982 resultados para processamento automático de línguas naturais


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The goal of this work is to report some problems that occur in the in the production of aluminum billets (series 6XXX) produced by the hot top process in the Alcoa aluminum Inc. The aluminum fabrication process is described from its first stage, since the mining until the reduction, smelting and treatment of the metal. One of the plant’s final product, are billets for clients that produce profiles by extrusion. The product’s final quality highly depends on the whole production process. Therefore it’s necessary to use good practices in the treatment of the metal, follow up its fabrication and control its thermal treatment, in order to meet the required standards to satisfy the clients. The billet’s production method and its variables will be detailed through temperature and casting speed, cone of water flow, cooling rate, duration of thermal treatment, degassing and metal “in line “filtering, in other words when it’s still found in its liquid state. The non-conformities of the process were studied by metallographic analysis, both macrostutural and microstructural that will be described and discussed in this work


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The fishery products are sources of protein of high biological value and an important component in a balanced diet. However, they are highly subject to deterioration, which represents a serious risk to public health. Thus, rigorous methods are needed for quality assurance of fish in all stages of the production chain. Traditionally, the Brazilian population does not have the habit of eating fish, although the country presents a great potential for aquaculture, which is underexploited. The consumption of fish is limited by socio-economic factors. Currently, the search for food security is a global trend. Thus, it is necessary to change the profile of the consumer, by offering a competitive and safe food. In this paper, we address issues related to quality, hygiene and health of fish


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The implementation of an Export and Processing Zone (ZEPs) brings several benefits to the local, state and federal economy, but often, only socioeconomic factors are considered, apart from several other factors that should be analyzed, such as the environment. In this context of industrialization and the struggle for sustainable development, this work propose to incorporate the environmental variable in the decision process for establishing industrial areas, in particular, the ZPE in the city of Fernandópolis, São Paulo state, Brazil, by examining several physical and environmental factors such as slope intervals, geological features, pedological factors and land use. Developed using a multicriteria analysis, a model has been elaborated, where these factors have received a proportional value according with their importance, supported by a GIS tool (Geographical Information System) and remote sensing products, such as images from CBERS satellite and SRTM radar, showing the suited areas for industrial activities, considering environmental conditions. This model may assist to take better decision about the ZPE implementation area and to reduce the negative environmental impacts that would result of poorly planned locations


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In many movies of scientific fiction, machines were capable of speaking with humans. However mankind is still far away of getting those types of machines, like the famous character C3PO of Star Wars. During the last six decades the automatic speech recognition systems have been the target of many studies. Throughout these years many technics were developed to be used in applications of both software and hardware. There are many types of automatic speech recognition system, among which the one used in this work were the isolated word and independent of the speaker system, using Hidden Markov Models as the recognition system. The goals of this work is to project and synthesize the first two steps of the speech recognition system, the steps are: the speech signal acquisition and the pre-processing of the signal. Both steps were developed in a reprogrammable component named FPGA, using the VHDL hardware description language, owing to the high performance of this component and the flexibility of the language. In this work it is presented all the theory of digital signal processing, as Fast Fourier Transforms and digital filters and also all the theory of speech recognition using Hidden Markov Models and LPC processor. It is also presented all the results obtained for each one of the blocks synthesized e verified in hardware


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Computed Radiography (CR) is a term used to describe the system that electronically records a radiographic image. CR systems use receivers or IP (imaging plate) to capture the analog signals and then allow the readers to do the image processing and converted into digital information. With the increasing expansion of the CR for medical diagnostics it is necessary that these systems receive the same type of monitoring related to Quality Control and Acceptance to the conventional processing systems. The current legislation fails to specify the parameters and procedures to be tested, allowing that somehow, some equipment is not fully able to use in clinical routine. In this project we used the standard AAPM Report Number 93, which is already fully established outside the country and displays all test parameters in CR. From there were chosen three types of tests that were performed in a satisfactory sampling of IP´s. With this procedure it was possible to establish which of those IP's should be out of use, which reveals the important purpose of the study, demonstrating the need for Quality Control Testing and Acceptance in Computerized Radiography as soon as possible are included in the legislation regulator in the country


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In recent years a great worldwide interest has arisen for the development of new technologies that enable the use of products with less environmental impact. The replacement of synthetic fiber plants is a possibility very important because this fiber is renewable, biodegradable and few cost and cause less environmental impact. Given the above, this work proposes to develop polymeric composites of epoxy resin and study the behavior of these materials. Both, the epoxy resin used as matrix in the manufacture of sapegrass fiber composite, as tree composites formed by: epoxy/unidirectional sapegrass long fiber, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber, by volume, and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber, by volume, were characterized by bending, and the composites produced with short fibers random were inspected by Optical Microscopy and Acoustics Inspection (C-Scan). For the analysis of the sapegrass fiber morphology, composites 75% epoxy/25% short fiber (sheet chopped) and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber images were obtained by optical microscope and the adhesion between polymer/fiber was visualized. As results, the flexural strength of composites epoxy/unidirectional long fibers, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber were 70.36 MPa, 21.26 MPa, 25.07 MPa, respectively. Being that composite showed that the best results was made up of long fibers, because it had a value of higher flexural strength than other composites analyzed


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Atualmente a China é um ator essencial do cenário econômico mundial, sendo também um grande demandante de matérias primas para manter seu acelerado crescimento, resultando assim em importante e estratégico para a região latinoamericana, sobretudo, por ser um grande comprador. Por sua importância econômica, estratégica e demográfica a China se destaca em relação à maioria dos países do mundo sendo não apenas um ator chave, responsável por grandes mudanças ocorridas no nível e estrutura da demanda mundial, mas também importante fonte de recursos financeiros para manter os equilíbrios internacionais. Através da discussão das relações de comércio entre Brasil e China buscamos analisar os principais resultados em termos econômicos e sociais, principalmente a atuação do Brasil enquanto ator global dado sua importância crescente na dinâmica mundial. A intenção desta pesquisa é entender as dimensões da relação com o país asiático, a partir do posicionamento do Brasil como um dos principais parceiros comerciais de China, sobretudo como exportador de produtos primários. Em termos de exportações realizadas por setores desde o Brasil para a China existe uma grande concentração nos recursos naturais de matérias primas, particularmente os minérios, alimentos, e combustíveis; trata-se de um pequeno hall de produtos com baixo nível de processamento


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This study has as objective determining the chemical properties that serve as the basis for potential scientific and technological applications of seven species of fibrous plants cultivated in Brazil, which are: Banana” (Musa spp.), “Coco” (Cocos nucifera), Curauá (Ananas erectifolius), Fique (Furcraea andina), Piteira” (Furcraea gigantea), Sisal(Agave sisalana) and “Taboa” (Typha domingensis). The tests for determining the percent dry completely, extractives soluble in cold water, in hot water, in sodium hydroxide 1% and in ethanol-toluene, and the percentages of ash, hydrophobicity, lignin, holocellulose and cellulose were performed at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Agronomy College (FCA) of UNESP – Botucatu, São Paulo State. It also presents a literature review about these fibers and their potential applications. Differences between the results obtained and those found by other authors are possibly explained by variations on the origin of plant material, the harvest season, the climate and soil where they were grown. However, the results and the methodology used, serve as a basis for further studies with natural fibers


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Os processos geomorfológicos são responsáveis pelas formas do relevo, constituindo uma das dimensões do substrato físico para o desenvolvimento das atividades antrópicas. O conhecimento e a identificação dos mecanismos destes processos podem contribuir para o entendimento das dinâmicas naturais e das ações humanas sobre a superfície terrestre. Desta forma, objetivo desse trabalho de pesquisa foi identificar e caracterizar as principais unidades geomorfológicas do baixo curso do rio Paranapanema, a partir da utilização dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) e do uso de geotecnologias. No SIG foram realizadas as seguintes etapas da pesquisa: processamento digital das imagens de radar, georreferenciamento dos dados, delimitação e compilação da área de estudo e elaboração dos mapas temáticos. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados fundamentaram-se basicamente nos conceitos de morfoestrutura e morfoescultura para classificação e taxonomia do relevo, desenvolvidos por Jurandir L. S. Ross (1992). As classes de dissecação do relevo, carta clinográfica e hipsometria da bacia foram obtidas a partir do processamento de cartas topográficas e imagens de radar da missão SRTM. Os resultados apresentados na forma de mapas, gráficos e tabelas permitiram analisar e caracterizar os processos geomorfológicos atuantes na bacia do baixo Paranapanema, com maior riqueza de detalhe (1: 250 000)


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This paper proposes a mechanical device to adapt a simple model of hospital bed used in the Emergency Department at Santa Casa of Guaratinguetá, allowing the bed’s height adjustment with electromechanical drive. This adaptation aims to introduce improvements in the routine work of nurses and reduce ergonomic problems stemming from repetitive strain during the transfer of patients to stretchers and wheelchairs, as well as providing more comfort to the bedridden patient. The device is mainly composed of: an electric induction motor used to drive the engine, a steel spindle with square thread, which allows axial displacement of the bed, a transmission system with pulleys and belt, which transmits power supplied by the motor to the spindle. The mechanism allows the height of the bed is regulated between 400 and 800 mm. The estimated implementation cost of this proposal is lower than the acquisition cost of a commercial hospital bed with the same features, which confirms the feasibility of the proposed solution


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O Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo compõe uma região estratégica, notada pela importância de suas Áreas Protegidas (AP), sobretudo, pela presença humana em Unidades de Conservação (UC), um tema cada vez mais presente no debate sobre a proteção ambiental em territórios ocupados por grupos tradicionais que exercem uso diferenciado dos recursos naturais. Diante desse contexto, torna-se uma necessidade, viabilizar diretrizes para a gestão territorial ao possibilitar o compartilhamento das decisões acerca do uso do território, visando à conservação ambiental e proteção da cultura remanescente dos grupos sociais residentes no interior das UC. O presente trabalho busca dimensionar os aspectos de interação com o ambiente, através das formas de uso mantidas sobre os recursos naturais, como característica de reprodução sociocultural, premissa à proteção e manutenção do modo de vida das famílias residentes do Núcleo Picinguaba do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar no município de Ubatuba-SP. No intuito de compatibilizar diretrizes para o planejamento da UC, evidenciou-se a relação da formação histórica da área, tal como, a interação exercida sobre ao ambiente e a resistência territorial, ao abordar a questão cultural e o modo de vida dos residentes tradicionais da Zona Histórico-Cultural Antropológica (ZHCAn) do Sertão do Ubatumirim. Foram sistematizadas informações para uma abordagem teórico-conceitual a respeito da cultura tradicional caiçara e do recorte geográfico do território, possibilitando a compreensão da dinâmica de produção do espaço em uma área ambientalmente protegida. A partir dessa caracterização da área foram indicadas zonas prioritárias ao planejamento territorial, voltado ao ordenamento ambiental e à gestão do uso dos recursos naturais em uma abordagem diferenciada na relação do ordenamento para as áreas...


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The natural resource intensive industries have moved from center to periphery in Brazil. This shift is related to the environmental impacts generated by this type of industry, as occur biggest benefits to these industries in small towns as tax exemptions and donations of land, and local institutional capacity is lower in pollution control. In the 1970s began, in the state of São Paulo, a process of industrial deconcentration of Metropolitan Region of São Paulo to the inside of state, which generated an intense industrialization of the region of Campinas, Ribeirão Preto, Sorocaba e São José dos Campos. This process of industrial deconcentration had support in state policies restricting new industries in the Metropolitan Region and the creation and financing of infrastructure and improvement of road. This research project aims to verify whether there has been a shift of natural resource intensive industries for the Administrative Region of Ribeirão Preto, as well as aspects of the sustainability of this process


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In the industries of wood processing (sawmills), where timber is sawn in equipment such as band saws, circular saws, trowel, thicknessers, among others, that mechanically transform this resource and use of electric motors, which are not unusually poorly scaled working or overloaded, often a factor that is not found in these industries and has fundamental importance in the production process is energy efficiency that is achieved by both technological innovation and through all the practices and policies that aim to lower energy consumption, lowering energy costs and increasing the amount of energy offered no change in generation. For both during the design of an electrical installation, both overall and in various sectors of the installation, investigations are necessary, considerations and uses of variables and factors that put into practice the theme of energy efficiency. Therefore, in this paper, these factors were calculated and analyzed for a wood processing industry (sawmill) in the municipality of Taquarivaí - SP, namely: active power, power factor, demand factor and load factor. Where they were small in relation to the literature, these events that occur when devices are connected at the same time and due to the conditions of processing the wood, where the engines have large variations in electricity consumption during the unfolding of the same, due to efforts with the load and idle moments between each machining operation in the equipment


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The weight of a vehicle has always been considered an extreme important factor, because it interferes in the performance, steering, consume, environmental impact, wear of components, among the others. Because of the new demand, consume reduction aim and gases emission increased the necessity to manufacture lighter vehicles, guaranteeing the complying with the gas emission international law. Besides the legal demand, the low weight will certainly be essential for the competitiveness for the next generation of vehicles. It is with this thinking the composite materials have been introduced in the automobilist industry, because those materials show an excellent relation of strength/weight, providing a reduction of consume and the increase of load capacity. Those factors justify the increase of interest of industry and the necessity of optimization of those materials and of their process. For this research, the field of application will be the Baja SAE Project, a project that is fully developed by engineering students, where they build a prototype single seat, off-road category, for use on hilly slopes with obstacle. This research aims to study two key components of the prototype are made of composite materials, analyzing all the processing. In addition, there is the analysis of the viability of this production parts to a Baja SAE vehicle, in order to increase their performance and reduce their weight without reducing the safety and robustness of the prototype. It was possible to achieve weight reduction of the steering subsystem with manufacturing the flywheel hybrid composite (carbon/glass) and the replacement of SAE 1010 steel by hybrid composite (carbon/aramid) in CVT box. The importance of this study is to obtain a good project for the vehicle of technical and scientific manner, contributing to the know-how to the team and providing a basis for optimization for upcoming projects


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With the constant increase in the municipal solid waste (MSW) generation, mainly due to the high consumption patterns, it becomes difficult to manage correctly the solid waste and thus minimize their impact on the environment. One of the most problems of the large amount of waste generated is the liquid originated from physical, chemical and biological decomposition process of organic wastes, with dark color and bad smell, called leachate: it can reach the soil, polluting the groundwater and the surface water. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the process of coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation applied in the treatment of the leachate generated in the not controlled landfill of Presidente Prudente, Sao Paulo... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)