821 resultados para hydration


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Alkali-activated slag can totally disintegrate when exposed to 50 C. This paper presents a study of possible solutions to avoid this disintegration by using silica fume (SF) and fly ash (FA) to partially replaceslag. It was found that partial replacement of slag with SF significantly reduces strength loss. A mixture of 50% slag 50% SF (cured at 25 and 60 C) showed no strength loss after the exposure. In comparison, a55% drop of strength was observed in a mixture of 50% slag 50% FA (cured at 25 C) after the same exposure.However, the strength loss of this mixture was reduced by 50% when cured at 60 C. The presence oflime in AAS pastes increases the degree of strength loss after the exposure. The mechanisms for the abovestrength results are discussed in terms of hydration products and microcracking.


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Significant research advances have been made in the field of carbon nanotube (CNT) reinforced ordinary Portland cement (OPC) paste composites in recent years. However, the distribution of CNTs in fresh OPC paste is yet to be fully researched and quantified, thereby creating a technical barrier to CNT utilization in concrete construction. In this study, fresh OPC paste was treated as a two-phase material containing solid particles (cement grains) and liquid solutions (pore solutions). A centrifugation-based technique was proposed to separate these two phases and the presence of CNTs in each phase was quantified. UV-Vis spectrometry showed that the degree of dispersion can achieve above 90 wt% using polycarboxylate superplasticizer. The results suggested an upper limit of 0.26 wt% for CNT addition into water before mixing with OPC, and the dispersion was found to be stable for at least 4 hours. Based on scanning electron imaging, the adsorption phenomenon of CNTs on OPC grains with size less than 4 μm was discovered. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy indicated these adsorptive particles have lower Ca to Si ratio. It was observed that about 0.5 mg of CNTs per gram of OPC grains was adsorbed in solid OPC grains in typical fresh OPC pastes. On the basis of these results, a conceptual model was proposed for the distribution of CNTs in fresh OPC paste where about 33 wt% of the CNTs stay in pore solution and 65 wt% of CNTs are adsorbed on OPC grains.


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New infrastructure, particularly in the developing countries, demands substantial capital investment and a loss of durability of the concrete means a waste of oportunity. Improving durability of concrete structures is a non-trivial task. The durability of concrete has been related to its ability to resist the transport of water and the potentail imporvements to concrete durability using supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) has been well documented. With access to neutron and synchrotron facilities it has become possible to; (a) measure the ability of SCM to inhibit transport of water in concrete (b) measure particle size increase of hydrating cements (with and without SCM) by ultra-small angle neutron scattering (c) use neutron tomography combined with x-ray tomography to determine the three dimensional flaws in the structure of concretes that enable water ingress into structures, and (d) determine the amount of curing or degree of hydration on the durability of SCM/OPC blends. This review will detail preliminary results on cement and concrete obtained using the newly available neutron, synchrotron and other facilities in Australia and Brazil and highlights their ability to estimate factors which determine the service life of concrete


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Rietveld Analysis of cement diffraction patterns have been used to determined the composition of cement since John Taylor's pioneering work in the 1990's. Since then many workers have used this techniques to analyse cement and supplementary cementitious materials and their hydration products, both for research and production control purposes. Nevertheless there are a number of factors, including the amorphous content of the cement and relative proportion of mineral polymorphs present in the initial clinker, whose impact on analysis are still not completely understood. X-ray powder diffraction beamlines from the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) and the Australian Synchrotron, which produce more intensity and better resolution than normal x-ray diffraction sources, were used to investigate cement diffraction patterns and the hydration products of a range of cement pastes cured for up to 28 days. This study highlights the information that can be obtained from X-ray diffraction analysis for controlling and optimizing cement production and concrete durability.


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An overview of the design and performance of geosynthetics in composite barrier systems for biopiles used to remediate hydrocarbon-contaminated soil at Casey Station, Antarctica, is presented. Seven instrumented biopiles were constructed over three field seasons. To minimize the risk of hydrocarbon migration to groundwater, composite barrier systems were used (each using different combinations of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs), high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes (GMB), and geotextiles (GTXs)). One biopile used a co-extruded geomembrane (HDPE with an ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) core). The liner system was subject to a combination of coupled phenomena that could interact and affect the GMB-GCL composite barrier performance. The exposure conditions involved potential freeze-thaw cycling, hydration-desiccation cycles, cation exchange, direct and diffusive exposure to hydrocarbons. The effect of these phenomena was investigated by monitoring GCL and GMB sacrificial coupons. GCL coupons were placed between the main GCL component and the main geomembrane component of the composite liner and GMB coupons placed between the main GMB sheet and the GTX protection layer. Coupons were exhumed from the biopiles each year. The exhumed GCL field moisture content values ranged from 162% to 22%. After three (3) years in the field, GCL coupons that had undergone at least one hydration/desiccation cycle showed no significant change in swell index values or fluid loss values. The measured hydraulic conductivity of exhumed GCL coupons from Biopiles 1 and 2 (3 × 10-11 m s-1) was within the expected range and not significantly different from the values for virgin GCL. GMB coupons exhumed after three years from Biopiles 1 and 2 showed no significant change in oxidative induction time (OIT), melt flow index or tensile properties. Diffusion tests were performed as an index test for establishing the performance of the GMBs as a diffusive barrier to hydrocarbons, with permeation parameters for BTEX contaminants ranging from P g = 0.9-9.2 × 10-13 m2 s-1 for the exhumed GMB (with values depending on the contaminant and GMB). These values were similar to the parameters obtained for virgin GMBs and there was no significant change with field exposure, with GMBs appearing to be performing well.


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The ability of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) to contain acidic mining leachates is examined. The results of saturated hydraulic conductivity (k) of two GCLs permeated with sulfuric acid solutions (H2SO4) at 0.015M, 0.125M and 0.5M concentrations are reported. Also, the saturated k values of consolidated (35kPa) bentonite cakes made from sodium bentonite extracted from both GCLs were compared to a commonly used magnesium-sodium form bentonite. Chemical compatibility and effects of pre-hydration and effective stress were assessed as part of this study. Results indicated that an increased acid concentration (ionic strength) increased the k of all tested specimens. The ratio of the k0.5 values for non-prehydrated specimens permeated with 0.5M H2SO4 to the kw values for specimens permeated with deionized (DI) water (k0.5/kw) ranged from 10 to 110. Pre-hydration (50-140% water content) and increased effective stress (35-200kPa) improved the performance of GCLs (lower k). Strong correlations were observed between k and liquid limit and swell index parameters independent of pre-hydration and effective stress in this study. However, care should still be taken when using these correlations to evaluate hydraulic performance because the intrinsic micro-structure properties of bentonite, such as porosity, should also be considered. This work showed that, for example, high SI of bentonite does not translate necessarily to a better hydraulic performance of GCLs.


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The structural characteristics of liposomes have been widely investigated and there is certainly a strong understanding of their morphological characteristics. Imaging of these systems, using techniques such as freeze-fracturing methods, transmission electron microscopy, and cryo-electron imaging, has allowed us to appreciate their bilayer structures and factors which can influence this. However, there are few methods which all us to study these systems in their natural hydrated state; commonly the liposomes are visualized after drying, staining, and/or fixation of the vesicles. Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) offers the ability to image a liposome in its hydrated state without the need for prior sample preparation. Within our studies we were the first to use ESEM to study liposomes and niosomes and we have been able to dynamically follow the hydration of lipid films and changes in liposome suspensions as water condenses on to, or evaporates from, the sample in real time. This provides insight into the resistance of liposomes to coalescence during dehydration, thereby providing an alternative assay of liposome formulation and stability.


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L'industrie du ciment est l'une des principales sources d'émission de dioxyde de carbone. L'industrie mondiale du ciment contribue à environ 7% des émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans l'atmosphère. Afin d'aborder les effets environnementaux associés à la fabrication de ciment exploitant en permanence les ressources naturelles, il est nécessaire de développer des liants alternatifs pour fabriquer du béton durable. Ainsi, de nombreux sous-produits industriels ont été utilisés pour remplacer partiellement le ciment dans le béton afin de générer plus d'économie et de durabilité. La performance d'un additif de ciment est dans la cinétique d'hydratation et de la synergie entre les additions et de ciment Portland. Dans ce projet, deux sous-produits industriels sont étudiés comme des matériaux cimentaires alternatifs: le résidu de silice amorphe (RSA) et les cendres des boues de désencrage. Le RSA est un sous-produit de la production de magnésium provenant de l'Alliance Magnésium des villes d'Asbestos et Thedford Mines, et les cendres des boues de désencrage est un sous-produit de la combustion des boues de désencrage, l'écorce et les résidus de bois dans le système à lit fluidisé de l'usine de Brompton située près de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. Récemment, les cendres des boues de désencrage ont été utilisées comme des matériaux cimentaires alternatifs. L'utilisation de ces cendres comme matériau cimentaire dans la fabrication du béton conduit à réduire la qualité des bétons. Ces problèmes sont causés par des produits d'hydratation perturbateurs des cendres volantes de la biomasse quand ces cendres sont partiellement mélangées avec du ciment dans la fabrication du béton. Le processus de pré-mouillage de la cendre de boue de désencrage avant la fabrication du béton réduit les produits d'hydratation perturbateurs et par conséquent les propriétés mécaniques du béton sont améliorées. Les approches pour étudier la cendre de boue de désencrage dans ce projet sont : 1) caractérisation de cette cendre volante régulière et pré-humidifiée, 2) l'étude de la performance du mortier et du béton incorporant cette cendre volante régulière et pré-humidifiée. Le RSA est un nouveau sous-produit industriel. La haute teneur en silice amorphe en RSA est un excellent potentiel en tant que matériau cimentaire dans le béton. Dans ce projet, l'évaluation des RSA comme matériaux cimentaires alternatifs compose trois étapes. Tout d'abord, la caractérisation par la détermination des propriétés minéralogiques, physiques et chimiques des RSA, ensuite, l'optimisation du taux de remplacement du ciment par le RSA dans le mortier, et enfin l'évaluation du RSA en remplacement partiel du ciment dans différents types de béton dans le système binaire et ternaire. Cette étude a révélé que le béton de haute performance (BHP) incorporant le RSA a montré des propriétés mécaniques et la durabilité, similaire du contrôle. Le RSA a amélioré les propriétés des mécaniques et la durabilité du béton ordinaire (BO). Le béton autoplaçant (BAP) incorporant le RSA est stable, homogène et a montré de bonnes propriétés mécaniques et la durabilité. Le RSA avait une bonne synergie en combinaison de liant ternaire avec d'autres matériaux cimentaires supplémentaires. Cette étude a montré que le RSA peut être utilisé comme nouveaux matériaux cimentaires dans le béton.


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Objetivo: Establecer la relación entre la exposición ocupacional a altas temperaturas o sobrecarga térmica con el comportamiento fisiológico, metabólico y electrocardiográfico. Métodos: estudio de corte transversal, donde se incluyeron dos grupos (expuesto y no expuesto a altas temperaturas) en una empresa minera, en el departamento de Boyacá, Colombia, en el año 2016. El número de participantes fue de 160 trabajadores del género masculino, grupo expuesto (n=86) y grupo no expuesto (n=74). La exposición ocupacional a sobrecarga térmica se evaluó con el índice de temperatura de globo y bulbo húmedo (TGBH), el comportamiento fisiológico con el índice de costo cardiaco relativo (ICCR) con mediciones de frecuencia cardiaca (FC), el comportamiento metabólico con la determinación del colesterol total (CT), colesterol de alta densidad (C-HDL), colesterol de baja densidad (C-LDL), triglicéridos (TG) y glicemia basal (GL). Las alteraciones electrocardiográficas con la toma de Electrocardiograma de 12 derivaciones. También fueron evaluadas variables antropométricas, tensión arterial, hábitos y antecedentes de enfermedad cardiovascular en ambos grupos. Resultados: incrementos significativos del ICCR (p<0.001) y la carga física (p<0.001) fueron encontrados en los trabajadores expuestos a altas temperaturas. Los índices lipídicos y glicemia, así como los antecedentes personales cardiovasculares, IMC, consumo de cigarrillo y consumo de alcohol, no mostraron significancia. El antecedente familiar de ACV (p=0.043) y el EKG alterado (p=0.011) mostraron una asociación significativa con la exposición a altas temperaturas. El modelo de regresión lineal múltiple explicó la relación entre el incremento del ICCR y la exposición a altas temperaturas (β=4,213, IC 95%: 1.57,6.85) ajustado por variables fisiológicas y electrocardiográficas. Conclusiones: La exposición ocupacional a altas temperaturas, presenta asociación con las alteraciones cardiovasculares a nivel fisiológico y electrocardiográfico, aumentando el ICCR y la carga física de trabajo (GE trabajo).


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Nitrobenzoxadiazole (NBD)-labeled lipids are popular fluorescent membrane probes. However, the understanding of important aspects of the photophysics of NBD remains incomplete, including the observed shift in the emission spectrum of NBD-lipids to longer wavelengths following excitation at the red edge of the absorption spectrum (red-edge excitation shift or REES). REES of NBD-lipids in membrane environments has been previously interpreted as reflecting restricted mobility of solvent surrounding the fluorophore. However, this requires a large change in the dipole moment (Dm) of NBD upon excitation. Previous calculations of the value of Dm of NBD in the literature have been carried out using outdated semi-empirical methods, leading to conflicting values. Using up-to-date density functional theory methods, we recalculated the value of Dm and verified that it is rather small (B2 D). Fluorescence measurements confirmed that the value of REES is B16 nm for 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3- phospho-L-serine-N-(NBD) (NBD-PS) in dioleoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles. However, the observed shift is independent of both the temperature and the presence of cholesterol and is therefore insensitive to the mobility and hydration of the membrane. Moreover, red-edge excitation leads to an increased contribution of the decay component with a shorter lifetime, whereas time-resolved emission spectra of NBD-PS displayed an atypical blue shift following excitation. This excludes restrictions to solvent relaxation as the cause of the measured REES and TRES of NBD, pointing instead to the heterogeneous transverse location of probes as the origin of these effects. The latter hypothesis was confirmed by molecular dynamics simulations, from which the calculated heterogeneity of the hydration and location of NBD correlated with the measured fluorescence lifetimes/REES. Globally, our combination of theoretical and experiment-based techniques has led to a considerably improved understanding of the photophysics of NBD and a reinterpretation of its REES in particular.