987 resultados para row arrangement
The objective of this work was to evaluate gas exchange rates, plant height, yield components, and productivity of upland rice, as affected by type and application time of plant growth regulators. A randomized block design, in a 4x2 factorial arrangement, with four replicates was used. Treatments consisted of three growth regulators (mepiquat chloride, trinexapac-ethyl, and paclobutrazol), besides a control treatment applied at two different phenological stages: early tillering or panicle primordial differentiation. The experiment was performed under sprinkler-irrigated field conditions. Net CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, plant transpiration, and water-use efficiency were measured four times in Primavera upland rice cultivar, between booting and milky grain phenophases. Gas exchange rates were neither influenced by growth regulators nor by application time. There was, however, interaction between these factors on the other variables. Application of trinexapac-ethyl at both tillering and differentiation stages reduced plant height and negatively affected yield components and rice productivity. However, paclobutrazol and mepiquat chloride applied at tillering, reduced plant height without affecting rice yield. Mepiquat chloride acted as a growth stimulator when applied at the differentiation stage, and significantly increased plant height, panicle number, and grain yield of upland rice.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of alkaline solution marinades on the characteristics of pork subjected to post-mortem pH decrease in pig muscle. The pH of carcasses was measured in a commercial slaughterhouse (n = 526), 45 min after slaughtering (pH45) and, then, the carcasses were divided into the groups with pH45<5.7 or pH45>5.7. Ten samples of the longissimus dorsi muscles of each group were collected and distributed in an entirely randomized design, in a 2x4 factorial arrangement, with two conditions (pH45<5.7 or pH45>5.7), and four marinade solutions: TC, no marinade; TM1, sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride; TM2, sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium chloride; TM3, sodium bicarbonate, sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium chloride. There was no interaction between pH45 of the meat and the marinade treatments. Meat with pH45<5.7 showed higher values for lightness, and for purge loss (PL), exudate loss (EL), cooking loss (CL) and shear force (SF). Marinating increased the pH, reduced the lightness, EL, CL and SF, and improved tenderness, juiciness and flavor of meat. Marinades with solutions containing chloride, bicarbonate, and sodium tripolyphosphate are effective in the improvement of pork quality, making physical characteristics of marinated meat similar to those of fresh pork, as a consequence of accelerated postmortem glycolysis.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of sustained swimming and dietary protein levels on growth and hematological responses of juvenile pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). A completely randomized design was used in a 3x2 factorial arrangement, with three levels of dietary protein (24, 28, and 32% crude protein), two rearing conditions (sustained swimming or motionless water), and 15 replicates. Fish were subjected to sustained swimming at the velocity of two body lengths per second (2 BL s-1), for 45 days. The level of dietary protein and the swimming conditions affected the performance, growth, and hematological profile of pacu. Swimming conditions influenced nutritional factors, increasing daily weight gain, specific growth rate, number of erythrocytes, mean corpuscular volume, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin. Fish under sustained swimming and fed with 24% crude protein showed better growth performance, with higher specific growth rate (4.11±0.88) and higher daily weight gain (2.19±0.47 g per day). Sustained swimming can increase the productive performance of pacu and simultaneously reduce dietary protein levels.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of feed deprivation and refeeding with diets containing different energy to protein ratios (E/P) on the performance and physiology of juvenile tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum). A 4x2 factorial arrangement with three replicates was used, with four E/P ratios (11.5, 10.5, 9.5, and 8.5 kcal g-1 digestible energy per protein) and two feeding regimens (with and without deprivation), during 60 days. Fish from the food-deprived group were fasted for 14 days and refed from the fifteenth to the sixtieth day, whereas the remaining fish were fed for 60 days. At the end of the experimental period, weight of fish subjected to food deprivation was lower than that of those continuously fed; however, this condition did not influence the physiological parameters analyzed. Tambaqui fed 11.5 kcal g-1 achieved lower final weight than those fed with the other diets, in both regimens. Among the physiological parameters, only plasma protein presented significant increase in fish fed 8.5 kcal g-1, in both feeding regimens, probably due to the higher dietary protein concentration. These results indicate that fish show a partial compensatory growth, and that 10.5 kcal g-1 can be recommended for the diet of juvenile tambaqui.
Cet article interroge les pratiques familiales transnationales dans la diaspora chinoise à partir d'une étude plurigénérationnelle de la communauté chinoise en Polynésie française. Il conceptualise la notion de « parenté flexible » afin d'examiner comment la famille est mise au service de stratégies d'accumulation de divers capitaux culturels, symboliques, économiques mais aussi juridiques. La parenté flexible recouvre l'ensemble des pratiques consistant à jouer sur l'agencement et la composition de la famille en vue de s'ajuster aux, et de bénéficier des différentiels entre régimes et conjonctures en situation transnationale.Flexible Kinship. Family Adjustments and Capital Accumulation within the Chinese Diaspora in French PolynesiaDrawing from a multigenerational study of the Chinese community in French Polynesia, this article deals with transnational family practices in the Chinese diaspora. It conceptualizes the notion of "flexible kinship" to examine how family is used to develop strategies to accumulate various types of capital (cultural, symbolic, economic, as well as legal). Flexible kinship covers a range of practices that consist in playing on the arrangement and composition of the family group with the aim of adjusting to and profiting from differentials in regimes and conjunctures in a transnational situation.
The integration of electric motors and industrial appliances such as pumps, fans, and compressors is rapidly increasing. For instance, the integration of an electric motor and a centrifugal pump provides cost savings and improved performance characteristics. Material cost savings are achieved when an electric motor is integrated into the shaft of a centrifugal pump, and the motor utilizes the bearings of the pump. This arrangement leads to a smaller configuration that occupies less floor space. The performance characteristics of a pump drive can be improved by using the variable-speed technology. This enables the full speed control of the drive and the absence of a mechanical gearbox and couplers. When using rotational speeds higher than those that can be directly achieved by the network frequency the structure of the rotor has to be mechanically durable. In this thesis the performance characteristics of an axial-flux solid-rotor-core induction motor are determined. The motor studied is a one-rotor-one-stator axial-flux induction motor, and thus, there is only one air-gap between the rotor and the stator. The motor was designed for higher rotational speeds, and therefore a good mechanical strength of the solid-rotor-core rotor is required to withstand the mechanical stresses. The construction of the rotor and the high rotational speeds together produce a feature, which is not typical of traditional induction motors: the dominating loss component of the motor is the rotor eddy current loss. In the case of a typical industrial induction motor instead the dominating loss component is the stator copper loss. In this thesis, several methods to decrease the rotor eddy current losses in the case of axial-flux induction motors are presented. A prototype motor with 45 kW output power at 6000 min-1 was designed and constructed for ascertaining the results obtained from the numerical FEM calculations. In general, this thesis concentrates on the methods for improving the electromagnetic properties of an axial-flux solid-rotor-core induction motor and examines the methods for decreasing the harmonic eddy currents of the rotor. The target is to improve the efficiency of the motor and to reach the efficiency standard of the present-day industrial induction motors equipped with laminated rotors.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the root system distribution and the yield of 'Conilon' coffee (Coffea canephora) propagated by seeds or cuttings. The experiment was carried out with 2x1 m spacing, in an Oxisol with sandy clay loam texture. A randomized complete block design was used, following a 2x9x6 factorial arrangement, with two propagation methods (seeds and cuttings), nine sampling spacings (0.15, 0.30, 0.45, 0.60, 0.75, and 0.90 m between rows, and 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45 between plants within rows), six soil depths (0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.30, 0.30-0.40, 0.40-0.50, and 0.50-0.60 m), and six replicates. Soil cores (27 cm3) with roots were taken from 12 experimental units, 146 months after planting. The surface area of the root system and root diameter, length, and volume were assessed for 13 years and, then, correlated with grain yield. The highest fine root concentration occurred at the superficial soil layers. The variables used to characterize the root system did not differ between propagation methods. Moreover, no differences were observed for net photosynthetic CO2 assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, internal CO2 concentrations, and instantaneous water-use efficiency in the leaves. Cutting-propagated plants were more productive than seed-propagated ones.
The objective of this work was to determine the sink-source relationships and their effects on the number and growth of runner tips of 'Camino Real' strawberry stock plants. Three types of sources were evaluated: one defoliation at 96 days after planting (DAP), two defoliations at 50 and 96 DAP, and mother plants without defoliation. Four types of sink were accessed: runner tips collected weekly and monthly, four stolons with rooted runner tips in pots, and four freely-grown stolons. A completely randomized experimental design was used in a split-plot arrangement, with four replicates. The source types were placed in the plots, and sink types in the subplots. The number of runner tips, the crown diameter, and the dry matter mass were determined. Number and growth of tips were higher on plants without defoliation, and decreased 44.7% on twice-defoliated mother plants. The two-defoliation management did not reduce runner tip dry matter mass only on plants with rooted stolons, which produced runner tips 50% heavier. Defoliation of mother plants bearing rooting stolons can be used to reduce their growth, without reducing the emission and growth of runner tips.
The objective of this work was to generate drift curves from pesticide applications on coffee plants and to compare them with two European drift-prediction models. The used methodology is based on the ISO 22866 standard. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with ten replicates in a 2x20 split-plot arrangement. The evaluated factors were: two types of nozzles (hollow cone with and without air induction) and 20 parallel distances to the crop line outside of the target area, spaced at 2.5 m. Blotting papers were used as a target and placed in each of the evaluated distances. The spray solution was composed of water+rhodamine B fluorescent tracer at a concentration of 100 mg L-1, for detection by fluorimetry. A spray volume of 400 L ha-1 was applied using a hydropneumatic sprayer. The air-induction nozzle reduces the drift up to 20 m from the treated area. The application with the hollow cone nozzle results in 6.68% maximum drift in the nearest collector of the treated area. The German and Dutch models overestimate the drift at distances closest to the crop, although the Dutch model more closely approximates the drift curves generated by both spray nozzles.
Tässä diplomityössä käsitellään paperitehtaan kunnossapitoprosessien hallintaa ja niiden uudistamista yrityksen strategisista lähtökohdista. Diplomityön tavoitteena on etsiä merkittävimmät poikkeamat toimintojen nykytilan ja strategiassa määritellyn tavoitetilan välillä, ja tämän perusteella esittää kehitysehdotuksia toimintojen parantamiseksi. Tutkimuksen kirjallisessa osassa tutkimusongelmaa käsitellään prosessien kuvaamisen, ydinprosessien määrittelemisen ja toimintamallimuutoksen käyttöönoton näkökulmasta. Lisäksi kirjallisissa lähteissä hyödynnetään kunnossapidon johtamisen ajatuksia. Diplomityön empiirisessä osassa toteutetaan haastattelututkimus kohdeyrityksen kunnossapito-organisaatiossa sekä benchmark -tyyppinen haastattelu ulkopuolisessa yrityksessä. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että kunnossapitotoimintojen toteuttaminen on hajanaista niin yrityksen strategiaan kuin osastojen väliseen toimintaan suhteutettuna. Näiden tulosten perusteella suositellaan johdolle aktiivisempaa otetta toimintamallimuutoksen loppuunsaattamiseen.
Phylogenetic trees representing the evolutionary relationships of homologous genes are the entry point for many evolutionary analyses. For instance, the use of a phylogenetic tree can aid in the inference of orthology and paralogy relationships, and in the detection of relevant evolutionary events such as gene family expansions and contractions, horizontal gene transfer, recombination or incomplete lineage sorting. Similarly, given the plurality of evolutionary histories among genes encoded in a given genome, there is a need for the combined analysis of genome-wide collections of phylogenetic trees (phylomes). Here, we introduce a new release of PhylomeDB (http://phylomedb.org), a public repository of phylomes. Currently, PhylomeDB hosts 120 public phylomes, comprising >1.5 million maximum likelihood trees and multiple sequence alignments. In the current release, phylogenetic trees are annotated with taxonomic, protein-domain arrangement, functional and evolutionary information. PhylomeDB is also a major source for phylogeny-based predictions of orthology and paralogy, covering >10 million proteins across 1059 sequenced species. Here we describe newly implemented PhylomeDB features, and discuss a benchmark of the orthology predictions provided by the database, the impact of proteome updates and the use of the phylome approach in the analysis of newly sequenced genomes and transcriptomes.
ässä työssä on analysoitu UPM-Kymmene Oyj Voikkaan tehtaalla tapahtuneiden paperikoneiden 16 ja 17 ja SGW- hiomon pysäyttämisten vaikutuksia tehtaan sisäiseen infrastruktuuriin sekä tehdas- ja osastolayoutien uudelleen järjestelytarpeisiin. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli laatia koko tehdasalueen käsittävä, osastojen, laitosten ja laitteistojen lyhyen ja pitkän tähtäimen sijoitussuunnitelma. Suunnitelmassa on huomioitu vanhan tehtaan puolelle jäävien toimintojen siirto lähemmäs käyntiin jääneitä paperikoneita 11 ja 18 sekä PGW-hiomoa. Suunnitelmassa on myös otettu huomioon tiedossa olevat pitemmän tähtäimen kehityssuunnitelmat. Suunnitelman laatimisella tavoitellaan niin ikään pitkän tähtäimen suunnitelmallisuuden lisäämistä koko tehdasympäristössä. Työn teoriaosassa tarkastellaan tehdassuunnittelua yleensä, esitellään tehdasprojektin eri vaiheet sekä tehdassuunnitteluprojektin oleellisimmat päätöksentekovaiheet. Tarkemman tarkastelun kohteena on, minkä tasoista tilasuunnittelua tehdasprojektin eri vaiheissa tehdään. Kokeellisessa osassa tarkastellaan tutkimuskohteiden vaihtoehtoisia sijoituspaikkoja, vaihtoehtojen toteutuskelpoisuutta ja niiden tarkoituksenmukaisuutta. Loppuyhteenvedossa tehdään johtopäätöksiä tehtaan koko layoutin tarkoituksenmukaisuudesta ja verrataan sitä ns. mallitehtaan periaatteelliseen layoutiin sekä tehdään yhteenvetoa siitä, mitkä ovat tehtaan toiminnan kannalta tärkeimmät muutoskohteet.
The objective of this work was to estimate the amounts of N fixed by cowpea in a traditional system and by cowpea and gliricidia in an agroforestry system in the Brazilian Northeast semiarid. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design, in a split-plot arrangement, with four replicates, in the semiarid region of the state of Paraíba, Brazil. Plots consisted of agroforestry and traditional systems (no trees), and split-plots of the three crops planted between the tree rows in the agroforestry system. To estimate N fixation, plant samples were collected in the fourth growth cycle of the perennial species and in the fourth planting cycle of the annual species. In the agroforestry system with buffel grass and prickly-pear cactus, gliricidia plants symbiotically fix high proportions of N (>50%) and contribute with higher N amounts (40 kg ha-1 in leaves) than in the traditional system (11 kg ha-1 in grain and 18 kg ha-1 in straw). In the agroforestry system with maize and cowpea, gliricidia plants do not fix nitrogen, and N input is limited to the fixation by cowpea (2.7 kg ha-1), which is lower than in the traditional system due to its lower biomass production.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the spore density and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in soil aggregates from fields of "murundus" (large mounds of soil) in areas converted and not converted to agriculture. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with five replicates, in a 5x3 factorial arrangement: five areas and three aggregate classes (macro-, meso-, and microaggregates). The evaluated variables were: spore density and diversity of AMF, total glomalin, total organic carbon (TOC), total extraradical mycelium (TEM), and geometric mean diameter (GMD) of soil aggregates. A total of 21 AMF species was identified. Spore density varied from 29 to 606 spores per 50 mL of soil and was higher in microaggregates and in the area with 6 years of conversion to agriculture. Total glomalin was higher between murundus in all studied aggregate classes. The area with 6 years showed lower concentration of TOC in macroaggregates (8.6 g kg-1) and in microaggregates (10.1 g kg-1). TEM was greater at the top of the murundus in all aggregate classes. GMD increased with the conversion time to agriculture. The density and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal spores change with the conversion of fields of murundus into agriculture.
Abstract:The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of limestone particle sizes in the diet and of lighting regimes on the egg and bone quality and on the performance of commercial laying hens. Three hundred Hissex White layers, at 18 weeks of age, were distributed in a completely randomized design, in a 5×2 factorial arrangement (coarse limestone in the diet at 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%; with or without artificial light), with five replicates of six birds. No significant interaction was observed between particle sizes and lighting regime for the evaluated parameters. There was no significant effect of coarse limestone level in the diet on the performance and egg quality of hens; however, bone deformity (3.23 to 4.01 mm), strength (5.19 to 6.70 kgf cm-2), and mineral matter (51.09 to 59.61%) improved as the proportion of coarse limestone increased. For lighting regime, the treatment with artificial light yielded higher Haugh unit values (87.17 vs. 85.54) than that with natural light only. Greater limestone particles improve bone quality of laying hens, and the use of artificial light can benefit the albumen quality of the eggs.