963 resultados para plasma spraying, surface modification, sphene, osteoblasts, titanium alloy


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The self-modulation process of a high-frequency surface wave (SW) in a wave-guiding structure - a semibounded magnetoactive plasma and perfectly conducting metal wall - is considered for the weak nonlinearity approximation. Estimates are given for the contributions to the nonlinear frequency shift of the SW from the two principal self-action channels: via the generation of a signal of the doubled frequency and of static surface perturbations, arising as the result of the action of a ponderomotive force. Solutions for the field envelope of the nonlinear wave are examined with regard to their stability with respect to longitudinal and transverse perturbations.


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A plasma-assisted concurrent Rf sputtering technique for fabrication of biocompatible, functionally graded CaP-based interlayer on Ti-6Al-4V orthopedic alloy is reported. Each layer in the coating is designed to meet a specific functionality. The adherent to the metal layer features elevated content of Ti and supports excellent ceramic-metal interfacial stability. The middle layer features nanocrystalline structure and mimics natural bone apatites. The technique allows one to reproduce Ca/P ratios intrinsic to major natural calcium phosphates. Surface morphology of the outer, a few to few tens of nanometers thick, layer, has been tailored to fit the requirements for the bio-molecule/protein attachment factors. Various material and surface characterization techniques confirm that the optimal surface morphology of the outer layer is achieved for the process conditions yielding nanocrystalline structure of the middle layer. Preliminary cell culturing tests confirm the link between the tailored nano-scale surface morphology, parameters of the middle nanostructured layer, and overall biocompatibility of the coating.


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Optical emission of reactive plasma species during the synthesis of functionally graded calcium phosphate-based bioactive films has been investigated. The coatings have been deposited on Ti-6Al-4V orthopedic alloy by co-sputtering of hydroxyapatite (HA) and titanium targets in reactive plasmas of Ar + H2O gas mixtures. The species, responsible for the Ca-P-Ti film growth have been non-intrusively monitored in situ by a high-resolution optical emission spectroscopy (OES). It is revealed that the optical emission originating from CaO species dominates throughout the deposition process. The intensities of CaO, PO and CaPO species are strongly affected by variations of the operating pressure, applied RF power, and DC substrate bias. The optical emission intensity (OEI) of reaction species can efficiently be controlled by addition of H2O reactant.


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The ponderomotive force effects on surface waves at a plasma-metal interface are studied. The waves propagate across an external magnetic field parallel to the interface. It is shown that the account of the ponderomotive force can lead to the appearance of solitons, which are not possible when the second-harmonic and magnetic nonlinearities are concerned. © 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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Theoretical and experimental results associated with the studies of different properties of surface-type waves (SW) in plasma-like medium-metal structures are reviewed. The propagation of surface waves in the Voigt geometry (the SW propagate across the external magnetic field, which is parallel to the interface) is considered. Various problems dealing with the linear properties of the SW (dispersion characteristics, electromagnetic fields topography, influence of the inhomogeneity of the medium, etc.); excitation mechanisms of the plasma-metal waveguide structures (parametric, drift, diffraction, etc. mechanisms); nonlinear effects associated with SW propagation (higher harmonics generation, self-interaction, nonlinear damping, nonlinear interactions, etc.) are presented. In many cases the results are valid for both gaseous and solid-state plasmas. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is shown that charged dust particles carrying a considerable proportion of the negative charge of a structured magnetized plasma can lead to low-frequency electromagnetic surface waves which otherwise do not exist. The waves are Alfvén-like and propagate across the stationary external magnetic field with a frequency below the ion cyclotron but much above the dust cyclotron frequency. The dispersion characteristics of the modes are obtained and applications to space plasmas discussed. Copyright 1999 by the American Geophysical Union.


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High-frequency electrostatic surface waves at the interface of a dusty plasma and a dielectric wall are investigated. The effects of ionization, recombination, and dust-charge variation are taken into account in a self-consistent manner, so that the system considered is closed. It is shown that a coupling of the surface waves and the dust-charge relaxation mode leads to anomalous damping and frequency downshift of the waves.


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The process of resonant generation of the second harmonic of the surface wave, propagating along the external magnetic field at the plasma-metal boundary is considered. The periodic process of the energy exchange between the first and the second harmonics of the wave is investigated as well. It is shown that the process under study is periodic one. The analytical expressions are obtained and numerical estimations are presented for characteristic time of nonlinear energy exchange. The self-action effect of main frequency wave is account for harmonics interaction. It is shown that the effect leads to nonlinear phenomena attenuation, which expresses in narrowing possible value interval of harmonics amplitudes during energy exchange process and in increasing the nonlinear interaction time.


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The nonlinear effect of hf surface waves self-interaction in a magnetoactive planar plasma waveguide is studies. The waveguide structure under consideration can be formed by gaseous or semiconducting homogeneous plasma, which is limited by a perfectly conducting metal surface. The surface (localized near the surface) wave perturbations propagating on the plasma-metal boundary perpendicular to the constant external magnetic field, are investigated. The nonlinear frequency shift connected with interaction of the second harmonic and static surface perturbations with the main frequency wave, is determined using the approximation of weak nonlinearity. It is shown that the process of double-frequency signal generation is the dissipative one as a result of bulk wave excitation on the surface wave second harmonic.


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Effect of near-wall transition regions on the surface wave propagation in a magnetoactive plasma layer bounded by a metal. It is shown that the account for inhomogeneities of plasma density or magnetic field causes an appearance of coupling between surface waves, propagating across magnetic field and localized near difference boundaries of the structure. The resonance damping of surface waves is analyzed too.


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A theoretical model of the plasma discharge in a metal cylinder pumped by an operating gas of an arbitrary nature is presented. The ionization is carried out by the surface wave (SW) propagating along a coaxial metal wire. The model includes the local dispersion relation, the energy balance equation, and the relation between the absorbed power per unit length and the local plasma density. Two typical regimes of the discharge are analyzed. In both regimes the axial and radial profiles of the plasma density of the electromagnetic field components and of the SW intensity are obtained. The possible use of the obtained results in plasma technology are discussed.


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The problem concerning the excitation of high-frequency surface waves (SW) propagating across an external magnetic field at a plasma-metal interface is considered. A homogeneous electric pump field is applied in the direction transverse with respect to the plasma-metal interface. Two high-frequency SW from different frequency ranges of existence and propagating in different directions are shown to be excited in this pump field. The instability threshold pump-field values and increments are obtained for different parameters of the considered waveguide structure. The results associated with saturation of the nonlinear instability due to self-interaction effects of the excited SW are given as well. The results are appropriate for both gaseous and semiconductor plasmas.


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The influence of electron heating in the high-frequency surface magnetoplasma wave(SM) field on dispersion properties of the considered SM is investigated. High frequency SM propagate at the interface between a plasma like medium with a finite electrons pressure and a metal. The nonlinear dispersion relation for the SM is derived and investigated.


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The efficiency of the excitation of surface plasma waves in the presence of external, steady crossed magnetic and electric fields is studied analytically and numerically for a geometry in which the waves propagate along the interface between a plasma-like medium and a metal in the direction transverse to both fields. The magnetic and electric fields are assumed to be parallel and transverse to the interface, respectively. The condition for which the drift instability of the surface wave arises is found.