968 resultados para pore size distribution


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Day/night variations in the size distribution of the particulate matter >0.15 mm (PM) were studied in May 1995 during the DYNAPROC time-series cruise in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Data on vertical distributions of PM (>0.15 mm) and zooplankton were collected with the Underwater Video Profiler (UVP). The comparisons of the UVP data with plankton net data and POC data from water bottles indicated that more than 97% of the particles detected by the UVP were non-living particles (0.15 mm) and that the PM contributed 4-34% of the total dry weight measured on GF/F filters. Comparison of seven pairs of day and night vertical profiles performed during the cruise showed that in the upper 800 m, the mean size and the volume of particles was higher at night than during the day. During the night, the integrated volume of the PM increased on average by 32±20%. This increase corresponded to a shift of smaller size classes (<0.5 mm) towards the larger ones (>0.5 mm). During the day, the pattern was reversed, and the quantity of PM >0.5 mm decreased. During the study period, the standing stock of PM (60-800 m) decreased from 7.5 to less than 2 g m?2 but the diel variations persisted, except for two short periods in the superficial layer following a wind event. The cyclic feeding activity induced by the diel vertical migration of zooplankton could be the best candidate to explain the observed diel fluctuations in the size classes of PM in the water column. However, our results also suggest that in the upper layer additional driving forces such as the increase of the level of turbulence after a wind event or the modification of the zoo- and phytoplankton community can influence the PM temporal evolution.


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Composition, grain-size distribution, and areal extent of Recent sediments from the Northern Adriatic Sea along the Istrian coast have been studied. Thirty one stations in four sections vertical to the coast were investigated; for comparison 58 samples from five small bays were also analyzed. Biogenic carbonate sediments are deposited on the shallow North Adriatic shelf off the Istrian coast. Only at a greater distance from the coast are these carbonate sediments being mixed with siliceous material brought in by the Alpine rivers Po, Adige, and Brenta. Graphical analysis of grain-size distribution curves shows a sediment composition of normally three, and only in the most seaward area, of four major constituents. Constituent 1 represents the washed-in terrestrial material of clay size (Terra Rossa) from the Istrian coastal area. Constituent 2 consists of fine to medium sand. Constituent 3 contains the heterogeneous biogenic material. Crushing by organisms and by sediment eaters reduces the coarse biogenic material into small pieces generating constituent 2. Between these two constituents there is a dynamic equilibrium. Depending upon where the equilibrium is, between the extremes of production and crushing, the resulting constituent 2 is finer or coarser. Constituent 4 is composed of the fine sandy material from the Alpine rivers. In the most seaward area constituents 2 and 4 are mixed. The total carbonate content of the samples depends on the distance from the coast. In the near coastal area in high energy environments, the carbonate content is about 80 %. At a distance of 2 to 3 km from the coast there is a carbonate minimum because of the higher rate of sedimentation of clay-sized terrestrial, noncarbonate material at extremely low energy environments. In an area between 5 and 20 km off the coast, the carbonate content is about 75 %. More than 20 km from the shore, the carbonate content diminishes rapidly to values of about 30 % through mixing with siliceous material from the Alpine rivers. The carbonate content of the individual fractions increases with increasing grain-size to a maximum of about 90 % within the coarse sand fractions. Beyond 20 km from the coast the samples show a carbonate minimum of about 13 % within the sand-size classes from 1.5 to 0.7 zeta¬? through mixing with siliceous material from the alpine rivers. By means of grain-size distribution and carbonate content, four sediment zones parallel to the coast were separated. Genetically they are closely connected with the zonation of the benthic fauna. Two cores show a characteristic vertical distribution of the sediment. The surface zone is inversely graded, that means the coarse fractions are at the top and the fine fractions are at the bottom. This is the effect of crushing of the biogenic material produced at the surface by predatory organisms and by sediment eaters. lt is proposed that at a depth of about 30 cm a chemical solution process begins which leads to diminution of the original sediment from a fine to medium sand to a silt. The carbonate content decreases from about 75 % at the surface to 65 % at a depth of 100 cm. The increase of the noncarbonate components by 10 % corresponds to a decrease in the initial amount of sediment (CaC03=75 %) by roughly 30 % through solution. With increasing depth the carbonate content of the individual fractions becomes more and more uniform. At the surface the variation is from 30 % to 90 %, at the bottom it varies only between 50 % and 75 %. Comparable investigations of small-bay sediments showed a c1ear dependence of sediment/faunal zonation from the energy of the environment. The investigations show that the composition and three-dimensional distribution of the Istrian coastal sediments can not be predicted only from one or a few measurable factors. Sedimentation and syngenetic changes must be considered as a complex interaction between external factors and the actions of producing and destroying organisms that are in dynamic equilibrium. The results obtained from investigations of these recent sediments may be of value for interpreting fossil sediments only with strong limitations.


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From 0 to 277 m at Site 530 are found Holocene to Miocene diatom ooze, nannofossil ooze, marl, clay, and debrisflow deposits; from 277 to 467 m are Miocene to Oligocene mud; from 467 to 1103 m are Eocene to late Albian Cenomanian interbedded mudstone, marlstone, chalk, clastic limestone, sandstone, and black shale in the lower portion; from 1103 to 1121 m are basalts. In the interval from 0 to 467 m, in Holocene to Oligocene pelagic oozes, marl, clay, debris flows, and mud, velocities are 1.5 to 1.8 km/s; below 200 m velocities increase irregularly with increasing depth. From 0 to 100 m, in Holocene to Pleistocene diatom and nannofossil oozes (excluding debris flows), velocities are approximately equivalent to that of the interstitial seawater, and thus acoustic reflections in the upper 100 m are primarily caused by variations in density and porosity. Below 100 or 200 m, acoustic reflections are caused by variations in both velocity and density. From 100 to 467 m, in Miocene-Oligocene nannofossil ooze, clay, marl, debris flows, and mud, acoustic anisotropy irregularly increases to 10%, with 2 to 5% being typical. From 467 to 1103 m in Paleocene to late Albian Cenomanian interbedded mudstone, marlstone, chalk, clastic limestone, and black shale in the lower portion of the hole, velocities range from 1.6 to 5.48 km/s, and acoustic anisotropies are as great as 47% (1.0 km/s) faster horizontally. Mudstone and uncemented sandstone have anisotropies which irregularly increase with increasing depth from 5 to 10% (0.2 km/s). Calcareous mudstones have the greatest anisotropies, typically 35% (0.6 km/s). Below 1103 m, basalt velocities ranged from 4.68 to 4.98 km/s. A typical value is about 4.8 km/s. In situ velocities are calculated from velocity data obtained in the laboratory. These are corrected for in situ temperature, hydrostatic pressure, and porosity rebound (expansion when the overburden pressure is released). These corrections do not include rigidity variations caused by overburden pressures. These corrections affect semiconsolidated sedimentary rocks the most (up to 0.25 km/s faster). These laboratory velocities appear to be greater than the velocities from the sonic log. Reflection coefficients derived from the laboratory data, in general, agree with the major features on the seismic profiles. These indicate more potential reflectors than indicated from the reflection coefficients derived using the Gearhart-Owen Sonic Log from 625 to 940 m, because the Sonic Log data average thin beds. Porosity-density data versus depth for mud, mudstone, and pelagic oozes agree with data for similar sediments as summarized in Hamilton (1976). At depths of about 400 m and about 850 m are zones of relatively higher porosity mudstones, which may suggest anomalously high pore pressure; however, they are more probably caused by variations in grain-size distribution and lithology. Electrical resistivity (horizontal) from 625 to 950 m ranged from about 1.0 to 4.0 ohm-m, in Maestrichtian to Santonian- Coniacian mudstone, marlstone, chalk, clastic limestone, and sandstone. An interstitial-water resistivity curve did not indicate any unexpected lithology or unusual fluid or gas in the pores of the rock. These logs were above the black shale beds. From 0 to 100 m at Sites 530 and 532, the vane shear strength on undisturbed samples of Holocene-Pleistocene diatom and nannofossil ooze uniformly increases from about 80 g/cm**2 to about 800 g/cm**2. From 100 to 300 m, vane shear strength of Pleistocene-Miocene nannofossil ooze, clay, and marl are irregular versus depth with a range of 500 to 2300 g/cm**2; and at Site 532 the vane shear strength appears to decrease irregularly and slightly with increasing depth (gassy zone). Vane shear strength values of gassy samples may not be valid, for the samples may be disturbed as gas evolves, and the sediments may not be gassy at in situ depths.


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Surface sediments from the South American continental margin surrounding tbe Argentine Basin were studied with respect to bulk geochemistry (Caeo) and C ) and grain-size composition (sand/silt/clay relation and terrigenous silt grain-size distribution). The grain-size distributions of the terrigenous silt fraction were unmixed into three end members (EMs), using an end-member modelling algorithm. Three unimodal EMs appear to satisfactorily explain the variations in the data set of the grain-size distributions ofterrigenous silt. The EMs are related to sediment supply by rivers, downslope transport, winnowing, dispersal and re-deposition by currents. The bulk geochemical composition was used to trace the distribution of prominent water masses within the vertical profile. The sediments of the eastern South American continental margin are generally divided into a coarse-grained and carbonate-depleted southwestern part, and a finer-grained and carbonate-rich northeastern part. The transition of both environments is located at the position of the Brazil Malvinas Confluence (BMC). The sediments below the confluence mixing zone of the Malvinas and Brazil Currents and its extensions are characterised by high concentrations of organic carbon, low carbonate contents and high proportions of the intennediate grain-size end member. Tracing these properties, the BMC emerges as a distinct north-south striking feature centered at 52-54°W crossing the continental margin diagonally. Adjacent to this prominent feature in the southwest, the direct detrital sediment discharge of the Rio de la Plata is clearly recognised by a downslope tongue of sand and high proportions of the coarsest EM. A similar coarse grain-size composition extends further south along the continental slope. However, it displays bener sorting due to intense winnowing by the vigorous Malvinas Current. Fine-grained sedimentary deposition zones are located at the southwestern deeper part of the Rio Grande Rise and the southern abyssal Brazil Basin, both within the AABW domain. Less conspicuous winnowing/accumulation panerns are indicated north of the La Plata within the NADW level according to the continental margin topography. We demonstrate that combined bulk geochemical and grain-size properties of surface sediments, unmixed with an end-member algorithm, provide a powerful tool to reconstruct the complex interplay of sedimentology and oceanography along a time slice.


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This study presents a differentiated carbonate budget for marine surface sediments from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge of the South Atlantic, with results based on carbonate grain-size composition. Upon separation into sand, silt, and clay sub-fractions, the silt grain-size distribution was measured using a SediGraph 5100. We found regionally characteristic grain-size distributions with an overall minimum at 8 µm equivalent spherical diameter (ESD). SEM observations reveal that the coarse particles (>8 µm ESD) are attributed to planktic foraminifers and their fragments, and the fine particles (<8 µm ESD) to coccoliths. On the basis of this division, the regional variation of the contribution of foraminifers and coccoliths to the carbonate budget of the sediments are calculated. Foraminifer carbonate dominates the sediments in mesotropic regions whereas coccoliths contribute most carbonate in oligotrophic regions. The grain size of the coccolith share is constant over water depth, indicating a lower susceptibility for carbonate dissolution compared to foraminifers. Finally, the characteristic grain-size distribution in fine silt (<8 µm ESD) is set into context with the coccolith assemblage counted and biometrically measured using a SEM. The coccoliths present in the silt fraction are predominantly large species (length > 4 µm). Smaller species (length < 4 µm) belong to the clay fraction (<2 µm ESD). The average length of most frequent coccolith species is connected to prominent peaks in grain-size distributions (ESD) with a shape factor. The area below Gaussian distributions fitted to these peaks is suggested as a way to quantitatively estimate the carbonate contribution of single coccolith species more precisely compared to conventional volume estimates. The quantitative division of carbonate into the fraction produced by coccoliths and that secreted by foraminifers enables a more precise estimate for source/sink relations of consumed and released CO2 in the carbon cycle. The allocation of coccolith length and grain size (ESD) suggests size windows for the separation or accumulation of distinct coccolith species in investigations that depend on non to slightly-mixed signals (e.g., isotopic studies).


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The grain size of deep-sea sediments provides an apparently simple proxy for current speed. However, grain size-based proxies may be ambiguous when the size distribution reflects a combination of processes, with current sorting only one of them. In particular, such sediment mixing hinders reconstruction of deep circulation changes associated with ice-rafting events in the glacial North Atlantic because variable ice-rafted detritus (IRD) input may falsely suggest current speed changes. Inverse modeling has been suggested as a way to overcome this problem. However, this approach requires high-precision size measurements that register small changes in the size distribution. Here we show that such data can be obtained using electrosensing and laser diffraction techniques, despite issues previously raised on the low precision of electrosensing methods and potential grain shape effects on laser diffraction. Down-core size patterns obtained from a sediment core from the North Atlantic are similar for both techniques, reinforcing the conclusion that both techniques yield comparable results. However, IRD input leads to a coarsening that spuriously suggests faster current speed. We show that this IRD influence can be accounted for using inverse modeling as long as wide size spectra are taken into account. This yields current speed variations that are in agreement with other proxies. Our experiments thus show that for current speed reconstruction, the choice of instrument is subordinate to a proper recognition of the various processes that determine the size distribution and that by using inverse modeling meaningful current speed reconstructions can be obtained from mixed sediments.


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Abundance and size distribution of ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in different parts of the Caspian Sea were studied in summer 2001 in relation to environmental conditions. In general, principal differences were found in M. leidyi abundance and population reproduction activity in northern-, middle- and southern Caspian waters. Ctenophore was practically absent in the northern Caspian. In the west of the middle Caspian Sea it penetrated far to the north demonstrating low reproduction activity. In the east the first single comb jellies were pointed out only in the most south of the region. In the warmest and most productive southern part of the Caspian Sea several zones of M. leidyi active breeding were found with total abundance exceeding 6000 #/m**2. Breeding activity and abundance of ctenophores increased here from the east to the west exceeding maximum values along the western coast of the southern Caspian Sea in regions of intensive sprat catching. Dependence of M. leidyi population development on temperature conditions was mentioned. On the base of remote sensed surface temperature, chlorophyll, and suspended mater distribution analysis possible ctenophore settling mechanisms by mesoscale dynamic structures were examined. Practical applications of obtained results are discussed for using effective biological methods to prevent catastrophic consequences of M. leidyi invasion to the Caspian Sea.


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Sediments from the ODP Site 1085A were studied to investigate the impacts of global cooling in the Middle and Late Miocene on the climate in Southwestern Africa. The size composition of the sediment was analysed emphasising the silt fraction. A comparison with the modern grain size distribution and suitable transport processes made it possible to assign specific transport processes to the grain size composition. Three processes are considered for transport of terrigeneous silt: while there was no evidence found for (1) transport by ocean currents, the analyses showed signals of (2) wind transport indicating dry conditions associated with a cool climate and (3) fluvial transport that points to humid and warm conditions. Three climatic phases were defined. The first phase from 13.8 to 11.8 Myr reveals a stable humid climate in Southwest Africa independent of the Antarctic glaciations. During the second phase from 11.8 to 10.4 Myr the regional climate cooled considerably but was not drier. Additionally, the climate during this phase reacted to the Antarctic glaciations. This cooling-trend continued during phase 3 from 10.4 to 9.0 Myr with a significant increase in dust input, pointing to overall drier conditions. However, fluvial transport still remained as the main source.


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Seven hundred and nineteen samples from throughout the Cainozoic section in CRP-3 were analysed by a Malvern Mastersizes laser particle analyser, in order to derive a stratigraphic distribution of grain-size parameters downhole. Entropy analysis of these data (using the method of Woolfe & Michibayashi, 1995) allowed recognition of four groups of samples, each group characterised by a distinctive grain-size distribution. Group 1, which shows a multi-modal distribution, corresponds to mudrocks, interbedded mudrock/sandstone facies, muddy sandstones and diamictites. Group 2, with a sand-grade mode but showing wide dispersion of particle size, corresponds to muddy sandstones, a few cleaner sandstones and some conglomerates. Group 3 and Group 4 are also sand-dominated, with better grain-size sorting, and correspond to clean, well-washed sandstones of varying mean grain-size (medium and fine modes, respectively). The downhole disappearance of Group 1, and dominance of Groups 3 and 4 reflect a concomitant change from mudrock- and diamictite-rich lithology to a section dominated by clean, well-washed sandstones with minor conglomerates. Progressive downhole increases in percentage sand and principal mode also reflect these changes. Significant shifts in grain-size parameters and entropy group membership were noted across sequence boundaries and seismic reflectors, as recognised in other studies.


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The environment of ebb-tidal deltas between barrier island systems is characterized by a complex morphology with ebb- and flood-dominated channels, shoals and swash bars connecting the ebb-tidal delta platform to the adjacent island. These morphological features reveal characteristic surface sediment grain-size distributions and are subject to a continuous adaptation to the prevailing hydrodynamic forces. The mixed-energy tidal inlet Otzumer Balje between the East Frisian barrier islands of Langeoog and Spiekeroog in the southern North Sea has been chosen here as a model study area for the identification of relevant hydrodynamic drivers of morphology and sedimentology. We compare the effect of high-energy, wave-dominated storm conditions to mid-term, tide-dominated fair-weather conditions on tidal inlet morphology and sedimentology with a process-based numerical model. A multi-fractional approach with five grain-size fractions between 150 and 450 µm allows for the simulation of corresponding surface sediment grain-size distributions. Net sediment fluxes for distinct conditions are identified: during storm conditions, bed load sediment transport is generally onshore directed on the shallower ebb-tidal delta shoals, whereas fine-grained suspended sediment bypasses the tidal inlet by wave-driven currents. During fair weather the sediment transport mainly focuses on the inlet throat and the marginal flood channels. We show how the observed sediment grain-size distribution and the morphological response at mixed-energy tidal inlets are the result of both wave-dominated less frequent storm conditions and mid-term, tide-dominant fair-weather conditions.