO2H), with dodecacarbonyltriruthenium (Ru-3(CO)(12)) under reflux in tetrahydrofuran, followed by addition of two-electron donors (L) such as pyridine, 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphatricyclo[]decane, or triphenylphosphine, gives stable diruthenium complexes Ru-2(CO)(4)((2)-(2)-O2CC3F7)(2)(L)(2) (1a, L=C5H5N; 1b, L=PTA; 1c, L=PPh3) and Ru-2(CO)(4)((2)-(2)-O2CC11F23)(2)(L)(2) (2a, L=C5H5N; 2b, L=PTA; 2c, L=PPh3). The catalytic activity of the complexes for hydrogenation of styrene under supercritical carbon dioxide has been assessed and compared to the analogous triphenylphosphine complexes with non-fluorinated carboxylato groups Ru-2(CO)(4)((2)-(2)-O2CC3H7)(2)(PPh3)(2) (3) and Ru-2(CO)(4)((2)-(2)-O2CC11H23)(2)(PPh3)(2) (4). In addition, the cytotoxicities of the fluorinated complexes 1 were also evaluated on several human cancer cell lines (A2780, A549, Me300, HeLa). The complexes appear to be moderately cytotoxic, showing greater activity on the Me300 melanoma cells. Single-crystal X-ray structure analyses of 1a and 3 show the typical sawhorse-type arrangement of the diruthenium tetracarbonyl backbone with two bridging carboxylates and two terminal ligands occupying the axial positions.
The high Km glucose transporter GLUT2 is a membrane protein expressed in tissues involved in maintaining glucose homeostasis, and in cells where glucose-sensing is necessary. In many experimental models of diabetes, GLUT2 gene expression is decreased in pancreatic beta-cells, which could lead to a loss of glucose-induced insulin secretion. In order to identify factors involved in pancreatic beta-cell specific expression of GLUT2, we have recently cloned the murine GLUT2 promoter and identified cis-elements within the 338-bp of the proximal promoter capable of binding islet-specific trans-acting factors. Furthermore, in transient transfection studies, this 338-bp fragment could efficiently drive the expression of the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) gene in cell lines derived from the endocrine pancreas, but displayed no promoter activity in non-pancreatic cells. In this report, we tested the cell-specific expression of a CAT reporter gene driven by a short (338 bp) and a larger (1311 bp) fragment of the GLUT2 promoter in transgenic mice. We generated ten transgenic lines that integrated one of the constructs. CAT mRNA expression in transgenic tissues was assessed using the RNAse protection assay and the quantitative reverse transcribed polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Overall CAT mRNA expression for both constructs was low compared to endogenous GLUT2 mRNA levels but the reporter transcript could be detected in all animals in the pancreatic islets and the liver, and in a few transgenic lines in the kidney and the small intestine. The CAT protein was also present in Langerhans islets and in the liver for both constructs by immunocytochemistry. These findings suggest that the proximal 338 bp of the murine GLUT2 promoter contain cis-elements required for the islet-specific expression of GLUT2.
New genetic loci implicated in fasting glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 diabetes risk.
Levels of circulating glucose are tightly regulated. To identify new loci influencing glycemic traits, we performed meta-analyses of 21 genome-wide association studies informative for fasting glucose, fasting insulin and indices of beta-cell function (HOMA-B) and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) in up to 46,186 nondiabetic participants. Follow-up of 25 loci in up to 76,558 additional subjects identified 16 loci associated with fasting glucose and HOMA-B and two loci associated with fasting insulin and HOMA-IR. These include nine loci newly associated with fasting glucose (in or near ADCY5, MADD, ADRA2A, CRY2, FADS1, GLIS3, SLC2A2, PROX1 and C2CD4B) and one influencing fasting insulin and HOMA-IR (near IGF1). We also demonstrated association of ADCY5, PROX1, GCK, GCKR and DGKB-TMEM195 with type 2 diabetes. Within these loci, likely biological candidate genes influence signal transduction, cell proliferation, development, glucose-sensing and circadian regulation. Our results demonstrate that genetic studies of glycemic traits can identify type 2 diabetes risk loci, as well as loci containing gene variants that are associated with a modest elevation in glucose levels but are not associated with overt diabetes.
Pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 (PHA-1) is an inherited disease characterized by severe neonatal salt-wasting and caused by mutations in subunits of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). A missense mutation (G37S) of the human ENaC beta subunit that causes loss of ENaC function and PHA-1 replaces a glycine that is conserved in the N-terminus of all members of the ENaC gene family. We now report an investigation of the mechanism of channel inactivation by this mutation. Homologous mutations, introduced into alpha, beta or gamma subunits, all significantly reduce macroscopic sodium channel currents recorded in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Quantitative determination of the number of channel molecules present at the cell surface showed no significant differences in surface expression of mutant compared with wild-type channels. Single channel conductances and ion selectivities of the mutant channels were identical to that of wild-type. These results suggest that the decrease in macroscopic Na currents is due to a decrease in channel open probability (P(o)), suggesting that mutations of a conserved glycine in the N-terminus of ENaC subunits change ENaC channel gating, which would explain the disease pathophysiology. Single channel recordings of channels containing the mutant alpha subunit (alphaG95S) directly demonstrate a striking reduction in P(o). We propose that this mutation favors a gating mode characterized by short-open and long-closed times. We suggest that determination of the gating mode of ENaC is a key regulator of channel activity.
The Seedling Mile in Linn County, Iowa, was part of the Lincoln Highway Association’s so-called “object lesson” program that sought to graphically demonstrate, in the paving of selected one-mile demonstration sections, the benefits of concrete paving to improving road travel across the nation. Constructed in 1918-19, this Seedling Mile became much more than an object lesson and served as something of a battleground between two municipalities—Marion and Cedar Rapids—in their struggle over the county seat and their place on the Lincoln Highway. The Seedling Mile eventually became part of a continuously paved section of the Lincoln Highway between Chicago and Cedar Rapids, with the whole of the Lincoln Highway in Iowa paved in some fashion by the 1930s. In 2002, Linn County reconstructed Mt. Vernon Road from the City of Mt. Vernon to the west end of the Seedling Mile impacting the historic road section. An agreement between concerned government agencies resulted in this publication in partial mitigation of the impact to this historic road section under the guidelines of the National Historic Preservation Act.
Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular risk and the well-being in patients with type 2 diabetes. Thereby, both aerobic physical activities and resistance activities are recommended. DIAfit is a programm for patients with type 2 diabetes that is being implemented in Switzerland. Its objective is to allow the initiation of a structured physical activity in the setting of a pluridisciplinary team to promote a healthy lifestyle.
We have tested the hypothesis that smaller alpha1B-adrenoceptor labeling by [3H]tamsulosin compared to [3H]prazosin is related to differential recognition of agonist low affinity states. Paired saturation binding experiments with [3H]prazosin and [3H]tamsulosin were performed in membrane preparations from rat liver and Rat- fibroblasts stably transfected with wild-type hamster alpha1B-adrenoceptors or a constitutively active mutant thereof. In all three settings [3H]tamsulosin labeled significantly fewer alpha1B-adrenoceptors than [3H]prazosin. In noradrenaline competition binding experiments, the percentage of agonist low affinity sites was smallest for the constitutively active alpha1B-adrenoceptor but the percentage of agonist low affinity sites recognized by [3H]tamsulosin and [3H]prazosin did not differ significantly. We conclude that [3H]tamsulosin labels fewer alpha1B-adrenoceptors than [3H]prazosin but this is not fully explained by a poorer labeling of agonist low affinity sites.
The gene encoding type I signal peptidase (Lmjsp) has been cloned from Leishmania major. Lmjsp encodes a protein of 180 amino residues with a predicted molecular mass of 20.5 kDa. Comparison of the protein sequence with those of known type I signal peptidases indicates homology in five conserved domains A-E which are known to be important, or essential, for catalytic activity. Southern blot hybridisation analysis indicates that there is a single copy of the Lmjsp gene. A recombinant SPase protein and a synthetic peptide of the L. major signal peptidase were used to examine the presence of specific antibodies in sera from either recovered or active individuals of both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. This evaluation demonstrated that sera from cutaneous and visceral forms of leishmaniasis are highly reactive to both the recombinant and synthetic signal peptidase antigens. Therefore, the Leishmania signal peptidase, albeit localised intracellularly, is a significant target of the Leishmania specific immune response and highlights its potential use for serodiagnosis of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis.