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RESUMO - O cancro colorretal é um dos tumores mais comuns nos países desenvolvidos e um grave problema de saúde pública. Em Portugal constitui a terceira causa de morte por cancro em ambos os sexos e a segunda para cada sexo separadamente. A sua importância tem vindo a aumentar devido aos custos pessoais e sociais, surgindo internacionalmente como a segunda doença oncológica com os custos económicos mais elevados. No contexto atual, onde os gastos continuam a aumentar e os recursos são limitados, é importante tornar acessível aos decisores políticos o valor dos custos do cancro do cólon, para comparar opções para a prevenção e tratamento desta doença, no momento de afetar os recursos e financiamento do cancro. O objetivo do estudo é medir os custos diretos do tratamento do cancro do cólon na região do Algarve no ano de 2007. Para além da caracterização sociodemográfica e clínica dos doentes, pretende-se relacionar os custos das diferentes tipologias de diagnóstico e tratamento com os estádios da doença, com a idade e com o sexo. Propõe-se um estudo retrospetivo, analítico, transversal, que segue a abordagem custos da doença baseada na prevalência, adotando a perspetiva dos serviços de saúde. A principal fonte dos dados é a plataforma do ROR-Sul, extraindo-se a população constituída por todos os doentes com diagnóstico de cancro do cólon entre 1 de janeiro de 2007 e 31 de dezembro de 2007, residentes no distrito de Faro (n=170). Para a valorização dos custos recorre-se às Portarias que regulam as tabelas de preços dos serviços do Sistema Nacional de Saúde, à contabilidade analítica dos hospitais e ao Infarmed. Os resultados serão analisados através do Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) versão 20. De forma a verificar a existência de diferenças estatísticas, em termos de médias e da existência de relações, entre as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas utilizaram-se vários testes. Consideramos que este estudo será um importante ponto de partida para posteriores análises económicas completas, em termos dos seus custos e suas consequências, nomeadamente a realização da análise custo-efetividade de programas de prevenção primária e secundária do cancro do cólon.


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BACKGROUND: High-grade gliomas are aggressive, incurable tumors characterized by extensive diffuse invasion of the normal brain parenchyma. Novel therapies at best prolong survival; their costs are formidable and benefit is marginal. Economic restrictions thus require knowledge of the cost-effectiveness of treatments. Here, we show the cost-effectiveness of enhanced resections in malignant glioma surgery using a well-characterized tool for intraoperative tumor visualization, 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of 5-ALA fluorescence-guided neurosurgery compared with white-light surgery in adult patients with newly diagnosed high-grade glioma, adopting the perspective of the Portuguese National Health Service. METHODS: We used a Markov model (cohort simulation). Transition probabilities were estimated with the use of data from 1 randomized clinical trial and 1 noninterventional prospective study. Utility values and resource use were obtained from published literature and expert opinion. Unit costs were taken from official Portuguese reimbursement lists (2012 values). The health outcomes considered were quality-adjusted life-years, lifeyears, and progression-free life-years. Extensive 1-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed. RESULTS: The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios are below €10 000 in all evaluated outcomes, being around €9100 per quality-adjusted life-year gained, €6700 per life-year gained, and €8800 per progression-free life-year gained. The probability of 5-ALA fluorescence-guided surgery cost-effectiveness at a threshold of €20000 is 96.0% for quality-adjusted life-year, 99.6% for life-year, and 98.8% for progression-free life-year. CONCLUSION: 5-ALA fluorescence-guided surgery appears to be cost-effective in newly diagnosed high-grade gliomas compared with white-light surgery. This example demonstrates cost-effectiveness analyses for malignant glioma surgery to be feasible on the basis of existing data.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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RESUMO - Objectivos Um dos problemas mais comuns nos sistemas de saúde e particularmente naqueles que têm uma estrutura predominantemente pública são os elevados Tempos Espera (TE) para cirurgia. Este projecto tem como principal objectivo identificar a importância relativa em Portugal das determinantes do TE cirúrgico. Metodologia Para clarificar essa importância, aplicou-se um questionário desenvolvido pelo Fraser Institute, utilizado para a análise anual dos TE no Canadá, recorrendo a um painel de peritos e através da realização da técnica Delphi, procurou-se consensualizar quais as determinantes das Listas Espera (LE), mais importantes. Para ilustrar a diversidade de perspectivas, recorreu-se também à análise de trabalhos realizados por inúmeras organizações, onde pudemos observar e recolher distintas abordagens, políticas e técnicas da questão das LE em países com diferentes tipos de sistemas de saúde. Resultados Os resultados obtidos revelam que os peritos consideraram a disponibilidade de tempo no Bloco Operatório (BO) e a de anestesiologistas, como as determinantes com maior impacto no aumento das LE. Conclusões Dos dados recebidos relativos ao Sistema Integrado Gestão Inscritos Cirurgia (SIGIC), bem como dos retirados de relatórios oficiais, concluímos que as LE cirúrgicas tiveram evolução positiva, nomeadamente na redução da mediana do TE da Lista Inscritos Cirurgia (LIC) (meses), no entanto, os objectivos dos Tempos Máximos Resposta Garantidos (TMRG) não estão a ser cumpridos. A análise das diferentes iniciativas e estratégias políticas para combater as LE, permitiu-nos sugerir caminhos a explorar, tendo como objectivo minorar o problema das LE: cuidados integrados, optimização da eficiência na utilização da capacidade instalada e maior aposta na cirurgia de ambulatório.


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This thesis is about arbitration, a form of alternative dispute resolution, as a solution for the slowness of the Brazilian Judiciary. The paper starts with an approach of the fundamental rights, highlighting their positivation, important to distinguish them from human rights, the four dimensions of the fundamental rights and, lastly, the analysis of their features, emphasizing their characters of complementarity and universality. After, it starts to discourse about the “access to Justice”, an important fundamental right, and, to delimitate the role of the Judiciary and the problems related to solve cases in a reasonable amount of time. Next, it exposes other alternative forms of dispute resolutions that, like the arbitration, can help to the concretization of a faster and more effective Justice. Then, it discusses the historical evolution of the arbitration in Brazil, highlighting the contemporary features of the institute, which were more visible with the ratification of the New York Convention and the promulgation of Law nº 9.307/1996. In addition, it analyses the possible changes that will come with the New Brazilian Procedure Law Code and the PL 7.108/2014, intended to change the current Arbitration Law. It also explains the main arbitration attributes, describing the peculiarities of the arbitral convention, the arbitrator role, and the arbitral award aspects. At least, it lists the main reasons someone should choose arbitration instead the Judiciary, considering the Brazilian Courts reality.


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Este trabalho é um estudo de caso que ilustra o cenário da maioria das empresas de serviços alimentícios no norte do Brasil em que, geralmente, os estabelecimentos das pequenas e médias empresas não cumprem os padrões legalmente exigidos para funcionamento. Descreve a consultoria realizada no restaurante Sabor & Arte, localizado na cidade de São Miguel do Guamá, Pará, Brasil, na sequência de um pedido endereçado ao SEBRAE pelos responsáveis da empresa. Através de check-lists baseados na legislação relativa a este tipo de estabelecimento, verificaram-se as deficiências e não conformidades mais aparentes da empresa. Além disso, foram realizadas pesquisas descritivo-conclusivas para que se chegasse a conclusões concretas sobre a realidade da organização. Os resultados dessas pesquisas apontaram as necessidades e falhas do empreendimento. Esses dados foram a base para a criação de um plano de ação que corrigisse os problemas identificados a fim de incrementar a lucratividade do negócio. Para o estudo adotou-se o modelo de Gestão Integrada por Resultados com Foco em Competências (GIRFC), desenvolvido pela empresa de consultoria Gestão e Inovação Empresarial (Belém, Pará, Brasil) que objetiva ultrapassar deficiências no âmbito do negócio, bem como instruir a padronização dos estabelecimentos de acordo com as exigências da lei, intervindo assim em diferentes áreas de funcionamento: Finanças, Marketing, Processos, Gestão de Pessoas e Conformidades da Lei. O processo envolveu mudanças em todos os segmentos da empresa e como resultado espera-se o incremento da qualidade em geral, a implementação de diferenciais inovadores e a orientação do foco empresarial, direcionando estrategicamente os esforços do negócio para a obtenção de uma vantagem competitiva no mercado e retorno dos investimentos financeiros.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare pain as reported by outpatients with fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and low back pain, in view of designing more adequate physical therapy treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A Portuguese version of the McGill Pain Questionnaire - where subjects are asked to choose, from lists of pre-categorized words, one or none that best describes what they feel - was used to assess pain intensity and quality of 64 patients, of which 24 had fibromyalgia, 22 had osteoarthritis, and 18 had low back pain. The pre-categorized words were organized into 4 major classes -- sensory, affective, evaluative, and miscellaneous. RESULTS: Patients with fibromyalgia reported, comparatively, more intense pain through their choice of pain descriptors, both sensory and affective; they also chose a higher number of words from these classes than patients in the other groups and were the only ones to choose specific affective descriptors such as "vicious", "wretched", "exhausting", "blinding". CONCLUSION: Assuming that each disease presents unique qualities of pain experience, and that these can be pointed out by means of this questionnaire by patients' choice of specific groups of words, the findings suggest that fibromyalgia include not only a physical component, but also a psycho-emotional component, indicating that they require both emotional/affective and physical care.


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Pathological gambling was only recently recognized as a psychiatric disorder (DSM-III, APA, 1980). Most studies of pathological gambling include only male subjects. Despite the paucity of information, it is likely that at least one-third of pathological gamblers are women. The objective of this article is to review clinical and epidemiological characteristics of female gamblers as compared to their male counterparts. MEDLINE and PsycINFO were searched for investigational studies and reviews of the past 10 years on clinical (sociodemographic, course and progression, psychiatric comorbidities, genetics, and personality) and epidemiological aspects of female gamblers. Other relevant articles were also selected from reference lists. It is concluded that the current literature indicates some common characteristics in female and male gamblers, but it also indicates the possibility that each gender may carry etiopathogenic differences that when better understood should lead to improved treatment and prevention strategies.


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Eighteen Pteridophyte taxa in 15 genera are reported as new for the Territory of Amapá, Brazil. The collections area a result of a recent Projeto Flora Amazônica/Programa Flora expedition to that region, and update previous lists of taxa for Amapá.In 1975, Tryon and Conant publised a checklist of the ferns of the Brazilian Amazônia reporting 84 taxa for the Territory of Amapá. The paucity of records for Amapá reflects, at least in part, the amount of botanical exploration. The most complete list of taxa occurring in the Territory is an unpublished list of collection compiled by J. M. Pires. This compilation reports 118 taxas for the Territory of Amapá. The following list is intended to update both the Pires compilation an the Tryon and Conant checklist for the Territor. These records are the result of a Projeto Flora Amazônica/Programa Flora expedition to the region in the latter part of 1979. Species were included in this list is not reportes in the compilation of colections for Amapá, or listed as specifically occurrin in Amapá in the monographs and revisions consulted for listed as specifically occurring in Amapá in the monograohs and revisions consulted for identification (Evans, 1969; Kramer, 1957, 1978; de la Sota, 1960; Lellinger, 1972; Maxon & Morton, 1938; Scamman, 1960, Smith, 1971; Tryon, 1941, 1964).This list reports 18 taxa in 15 genera, increasing the number of taxa in Amapá from the 118 listed by Pires to 136. Most of the taxa reported here might have been predicted to occur in Amapá on the basis of their distribution records for surrounding regions.Each species is followed by a collection number. The collection number is that of D. F. Austin, C. E. Nauman, R. S. Secco, C. Rosario, and M. R. Santos except for four collections in which R. S. Secco was absent and B. V. Rabelo was present, and these are indicated after the collection number. Specimens are deposited in the herbaria of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Brazil and the United States. The family system is essentially that used by Tyron and Conant.


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95 Specimens representing 12 Species in 5 genera form the basis of this paper. 6 new Species are described, namely: Henicomyia amazonica, n. sp. (Bnazil: Amazonas) , Brachylinga xanthoperra, n. sp. (Brazil:Roraima), Cyclotelus badicrusus, n. sp. (Brazil-.Amazonas; Ecuador: Pichinca), C. silacrusus, n. sp. (Brazil-.São Paulo), Penniverpa alvadusta. n. sp. (Brazil-.Amazonas) and P. alvatra, n. sp. (Brazil-.Roraima) . A check-list of Braziliam Therevidae, based on literature accounts and examined matenial, is ALSO provided. It lists 22 Species in 7 genera, one not formally described. New combinations, and new synonyms ore proposed.


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The purpose of the present work is to analyse and provide kixikila legal framework under Angolan law. Kixikila, despite being a legally atypical agreement, is a socially typical contract, governed essentially by the practices and customs in Angola and concluded throughout the country. With the above purpose in mind, this thesis is structured in five chapters: the first one aims at better understanding its features and, therefore, it describes the kixikila in accordance with oral research, direct observation and the contributions of scholars that have examined this matter. The second chapter aims at qualifying the kixikila as a legal transaction. For this purpose, we have analysed its requirements, formation stages, content and form, characteristics, rights and obligations of the parties, effects and compliance. We have also covered the reasons that explain why this type of agreement shall be legally protected in line with the protection conferred upon other legal agreements, taking into account its economic and social function. The third chapter covers the vicissitudes which may occur during the term of the kixikila agreement, as well as the enforcement mechanisms in face of breach and its termination. The fourth chapter aims at qualifying this agreement by comparing its most relevant characteristics with those of typical agreements, with a view to determining its legal nature based upon the similarity with other contractual types. This chapter further makes a comparative synthesis between the contracts in analysis. The fifth chapter analyses the legal nature and legal framework applicable to kixikila taking into account mixed-purpose contracts and sui generis contracts. We conclude that practices and customs in Angola take precedence as regards kixikila. Lastly, we attach additional information, such as excerpts of interviews with some individuals intervening in kixikila, the functional structure of kixikila and examples of kixikila, as well as demonstrative lists of countries where this type of agreement takes place and the obligations arising therefrom.


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Novel input modalities such as touch, tangibles or gestures try to exploit human's innate skills rather than imposing new learning processes. However, despite the recent boom of different natural interaction paradigms, it hasn't been systematically evaluated how these interfaces influence a user's performance or whether each interface could be more or less appropriate when it comes to: 1) different age groups; and 2) different basic operations, as data selection, insertion or manipulation. This work presents the first step of an exploratory evaluation about whether or not the users' performance is indeed influenced by the different interfaces. The key point is to understand how different interaction paradigms affect specific target-audiences (children, adults and older adults) when dealing with a selection task. 60 participants took part in this study to assess how different interfaces may influence the interaction of specific groups of users with regard to their age. Four input modalities were used to perform a selection task and the methodology was based on usability testing (speed, accuracy and user preference). The study suggests a statistically significant difference between mean selection times for each group of users, and also raises new issues regarding the “old” mouse input versus the “new” input modalities.


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Although Brazil imported more African slaves than any other country in the Americas, knowledge of the accounting and taxation of slave-related transactions in Brazil is under-developed. We explore Portuguese-language documents showing how accounting and taxation were implicated in maintaining slavery in Brazil in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The study presents examples of key documents involving slaves (such as inventory lists, rental agreements, insurance policies, and receipts) and explains how slave-related transactions were recorded and taxed. We enable important comparisons to be drawn with the accounting and taxation of slaves in the USA and British West Indies.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Literatura - Especialidade em Teoria da Literatura


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The collection of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG), in the city of Belém, State of Pará, Brazil, has 65 samples of type-specimens of Isoptera, representing 26 species (21 holotypes and 5 paratypes) of 18 genera. This paper lists the number of specimens of each caste in each type series, type localities with geographical coordinates, collectors, and dates of collection.