1000 resultados para människohandel med sexuella ändamål


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Snart tjugo miljoner muslimer lever i Europa, och runt 300 000 i Sverige. Knappt fyra procent av Sveriges befolkning är muslimer, och bara en liten del av dem utövar sin religion, är praktiserande. Men alla muslimer, oavsett grad av religiositet, behandlas ungefär på samma sätt. De möts av fördomar, okunskap och hat. Detta konstaterande låter journalisten och författaren Kerstin Gustafsson Figueroa bli utgångspunkt för en antologi -För Guds skull. Muslimer i Sverige -fylld av personliga samtal med människor bakom stereotypierna.


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Endometrios är en kronisk sjukdom som drabbar en av tio kvinnor världen över. Vanliga symptom är menstruationssmärta, samlagssmärta och en nedsatt fertilitet. Diagnosen endometrios ställs oftast i samband med en titthålsoperation och kan i många fall dröja upp till flera år. Tidigare forskning på området har funnit att individer som lever med endometrios kan uppleva en minskad livskvalité, komplikationer med sociala relationer samt emotionella besvär. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att studera kvinnors upplevelse av endometrios. Åtta kvinnor intervjuades, samtliga bosatta i Stockholmsområdet. Resultatet visar på flera olika psykologiska aspekter som sjukdomen för med sig. En minskad livskvalité, komplikationer med sociala relationer och en nedsatt arbetsförmåga är aspekter som påverkas av de upplevda symptomen. En nedsatt fertilitet kan vidare skapa en reducering av individens självkänsla. Slutsatsen är att en tidigare diagnos och ökad forskning skulle kunna bidra till underlättande av endometriosdrabbades vardag och därmed förbättra deras livskvalité.


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Languages are a central aspect of communication, and also strongly related to ideas about belonging and identity. Language is a necessary knowledge to speak, act and make connections with other people, and also seen as an essential aspect of integration. However, as languages are connected to resilient norms in society, there are ideas of “good” and “bad” language use. This study examines migrated academic individuals and their use of acquired Swedish, to see how their language use is experienced as a communication tool and as a marker of inclusion. To live with a second language is different from learning it. A phenomenological perspective is applied to explore the lifeworlds of the individuals, to see how language use and its consequences are embodied and resulting in emotions and strategies. This is done by interviews and observations combined with language portraits and language diaries. The study shows that language is done by languaging (språkande), understood as an action of making language. The making of language includes a range of communicative elements and also the experiences, strategies and emotions that the language experiences result in. With the concept of languaging, the focal point is how language is made meaningful, as a tool that you communicate with, as well as live with.


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In this article the medical data-advisory web-resource developed by authors is considered. This resource allows carrying out information interchange between consumers of medical services and the medical establishments which give these services, and firms-manufacturers of medical equipment and medicaments. Main sections of this web-site, their purposes and capabilities are considered in this article.


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Removal of dissolved salts and toxic chemicals in water, especially at a few parts per million (ppm) levels is one of the most difficult problems. There are several methods used for water purification. The choice of the method depends mainly on the level of feed water salinity, source of energy and type of contaminants present. Distillation is an age old method which can remove all types of dissolved impurities from contaminated water. In multiple effect distillation (MED) latent heat of steam is recycled several times to produce many units of distilled water with one unit of primary steam input. This is already being used in large capacity plants for treating sea water. But the challenge lies in designing a system for small scale operations that can treat a few cubic meters of water per day, especially suitable for rural communities where the available water is brackish. A small scale MED unit with an extendable number of effects has been designed and analyzed for optimum yield in terms of total distillate produced. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.


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Floating plastic debris sampled in surface waters of northwestern Mediterranean Sea during summer 2013. Geographical coordinates and dates of sampling are available in the dataset.


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Este volumen facticio que contiene tres obras de Tomás Murillo se encontraba retirado de la consulta debido a su estado de deterioro. Si bien de las obras 1ª y 3ª existían otros ejemplares disponibles, no así de la 2ª obra. En adelante se exponen los trabajos de restauración realizados sobre el volumen por la autora, durante el periodo de prácticas extracurriculares del Grado de Conservación y Restauración del Patrimonio Cultural de la UCM llevadas a cabo en el Departamento de Conservación de esta Biblioteca.


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Costs related to inventory are usually a significant amount of the company’s total assets. Despite this, companies in general don’t pay a lot of interest in it, even if the benefits from effective inventory are obvious when it comes to less tied up capital, increased customer satisfaction and better working environment. Permobil AB, Timrå is in an intense period when it comes to revenue and growth. The production unit is aiming for an increased output of 30 % in the next two years. To make this possible the company has to improve their way to distribute and handle material,The purpose of the study is to provide useful information and concrete proposals for action, so that the company can build a strategy for an effective and sustainable solution when it comes to inventory management. Alternative methods for making forecasts are suggested, in order to reach a more nuanced perception of different articles, and how they should be managed. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used in order to give specially selected persons the chance to decide criteria for how the article should be valued. The criteria they agreed about were annual volume value, lead time, frequency rate and purchase price. The other method that was proposed was a two-dimensional model where annual volume value and frequency was the criteria that specified in which class an article should be placed. Both methods resulted in significant changes in comparison to the current solution. For the spare part inventory different forecast methods were tested and compared with the current solution. It turned out that the current forecast method performed worse than both moving average and exponential smoothing with trend. The small sample of ten random articles is not big enough to reject the current solution, but still the result is a reason enough, for the company to control the quality of the forecasts.


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Studien är en fallstudie över nattlivets utveckling under den senaste tioårsperioden i Stockholm stad. Syftet är att utforska hur politiken, de reglerande myndigheterna, och branschen förhåller sig till det geografiska rummet och dess förutsättningar, samt vad deras förhållningssätt, gett för återverkningar i lokaliseringen av nattlivet. Studien har genomförts genom intervjuer med politiker, tjänstemän och nattklubbsägare som alla är involverade i produktionen och regleringen av nattliv. En kartering av stadens nattlivsverksamheter har också genomförts. Studien bidrar till det forskningsfält som behandlar nattlivs-politik och reglering i koppling till det neoliberala paradigmet, genom att sätta utvecklingen av nattliv i ett geografiskt sammanhang. Resultaten visar att staden vill utöka nattlivet men är begränsade av de nationella lagarna. Under den studerande perioden har nattlivet utökats söderut och nya nattlivsdistrikt har bildats. Denna utveckling går att se som en samspelsprocess mellan bransch, politik och regelverk.


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A public organization has a section for customer service which is responsible of order entry from customers concerning errands within real estate and business equipment, cleaning, transport operations and handicap appliance. According to the co-ordinators in hospitals within the organisation the customers are requesting for staff to talk to physically, meaning a person to speak with face to face. The customers experiencing that it’s sometimes difficult to call customer service or use the web form, which is the only communication paths in the current situation. Proposed changes presented claim that a complement to customer service with local service centers in every hospital. The purpose of this study is to evaluate a change proposition by weigh between efficiency and working environment, this by using multi-criteria analysis. To achieve the goal a decision model is designed in the decision tool DecideIT. The aim of the study is to recommend decision makers to choose one of the options based on as rational grounds as possible. The result of the study showed that the preferred alternative is not to supplement customer service with local service centers. For the most part, the result depending on the survey (represented result from working environment criteria) which showed that the majority of customers do not request a person to speak with face to face at all.


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In today’s society, IT-Companies often have a hard time estimating changed requirements. This leads to that the clients’ confidence is negatively affected and is one of the main reasons why this has to be improved. The goal with this study was to find out what the most common problems regarding this issue are in IT-companies that works with agile software development. By analyzing one IT-company through a SWOT- and pareto-analysis the most common problems have been ascertained. The SWOT analysis have been created through interviews with selected employees to get a better understanding of the problems that the IT-company is facing. Furthermore was the pareto-analysis based on a survey that was sent out to many different employees to prioritize the problems. The reason why the survey was sent to different employees was to get a more objective input. The study showed that there was many different problems that needed attention. The most important problems was that the communication towards the client regarding requirements needed to be improved, better communication internally between different departments needed to be established, a method to quickly adapt and estimate change in requirements needed to be implemented and finally a method regarding witch key employees whom need to attend the planning of the program backlog. These problems have then been studied through interviews with other IT-companies and through a literature study. The conclusions that where drawn was that the client needs to be involved and updated through the whole project. Constant monitoring and communication regarding changed requirements needs to be processed and mediated. High standards needs to be set early towards the client in order to obtain as clear an image of the requirements as possible. Many different parties need to attend to the planning process for the program backlog before the start of the project. The client needs to be aware of that changed requirements will arise and that this will lead to that the first estimation may not necessarily be absolute. As long as the client is held up to date as well as participant through the whole project and problems are detected and mediated early, change in requirements should not be a huge problem. This is after all the purpose of being agile.