955 resultados para principal-agent-problem
We prove existence theorems for the Dirichlet problem for hypersurfaces of constant special Lagrangian curvature in Hadamard manifolds. The first results are obtained using the continuity method and approximation and then refined using two iterations of the Perron method. The a-priori estimates used in the continuity method are valid in any ambient manifold.
This paper analyzes the delegation of contracting capacity in a moral hazard environment with sequential production in a project which involves a principal and two agents. The agent in charge of the nal production can obtain soft information about the other agent's effort choice by investing in monitoring. I investigate the circumstances under which it is optimal for the principal to use a centralized organization in which she designs the contracts with both agents or to use a decentralized organization in which she contracts only one agent, and delegates the power to contract the other agent. It is shown that in this setting a decentralized organization can be superior to a centralized organization. This is because the principal is better off under monitoring and the incentives for an agent to invest in monitoring can be higher in a decentralized organization. The circumstances under which this is true are related to the monitoring costs and the importance of each agent for production. The results explain the recent application of the design-build method in public procurement. Journal of Economic Literature Classi cation Numbers: D23, D82, L14, L22. Keywords: Decentralization of Contracting, Monitoring, Moral Hazard.
Abstract Context. Seizures during intoxications with pharmaceuticals are a well-known complication. However, only a few studies report on drugs commonly involved and calculate the seizure potential of these drugs. Objectives. To identify the pharmaceutical drugs most commonly associated with seizures after single-agent overdose, the seizure potential of these pharmaceuticals, the age-distribution of the cases with seizures and the ingested doses. Methods. A retrospective review of acute single-agent exposures to pharmaceuticals reported to the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre (STIC) between January 1997 and December 2010 was conducted. Exposures which resulted in at least one seizure were identified. The seizure potential of a pharmaceutical was calculated by dividing the number of cases with seizures by the number of all cases recorded with that pharmaceutical. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results. We identified 15,441 single-agent exposures. Seizures occurred in 313 cases. The most prevalent pharmaceuticals were mefenamic acid (51 of the 313 cases), citalopram (34), trimipramine (27), venlafaxine (23), tramadol (15), diphenhydramine (14), amitriptyline (12), carbamazepine (11), maprotiline (10), and quetiapine (10). Antidepressants were involved in 136 cases. Drugs with a high seizure potential were bupropion (31.6%, seizures in 6 of 19 cases, 95% CI: 15.4-50.0%), maprotiline (17.5%, 10/57, 95% CI: 9.8-29.4%), venlafaxine (13.7%, 23/168, 95% CI: 9.3-19.7%), citalopram (13.1%, 34/259, 95% CI: 9.5-17.8%), and mefenamic acid (10.9%, 51/470, 95% CI: 8.4-14.0%). In adolescents (15-19y/o) 23.9% (95% CI: 17.6-31.7%) of the cases involving mefenamic acid resulted in seizures, but only 5.7% (95% CI: 3.3-9.7%) in adults (≥ 20y/o; p < 0.001). For citalopram these numbers were 22.0% (95% CI: 12.8-35.2%) and 10.9% (95% CI: 7.1-16.4%), respectively (p = 0.058). The probability of seizures with mefenamic acid, citalopram, trimipramine, and venlafaxine increased as the ingested dose increased. Conclusions. Antidepressants were frequently associated with seizures in overdose, but other pharmaceuticals, as mefenamic acid, were also associated with seizures in a considerable number of cases. Bupropion was the pharmaceutical with the highest seizure potential even if overdose with bupropion was uncommon in our sample. Adolescents might be more susceptible to seizures after mefenamic acid overdose than adults. "Part of this work is already published as a conference abstract for the XXXIV International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT) 27-30 May 2014, Brussels, Belgium." Abstract 8, Clin Toxicol 2014;52(4):298.
The application of microbial biocontrol agents for the control of fungal plant diseases and plant insect pests is a promising approach in the development of environmentally benign pest management strategies. The ideal biocontrol organism would be a bacterium or a fungus with activity against both, insect pests and fungal pathogens. Here we demonstrate the oral insecticidal activity of the root colonizing Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, which is so far known for its capacity to efficiently suppress fungal plant pathogens. Feeding assays with CHA0-sprayed leaves showed that this strain displays oral insecticidal activity and is able to efficiently kill larvae of three important insect pests. We further show data indicating that the Fit insect toxin produced by CHA0 and also metabolites controlled by the global regulator GacA contribute to oral insect toxicity.
Aquest projecte té com objectiu fer un sistema d’incidències pel control d’un magatzem robotitzat i del cost que comporta la resolució d’aquestes. D’aquesta manera es pretén canviar un mètode de treball rudimentari, passant a un altre totalment estructurat que serveixi per millorar el actual. Per això s’ha creat una aplicació basada en la tecnologia JSF, què permet aconseguir els nostres objectius. L’aplicació inclou una base de dades feta en PostGres SQL on es guardarà tota la informació que s’utilitza en la nostra aplicació. En aquesta memòria s’ha volgut explicar quins han estat els diferents passos que es van donar per poder assolir tots els nostres objectius. En la primera part realitzem una introducció a la situació del problema que es vol solucionar i descriurem els objectius que en hem marcat. Seguidament s’analitzen els requeriments i es detalla com s’implementen les diferents parts de l’aplicació. Per acabar parlem sobre el procés de testing realitzat que ens assegura el correcte funcionament del programa. Resumint, el objectiu principal d’aquest projecte consisteix en crear una eina que a la vegada que facilita la feina dels treballadors del magatzem, serveixi per al control de tot el sistema de treball als directius de l’empresa.
During the last years, malaria had a significant increase in Latin America, emerging again as one critical health problem in the Region of the Americas. More than 1.04 million new cases were reported in 1990. This resurgence of malaria needed a comprehensive strategy for its prevention and control. National malaria control programs recognized the epidemiological stratification of malaria as a valuable method to assist them in the recognition of local variations and factors that specifically contribute to the level and intensity of transmission in critical malarious areas. Also it serves as a useful instrument for the selection of needed malaria prevention and control activities. The principal feature of this approach is to provide a dynamic and ongoing process for assessing in the epidemiological importance of different risk factors (socio-economic, ecological, organizatuion of health services) in malaria transmission. health interventions are based on this assesment and are aimed directly at the reduction or elimination of the identified risk factors operating at the local level. Intersectorial co-participation and the integration of malaria programs in local health services are also important aspects of this public health approach.
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We establish existence and non-existence results to the Brezis-Nirenberg type problem involving the square root of the Laplacian in a bounded domain with zero Dirichlet boundary condition.
Game theory describes and analyzes strategic interaction. It is usually distinguished between static games, which are strategic situations in which the players choose only once as well as simultaneously, and dynamic games, which are strategic situations involving sequential choices. In addition, dynamic games can be further classified according to perfect and imperfect information. Indeed, a dynamic game is said to exhibit perfect information, whenever at any point of the game every player has full informational access to all choices that have been conducted so far. However, in the case of imperfect information some players are not fully informed about some choices. Game-theoretic analysis proceeds in two steps. Firstly, games are modelled by so-called form structures which extract and formalize the significant parts of the underlying strategic interaction. The basic and most commonly used models of games are the normal form, which rather sparsely describes a game merely in terms of the players' strategy sets and utilities, and the extensive form, which models a game in a more detailed way as a tree. In fact, it is standard to formalize static games with the normal form and dynamic games with the extensive form. Secondly, solution concepts are developed to solve models of games in the sense of identifying the choices that should be taken by rational players. Indeed, the ultimate objective of the classical approach to game theory, which is of normative character, is the development of a solution concept that is capable of identifying a unique choice for every player in an arbitrary game. However, given the large variety of games, it is not at all certain whether it is possible to device a solution concept with such universal capability. Alternatively, interactive epistemology provides an epistemic approach to game theory of descriptive character. This rather recent discipline analyzes the relation between knowledge, belief and choice of game-playing agents in an epistemic framework. The description of the players' choices in a given game relative to various epistemic assumptions constitutes the fundamental problem addressed by an epistemic approach to game theory. In a general sense, the objective of interactive epistemology consists in characterizing existing game-theoretic solution concepts in terms of epistemic assumptions as well as in proposing novel solution concepts by studying the game-theoretic implications of refined or new epistemic hypotheses. Intuitively, an epistemic model of a game can be interpreted as representing the reasoning of the players. Indeed, before making a decision in a game, the players reason about the game and their respective opponents, given their knowledge and beliefs. Precisely these epistemic mental states on which players base their decisions are explicitly expressible in an epistemic framework. In this PhD thesis, we consider an epistemic approach to game theory from a foundational point of view. In Chapter 1, basic game-theoretic notions as well as Aumann's epistemic framework for games are expounded and illustrated. Also, Aumann's sufficient conditions for backward induction are presented and his conceptual views discussed. In Chapter 2, Aumann's interactive epistemology is conceptually analyzed. In Chapter 3, which is based on joint work with Conrad Heilmann, a three-stage account for dynamic games is introduced and a type-based epistemic model is extended with a notion of agent connectedness. Then, sufficient conditions for backward induction are derived. In Chapter 4, which is based on joint work with Jérémie Cabessa, a topological approach to interactive epistemology is initiated. In particular, the epistemic-topological operator limit knowledge is defined and some implications for games considered. In Chapter 5, which is based on joint work with Jérémie Cabessa and Andrés Perea, Aumann's impossibility theorem on agreeing to disagree is revisited and weakened in the sense that possible contexts are provided in which agents can indeed agree to disagree.
There is an increasing awareness that the articulation of forensic science and criminal investigation is critical to the resolution of crimes. However, models and methods to support an effective collaboration between these partners are still poorly expressed or even lacking. Three propositions are borrowed from crime intelligence methods in order to bridge this gap: (a) the general intelligence process, (b) the analyses of investigative problems along principal perspectives: entities and their relationships, time and space, quantitative aspects and (c) visualisation methods as a mode of expression of a problem in these dimensions. Indeed, in a collaborative framework, different kinds of visualisations integrating forensic case data can play a central role for supporting decisions. Among them, link-charts are scrutinised for their abilities to structure and ease the analysis of a case by describing how relevant entities are connected. However, designing an informative chart that does not bias the reasoning process is not straightforward. Using visualisation as a catalyser for a collaborative approach integrating forensic data thus calls for better specifications.
A family of nonempty closed convex sets is built by using the data of the Generalized Nash equilibrium problem (GNEP). The sets are selected iteratively such that the intersection of the selected sets contains solutions of the GNEP. The algorithm introduced by Iusem-Sosa (2003) is adapted to obtain solutions of the GNEP. Finally some numerical experiments are given to illustrate the numerical behavior of the algorithm.
En aquest projecte s’ha analitzat la viabilitat de l’autosuficiència de la Pleta, l’oficina tècnica del Parc del Garraf, a partir de diferents recursos renovables. S’ha realitzat un estudi del consum hídric i energètic i de la generació de residus per tal d’avaluar les deficiències de cada sistema, per poder-hi aplicar les mesures pertinents. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que un 40% de l’aigua que es consumeix a l’edifici prové dels camions cisterna que la subministren. Per tant, la principal proposta de millora va encaminada a reduir aquest volum d’aigua i per aconseguir-ho, es proposa augmentar la superfície de recollida d’aigua de pluja aprofitant la zona pavimentada del pati de magatzems. Les altres propostes intentaran reduir el volum total d’aigua consumida, com per exemple canviar el filtre actual de les aixetes per airejadors que permeten estalviar fins a un 50% d’aigua, instal·lar cisternes de volum inferior o posar en funcionament el reg per degoteig instal·lat actualment a la Pleta però que no es troba en funcionament. Pel que fa a l’energia hi ha dues fonts, el gasoil i les plaques FV. En quant al gasoil cal diferenciar entre el consum del generador per produir electricitat i el consum de la caldera per la calefacció. Un cop estudiat el sistema s’ha obtingut que les plaques solars FV aconsegueixen produir el 73% de l’electricitat demandada a la Pleta, la resta de l’electricitat la proporciona el generador. El principal problema, però és el gran consum de gasoil per la calefacció. Les millores proposades per a solucionar aquesta problemàtica pretenen millorar l’eficiència de la instal·lació de plaques solars FV col·locant més panells solars i disminuir el consum de gasoil per part de la calefacció, ja sigui millorant l’eficiència energètica i/o canviant la font d’energia per biomassa. En el cas de residus s’ha observat que es produeixen 3.283 kg/any, sent el rebuig la fracció més important. Per tal de reduir el volum de residus generats, es pretén fomentar la utilització d’estris reutlilitzables i el correcte reciclatge, substituint les papereres actuals dels despatxos per les de paper i posant cartells informatius o indicatiu en els llocs adients.
El litoral comprés entre els municipis de Torredembarra, Creixell i Roda de Berà és una platja sorrenca situada al nord de la comarca del Tarragonès. Aquest espai allotja la platja natural protegida més ben conservada entre el Delta del Llobregat i el Delta de l'Ebre, sent caracteritzada per les seves dunes de sorra i les llacunes salabroses. Al ser una zona costanera el principal problema són els impactes generats per la freqüentació turística que s'han avaluat en el present treball. La freqüentació ha generat nombrosos petits camins entre les dunes, afavorint la fragmentació, el sorgiment de la vegetació al·lòctona i la molèstia i canvi de comportament a espècies de fauna importants com el corriol camanegre (Charadrius alexandrinus).
El principal problema de les teràpies actuals contra el càncer es la baixa especificitat envers les cèl•lules tumorals, cosa que comporta gran quantitat d’efectes secundaris. Per això es important el desenvolupament de nous tipus de teràpies i sistemes d’alliberament efectius per als fàrmacs ja existents al mercat. En la immunoteràpia contra el càncer es pretén estimular el sistema immunològic per a eliminar les cèl•lules canceroses de manera selectiva. En aquest projecte s’han sintetitzat derivats de l’antigen peptídic de melanoma NY-ESO1 i s’ha estudiat la seva capacitat per a estimular el sistema immunològic com a vacunes contra el càncer. També s’han encapsulat el antígens peptídics en liposomes com a adjuvants i sistemes d’alliberament. De totes les variants peptídiques la que resultà més immunogènica fou la que contenia el grup palmitoil i el fragment toxoide tetànic en la seva estructura. La utilització de liposomes com a sistema adjuvant sembla una estratègia interessant per al disseny de vacunes contra el càncer donat que l’encapsulació del pèptid en liposomes va augmentar notablement la resposta immunològica de l’antigen. Per altra banda, s’han desenvolupat dendrímers basats en polietilenglicol com a sistemes alliberadors de fàrmacs per al tractament de tumors. El polietilenglicol és àmpliament utilitzat com a sistema d’alliberament de fàrmacs degut a les seves interessants propietats, augment de la solubilitat i dels temps de residència en plasma, entre d’altres. La metodologia química descrita permet la diferenciació controlada de varies posicions en la superfície del dendrímer a més del creixement del dendrímer fins a una segona generació. S’ha sintetitzat la primera generació del dendrímer contenint el fàrmac antitumoral 5-fluorouracil i s’han realitzat estudis de citotoxicitat comprovant que l’activitat del nanoconjugat és del mateix ordre de magnitud que el 5-fluorouracil sense conjugar.
In this paper we propose a stabilized conforming finite volume element method for the Stokes equations. On stating the convergence of the method, optimal a priori error estimates in different norms are obtained by establishing the adequate connection between the finite volume and stabilized finite element formulations. A superconvergence result is also derived by using a postprocessing projection method. In particular, the stabilization of the continuous lowest equal order pair finite volume element discretization is achieved by enriching the velocity space with local functions that do not necessarily vanish on the element boundaries. Finally, some numerical experiments that confirm the predicted behavior of the method are provided.