983 resultados para oman, cimmerien,
The relative abundances of benthic foraminifers from the Oman margin have been analyzed from ODP Sites 725 and 726 near the upper boundary of the oxygen-minimum zone (OMZ) and 728 near the lower boundary. The relative abundance pattern of the benthic foraminiferal species in the two shallow sites show synchronous changes, which, together with variations in the faunal composition, may be attributed to changes in the location of the upper boundary of the OMZ during the last 7 million years. At the deeper site, the relative abundance pattern shows considerable variation in the faunal composition during the last 8 million years. The strong dominance of the shallow-water species Ammonia beccarii during the early Pliocene at Site 728 suggests a water depth less than 400 m during the early Pliocene and subsequent subsidence during the middle and late Pliocene to the present > 1400 m water depth.
This paper provides an overview of dust transport pathways and concentrations over the Arabian Sea during 1995. Results indicate that the transport and input of dust to the region is complex, being affected by both temporally and spatially important processes. Highest values of dust were found off the Omani coast and in the entrance to the Gulf of Oman. Dust levels were generally lower in summer than the other seasons, although still relatively high compared to other oceanic regions. The Findlater jet, rather than acting as a source of dust from Africa, appears to block the direct transport of dust to the open Arabian Sea from desert dust source regions in the Middle East and Iran/Pakistan. Dust transport aloft, above the jet, rather than at the surface, may be more important during summer. In an opposite pattern to dust, sea salt levels were exceedingly high during the summer monsoon, presumably due to the sustained strong surface winds. The high sea salt aerosols during the summer months may be impacting on the strong aerosol reflectance and absorbance signals over the Arabian Sea that are detected by satellite each year.
Mineral compositions of the plagioclase-bearing ultramafic tectonites dredged and cored seaward of the continental slope of the Galicia margin (Leg 103, Site 637) were compared to mineral compositions from onshore low-pressure ultramafic bodies (southeastern Ronda, western Pyrenees, and Lizard Point), on the basis of standardized (30-s counting time) probe analyses. The comparison was extended to some plagioclase-free harzburgites related to ophiolites (Santa Elena in Costa Rica, north Oman, and the Humboldt body in New Caledonia) on the basis of new analytical data and data from the literature. The behavior of Cr, Na, Al, Mg, Fe, Ni, and Ti in olivine, pyroxenes, and spinel was examined in order to distinguish between the effects of partial melting and mineral facies change, from the spinel to plagioclase stability fields. The peridotite from the Galicia margin appears slightly depleted in major incompatible elements and experienced a minor partial melting. However, it experienced large scale but heterogeneous recrystallization in the plagioclase field. These features are very similar to those observed in Ronda, whereas in the western Pyrenees the minerals exemplify a very minor partial-melting event (or none at all) and have retained compositions corresponding to those of the relatively high-pressure Seiland sub facies. The minerals from the Lizard Point peridotite have characteristics (low Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratio; high Cr/(Cr + Al) ratio in spinel) more related to cumulate from a differentiated tholeiitic melt than related to ophiolitic tectonite. Diffusion profiles of Al and Cr across pyroxenes and spinel show that recrystallization features occurred at different speeds or temperatures in the different bodies. The pyroxenes from Ronda would have experienced recrystallization about 14 times faster than the peridotite from the Galicia margin. The western Pyrenean lherzolites also experienced rapid recrystallization; nevertheless, because they are of a different mineral facies, the data are not directly comparable to that from Ronda and Galicia. The harzburgite at Santa Elena as well as a xenolith from alkali basalt exemplify rapid cooling characterized by very weak re-equilibration. Recrystallization speed is related to emplacement speed in the present geological environment. The slow-rising Galicia margin peridotite was emplaced by thinning of the lithospheric subcontinental mantle near an incipient mid-oceanic ridge. The fast-rising peridotites from Ronda and the western Pyrenees were hot diapirs emplaced from the asthenosphere along transcurrent faults, possibly related to the opening of the Atlantic Ocean.
The Persian Gulf situated in the arid climate region of the northern hemisphere shows special conditions in its hydrochemistry. The high evaporation, the lack of large rivers, and the exclusion of deep water from the Indian Ocean governs the nutrient cycle. At 28 stations in the deeper part of the Persian Gulf (Iran side), in the Strait of Hormuz, and in the Gulf of Oman determinations of dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic phosphate, silicate, and pH were carried out. On 4 selected transverse profiles for phosphate, and dissolved oxygen and on 1 length profile for phosphate, silicate, oxygen, and pH the distribution of these components is shown and the in- and outflow is characterized. It is also pointed out that the nutrients on their way into the Persian Gulf are diminished and that temporary replenishment supply from a layer of about 100 m depth in the Indian Ocean follows. On one horizontal map the phosphate distribution in the surface and 30 m layer gives reference to biological activity. One diagram where nitrogen components are plotted against phosphate shows that nitrate is a limiting factor for productivity. O2/PO4-P and PO4-P/S? diagrams enable the different waterbodies and mixed layers to be characterized.
In the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman marl forms the primary sediment cover, particularly on the Iranian side. A detailed quantitative description of the sediment components > 63 µ has been attempted in order to establish the regional distribution of the most important constituents as well as the criteria governing marl sedimentation in general. During the course of the analysis, the sand fraction from about 160 bottom-surface samples was split into 5 phi° fractions and 500 to 800 grains were counted in each individual fraction. The grains were cataloged in up to 40 grain type catagories. The gravel fraction was counted separately and the values calculated as weight percent. Basic for understanding the mode of formation of the marl sediment is the "rule" of independent availability of component groups. It states that the sedimentation of different component groups takes place independently, and that variation in the quantity of one component is independent of the presence or absence of other components. This means, for example, that different grain size spectrums are not necessarily developed through transport sorting. In the Persian Gulf they are more likely the result of differences in the amount of clay-rich fine sediment brought in to the restricted mouth areas of the Iranian rivers. These local increases in clayey sediment dilute the autochthonous, for the most part carbonate, coarse fraction. This also explains the frequent facies changes from carbonate to clayey marl. The main constituent groups of the coarse fraction are faecal pellets and lumps, the non carbonate mineral components, the Pleistocene relict sediment, the benthonic biogene components and the plankton. Faecal pellets and lumps are formed through grain size transformation of fine sediment. Higher percentages of these components can be correlated to large amounts of fine sediment and organic C. No discernable change takes place in carbonate minerals as a result of digestion and faecal pellet formation. The non-carbonate sand components originate from several unrelated sources and can be distinguished by their different grain size spectrum; as well as by other characteristics. The Iranian rivers supply the greatest amounts (well sorted fine sand). Their quantitative variations can be used to trace fine sediment transport directions. Similar mineral maxima in the sediment of the Gulf of Oman mark the path of the Persian Gulf outflow water. Far out from the coast, the basin bottoms in places contain abundant relict minerals (poorly sorted medium sand) and localized areas of reworked salt dome material (medium sand to gravel). Wind transport produces only a minimal "background value" of mineral components (very fine sand). Biogenic and non-biogenic relict sediments can be placed in separate component groups with the help of several petrographic criteria. Part of the relict sediment (well sorted fine sand) is allochthonous and was derived from the terrigenous sediment of river mouths. The main part (coarse, poorly sorted sediment), however, was derived from the late Pleistocene and forms a quasi-autochthonous cover over wide areas which receive little recent sedimentation. Bioturbation results in a mixing of the relict sediment with the overlying younger sediment. Resulting vertical sediment displacement of more than 2.5 m has been observed. This vertical mixing of relict sediment is also partially responsible for the present day grain size anomalies (coarse sediment in deep water) found in the Persian Gulf. The mainly aragonitic components forming the relict sediment show a finely subdivided facies pattern reflecting the paleogeography of carbonate tidal flats dating from the post Pleistocene transgression. Standstill periods are reflected at 110 -125m (shelf break), 64-61 m and 53-41 m (e.g. coare grained quartz and oolite concentrations), and at 25-30m. Comparing these depths to similar occurrences on other shelf regions (e. g. Timor Sea) leads to the conclusion that at this time minimal tectonic activity was taking place in the Persian Gulf. The Pleistocene climate, as evidenced by the absence of Iranian river sediment, was probably drier than the present day Persian Gulf climate. Foremost among the benthonic biogene components are the foraminifera and mollusks. When a ratio is set up between the two, it can be seen that each group is very sensitive to bottom type, i.e., the production of benthonic mollusca increases when a stable (hard) bottom is present whereas the foraminifera favour a soft bottom. In this way, regardless of the grain size, areas with high and low rates of recent sedimentation can be sharply defined. The almost complete absence of mollusks in water deeper than 200 to 300 m gives a rough sedimentologic water depth indicator. The sum of the benthonic foraminifera and mollusca was used as a relative constant reference value for the investigation of many other sediment components. The ratio between arenaceous foraminifera and those with carbonate shells shows a direct relationship to the amount of coarse grained material in the sediment as the frequence of arenaceous foraminifera depends heavily on the availability of sand grains. The nearness of "open" coasts (Iranian river mouths) is directly reflected in the high percentage of plant remains, and indirectly by the increased numbers of ostracods and vertebrates. Plant fragments do not reach their ultimate point of deposition in a free swimming state, but are transported along with the remainder of the terrigenous fine sediment. The echinoderms (mainly echinoids in the West Basin and ophiuroids in the Central Basin) attain their maximum development at the greatest depth reached by the action of the largest waves. This depth varies, depending on the exposure of the slope to the waves, between 12 to 14 and 30 to 35 m. Corals and bryozoans have proved to be good indicators of stable unchanging bottom conditions. Although bryozoans and alcyonarian spiculae are independent of water depth, scleractinians thrive only above 25 to 30 m. The beginning of recent reef growth (restricted by low winter temperatures) was seen only in one single area - on a shoal under 16 m of water. The coarse plankton fraction was studied primarily through the use of a plankton-benthos ratio. The increase in planktonic foraminifera with increasing water depth is here heavily masked by the "Adjacent sea effect" of the Persian Gulf: for the most part the foraminifera have drifted in from the Gulf of Oman. In contrast, the planktonic mollusks are able to colonize the entire Persian Gulf water body. Their amount in the plankton-benthos ratio always increases with water depth and thereby gives a reliable picture of local water depth variations. This holds true to a depth of around 400 m (corresponding to 80-90 % plankton). This water depth effect can be removed by graphical analysis, allowing the percentage of planktonic mollusks per total sample to be used as a reference base for relative sedimentation rate (sedimentation index). These values vary between 1 and > 1000 and thereby agree well with all the other lines of evidence. The "pteropod ooze" facies is then markedly dependent on the sedimentation rate and can theoretically develop at any depth greater than 65 m (proven at 80 m). It should certainly no longer be thought of as "deep sea" sediment. Based on the component distribution diagrams, grain size and carbonate content, the sediments of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman can be grouped into 5 provisional facies divisions (Chapt.19). Particularly noteworthy among these are first, the fine grained clayey marl facies occupying the 9 narrow outflow areas of rivers, and second, the coarse grained, high-carbonate marl facies rich in relict sediment which covers wide sediment-poor areas of the basin bottoms. Sediment transport is for the most part restricted to grain sizes < 150 µ and in shallow water is largely coast-parallel due to wave action at times supplemented by tidal currents. Below the wave base gravity transport prevails. The only current capable of moving sediment is the Persian Gulf outflow water in the Gulf of Oman.
Samples of drilled oceanic crust, from DSDP Holes 417A, 417D and 418A and ODP Hole 735B, and oceanic crust from the Oman and Cyprus ophiolites, were analyzed for B contents and d11B. Composite samples from DSDP Holes 417A, 417D and 418A were used to represent the upper 550 m of altered oceanic crustal Layer 2A. Whole-rock samples from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus, and the Oman ophiolite were selected to represent crustal Layer 2B dikes. Composite samples from ODP Hole 735B were used to represent crustal Layer 3. The B content of the DSDP composites ranges from 7.2 ppm to 104 ppm and correlates with both d1818O and K, showing that it is a good indicator of the extent of low temperature alteration. The d11B of the DSDP composites varies between -2.5? and 5.4?. The B content of the samples from the Troodos ophiolite ranges from 2.4 ppm to 8.1 ppm; d11B varies from -0.9? to 7.8?. The B content of the Oman ophiolite samples ranges from 5.0 ppm to 11.1 ppm; d11B varies from -1.6? to 16.9?. The B content of the samples from ODP Hole 735B ranges from 1.1 ppm to 7.1 ppm; d11B varies from -4.3? to 24.9?. The general pattern displayed by these samples is one of greatest (and most variable) B enrichment at the top of the crust and least enrichment at the bottom of the section. All of these samples are enriched compared to unaltered MORB, which is believed to have a B content of approximately 0.5 ppm. The d11B values of deeper samples, from Layers 2B and 3, are more variable and generally higher than those from Layer 2A. Boron contents and d11B are not correlated. The data from the DSDP Site 417/418 composites indicate that the d11B of fluid circulating in the upper crust changes only slightly during alteration, increasing by an average of 5.1? with an accompanying decrease in B concentration of 7%. Low temperature alteration appears to be a water-dominated process resulting in minor modification of circulating seawater. A minimum water-rock ratio of 400 is calculated for these samples, implying a minimum low-temperature seawater flux through the upper oceanic crust of 3.4?10**14 l/y. The average B content of altered oceanic crust, as represented by these samples, is 5.2+/-1.7 ppm and the average d11B is 3.4+/-1.1?. This average isotopic composition is measurably different from the apparent average of oceanic sediments, supporting the idea that d11B could be useful for identifying the source(s) of B in island arcs.
Data on amounts of various functional groups, i.e. aldehyde, acid, ester, alcohol, thiol and aromatic groups in several fractions of low-polarity dissolved organic matter are presented. An assumption that this organic matter is part of the lipid fraction is not confirmed. Amount of aromatic compounds in waters of the Northwest Indian Ocean is estimated to be about 1000 times higher than quantity of aromatic hydrocarbons discharged into the ocean each year in petroleum and petroleum products.
Historically, the Holocene has been considered an interval of relatively stable climate. However, recent studies from the northern Arabian Sea (Netherlands Indian Ocean Program 905) suggested high-amplitude climate shifts in the early and middle Holocene based on faunal and benthic isotopic proxy records. We examined benthic foraminiferal faunal and stable isotopic data from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 723 and total organic carbon data from ODP Site 724, Oman Margin (808 and 593 m water depths, respectively). At Site 723 the mid-Holocene shift in d18O values of infaunal benthic species Uvigerina peregrina (1.4 per mil) is 3 times larger than that of epifaunal benthic species Cibicides kullenbergi recorded at Site NIOP 905 off Somalia. However, none of the five other benthic species we measured at Hole 723A exhibits such a shift in d18O. We speculate that the late Holocene d18O decrease in U. peregrina represents species-specific changes in ecological habitat or food preference in response to changes in surface and deep ocean circulation. While the stable isotopic data do not appear to indicate a middle Holocene climatic shift, our total organic carbon and benthic faunal assemblage data do indicate that the early Holocene deep Arabian Sea was influenced by increased ventilation perhaps by North Atlantic Deep Water and/or Circumpolar Deep Water incursions into the Indian Ocean, leading to remineralization of organic matter and a relatively weak early Holocene oxygen minimum zone in the northwest Arabian Sea in spite of strong summer monsoon circulation.
We present a synthesis of some 20,504 mineral analyses of ~500 Hole 735B gabbros, including 10,236 new analyses conducted for this paper. These are used to construct a mineral stratigraphy for 1.5-km-deep Hole 735B, the only long section of the lower crust drilled in situ in the oceans. At long wavelengths, generally >200 m, there is a good chemical correlation among the principal silicate phases, consistent with the in situ crystallization of three or four distinct olivine gabbro bodies, representing at least two major cycles of intrusion. Initial cooling and crystallization of these bodies must have been fairly rapid to form a crystal mush, followed by subsequent compaction and migration of late iron-titanium-rich liquids into shear zones and fractures through which they were emplaced to higher levels in the lower crust where they crystallized and reacted with the olivine gabbro host rock to form a wide variety of ferrogabbros. At the wave lengths of the individual intrusions, as represented by the several olivine gabbro sequences, there is a general upward trend of iron and sodium enrichment but a poor correlation between the compositions of the major silicate phases. This, together with a wide range in minor incompatible and compatible element concentrations in olivine and pyroxene at a given Mg#, is consistent with widespread permeable flow of late melt through these intrusions, in contrast to what has been documented for a 600-m section of reputedly fast-spreading ocean crust in the Oman Ophiolite. This unexpected finding could be related to enhanced compaction and deformation-controlled late-stage melt migration at the scale of intrusion at a slow-spreading ocean ridge, compared to the relatively static environment in the lower crust at fast-spreading ridges.
Surface and upper-layer pollution of seas and oceans by crude oil and refinery products is under study by investigators in many countries. The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have prepared an international experimental project that is to be carried out within the framework of the Integrated Global Oceanic Station System (IGOSS). The purpose of the project is to prepare a picture of distribution and dynamics of oil pollution. Parameters to be observed include: oil patches (slicks), floating lumps of tar on the surface, and hydrocarbons emulsified and dissolved in water. Cruise 22 of R/V Akademik Kurchatov took the ship through regions being the most suitable for pollution studies. They were conducted from March through June 1976. On the cruise, oil slicks were observed visually by a procedure recommended by the international program. Areas of the slicks were determined from speed of the ship and time required to cross them. Surface samples were taken along the path of the ship for determination of concentrations of dissolved and emulsified hydrocarbons in water. In addition, samples were taken from deep water by a 7-liter vinyl water bottle at 17 stations. Hydrocarbons present in the samples were extracted immediately with carbon tetrachloride. Final determination of hydrocarbons was made by infrared spectrophotometry. This method is currently accepted in the Soviet Union in an arbitration capacity for determination of petroleum products dissolved and emulsified in sea water. Infrared spectrophotometry is used to determine hydrocarbons containing methyl and methylene groups, but they are not identified as to origin.
Seismic velocities have been measured at confining pressures of 100 MPa and 600 MPa for sheeted dike samples recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Legs 137 and 140. The compressional- and shear-wave velocities show an increase with depth at Hole 504B, which is in sharp contrast to the atmospheric pressure velocity measurements performed as part of the shipboard analyses. Rocks exposed to different types of alteration and fracture patterns show distinct changes in their physical properties. The seismic reflectors observed on the vertical seismic profile (VSP) experiment performed during Leg 111 may have been caused by low velocity zones resulting from alteration. The amount of fracturing and hydrothermal alteration in several zones also may have contributed to the acoustic impedance contrast necessary to produce the E5 reflector. Poisson's ratios calculated from laboratory velocity measurements show several low values at depths ranging from 1600 mbsf to 2000 mbsf, which tends to follow similar trends obtained from previous oceanic refraction experiments. A comparison of physical properties between samples recovered from Hole 504B and ophiolite studies in the Bay of Islands and Oman shows a good correlation with the Bay of Islands but significant differences from the measurements performed in the Oman complex.