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Collisions between pedestrians and vehicles continue to be a major problem throughout the world. Pedestrians trying to cross roads and railway tracks without any caution are often highly susceptible to collisions with vehicles and trains. Continuous financial, human and other losses have prompted transport related organizations to come up with various solutions addressing this issue. However, the quest for new and significant improvements in this area is still ongoing. This work addresses this issue by building a general framework using computer vision techniques to automatically monitor pedestrian movements in such high-risk areas to enable better analysis of activity, and the creation of future alerting strategies. As a result of rapid development in the electronics and semi-conductor industry there is extensive deployment of CCTV cameras in public places to capture video footage. This footage can then be used to analyse crowd activities in those particular places. This work seeks to identify the abnormal behaviour of individuals in video footage. In this work we propose using a Semi-2D Hidden Markov Model (HMM), Full-2D HMM and Spatial HMM to model the normal activities of people. The outliers of the model (i.e. those observations with insufficient likelihood) are identified as abnormal activities. Location features, flow features and optical flow textures are used as the features for the model. The proposed approaches are evaluated using the publicly available UCSD datasets, and we demonstrate improved performance using a Semi-2D Hidden Markov Model compared to other state of the art methods. Further we illustrate how our proposed methods can be applied to detect anomalous events at rail level crossings.


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This paper details the participation of the Australian e- Health Research Centre (AEHRC) in the ShARe/CLEF 2013 eHealth Evaluation Lab { Task 3. This task aims to evaluate the use of information retrieval (IR) systems to aid consumers (e.g. patients and their relatives) in seeking health advice on the Web. Our submissions to the ShARe/CLEF challenge are based on language models generated from the web corpus provided by the organisers. Our baseline system is a standard Dirichlet smoothed language model. We enhance the baseline by identifying and correcting spelling mistakes in queries, as well as expanding acronyms using AEHRC's Medtex medical text analysis platform. We then consider the readability and the authoritativeness of web pages to further enhance the quality of the document ranking. Measures of readability are integrated in the language models used for retrieval via prior probabilities. Prior probabilities are also used to encode authoritativeness information derived from a list of top-100 consumer health websites. Empirical results show that correcting spelling mistakes and expanding acronyms found in queries signi cantly improves the e ectiveness of the language model baseline. Readability priors seem to increase retrieval e ectiveness for graded relevance at early ranks (nDCG@5, but not precision), but no improvements are found at later ranks and when considering binary relevance. The authoritativeness prior does not appear to provide retrieval gains over the baseline: this is likely to be because of the small overlap between websites in the corpus and those in the top-100 consumer-health websites we acquired.


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In this paper, we explore the effectiveness of patch-based gradient feature extraction methods when applied to appearance-based gait recognition. Extending existing popular feature extraction methods such as HOG and LDP, we propose a novel technique which we term the Histogram of Weighted Local Directions (HWLD). These 3 methods are applied to gait recognition using the GEI feature, with classification performed using SRC. Evaluations on the CASIA and OULP datasets show significant improvements using these patch-based methods over existing implementations, with the proposed method achieving the highest recognition rate for the respective datasets. In addition, the HWLD can easily be extended to 3D, which we demonstrate using the GEV feature on the DGD dataset, observing improvements in performance.


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Rail operators recognize a need to increase ridership in order to improve the economic viability of rail service, and to magnify the role that rail travel plays in making cities feel liveable. This study extends previous research that used cluster analysis with a small sample of rail passengers to identify five salient perspectives of rail access (Zuniga et al, 2013). In this project stage, we used correlation techniques to determine how those perspectives would resonate with two larger study populations, including a relatively homogeneous sample of university students in Brisbane, Australia and a diverse sample of rail passengers in Melbourne, Australia. Findings from Zuniga et al. (2013) described a complex typology of current passengers that was based on respondents’ subjective attitudes and perceptions rather than socio-demographic or travel behaviour characteristics commonly used for segmentation analysis. The typology included five qualitative perspectives of rail travel. Based on the transport accessibility literature, we expected to find that perspectives from that study emphasizing physical access to rail stations would be shared by current and potential rail passengers who live further from rail stations. Other perspectives might be shared among respondents who live nearby, since the relevance of distance would be diminished. The population living nearby would thus represent an important target group for increasing ridership, since making rail travel accessible to them does not require expansion of costly infrastructure such as new lines or stations. By measuring the prevalence of each perspective in a larger respondent pool, results from this study provide insight into the typical socio-demographic and travel behaviour characteristics that correspond to each perspective of intra-urban rail travel. In several instances, our quantitative findings reinforced Zuniga et al.’s (2013) qualitative descriptions of passenger types, further validating the original research. This work may directly inform rail operators’ approach to increasing ridership through marketing and improvements to service quality and station experience. Operators in other parts of Australia and internationally may also choose to replicate the study locally, to fine-tune understanding of diverse customer bases. Developing regional and international collaboration would provide additional opportunities to evaluate and benchmark service and station amenities as they address the various access dimensions.


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Organisations are constantly seeking cost-effective improvements for their business processes. Business process management (BPM) provides organisations with a range of methods, techniques and tools for analysing, managing, and optimising their business operations. However, BPM initiatives within organisations tend to focus on investigating time and resource utilisation inefficiencies, rather than directly on cost inefficiencies. As a result, high-level cost-based managerial decisions are still being made separately from process related decisions. This position paper describes a research agenda that envisages a holistic approach to managing the cost of business operations in a structured manner, by making an explicit link between cost and processes in all phases of the business process management life cycle. We discuss a number of research challenges that need to be addressed in order to realise such an approach as well as findings from some of the initial research outcomes. It is envisioned that the research outcomes will enable organisations to make operational and strategic decisions with confidence based on accurate and real-time cost information about their operations.


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Mobile video, as an emerging market and a promising research field, has attracted much attention from both industry and researchers. Considering the quality of user-experience as the crux of mobile video services, this chapter aims to provide a guide to user-centered studies of mobile video quality. This will benefit future research in better understanding user needs and experiences, designing effective research, and providing solid solutions to improve the quality of mobile video. This chapter is organized in three main parts: (1) a review of recent user studies from the perspectives of research focuses, user study methods, and data analysis methods; (2) an example of conducting a user study of mobile video research, together with the discussion on a series of relative issues, such as participants, materials and devices, study procedure, and analysis results, and; (3) a conclusion with an open discussion about challenges and opportunities in mobile video related research, and associated potential future improvements.


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This paper introduces a parallel implementation of an agent-based model applied to electricity distribution grids. A fine-grained shared memory parallel implementation is presented, detailing the way the agents are grouped and executed on a multi-threaded machine, as well as the way the model is built (in a composable manner) which is an aid to the parallelisation. Current results show a medium level speedup of 2.6, but improvements are expected by incor-porating newer distributed or parallel ABM schedulers into this implementa-tion. While domain-specific, this parallel algorithm can be applied to similarly structured ABMs (directed acyclic graphs).


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Permanent magnet (PM) motors utilising ironless stator structures have been incorporated into a wide variety of applications where high efficiency and stringent torque control are required. With recent developments in magnetic materials, improved design strategies, and power outputs of up to 40kW, PM motors have become an attractive candidate for traction drives in electric and hybrid electric vehicles. However, due to their large air gaps and ironless stators these motors can have inductances as low as 2μH, imposing increased requirements on the converter to minimise current ripple. Multilevel converters with n cells can effectively increase the motor inductance by a factor of n2 and are an excellent approach to minimise the motor ripple current. Furthermore by indirectly coupling the outputs of each cell, improvements in converter input and cell ripple current can also be realised. This paper examines the issues in designing a high current indirectly coupled multilevel motor controller for an ironless BLDC traction drive and highlights the limitations of the common ladder core structure.


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The pulse power characteristics of ultracapacitors appear well suited to electric vehicle applications, where they may supply the peak power more efficiently than the battery, and can prevent excessive over sizing of the battery pack due to peak power demands. Operation of ultracapacitors in battery electric vehicles is examined for possible improvements in system efficiency, vehicle driving range, battery pack lifetime, and potential reductions in system lifecycle cost. The lifecycle operation of these ultracapacitors is simulated using custom-built, dynamic simulation code constructed in Matlab. Despite apparent gains in system efficiency and driving range, the results strongly suggest that the inclusion of ultracapacitors in the electric vehicle does not make sense from a lifecycle cost perspective. Furthermore, a comparison with results from earlier work shows that this outcome is highly dependant upon the efficiency and cost of the battery under consideration. However, it is likely that the lifecycle cost benefits of ultracapacitors in these electric vehicles would be, at most, marginal and do not justify the additional capital costs and system complexity that would be incurred in the vehicle


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The pulse power characteristics of ultracapacitors appear well suited to electric vehicle applications, where they may supply the peak power more efficiently than the battery, and can prevent excessive over sizing of the battery pack due to peak power demands. Operation of ultracapacitors in battery electric vehicles (BEVs) is examined for possible improvements in system efficiency, vehicle driving range, battery pack lifetime, and potential reductions in system lifecycle cost. The lifecycle operation of these ultracapacitors is simulated using a custom-built, dynamic simulation code constructed in Matlab. Despite apparent gains in system efficiency and driving range, the lifecycle cost benefits as simulated appear to be marginal, and are heavily influenced by the incremental cost of power components. However, additional factors are identified which, in reality, will drive ultracapacitors towards viability in electric vehicle applications.


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Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder experience difficulty in communication and in understanding the social world which can have negative consequences for their relationships, in managing emotions, and generally dealing with the challenges of everyday life. This thesis examines the effectiveness of the Active and Reflective components of the Get REAL program through the assessment of the detailed coding of video-recorded observations and longitudinal quantitative analysis. The aim of Get REAL is to increase the social, emotional, and cognitive learning of children with High Functioning Autism (HFA). Get REAL is a group program designed specifically for use in inclusive primary school settings. The Get REAL program was designed in response to the mixed success of generalisation of learning to new contexts of existing social skills programs. The theoretical foundation of Get REAL is based upon pedagogical theory and learning theory to facilitate transfer of learning, combined with experiential, individualised, evaluative and organisational approaches. This thesis is by publication and consists of four refereed journal papers; 1 accepted for publication and 3 that are under review. Paper 1 describes the development and theoretical basis of the Get REAL program and provides detail of the program structure and learning cycle. The focus of Paper 1 reflects the first question of interest in the thesis which is about the extent to which learning derived from participation in the program can be generalised to other contexts. Participants are 16 children with HFA ranging in age from 8-13 years. Results provided support for the generalisability of learning from Get REAL to home and school evidenced by parent and teacher data collected pre and post participation in Get REAL. Following establishment of the generalisation of learning from Get REAL, Papers 2 and 3 focus on the Active and Reflective components of the program in order to examine how individual and group learning takes place. Participants (N = 12) in the program are video-taped during the Active and Reflective Sessions. Using identical coding protocols of video data, improvements in prosocial behaviour and diminishing of inappropriate behaviours were apparent with the exception of perspective taking. Data also revealed that 2 of the participants had atypical trajectories. An in-depth case study analysis was then conducted with these 2 participants in Paper 4. Data included reports from health care and education professionals within the school and externally (e.g., paediatrician) and identified the multi-faceted nature of care needed for children with comorbid diagnoses and extremely challenging family circumstances as a complex task to effect change. Results of this research support the effectiveness of the Get REAL program in promoting pro social behaviours such as improvements in engaging with others and emotional regulation, and in diminishing unwanted behaviours such as conduct problems. Further, the gains made by the participating children were found to be generalisable beyond Get REAL to home and other school settings. The research contained in the thesis adds to current knowledge about how learning can take place for children with HFA. Results show that an experiential learning framework with a focus on social cognition, together with explicit teaching, scaffolded with video feedback, are key ingredients for the generalisation of social learning to broader contexts.


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The most integrated approach toward understanding the multiple molecular events and mechanisms by which cancer may develop is the application of gene expression profiling using microarray technologies. As molecular alterations in breast cancer are complex and involve cross-talk between multiple cellular signalling pathways, microarray technology provides a means of capturing and comparing the expression patterns of the entire genome across multiple samples in a high throughput manner. Since the development of microarray technologies, together with the advances in RNA extraction methodologies, gene expression studies have revolutionised the means by which genes suitable as targets for drug development and individualised cancer treatment can be identified. As of the mid-1990s, expression microarrays have been extensively applied to the study of cancer and no cancer type has seen as much genomic attention as breast cancer. The most abundant area of breast cancer genomics has been the clarification and interpretation of gene expression patterns that unite both biological and clinical aspects of tumours. It is hoped that one day molecular profiling will transform diagnosis and therapeutic selection in human breast cancer toward more individualised regimes. Here, we review a number of prominent microarray profiling studies focussed on human breast cancer and examine their strengths, their limitations, clinical implications including prognostic relevance and gene signature significance along with potential improvements for the next generation of microarray studies.


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Over the last decade, the majority of existing search techniques is either keyword- based or category-based, resulting in unsatisfactory effectiveness. Meanwhile, studies have illustrated that more than 80% of users preferred personalized search results. As a result, many studies paid a great deal of efforts (referred to as col- laborative filtering) investigating on personalized notions for enhancing retrieval performance. One of the fundamental yet most challenging steps is to capture precise user information needs. Most Web users are inexperienced or lack the capability to express their needs properly, whereas the existent retrieval systems are highly sensitive to vocabulary. Researchers have increasingly proposed the utilization of ontology-based tech- niques to improve current mining approaches. The related techniques are not only able to refine search intentions among specific generic domains, but also to access new knowledge by tracking semantic relations. In recent years, some researchers have attempted to build ontological user profiles according to discovered user background knowledge. The knowledge is considered to be both global and lo- cal analyses, which aim to produce tailored ontologies by a group of concepts. However, a key problem here that has not been addressed is: how to accurately match diverse local information to universal global knowledge. This research conducts a theoretical study on the use of personalized ontolo- gies to enhance text mining performance. The objective is to understand user information needs by a \bag-of-concepts" rather than \words". The concepts are gathered from a general world knowledge base named the Library of Congress Subject Headings. To return desirable search results, a novel ontology-based mining approach is introduced to discover accurate search intentions and learn personalized ontologies as user profiles. The approach can not only pinpoint users' individual intentions in a rough hierarchical structure, but can also in- terpret their needs by a set of acknowledged concepts. Along with global and local analyses, another solid concept matching approach is carried out to address about the mismatch between local information and world knowledge. Relevance features produced by the Relevance Feature Discovery model, are determined as representatives of local information. These features have been proven as the best alternative for user queries to avoid ambiguity and consistently outperform the features extracted by other filtering models. The two attempt-to-proposed ap- proaches are both evaluated by a scientific evaluation with the standard Reuters Corpus Volume 1 testing set. A comprehensive comparison is made with a num- ber of the state-of-the art baseline models, including TF-IDF, Rocchio, Okapi BM25, the deploying Pattern Taxonomy Model, and an ontology-based model. The gathered results indicate that the top precision can be improved remarkably with the proposed ontology mining approach, where the matching approach is successful and achieves significant improvements in most information filtering measurements. This research contributes to the fields of ontological filtering, user profiling, and knowledge representation. The related outputs are critical when systems are expected to return proper mining results and provide personalized services. The scientific findings have the potential to facilitate the design of advanced preference mining models, where impact on people's daily lives.


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Increasing global competition, rapid technological changes, advances in manufacturing and information technology and discerning customers are forcing supply chains to adopt improvement practices that enable them to deliver high quality products at a lower cost and in a shorter period of time. A lean initiative is one of the most effective approaches toward achieving this goal. In the lean improvement process, it is critical to measure current and desired performance level in order to clearly evaluate the lean implementation efforts. Many attempts have tried to measure supply chain performance incorporating both quantitative and qualitative measures but failed to provide an effective method of measuring improvements in performances for dynamic lean supply chain situations. Therefore, the necessity of appropriate measurement of lean supply chain performance has become imperative. There are many lean tools available for supply chains; however, effectiveness of a lean tool depends on the type of the product and supply chain. One tool may be highly effective for a supply chain involved in high volume products but may not be effective for low volume products. There is currently no systematic methodology available for selecting appropriate lean strategies based on the type of supply chain and market strategy This thesis develops an effective method to measure the performance of supply chain consisting of both quantitative and qualitative metrics and investigates the effects of product types and lean tool selection on the supply chain performance Supply chain performance matrices and the effects of various lean tools over performance metrics mentioned in the SCOR framework have been investigated. A lean supply chain model based on the SCOR metric framework is then developed where non- lean and lean as well as quantitative and qualitative metrics are incorporated in appropriate metrics. The values of appropriate metrics are converted into triangular fuzzy numbers using similarity rules and heuristic methods. Data have been collected from an apparel manufacturing company for multiple supply chain products and then a fuzzy based method is applied to measure the performance improvements in supply chains. Using the fuzzy TOPSIS method, which chooses an optimum alternative to maximise similarities with positive ideal solutions and to minimise similarities with negative ideal solutions, the performances of lean and non- lean supply chain situations for three different apparel products have been evaluated. To address the research questions related to effective performance evaluation method and the effects of lean tools over different types of supply chains; a conceptual framework and two hypotheses are investigated. Empirical results show that implementation of lean tools have significant effects over performance improvements in terms of time, quality and flexibility. Fuzzy TOPSIS based method developed is able to integrate multiple supply chain matrices onto a single performance measure while lean supply chain model incorporates qualitative and quantitative metrics. It can therefore effectively measure the improvements for supply chain after implementing lean tools. It is demonstrated that product types involved in the supply chain and ability to select right lean tools have significant effect on lean supply chain performance. Future study can conduct multiple case studies in different contexts.


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The Safe System approach to road safety utilises a holistic view of the interactions among vehicles, roads and road users. Yet, the contribution of each of these factors to crashes is vastly different. The role of road users is widely acknowledged as an overwhelming contributor to road crashes. Substantial gains have been made with improvements to vehicle and roads over a number of years. However, improvements of the road user’s behaviour has been (in some cases) less substantial. A road user behaviour that is relatively unregulated is driver sleepiness, which is part of the ‘fatal five’ of risky road user behaviours. The effect of sleepiness is ubiquitous – sleepiness is a state that most, if not all drivers on our roads has experienced, and is habitually exposed to. The quality and quantity of daily sleep is integral to our level of neurobehavioural performance during wakefulness and as such can have a compounding effect on a number of other risky driving behaviours. This paper will discuss the potential influence of sleepiness as an interceding factor for a number of risky driving behaviours. Little effort has been given to increasing awareness of the deleterious and wide ranging effects that sleepiness has on road safety. Given the wide ranging influence of sleepiness, improvements of ‘sleep health’ as a protective factor at the community or individual level could lead to significant reductions in road trauma and increases of general well being. A discussion of potential actions to reduce sleepiness is required if reductions of road trauma are to continue.