899 resultados para import diversification


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Esta dissertação tem como objeto a regulamentação adotada pelo Brasil no que tange ao controle sanitário da importação de produtos sob vigilância sanitária. Foram analisadas as publicações da legislação sanitária e suas alterações no período de 1996 a 2013. O escopo do estudo incorporou os aspectos políticos, técnicos, econômicos e institucionais envolvidos no controle sanitário das importações. Destaca-se, ainda, a identificação de atores que se mostraram relevantes na formulação e na implantação das normas. Nesta perspectiva, foi realizado estudo singular do conjunto das normatizações publicadas entre 1996 e 2013 editadas desde a antiga Secretaria de Vigilância Sanitária até a Anvisa. Como resultado, foram selecionadas cinco normas para análise, bem como suas alterações posteriores, caracterizando um estudo qualitativo de caráter exploratório executado com base na análise temática de conteúdo. O exame desse material permitiu traçar uma trajetória do controle sanitário das importações em três fases, que se desdobrou a partir da análise das normas, permitindo destacar os condicionantes para as alterações dos regulamentos e os efeitos produzidos por tais alterações. Observou-se que tanto a elaboração quantos os posteriores desdobramentos das normatizações foram fortemente influenciados pelas mudanças políticas e econômicas observadas no país e no mundo, sofrendo a determinação de organismos internacionais e de atores intra e extrainstitucionais, que conduziram a restrições no controle sanitário de produtos importados. O estudo permitiu conhecer melhor a prática da vigilância sanitária e, a partir daí, propor medidas para melhorar a regulação no campo de atuação da Anvisa. Por fim, esta produção tem a finalidade de contribuir com a aproximação das práticas da vigilância sanitária com o meio acadêmico.


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Esta Tese aborda a questão do Estado e dos direitos de cidadania, particularmente dos direitos sociais e políticas a eles correspondentes, que constituem o que se convencionou tratar por Estado do bem-estar social, ou welfare state. Nela é analisado o processo recente de contradição entre as idéias e políticas neoliberais e o sistemas de welfare state, procurando verificar o impacto daquelas políticas sobre os sistemas. O objetivo central é mostrar que a ofensiva neoliberal vem sendo mal sucedida em sua tentativa de desarticular as instituições dos direitos e políticas sociais no que diz respeito às sociedades mais complexas e desenvolvidas. A principal razão disto deriva da própria história do welfare state, que corresponde a um longo processo de transformação da relação política entre Estado e sociedade. O estudo do impacto efetivo das políticas neoliberais sobre os sistemas de bem-estar ou proteção social, a que se convencionou tratar por welfare state está centrada no que vem ocorrendo nos países desenvolvidos, fazendo um contraponto com o que se passa no Brasil. Este tema tem sido objeto de preocupação de um grande número de analistas no exterior e no Brasil em função tanto do conteúdo das propostas neoliberais em relação às políticas sociais fortalecimento das soluções de mercado, restrição e das políticas públicas de proteção social nos grupos mais pobres da população quanto do sucesso avassalador que o neoliberalismo alcançou nos campos da economia e do trabalho. A Tese defende a idéia de que a sociedade brasileira e seu welfare state chegaram a um nível tal de complexidade, que não pode mais ser compreendida com base num ferramental analítico que tende a reduzir suas singularidades à configurações muito amplas ora denominadas por periferia do sistema capitalista, ora por realidade latino-americana, as contribuem para simplificar a análise e dificultar o aprofundamento da discussão em relação ao conteúdo, ao rumo e ao alcance do processo político e das políticas sociais.


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This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 19th May, 1986. The report contains sections on fishing licence duties, a liaison with Sea Fisheries Committees; applications to trap eels before the 25th June and Authority schemes for the benefit of fisheries and fishing. Also included is fish counter statistics, salmonid hatchery policy and a consultation paper setting out proposals for controlling the import and supply of anglers lead weights. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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Em uma relação de bilateral,o comérciointra-industrial (CII)acontece quando os dois países exportam e importam produtos pertencentes a uma mesma indústria. Conforme apontam diversas pesquisas relacionadas a esse assunto, o intercâmbio intra-indústriade produtos tem aumentado sua participação nas transações bilaterais. Não obstante, os resultados mensurados para o comércio entre o Brasil e o resto do mundo revelam a predominância do engajamento inter-industrial em detrimento do intra-industrial. Observando dados de comércio que abrangem todos os produtos catalogados com seis dígitos no Sistema Harmonizado, esta dissertação investiga o comércio intra-industrial brasileiro entre o período de 1990 a 2013 sob suas duas formas: o intercâmbio de bens diferenciados horizontalmente e verticalmente. Ademais, a pesquisa de mensuração do CII vertical se dedica a definição dos lados superior e inferior, a fim de verificar se o Brasil é exportador ou importador líquido de bens verticalmente diferenciados de qualidade relativamente superior. Dentre a amostra de 57 países, as relações bilaterais em que o índice de Grubel e Lloyd (GL) se mostrou mais expressivo foram Argentina, Estados Unidos, México, Alemanha, Suécia, Uruguai, França, Itália, Reino Unido e Colômbia. Com relação aos setores que mais contribuíram para o índice que mensura o shareintra-industrial do comércio, destacam-se os ramos produtores de materiais de transporte e máquinas e materiais elétricos, também merecendo menção o setor de produtos químicos.Utilizando técnicas econométricas usuais da abordagem de dados em painel, a investigação dos determinantes do CII nos leva à aceitação da hipótese que relaciona o CII à presença de economias de escala. Além disso, os parâmetros estimados revelam que a distância geográfica que separa o Brasil de seu parceiro comercial prejudica mais o comércio intra-industrial vis-à-vis o inter-industrial. O processo de integração desencadeado pelo MERCOSUL, por sua vez, mostrou efeito positivo sobre o comércio intra-industrialvertical.


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This report is the result of the livelihoods baseline survey as part of the USAID-funded Integrated Coastal and Fisheries Governance (ICFG) Program for the Western Region of Ghana (Hen Mpoano). The survey aims to provide a baseline for interventions to be implemented as part of the Hen Mpoano project by: 1) Establishing a baseline of the status of livelihoods of households in target communities (assess income levels and sources, seasonality issues, assets, vulnerability); 2) Establishing a simplified nutritional baseline of households in target communities and fish species consumed; 3) Identifying opportunities for livelihood diversification in the target opportunities.


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稻属(OrvzaL.)是禾本科(Poaceae)中的重要植物类群,包含20多个野生种和两个栽培种,共有十个基因组类型,即A,B,C,E,F,G,BC,CD,HJ和HK,蕴藏了极为丰富的遗传资源,是水稻遗传改良的重要基因库。考虑到该属现存物种中的多倍体都是由二倍体杂交起源的,因此,弄清二倍体基因组之间的进化关系对于正确理解整个稻属的进化历史至关重要,同时也为稻属及其近缘类群的进化生物学、比较基因组学和功能基因学研究等提供了一个重要的工作基础。迄今,对稻属各基因组之间的系统发育关系还没有一致的结论,特别是对A、B和C基因组三者之间的关系,以及稻属基部类群的归属问题还存在争议。本研究选取来自不同二倍体基因组的6个稻属物种为研究对象,以近缘属Leersia中的L,tisserantti作外类群,通过对基因组水平的多基因序列数据的详尽分析,探讨了稻属二倍体基因组之间的亲缘关系问题,基因树与基因树之间冲突的机理,以及利用基因组水平的多基因序列做系统发育分析的方法,主要研究结果如下。 利用已完成的水稻两亚种(O.sativaL.ssp. indica和O.sativaL.ssp.japonica)的全基因组序列,筛选并扩增出遍布核基因组12条染色体的142个单拷贝核基因片段。通过对全部基因位点的合并分析,我们得到了一棵有完全分辨并得到显著统计支持的系统树。分别提取各基因的外显子区、内含子区和第三密码子进行合并建树时发现,除了合并外显子区的MP分析以外,所得系统树的树形均不变,说明这棵树基本上不会因为选取基因组不同区域或碱基位点而改变,尽管不同区域或碱基位点受到不同的选择约束力。以基因为单位进行放回式抽样也强烈支持合并建树的分析结果,表明多基因合并序列的系统发育估计并没有受到少数特殊基因的支配。为了考察基因组内物种取样对建树的影响,我们增加了2个A基因组物种以及C基因组的另外两个物种,随机选取其中的62个基因位点进行扩增和测序(增加的O.sativa的序列来自BGI-RIS数据库)。将全部II个物种62个基因位点的序列合并建树分析,得到基因组之间的进化关系均未改变。我们进一步评估了合并数据的系统误差,结果发现,合并数据的系统发育重建也未受到系统误差的影响。综上所述,本研究通过系统发育基因组学方法所得到的系统树反映了类群真实的进化关系。 为了深入探讨以往研究中出现相互矛盾的系统发育关系的原因,我们对142个基因位点分别做了单独的建树分析,并用系统发育网络方法分析了数据中基因之间系统发育信息矛盾的集中位置及其矛盾程度。基于单基因的建树分析及系统误差分析,我们排除了随机误差和系统误差直接造成基因之间信息冲突的可能性。基于溯祖理论( Coalescence theory)的进一步分析表明,稻属进化过程中发生了两次世代间隔较短的连续分化事件,由于祖先居群较大引起基因的谱系分选,进而使得在利用现有物种基因序列来重建这些分化事件时基因树不能正确反映物种树,且呈现出基因组水平的基因树冲突现象。这两次间隔较短的连续分化事件分别对应了稻属中两次物种快速分化过程,整个稻属基因组的多样性几乎都是在这两次物种快速分化过程中形成的。随机抽样分析表明,需要大量的分子序列数据才能正确分辨稻属二倍体基因组的系统发育关系(若取95%的概率,则至少需要120个基因或50kb的随机碱基位点)。本研究用基因组水平的多基因合并数据克服了谱系分选对构建系统树所带来的“噪音”,在存在广泛单基因系统发育信息矛盾的前提下获得了对物种树的正确估计,这充分证明系统发育基因组学方法在解决快速分化类群的进化关系问题中有着巨大潜力和广阔的应用前景。 基于本文所采用的142个核基因,我们初步探讨了利用多基因序列数据构建系统树时如何进行模型选择和插入缺失编码等问题,并评估了数据缺失对基因组水平系统发育重建的影响。结果表明,对合并数据而言,混合模型比单一模型能更好的拟合数据的进化模式;找到合并数据中异质性的根源并做出适当的数据分割是成功运用混合模型的关键;某些模型成分在提高模型对数据的适合度上发挥着重要作用,尤其要考虑位点之间以及谱系之间的突变速率异质性。我们认为,在设置模型时,最复杂的不一定是最好的,把握数据中最重要的进化特征远比简单的增加模型的复杂度重要。插入缺失的编码分析表明,编码后显著增加了对A基因组和B基因组聚为一枝的支持,但对稻属基部类群的分辨状况改善不明显。另外,我们通过去除数据缺失比例较大的类群来降低数据缺 失对系统发育推断的影响,结果所得的系统发育关系不变,支持率也仅有极微小的变化,说明基因组水平的多基因数据由于具有丰富的系统发育信息,因而对数据缺失具有很好的缓冲能力。


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Bycatch can harm marine ecosystems, reduce biodiversity, lead to injury or mortality of protected species, and have severe economic implications for fisheries. On 12 January 2007, President George W. Bush signed the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act of 2006 (MSRA). The MSRA required the U.S. Secretary of Commerce (Secretary) to establish a Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program (BREP) to develop technological devices and other conservation engineering changes designed to minimize bycatch, seabird interactions, bycatch mortality, and post-release mortality in Federally managed fisheries. The MSRA also required the Secretary to identify nations whose vessels are engaged in the bycatch of protected living marine resources (PLMR’s) under specified circumstances and to certify that these nations have 1) adopted regulatory programs for PLMR’s that are comparable to U.S. programs, taking into account different conditions, and 2) established management plans for PLMR’s that assist in the collection of data to support assessments and conservation of these resources. If a nation fails to take sufficient corrective action and does not receive a positive certification, fishing products from that country may be subject to import prohibitions into the United States. The BREP has made significant progress to develop technological devices and other conservation engineering designed to minimize bycatch, including improvements to bycatch reduction devices and turtle excluder devices in Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico trawl fisheries, gillnets in Northeast fisheries, and trawls in Alaska and Pacific Northwest fisheries. In addition, the international provisions of the MSRA have provided an innovative tool through which the United States can address bycatch by foreign nations. However, the inability of the National Marine Fisheries Service to identify nations whose vessels are engaged in the bycatch of PLMR’s to date will require the development of additional approaches to meet this mandate.


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基因的重复(duplication)及其功能的多样性(diversification)为生物体新的形态进化提供了原材料。重复的基因通过表达方式和(或)编码序列的改变而导致其亚功能化(subfunctionalization)和(或)新功能化(neofunctionalization),从而使这些重复基因有可能保留在生物体中,增添生物的遗传稳定性(robustness)和多样性。MADS-box基因在植物(特别是在被子植物)的进化过程中发生了大量的基因重复事件而形成一个多基因家族。MADS-box基因家族的不同成员在植物生长发育过程中起着非常重要的作用,在调控开花时间、决定花分生组织和花器官特征,以及调控根、叶、胚珠及果实的发育中起着广泛的作用。开展对MADS-box基因家族成员的序列结构、表达模式及编码蛋白的功能研究可以为这些同源基因在生物体中的可能命运提供很好的实验依据。本研究以我国特有的蔷薇科物种太行花做实验材料,通过3’ RACE和5’ RACE方法从太行花中克隆了7个MADS-box家族的基因。序列和系统进化树分析表明这7个基因分别与拟南芥的MADS-box基因AG、SHP(SHP1/2)、PI、AP1、FUL和SEP1以及与矮牵牛MADS-box基因PhTM6具有很高的同源性并聚为一支,从而将这7个MADS-box基因分别命名为TrAG(Taihangia rupestris AG)、TrSHP(Taihangia rupestris SHP)、TrPI(Taihangia rupestris PI)、TrAP1(Taihangia rupestris AP1)、TrFUL(Taihangia rupestris FUL)、TrSEP1(Taihangia rupestris SEP1)和TrTM6(Taihangia rupestris PhTM6)。针对克隆的这些基因,具体进行了以下几方面的研究: 第一,对TrAG和TrSHP两个MADS-box基因进行了研究,它们分别属于AG亚家族中旁系同源进化系euAG和PLE进化系的成员。通过原位杂交的方法分析了旁系同源基因TrAG和TrSHP的表达方式是否发生了分化;构建组成型表达载体转化野生型拟南芥,分析了TrAG和TrSHP的编码蛋白的功能是否发生了改变;并进一步通过酵母双杂交的方法比较了TrAG和TrSHP的相互作用方式是否发生了分化。原位杂交分析表明,TrAG和TrSHP主要在雄蕊、心皮和胚珠中表达。在花发育过程中,TrAG起始表达比TrSHP早,在随后将形成雄蕊和心皮原基的分生组织区域以及雄蕊原基中表达;然而直到雄蕊原基出现前未检测到TrSHP的表达。在雄蕊原基形成之后,TrAG和TrSHP在发育的雄蕊、随后将产生心皮原基的分生组织区域以及心皮原基中表达。在花发育的晚期,TrAG在发育的柱头、花柱以及胚珠中均有表达,而TrSHP仅在胚珠中表达。35S::TrAG和35S::TrSHP转基因拟南芥植株表现出相似的表型,包括开花提前;莲座叶和茎生叶向腹卷曲、变小;花芽在时期13前即开放,萼片包裹不住花芽;萼片和花瓣分别被同源异型转化为心皮化和雄蕊化器官,并在萼片向腹面产生异位的胚珠;在茎生叶上产生柱头化的乳突和胚珠;子房弯曲;果实提前沿着开裂区裂开,暴露出胚珠。此外,也观察到35S::TrAG和35S::TrSHP转基因拟南芥植株的一些表型差异,35S::TrAG转基因拟南芥植株花芽呈暗绿色,而35S::TrSHP转基因拟南芥植株花芽呈黄绿色;不同与35S::TrAG转基因植株表型的是,35S::TrSHP转基因拟南芥植株花被脱落受到了抑制,偶尔可以观察到花丝基部融合,果实变短、育性降低。酵母双杂交分析表明TrAG可以与TrSEP3相互作用,而TrSHP不能与TrSEP3形成异源二聚体。以上研究结果表明做为旁系同源基因,TrAG和TrSHP在表达方式上发生了改变,在蛋白编码序列上保持了其祖先的功能,但是编码序列的一些差异还是导致它们之间生化作用方式的不同和一定程度上的亚功能化。基于以上研究结果并结合先前报道的在拟南芥、金鱼草和矮牵牛等物种中旁系同源基因的表达和功能数据,我们提出在不同物种中旁系同源基因在进化过程中维持部分功能冗余(redundant),但是也通过改变表达方式、编码蛋白的功能及蛋白相互作用方式呈现出不同形式的亚功能化和(或)新功能化。 第二,对TrPI基因的功能也进行了初步研究,它属于AP3/PI亚家族PI-like进化系的成员。原位杂交结果表明,TrPI主要在花瓣、雄蕊和胚珠中表达。显示出TrPI与拟南芥同源基因PI保守的表达模式。35S::TrPI转基因拟南芥植株莲座叶发生延迟、变小、并且第一至第三片莲座叶呈白色针状;莲座叶和茎生叶并不像野生型呈有规则的螺旋状排列;花序茎基部、中间或顶端发生2-3个分支;在茎生叶的叶腋内的花序抽出时间明显晚于野生型,并且很小甚至不能完全抽出而藏在叶腋内。低温条件下转基因植株莲座叶的表型更加明显,表现为莲座叶变为针状,无叶片,仅有叶柄结构。这明显不同于35S::PI转基因拟南芥植株的表型。此外,酵母双杂交分析表明TrPI自身可以形成同源二聚体。这种相互作用方式也不同与拟南芥中PI的相互作用方式。以上研究结果表明,TrPI可能与拟南芥PI具有保守的表达模式但编码的蛋白可能获得了新的功能。 第三,构建了一个AP1-like基因(TrAP1)的过量表达载体,转化野生型拟南芥植株,通过反向遗传学分析了TrAP1的功能。35S::TrAP1转基因拟南芥植株开花提前;花序以两朵花终止,形成terminal flower的表型;偶尔可以观察到雄蕊转化为花瓣化的器官;莲座叶呈黄绿色并且其边缘呈锯齿状。酵母双杂交分析表明TrAP1蛋白自身可以形成同源二聚体。这些结果表明TrAP1可能与拟南芥同源基因AP1具有保守的功能。


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Hagfish, often referred to as "slime eels", are familiar to most fishermen as pests that frequently devour fish caught by trap, hook, and gillnet. In the Republic of Korea (ROK or South Korea), however, hagfish are sought after as valuable fish not only for their edible flesh, but also for their skin, which is processed into leather used to make expensive purses, shoes, and other articles. In fact, because of a shortage of hagfish in the waters near the ROK, the leather industry there has started to import hagfish, first from Japan in the mid 1980's, then from the United States starting in 1988. This report describes the nascent fishery for Eptatretus stouti (Pacific hagfish) in California, and includes aspects of its life history. The hagfish industry in the ROK is also briefly described.


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Karnataka, one of the maritime states on the west coast of India, has progressed quite well in marine fisheries due to its vast fisheries resources and diversification in mechanised fishing. Mechanisation programmes were started by the state from 1957-58 only. Starting with two small mechanised boats, the state has today a fishing fleet of 398 purseseiners, 731 gillnetters, 2 deepsea trawlers and about 1,500 shrimp trawlers contributing over 85% of the total marine fish landings. The marine fish production during 1987-88 up to the end of March 1988 was 1,29,659 tonnes valued at Rs.48.05 crores.


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Bangladesh has no naturally occurring Artemia, and all the growing shrimp hatcheries of the country depend entirely on import of cysts from foreign countries. Following successful inoculation of Artemia and production of cysts for the first time in this country in a coastal saltpan (at Chanua, Banskhali) by the senior author (in 1989-90), a similar second attempt was made under this programme in a saltpan (1000 m super(2)) of Demoshia, Chakaria, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh between January and April 1992. A total of 1639.9 g (dry weight) of cysts (i.e. 5.46 kg DW/ha/month) have been produced using the Red Jungle Brand, whereas the previous attempt obtained 517 g of cysts (i.e. 2.07 kg DW/ha/month) using the Great Salt Lake Brand.


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Although the reservoir area in south-east Asia is considerable, the fish production is low in the majority of reservoirs. Although high fish production has been recorded in a number of reservoirs in Sri Lanka and Indonesia, high fish production in reservoirs has with few exceptions resulted from the introduction of typical lake species from Africa. Addition of further lake fish species especially into deeper reservoirs will probably increase present fish yields. Diversification of the lake fish fauna can be achieved by introduction of species indigenous to the region like Etroplus suratensis. In this introduction of fish species, three points may be noted with specific reference to Tilapia spp.: (a) Lakes without indigenous cyprinids show marked fluctuation in fish catch with the introduction of Tilapia, and this could be stabilised by the introduction of predators and more diverse species. (b) Lakes with a moderate diversity of fish fauna show a high stabilised production with the introduction of Tilapia, presumably because of the effect of predator pressure on excessive Tilapia breeding. (c) Lowland lakes with a rich diversity of indigenous fish species colonising lakes may not require the introduction of Tilapia. Introduction of invertebrates into reservoirs in south east-Asia has not been done deliberately so far. However, the experience in other parts of the world, notably the Soviet Union, indicates that such introductions are likely to prove beneficial and to increase fish production. The potential for a considerable increase in fish production from reservoirs exists in south-east Asia. Proper management is likely to cost less than what is required for fish culture. Rural areas are likely to benefit most from increased fish production in reservoirs, and this might be a way to provide cheap protein where it is most urgently needed.


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The Nabugabo lakes are an important source of affordable protein food in the form of fish, income, water for domestic and commercial purposes (aquaculture farm and Hotels), handcraft materials (mats, hats, roof thatch) and fishing floats and rafts. Nabugabo lakes provide employment, income and export earnings to Uganda that flow from the act of harvesting the fish. In Uganda the fisheries sector directly employs 350,000 people and indirectly 1.2 million people. In 2005, it is estimated that about 370,000 mt fish export (97-98% Nile perch) earned Uganda US $ 143 Million up from US $ 103 million in 2004 .and up from US $ 45 million in 1996. , making it almost become the first non' traditional export commodity. The Nabugabo lakes are also import for cultural values and fish species from these lakes are important in evolutionary studies. The fishery sector is therefore very important in Uganda's socio-economic life. Despite the above values to the communities and global biodiversity roles, the amount of fish caught and the number fishing fleets operating on the Nabugabo lakes to guide management of the lake are lacking. The fishery that exists in these lakes is largely for subsistence and commercial purposes specific for Lake Nabugabo based on introduced species (Nile perch and Nile Tilapia). The fish is caught using mainly gill nets and long line hooks.


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The muntjacs (Muntiacus, Cervidae) are famous for their rapid and radical karyotypic diversification via repeated tandem chromosome fusions, constituting a paradigm for the studies of karyotypic evolution. Of the five muntjac species with defined karyotyp


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The study was conducted with the broad objectives to assess the existing situation of broodstock management and fish seed production in private fish seed farms in Bangladesh. The data were collected from 100 private hatcheries and 40 nurseries in seven upazilas under four districts. There was no shed in forty hatcheries and the owners faced many problems. Brood fish ponds were found suitable for rearing brood fish. About 66% of the hatchery owners collected brood fish from their own ponds and ponds of neighboring areas. Activities like pond preparation; manuring and supplementary feeding were done properly but stocking density of brood fish in 76% of the hatcheries was 3,000-7,000 kg/ha. Infection of argulosis was found in brood fish of 87% of the hatcheries. About 67% of the hatchery owners practiced inter-species crossing. Major problems faced by the hatchery owners were argulosis of brood fish, unavailability of pure brood stock, inadequate brood fish pond. The hatchery owners were found interested to find out the preventive measures of argulosis, develop pure brood stock of indigenous carp and import pure strain of exotic carp. According to the nursery operators, they cultivated hybrid fry because of high demand, rapid growth and good taste. Problems of using hatchery spawn as mentioned by the nursery operators were inbreeding, under sized and aged brood stock, stunted growth, physical deformities and high mortality of spawn due to unknown causes.