903 resultados para information control systems


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The application process of fluid fertilizers through variable rates implemented by classical techniques with feedback and conventional equipments can be inefficient or unstable. This paper proposes an open-loop control system based on artificial neural network of the type multilayer perceptron for the identification and control of the fertilizer flow rate. The network training is made by the algorithm of Levenberg-Marquardt with training data obtained from measurements. Preliminary results indicate a fast, stable and low cost control system for precision fanning. Copyright (C) 2000 IFAC.


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This paper deals with the design and analysis of a Dynamic Voltage Restorer output voltage control. Such control is based on a multiloop strategy, with an inner current PID regulator and an outer P+Resonant voltage controller. The inner regulator is applied on the output inductor current. It will be also demonstrated how the load current behavior may influence in the DVR output voltage, which. justifies the need for the resonant controller. Additionally, it will be discussed the application of a modified algorithm for the identification of the DVR voltage references, which is based on a previously presented positive sequence detector. Since the studied three-phase DVR is assumed to be based on three identical H-bridge converters, all the analysis and design procedures were realized by means of single-phase equivalent circuits. The discussions and conclusions are supported by theoretical calculations, nonlinear simulations and some experimental results.


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This paper presents a methodology and a tool for projects involving analogue and digital signals. A sub-systems group was developed to translation a Matlab/Simulink model in the correspondent structural model described in VHDL-AMS. The developed translation tool, named of MS(2)SV, can reads a file containing a Simulink model translating it in the correspondent VHDL-AMS structural code. The tool also creates the directories structure and necessary files to simulate the model translated in System Vision environment. Three models of D/A converters available commercially that use R-2R ladder network were studied. This work considers some of challenges set by the electronic industry for the further development of simulation methodologies and tools in the field of mixed-signal technology. Although the objective of the studies has been the D/A converter, the developed methodology has potentiality to be extended to consider control systems and mechatronic systems.


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An adaptive scheme is shown by the authors of the above paper (ibid. vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 275-276, Feb. 1983) for continuous time model reference adaptive systems (MRAS), where relays replace the usual multipliers in the existing MRAS. The commenter shows an error in the analysis of the hyperstability of the scheme, such that the validity of this configuration becomes an open question.


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An algorithm for adaptive IIR filtering that uses prefiltering structure in direct form is presented. This structure has an estimation error that is a linear function of the coefficients. This property greatly simplifies the derivation of gradient-based algorithms. Computer simulations show that the proposed structure improves convergence speed.


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A field trial was carried out in Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, on sandy soil, between February 1993 to February 1995, aiming to study the effects of fertilizer doses and brachiaria grass control on the growth of E. grandis. In the field the plots (9×9 plants, spacing 2×3 m) were located following a randomized block experimental design with four repetitions. The treatments were arranged in a factorial design with four systems of brachiaria grass control in the space between the Eucalyptus rows: mowing, cultivation, chemical control with glyphosate (2,08 kg eq. ác./ha) and hand hoeing were developed when the population reached the early flowering stage and four doses of the fertilizer 20-05-20: 0, 115, 230 and 345 kg/ha, handled at 3, 6 and 12 monthes after the transplantation. The hand hoeing was the most effective method of brachiaria grass control. However the hand hoeing controlled plots showed a decrease on the E. grandis growth exhibiting slower growth rate, shorter plants, thinner stems, smaller leaf area results and reduction on dry matter accumulation than the plants from the other plots under different weed control management's. The glyphosate promoted an excellent brachiaria grass control while the E. grandis plants grow better. Both remainder weed control management systems were intermediary in terms of efficacy. The mowing management was the most similar method as compared to the hand hoeing one and the cultivation treatments to the chemical control method. The growth rate differences observed between the hand hoeing and chemical control treatments were not caused directly by late fertilizations. There were no significative interactions among the weed control systems and the fertilization doses. Considering the brachiaria grass that grew between the E. grandis rows there were detected benefits to the crop and these effects increased when the chemical control was used for weed management.


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A branch and bound algorithm is proposed to solve the H2-norm model reduction problem for continuous-time linear systems, with conditions assuring convergence to the global optimum in finite time. The lower and upper bounds used in the optimization procedure are obtained through Linear Matrix Inequalities formulations. Examples illustrate the results.


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The state observers can reconstruct and monitor unmeasurable states. A new concept of fault detection and isolation using state observers is presented. The method selects the parameters from components that may fail during the process and constructs optimized robust observers. To isolate component failures via robust observation, a bank of detection observers is organized, in which each observer is only sensitive to one specified component failure while robust to all other component failures. This paper analyzes the performance of transient and steady-state behavior of the state observer.


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Relaxed conditions for the stability study of nonlinear, continuous and discrete-time systems given by fuzzy models are presented. A theoretical analysis shows that the proposed method provides better or at least the same results of the methods presented in the literature. Digital simulations exemplify this fact. These results are also used for the fuzzy regulators design. The nonlinear systems are represented by the fuzzy models proposed by Takagi and Sugeno. The stability analysis and the design of controllers are described by LMIs (Linear Matrix Inequalities), that can be solved efficiently by convex programming techniques. The specification of the decay rate, constraints on control input and output are also described by LMIs. Finally, the proposed design method is applied in the control of an inverted pendulum.


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Mathematical programming problems with equilibrium constraints (MPEC) are nonlinear programming problems where the constraints have a form that is analogous to first-order optimality conditions of constrained optimization. We prove that, under reasonable sufficient conditions, stationary points of the sum of squares of the constraints are feasible points of the MPEC. In usual formulations of MPEC all the feasible points are nonregular in the sense that they do not satisfy the Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification of nonlinear programming. Therefore, all the feasible points satisfy the classical Fritz-John necessary optimality conditions. In principle, this can cause serious difficulties for nonlinear programming algorithms applied to MPEC. However, we show that most feasible points do not satisfy a recently introduced stronger optimality condition for nonlinear programming. This is the reason why, in general, nonlinear programming algorithms are successful when applied to MPEC.


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This paper presents a new pre-regulator boost operating in the boundary area between the continuous and discontinuous conduction modes of the boost inductor current, where the switches and boost diode performing zero-current commutations during its turn-off, eliminating the disadvantages related to the reverse recovery losses and electromagnetic interference problems of the boost diode when operating in the continuous conduction mode. Additionally, the interleaving technique is applied in the power cell, providing a significant input current ripple reduction. It should be noticed that the main objective of this paper is to present a complete modeling for the converter operating in the critical conduction mode, allowing an improved design procedure for interleaved techniques with high input power factor, a complete dynamic analysis of the structure, and the possibility of implementing digital control techniques in closed loop.


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The effect of combining the photocatalytic processes using TiO 2 and the photo-Fenton reaction with Fe3+ or ferrioxalate as a source of Fe2+ was investigated in the degradation of 4-chlorophenol (4CP) and dichloroacetic acid (DCA) using solar irradiation. Multivariate analysis was used to evaluate the role of three variables: iron, H2O2 and TiO2 concentrations. The results show that TiO2 plays a minor role when compared to iron and H2O2 in the solar degradation of 4CP and DCA in the studied conditions. However, its presence can improve TOC removal when H2O2 is totally consumed. Iron and peroxide play major roles, especially when Fe(NO3)3 used in the degradation of 4CP. No significant synergistic effect was observed by the addition of TiO 2 in this process. On the other hand, synergistic effects were observed between FeOx and TiO2 and between H 2O2 and TiO2 in the degradation of DCA. © IWA Publishing 2004.


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Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) optimized allocation allows control, monitoring and accurate operation of electric power distribution systems, improving reliability and service quality. Good quality and considerable results are obtained for transmission systems using fault location techniques based on voltage measurements. Based on these techniques and performing PMUs optimized allocation it is possible to develop an electric power distribution system fault locator, which provides accurate results. The PMUs allocation problem presents combinatorial features related to devices number that can be allocated, and also probably places for allocation. Tabu search algorithm is the proposed technique to carry out PMUs allocation. This technique applied in a 141 buses real-life distribution urban feeder improved significantly the fault location results. © 2004 IEEE.


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This work aims at finding out the threshold to burning in surface grinding process. Acoustic emission and electric power signals are acquired from an analog-digital converter and processed through algorithms in order to generate a control signal to inform the operator or interrupt the process in the case of burning occurrence. The thresholds that dictate the situation of burn and non-burn were studied as well as a comparison between the two parameters was carried out. In the experimental work one type of steel (ABNT-1045 annealed) and one type of grinding wheel referred to as TARGA model 3TG80.3-NV were employed. Copyright © 2005 by ABCM.