848 resultados para lone wolves terrorism


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Since the Muslim Brotherhood rule was toppled in July 2013, the regime of President Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi has strived to consolidate his one-man rule; he painted the political opposition and civil society as traitors and foreign agents and exploited the fight against terrorism to suppress freedom of expression, justify a crackdown on the press, eclipse justice in courtrooms, throw thousands in prison, and tighten his grip on police forces. The regime has postponed parliamentary elections for some time, while it marginalised and weakened the non-Islamist political parties that helped Sisi take power. He did so by promoting electoral lists with candidates who are loyal to the president, to ensure control over the new assembly and by obstructing any political alliance that could form an opposition. At the same time, the security apparatus has been given free rein to control the public sphere and engineer the electoral process. This may ultimately lead to a parliament that includes no advocates for rights and liberties, which is particularly significant since the incoming assembly will review the huge amount of legislation that President Sisi has issued in the absence of a parliament. In addition, shortly before elections, President Sisi raised questions about the constitution, calling for it to be amended to reduce the powers of the parliament and increase those of the president. It is thus clear that Sisi seeks not only to consolidate his regime, without political opposition, but to free his rule of any effective oversight from society or parliament.


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The November 13th terrorist attacks in Paris have prompted the European Union to activate the mutual assistance clause contained in Art. 42.7 of the EU Treaty. Member states are now entering the unchartered territory of large-scale conflict: will they join a French-led coalition of the willing, or is the military intervention against Daesh being Europeanised? This Commentary explores implications of the Paris attacks on European security and recommends coordinated and comprehensive responses to be taken within the EU framework.


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The terrorist threat has returned to Brussels but this time is different: everyone is feeling on edge and life is still far from normal. There are many that show defiance and, slowly, people in Brussels are returning to school and work, but the sense of threat remains. Unfortunately, this is far from unusual for many cities around Europe, as Paris and many others can testify, and is likely to be replicated again and again, here in Brussels and across the continent.


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China has reacted positively to Russia’s military intervention in Syria. The Chinese government perceives it as an element of the global fight against terrorism, and has emphasised the fact that Russia was acting in response to a request by the Syrian government. At the same time, Beijing has argued that the Syrian conflict cannot be resolved by military means and that a political compromise is necessary.


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The attack in Norway, like every attack with a major impact, should and will be carefully analyzed, both by police and by terrorists. If the Norwegian authorities have officially called for a technical evaluation of Counter-terrorism (CT) and rescue national services, many sensitive aspects still remain unsure.


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‘A bizarre phenomenon,’ Der Spiegel concluded, after trying to figure out why young people left Germany to become foreign fighters in Syria. The magazine painted a portrait of two thirty-somethings with similar backgrounds and the same hobby – martial arts. One became director of a martial arts school in Hamburg, the other became a terrorist poster boy in Syria.2


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The Brussels terrorist attacks of 22 March 2016 provoked widespread political condemnation and public outrage. The events have brought to the fore past discussions regarding the limits of member states’ counterterrorism policies and the extent to which the EU could play a role in shaping more effective responses to these acts of violence.


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On 22 March, Belgium got a brutal wake-up call. In a coordinated attack, two nail bombs exploded in the departure hall of the Brussels National Airport. A little over an hour later, a third bomb exploded inside a metro train passing through Maelbeek station. 32 civilians lost their lives, while more than 300 people were injured. The Islamic State (IS) network, which was responsible for the Paris attacks on 13 November 2015, claimed responsibility. The arrest of Salah Abdeslam, the sole survivor of the Paris attacks, on 18 March, seems to have made IS expedite the Brussels attacks following a claim from the Paris prosecutor that Abdeslam would cooperate with the French Justice Department over the Paris attacks.


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The ongoing consultation process on the European Union Global Strategy (EUGS) presents an occasion for the European Union (EU) to redress the European Security Strategy’s (ESS) shortcomings and update its stance on multilateralism. As rule-based multilateralism remains deeply entrenched in the Union’s DNA, the EUGS is unlikely to represent ground-breaking innovations as to how the EU should act in international affairs. The key challenge in respect of the EU’s multilateralism is twofold. The first challenge lies in setting out clear priorities for the EU’s multilateral action to be pursued collectively by the member states; and the second in determining the form of multilateralism that would best suit the promotion of the priorities concerned. In this collection of six essays, policy analysts and academics are presented with the question: Over a five year horizon, what do you think should be the focus of the EU’s multilateral agenda? The answers dwell on the EU playing a proactive role in relation to emerging powers especially China, and Latin America as a whole; furthering the EU’s soft power through ‘science diplomacy’; and EU leadership in building a global energy and climate community, and counter terrorism measures.


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Quando falamos de vida selvagem em Portugal, pensamos logo no Lobo Ibérico (Canis lupus signatus), que ao longo das últimas décadas tem vindo a sofrer um notório declínio populacional, apenas contrariado pelas medidas protecionistas entretanto implementadas. A diminuição do número de lobos em Portugal resulta principalmente da perseguição direta a que foram sujeitos e da destruição do seu habitat natural. Outra causa de redução/extinção de pequenas populações locais e fragmentadas de grandes carnívoros em outras partes no mundo tem sido as doenças infeciosas. Sendo monitorização da presença de patologias em animais silvestres fundamental no controle das zoonoses emergentes e na conservação das espécies. Neste contexto pretendeu-se elaborar um estudo de determinação da ocorrência de Leishmaniose, no Lobo Ibérico. Assim, recolheram-se aleatoriamente 42 amostras de sangue a lobos residentes no Parque Nacional Peneda-Gerês que, posteriormente foram testadas recorrendo-se ao método de ELISA. Através desta técnica, detetou-se que das 42 amostras testadas apenas uma amostra (2,4%) possuía anticorpos anti-leishmania. Um dos motivos para a obtenção de resultados pouco significativos poderá dever-se ao reduzido leque amostral. Concluímos, então, que são necessários estudos adicionais para avaliar a importância do Lobo Ibérico na transmissão e propagação da Leishmaniose.


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Mémoire récipiendaire de la mention "Excellent", avec les félicitations du jury.


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc) en Criminologie – Option sécurité intérieure


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El trabajo que aquí se presenta tiene como objetivo indagar en las diferentes manifestaciones sobre el pasado reciente de terrorismo de Estado realizadas por los jueces durante las audiencias de uno de los denominados "Juicios por la Verdad", que se realizó en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca, Argentina entre 1999 y 2000. Se trabajó con una metodología de análisis cualitativo y se utilizaron distintas fuentes de información tales como entrevistas a jueces y abogados de organizaciones de derechos humanos y la totalidad de los videos de las audiencias del Juicio por la Verdad de Bahía Blanca. Como resultado se establece la manera en que estos profesionales del derecho interpretaron el terrorismo de Estado confrontando la posición adoptada por los militares de no brindar información y de reivindicar la "guerra antisubversiva", deslindando a la vez las distintas responsabilidades entre los miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas.


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