999 resultados para produtos florestais não madeireiros


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a sensibilidade in vitro e in vivo de um isolado de Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) aos produtos cloridrato de kasugamicina, fulusulfamide e oxitetraciclina. Para o teste in vitro, foram avaliados os halos de inibição formados ao redor de discos de papel de filtro umedecidos com os produtos, nas concentrações de 0, 1, 10, 100 e 1000 mig mL-1, 24 h após a instalação do ensaio. Quanto à avaliação dos produtos in vivo, dois ensaios foram instalados sob condições de casa-de-vegetação, com plantas de tomateiro cultivar Ângela Hiper, através da inoculação das plantas por dois métodos: pulverização foliar e ferimento no caule. Nos dois ensaios, as plantas foram pulverizadas com os produtos cloridrato de kasugamicina a 0,06 mL L-1, fulusulfamide a 0,025, 0,05 e 0,075 mL L-1 e oxitetraciclina a 0,40 g L-1, duas vezes antes e duas vezes após a inoculação, em intervalos médios de 5-7 dias. Foram avaliados a incidência de folíolos doentes (inoculação foliar) e a severidade dos sintomas nas plantas inoculadas por ferimento no caule. Verificou-se que o isolado de Cmm foi sensível in vitro ao cloridrato de kasugamicina, ao fulusulfamide e à oxitetraciclina, respectivamente a partir das concentrações de 1000, 100 e 10 mig mL-1. Com relação aos ensaios in vivo, apenas oxitetraciclina propiciou menor incidência de folíolos doentes nas plantas inoculadas através de pulverização foliar; nenhum produto teve êxito em controlar a doença nas plantas inoculadas por ferimento no caule. O fulusulfamide, em todas as concentrações, foi fitotóxico aos folíolos das plantas de tomateiro.


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Handroanthus heptaphyllus (Vell.) Mattos, popularmente conhecida por ipê-roxo, é uma espécie pertencente à família Bignoneaceae, muito apreciada por sua beleza, madeira de excelente qualidade e utilizada em produtos medicinais e programas de reflorestamento de áreas degradadas, paisagismo e restauração. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se estudar a diversidade genética entre e dentro das populações de H. heptaphyllus por meio de marcadores microssatélites. Foram estudadas 192 plântulas, formadas a partir de sementes colhidas de duas populações, em um total de 30 árvores, de fragmentos florestais naturais na região de Botucatu - SP. Foram analisados oito locos microssatélites, com polimorfismo alélico, variando de seis alelos para o loco TAU22 a 14 alelos para os locos TAU12, TAU30 e TAU31, com número efetivo médio de alelos por loco (Âe) igual a 4,9. As médias para a heterozigosidade esperada (Ĥe), para as duas populações foi de 0,785, a heterozigosidade observada (Ĥo)foi de 0,609 e o índice de fixação (^F) variou pouco entre as populações, com média de 0,222. O valor médio da divergência genética entre as duas populações (Ĝst') foi de 0,100. Conclui-se que a maior diversidade genética ocorre dentro das populações; portanto, em programa de coleta de germoplasma, para a região de Botucatu, é recomendado realizar uma maior amostragem de indivíduos dentro das populações, o que possibilitaria uma boa representatividade genética. As populações estudadas possuem diversidade genética para subsidiar programas de melhoramento genético e conservação de germoplasma.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este estudo apresenta a composição florística de trechos de uma faixa de vegetação de transição existente na região centro-leste do Estado de Mato Grosso, mais precisamente no município de Gaúcha do Norte (13° 10'S e 53° 15' O), onde dá-se o contato entre a Floresta Ombrófila e a Floresta Estacional. O levantamento florístico foi realizado em março de 1999 e bimestralmente a partir de agosto de 1999 até março de 2001, em excursões com duração média de 5 dias, por meio de caminhadas na borda e no interior de florestas, sendo coletadas fanerógamas em fase reprodutiva. Também foram incluídas amostras vegetativas de espécies arbustivo-arbóreas, que não floresceram ou frutificaram durante o período de amostragem, amostradas em 3ha destinados ao levantamento fitossociológico. O levantamento florístico resultou em 72 famílias, 168 gêneros e 268 espécies. do total de espécies, 66% apresentaram hábito arbóreo e 18% foram lianas. As ervas e arbustos praticamente restringiram-se às áreas de borda ou clareiras, somando 13%. Já a flora epifítica mostrou-se pouco expressiva (1%), quando comparada ao restante da Amazônia, em conseqüência do clima regional mais seco. Hemiepífitas, parasitas e palmeiras constituíram o percentual restante. Constatou-se que 39 espécies amostradas em Gaúcha do Norte ainda não haviam sido depositadas em herbários que mantém coleções representativas da flora matogrossense, enfatizando a carência de coletas nas áreas florestais do Estado.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Analysis of the products of oxidative degradation of Hb S was made by methahemoglobin measurement and a count of red blood cells with Heinz bodies. Free radicals originating from oxidation cause extensive injury to erythrocytes, decreasing their useful survival period especially in Hb S carriers. The Superoxide ion (O 2) is the most responsible for the oxidation process of Hb forming membrane-bound haemachromes which afterwards evolve to Heinz bodies, damaging the membrane and provoking erythrocytes hemolysis. The results from this work showed that the SS genotype is more susceptible to the action of the free radicals than the S/Tal genotype. The β genotype has a lower oxidative susceptibility than the SS because it has only one β s mutation. The results allowed us to conclude that: a) the simple presence of Hb S, independent of its genotype and its concentration, is sufficient to produce methaemoglobin from this Hb; b) there is not a direct relationship between methaetnoglobin concentration and the Heinz bodies count; c) the intensity of Heinz bodies in the sickled erythrocytes seems to be independent of the Hb Fetal concentration; d) The genotype SS is more susceptible to Hb oxidation with the release of products of oxidative degradation; e) methaemoglobin formation in blood of people with Hb AA and Hb AS, assessed over 24, 48, 72 and 163 hourly-periods, showed greater oxidative intensity in the Hb AS compared with Hb AA.


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Sparfloxacin, a difluorquinolone derivative, is a potent antibacterial agent active against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative organisms including Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin resistant S. aureus, Legionella spp, Mycoplasma spp; Chlamydia spp. and Mycobacteria. A drawback of fluorquinolones is their photoreactivity. Sparfloxacin has been studied in terms of therapeutic activities. However, few reports about analytical methods of sparfloxacin are available in the literature. The aim of this study was to determine cytotoxic effects, using sparfloxacin reference substance (SPAX-SR), sparfloxacin tablets (SPAX-COMP) and sparfloxacin tablets submitted UV light during 36 hours (SPAX-COMP.36) solution, and two isolated products (7 and 9) of SPAX-SR submitted UV-C light, in concentrations of 31.25, 62.5, 125 and 250 μg/mL by in vitro mononuclear humane culture cells. The results, statistically analyzed by Teste de Tukey, showed SPAX, SPAX-COMP and SPAX-COMP.36 solutions could reduce the cells number in these conditions. These results could not be observed for products 7 or 9. These results can suggest that isolated product can be less cytotoxic than SPAX-SR, is method can also be used to identified products degradation of sparfloxacin in stability study. However, the low activity achieved with sparfloxacin submitted to UV-light is a source of concern and requires further investigation about its photodegradation mechanism.


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Plants are a valuable source of natural products for the maintenance of human health. The purpose of this paper was the study of immunologic activity of yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.), a largely used plant in popular medicine that has many different properties such as: antiinflammatory, astringent, antiseptic and antispasmodic. Macrophages stimulation was evaluated by the determination of H2O2, NO and TNF-α in supernatants of peritoneal macrophages cultures of mice in the presence of the yarrow leaves extract. The thin layer chromatography of extract was also analyzed, showing rutin. All concentrations showed a moderate release of H2O2 and the concentrations of 6, 8 and 10mg/mL had a higher release of NO. The TNF-a was produced in all concentrations, but the best result was obtained at 4mg/mL. Analyzing the results, it is suggested that the yarrow ethanolic extract can modulate the macrophages activation.


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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative pathology with severe economic and social impact. There is currently no cure, although cholinesterase inhibitors provide effective temporary relief of symptoms in some patients. Nowadays drug research and development are based on the cholinergic hypothesis that supports the cognition improvement by regulation of the synthesis and release of acetylcholine in the brain. There are only four commercial medicines approved for treatment of AD and natural products have played an important role in the research for new acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.


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Natural products have been utilized by humans since ancient times and the relief and cure of their diseases was the first purpose for using natural products in medicine. The history of the oriental and occidental civilizations is very rich in examples of the utilization of natural products in medicine and health care. Chinese traditional medicine is one of the most important examples of how natural products can be efficient in the treatment of diseases, and it points to the importance of scientific research on natural products, concerning the discovery of new active chemical entities. The complexity, chemical diversity and biological properties of natural products always fascinated people, and during the last 200 years, this led to the discovery of important new drugs. In the last 30 years, the development of new bioassay techniques, biotechnology methods, bio-guided phytochemical studies, automated high throughput screening and high performance analytical methods, have introduced new concepts and possibilities of rational drug design and drug discovery. In this context, natural products have played an important and decisive role in the development of modern medicinal chemistry.


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Effect of extrusion parameters was studied on the expansion index, specific volume, water absorption index (WAI) and water solubility index (WSI) of expanded yam snacks. The central composite design was used to study the parameters effect. It was verified three levels of temperature in the barrel (100, 115 and 130°C), three levels of screw speed (163, 204 and 245 rpm) and three levels of flour moisture (12, 15 and 18%). The results showed that expansion properties (expansion index and specific volume) depend on flour moisture and extrusion temperature. The WSI was dependant of three parameters. Higher levels of temperature and screw speed increase the water solubility index (WSI). The studied parameters did not influence the water absorption index (WAI).


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Forest roads are frequently pointed as source of environmental problems related to erosion and they also influence harvest cost due to maintenance operations. Roads not well designed are sources of hydrological problems on catchments and the current attention to sustainability of forest exploration projects point out to the need of diagnostics tools for guiding the redesign of the road system. At this study, runoff hydrological indicators for forest road segments were assessed in order to identify critical points of erosion and water concentration on soils. A road network of a forest production area was divided into 252 road segments that were used as observations of four variables: mean terrain slope, main segment slope, LS factor and topographic index. The data analysis was based on descriptive statistics for outliers' identification, principal component analysis and for variability study between variables and between observations, and cluster analysis for similar segments groups' identification. The results allowed classifying roads segments into five mains road types: road on the ridge, on the valley, on the slopes, on the slopes but in a contour line and on the steepest slope. The indicators were able to highlight the most critical segments that differ of others and are potential sources of erosion and water accumulation problems on forest roads. The principal component analysis showed two main variability sources related to terrain topographic characteristics and also road design, showing that indicators represent well those elements. The methodology seems to be appropriated for identification of critical road segments that need to be redesigned and also for road network planning at new forest exploration projects.