940 resultados para forage pea
采用样方法研究了首曲湿地功能区"黑土滩"退化草甸改良后3 a的群落特征变化,分析了围栏封育和补播"高寒1号"生态组合草种对退化草甸的恢复改良效果.结果显示:仅封育3 a后,"黑土滩"退化草甸群落的盖度、高度、地上生物量和可食牧草比例均显著提高,丰富度指数由0.55增加到0.75,多样性指数由0.07增加到了0.25;封育后补播"高寒1号"生态草种相对于封育前,使得退化草甸的盖度增加了56.00%,高度增加了11.74 cm,地上生物量增加了222.24 g/m~2,可食牧草比例增加了55.98%,物种数由5种/m~2增加到了15种/m~2,丰富度指数由0.55增加到了3.29,多样性指数由0.07增加到了1.85,均匀度指数由0.06增加到了0.27.相对围栏封育而言,封育后补播是一种更有效的"黑土滩"退化草甸改良恢复措施.围栏封育和补播配套实施可以显著改善"黑土滩"退化草地的群落貌相、草地生产力和组分结构状况.
以22年定位试验为基础,研究了长期施用氮、磷和有机肥(NPM)对不同种植体系土壤有效硫在剖面上分布与累积状况。结果表明,在60—80 cm土层各处理出现第一个累积峰,累积峰值为粮饲轮作31.3,玉米连作29.2,小麦连作27.9,粮豆轮作25.6,苜蓿连作24.0 mg/kg;在140—180 cm土层各处理又出现有效硫的第二个累积峰,累积峰值为粮饲轮作44.7,粮豆轮作43.1,小麦连作41.0,玉米连作39.7,苜蓿连作36.5 mg/kg。第二累积峰值均大于第一累积峰值。0—200 cm土层有效硫总累积量粮饲轮作高达746.3 kg/hm~2,其次为玉米连作640.6,粮豆轮作为638.3,小麦连作为622.4,苜蓿连作最小为557.3 kg/hm~2。长期施用磷肥和有机肥是有效硫在土壤中累积的主要因素,有效硫在土壤剖面上有向深层迁移的趋势。不同作物对硫的吸收利用差异和不同种植方式对有效硫的累积与分布产生影响。
从生态经济系统分析角度出发,对小流域生态经济结构及其演变进行分析,以期评价小流域生态经济效益。对比分析了小流域生态经济系统土地利用结构及其适宜性、产业结构、消耗结构和饲料生产平衡,利用线性模型对土地利用结构进行了优化模拟,采用描述生态系统稳定性的多样性指数描述流域经济系统稳定性,并用静态和动态模型对治理经济效果进行评价。流域农、林、牧用地比例由1990年的6.2:2.0:1.0变为2003年的1.9:1.4:1.0;农业产值所占比重由79.6%下降为54.8%;林业、牧业、副业产值比例分别由9.6%、9.6%、1.1%上升为22.7%、 15.1%、7.4%。收入多样性指数呈增加趋势,消耗结构趋向合理,饲料供需平衡,经济评价中各指标均显示经济效益显著,表明生态经济结构明显有利于生态经济系统的进展演变,流域生态经济结构趋于稳定,生态经济效益显著。
以22 a定位试验为基础,在黄土高原旱地研究了长期施用氮磷化肥,对不同种植体系土壤有效硫在剖面上分布与累积状况。结果表明,在60-80 cm土层各处理出现第一个累积峰,累积峰值为:玉米-小麦(2 a)+糜子轮作27.07 mg/kg,豌豆-小麦(2 a)+糜子轮作25.42 mg/kg,小麦(2 a)+糜子-玉米轮作24.23 mg/kg,豌豆-小麦(2 a)+玉米轮作22.61 mg/kg,小麦连作16.56 mg/kg,红豆草-小麦(2 a)轮作15.14 mg/kg;在120-180 cm土层又出现有效硫的第二个累积峰,累积峰值为:小麦(2 a)+糜子-玉米轮作34.20 mg/kg,豌豆-小麦(2 a)+糜子轮作32.16 mg/kg,豌豆-小麦(2 a)+玉米轮作31.00 mg/kg,红豆草-小麦(2 a)轮作30.32mg/kg,玉米-小麦(2 a)+糜子轮作29.16 mg/kg,小麦连作26.22 mg/kg。0-200 cm土层有效硫总累积量玉米-小麦+糜子轮作高达559.64 kg/hm2,其次是小麦+糜子-玉米轮作为538.88 kg/hm2,豌豆-小麦+糜子轮作为514.34 kg/...
本文研究了低密度聚乙烯/乙烯、乙酸乙烯(LDPE/EVA),低密度聚乙烯/1,2—聚丁二烯(LDPE/1,2-PDB),乙丙橡胶/丁苯橡胶(EPR/SBR),以及聚偏氟乙烯/聚丙烯酸乙酯(PVF_2/PEA),聚氧化乙烯/聚乙酸乙烯酯(PEO/PVAc)五个共混体系的辐射关联反应情况。其中采用了机械共混、溶液共混两种方法制备了第一个共混体系,而后四个共混体系均只采用了溶液共混一种制备方法。首先,采用了电子显微镜以及DSC等方法,研究了以上五个共混体系组分间的相溶性。结果表明前三个共混体系属于多相聚合物共混体系。电子显微镜观察表明LDPE/1.2-PBD以及EPR/SBR两共混体系存在着明显的相分离现象,当LDPE含量为50%左右,EPR含量为30~50%时两共混体系均有相倒转发生。对于LDPE/1.2-PBD共混体系,共混样品的熔点虽然随加入1.2-PBD的量的增加而下降,但下降很小,不符合由热力学导出的表示相溶半晶聚合物共混体系熔点随组成变化的关系式:1/(φ1) (1/(Tm) - 1/(Tm)) = - (R V_(2u))/V_(1u) H_(2u))[(1/(u_2) - 1/(u_1)) + X_(12 φ_1]。而PVF_2/PEA、PEO/PVAc二共混体系相溶性明显提高。二共混体系结晶聚合物的溶点均随加入另一组分而急剧下降,由上式求得PVF_2/PEA、PEO/PVAc二共混体系的lory-Huggins相互作用参数X_(12)分别为:-0.28和-0.35。正是由于组分间有强烈的相互作用,至使以上二共混体系相溶性提高。LDPE/1.2-PDB和PVF_2/PEA二共混体系,在被r—射线照射击后,性能的变化情况很不一样。对于PVF_2/PEA共混体系在被r—射线照射后,我们首次发现共混样品用DSC测得的熔融峰由未照射时的一个分裂成照射后的两个。由此近似求得PVF_2/PEA共混体系中含有含PEA为19%及6%的两种结晶相。而LDPE/ 1。2-PBD共混体系组分间相溶性差,共混样熔融峰没有分裂现象,只是熔点随辐照剂量稍有下降。以上五个共混体系发生辐射交联后,其溶胶分数S与辐照剂量R的关系仍可用下式R(S + S~(1/2)) = 1/(q_oU_1) + (α_o)/(q_o)R~β表示。但发现,有些含有双链及分子链较柔顺的橡胶态单一聚合物(丁苯橡胶、PEA、1.2-PBD)的β值有极低的值(<0.5)。我们把此现象归因于以上这些聚合物发生辐射交联反应时有强化交联效应。对于共混样的β值—β_b值,与共混组分、组分间相溶性、及共混比例有并,实验结果表明以上关系可由下式近似表示。β_b = [(β_1 + (K'β_2 - β_1)φ_2]/[1 + (K' - 1)φ_2]式中,β_b为共混样的β值;β_1,β_2分别为组分1及2的β值;φ_2分别为组分1及2的体积分数;而K’值为一特征参数,它与共混体系性质有关。实验结果表明,共混体系组分间相溶性愈好,X_(12)值愈负,则K’值偏离1愈远。K’值表示了组分间参加反应时的协同效应。
本研究针对川西北高山草甸缺乏科学管理,过度放牧导致草场退化,并由此引发的一系列生态环境问题,选取红原县瓦切乡1996 年草地承包后形成的四个放牧强度草场,即不放牧、轻度(1.2 头牦牛hm-1)、中度(2.0 头牦牛hm-1)和重度放牧(2.9 头牦牛hm-1),作为研究对象,研究了不同放牧强度对草地植物-土壤系统中碳、氮这两个最基本物质的分布格局和循环过程的影响,并探讨了放牧干扰下高山草甸生态系统的管理。 1.放牧对草地植物群落物种组成,尤其是优势种,产生了明显的影响。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地群落物种数分别为22,23,26,20 种,群落盖度分别是不放牧96.2%>中度93.6%>轻度89.7%>重度73.6%。随放牧强度的增加, 原植物群落中的优势种垂穗鹅冠草( Roegneria nutans )、发草(Deschampsia caespitosa)和垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)等禾草逐渐被莎草科的川嵩草(Kobresia setchwanensis)和高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)所取代成为优势种。同时,随放牧强度的增加,高原毛茛(Ranunculus brotherusii)、狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme)、鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina)和车前(Plantagodepressa)等杂类草的数量也随之增加。 2.生长季6~9 月份,草地植物地上和地下生物量(0~30cm)都是从6 月份开始增长,8 月份达到最高值,9 月份开始下降。每个月份,通常地上生物量以不放牧为最高,重度放牧总是显著小于不放牧;地下生物量随放牧强度的增加表现为增加的趋势,通常重度和中度放牧显著高于不放牧和轻度放牧草地。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地6~9 月份4 个月的植物总生物量平均值分别是1543、1622、2295 和2449 g m-2,但随放牧强度的增加越来越来多的生物量被分配到了地下部分,地下生物量占总生物量比例的大小顺序分别是重度88%>中度82%>轻度76%>不放牧69%。生物量这种变化主要是由于放牧使得群落优势种发生改变而引起的,其分配比例的变化体现了草地植物对放牧干扰的适应策略。 3.植物碳氮贮量的季节变化类似与生物量的变化。每个月份,不同放牧强度间植物地上碳氮的贮量有所不同,一般重度放牧会显著减少植物地上碳氮贮量。植物根系(0~30cm)碳氮贮量随放牧强度的增加表现为增加的趋势,通常重度和中度放牧显著高于不放牧和轻度放牧草地。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地6~9 月份4 个月的植物总碳平均值分别是547、586、847 和909 g m-2,根系碳贮量占植物总碳的比例大小顺序分别是重度88%>中度82%>轻度76%>不放牧69%;放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地6~9 月份4 个月的植物总氮平均值分别是17、17、23 和26 g m-2,根系氮贮量占植物总氮的比例大小顺序分别是重度79%>轻度71%>中度70%>不放牧65%。 4. 土壤有机碳贮量(0~30cm)的季节变化表现为7 月份略有下降,8 月开始增加,9 月份达到的最大值。土壤氮贮量的季节变化表现为随季节的推移逐渐增加的趋势。增加的放牧强度不同程度的增加土壤有机碳氮的贮量。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧6~9 月份4 个月的土壤有机碳贮量的平均值分别是9.72、10.36、10.62 和11.74 kg m-2,土壤氮贮量分别为1.45、1.56、1.66 和1.83 kg m-2。土壤中有机碳(氮)的贮量都占到了植物-土壤系统有机碳(氮)的90%以上,但不同放牧强度之间的差异不明显。 5. 土壤氮的总硝化和反硝化,温室气体N2O 和CO2 的释放率的季节变化表现为从6 月份开始增加,7 月份达到最大值,8 月份开始下降,9 月份降为最小值。增加的放牧强度趋向于增加土壤氮的总硝化和反硝化作用,温室气体N2O和CO2 的释放率,通常情况下,中度放牧和重度放牧显著地加强了这些过程。 6.垂穗鹅冠草(Roegneria nutans)和川嵩草(Kobresia setchwanensis)凋落物在不同放牧强度下经过1 年的分解,两种凋落物的失重率及其碳氮的损失率3都随放牧增加表现为增加的趋势。在同一放牧强度下,川嵩草凋落物的失重率和碳氮的损失率都高于垂穗鹅冠草凋落物。 7. 尽管重度放牧显著增加了土壤碳氮的贮量,但同时也显著降低了植被群落盖度,降低了植物地上生物量,因此,久而久之会减少植物向土壤中的碳氮归还率;与不放牧和轻度放牧相比,重度放牧又显著增加了土壤CO2 和NO2 的排放量,这是草地生态系统碳氮损失的重要途径。由此可见,对于这些地处青藏高原的非常脆弱的高山草甸生态系统,长期重度放牧不仅导致植物生产力降低,而且将导致草地生态系统退化,甚至造成土壤中碳氮含量减少。 Long-term overgrazing has resulted in considerable deterioration in alpine meadowof the northwest Sichan Province. In order to explore management strategies for thesustainability of these alpine meadows, we selected four grasslands with differentgrazing intensity (no grazing-NG: 0, light grazing-LG: 1.2, moderate grazing-MG: 2.0,and heavy grazing-HG: 2.9 yaks ha-1) to evaluate carbon, nitrogen pools and cyclingprocesses within the plant-soil system in Waqie Village, Hongyuan County, Sichuan Province. 1. Grazing obviously changed the plant species composition, especially ondominant plant species. Total number of species is 22, 23, 26, and 20 for NG, LG, MGand HG, respectively. Vegetation coverage under different grazing intensity ranked inthe order of 96.2% for HG>93.6% for MG>89.7% for LG>73.6% for NG. Thedominator of HG community shifted from grasses-Roegneria nutans andDeschampsia caespitosa dominated in the NG and LG sites into sedges-Kobresiapygmaea and K. setchwanensis. At the same time, with the increase of grazingintensity, the numbers of forbs, such as Ranunculus brotherusii, Stellera chamaejasme,Potentilla anserine and Plantago depressa, increased with grazing intensity. 2. Over the growing season, aboveground and belowground biomass showed a 5single peak pattern with the highest biomass in August. For each month, abovegroundbiomass usually was the highest in the NG site and lowest in the HG site.Belowground biomass showed a trend of increase as grazing intensity increased and itwas significantly higher in the HG and MG site than in the NG and LG sites. Totalplant biomass averaged over the growing season is 1543, 1622, 2295 and 2449 g m-2for NG, LG, MG and HG, respectively. The proportion of biomass to total plantbiomass for NG, LG, MG and HG is 88%, 82%, 76% and 69%, respectively. Higherallocation ratio for is an adaptive response of plant to grazing. 3. Carbon and nitrogen storage in plant components followed the similar seasonalpatterns as their biomass under different grazing intensities. Generally, heavy grazingsignificantly decreases aboveground biomass carbon and nitrogen compared to nograzing. Carbon and nitrogen storage in root tended to increase as grazing increasedand they are significantly higher in the HG and MG sites compared to the LG and NGsite. Total Carbon storage in plant system averaged over the growing season is 547,586, 847 and 909 g m-2 for NG, LG, MG and HG, respectively, while 17, 17, 23 and 26g m-2 for nitrogen. The proportion of carbon storage in root to total plant carbon forNG, LG, MG and HG is 88%, 82%, 76%, 69%, respectively, while 65%, 71%, 70%and 79% for nitrogen. 4. Carbon storage in soil (0-30cm) decreased slightly in July, then increased inAugust and peaked in September. Nitrogen storage in soil tended to increase withseason and grazing intensity. Total Carbon storage in soil averaged over the growingseason is 9.72, 10.36, 10.62 and11.74 kg m-2 for NG, LG, MG and HG, respectively,while 1.45, 1.56, 1.66 and 1.83 for nitrogen. The proportion of carbon (nitrogen)storage in soil to plant-soil system carbon (nitrogen) storage for NG, LG, MG and HGis more than 90%, which is not markedly different among different grazing intensities. 5. Gross nitrification, denitrification, CO2 and N2O flux rates in soil increasedfrom June to July and then declined until September, all of which tended to increasewith the increase of grazing intensity. Generally, heavy and moderate grazing intensitysignificantly enhanced these process compared to no and light grazing intensity. 6. After decomposing in situ for a year, relative weight, carbon and nitrogen loss in the litter of Roegneria nutans and Kobresia setchwanensis tended to increase asgrazing intensity increased. Under the same grazing intensity, relative weight, carbonand nitrogen loss in the litter of Kobresia setchwanensis were higher than these in thelitter of Roegneria nutans. 7. Although heavy grazing intensity resulted in higher levels of carbon andnitrogen in plant and soil, it decreased vegetation coverage and aboveground biomass,which are undesirable for livestock production and sustainable grassland development.What is more, heavy grazing could also introduce potential carbon and nitrogen lossvia increasing CO2 and N2O emission into the atmosphere. Grazing at moderateintensity resulted in a plant community dominated by forage grasses with highaboveground biomass productivity and N content. The alpine meadow ecosystems inTibetan Plateau are very fragile and evolve under increasing grazing intensity by largeherbivores; therefore, deterioration of the plant-soil system, and possible declines insoil C and N, are potential without proper management in the future.
本文考察了若尔盖高寒泥炭湿地公路对高原林蛙(Rana kukunoris)、倭蛙(Narorana pleskei)和岷山蟾蜍(Bufo minshanicus)的生态影响。分析了公路对两栖动物空间分布和栖息地利用的影响,并用IBM模型探讨其可能作用机制,考察了两栖动物公路死亡的季节差异及影响公路死亡空间分布的景观因素。最后通过对若尔盖高寒湿地两栖动物陆地核心栖息地的分析,为若尔盖路域栖息地的管理提供依据。 1. 对公路周边6个沼泽水凼群进行了调查,每个样地设置5条样线(距离公路10m、20m、50m、100m和150m)。调查表明,在繁殖季节(5月),距离公路距离对高原林蛙和倭蛙的相对数量都有显著作用,其效应明显大于其他各项栖息地环境参数。公路导致高原林蛙和倭蛙在公路周边种群密度降低,其相对数量从距离公路100m处到公路边缘一直呈现逐渐降低的趋势。在繁殖季节,若尔盖高寒湿地的公路生态影响域大约在100-150m之间,这一距离远远大于森林栖息地中公路对两栖类的生态影响域(35-40 m)。 在繁殖后期(9月),对公路周边16个草地样点的样线调查表明,公路对周边高原林蛙和倭蛙密度分布并未造成显著影响。 2. 二次模型的拟合表明繁殖季节高原林蛙和倭蛙在公路周边的密度分布符合钟型曲线。前人对森林公路两侧两栖类分布的研究也显示了类似的规律。我们通过基于个体的模型,模拟在了公路边缘100单位距离内的栖息地空间,栖息地环境质量呈梯度变化,动物个体在其中通过随机运动寻找适宜的栖息地。拟合结果表明,动物个体仅仅依照简单的运动规则寻找适宜栖息地,这种活动就可以导致公路周边栖息地中的动物分布曲线出现3个局部峰。公路周边两栖动物的钟型分布曲线可能仅仅是个体寻找适宜栖息地过程中出现的临时性群体分布模式。 3. 在若尔盖高寒湿地,公路交通造成了大量两栖类死亡。但是公路两栖类动物死亡的季节分布很不均匀:5月、8月和9月死亡数量很高,而7月和10月死亡数量却很低。这种季节性差异和两栖类各个生活史阶段的迁移运动有密切的关系。利用景观参数的逻辑斯蒂回归模型显示,距离公路1000-2000m范围内的湿草地比例对三种两栖类公路死亡概率均有很强的贡献。湿草地这一栖息地类型分类中有大量的沼泽水体,是两栖类重要的繁殖点和取食点。两栖类公路死亡概率湿草地的关系从一个侧面表明,要维持一个区域较高的两栖类种群数量,需要1000-2000m半径范围内存在大面积的湿草地。 4. 高原林蛙和岷山蟾蜍不同性别和年龄个体分布点的水体距离存在显著差异。不同种类、年龄的两栖类分布点距离水体距离的差异可能是由于对水体的依赖性造成的。而相同种类、年龄段的个体中,高原林蛙雌性、岷山蟾蜍亚成体和雌性的体重与分布点距水体距离有显著负相关,这可能是因为体重更大的个体对水体的依赖性更弱。考虑到过大的陆地核心栖息地面积在实际保护工作中存在操作上的困难,因此我们认为可以以水体周边90%个体的分布区为低限确定3种两栖类的最小陆地核心栖息地。但是,在同样的水体距离-两栖类密度分布格局下,水体的面积和分形参数对最小陆地核心栖息地半径的确定有一定影响。 Ecological effects of alpine wetland road on Rana kukunoris, Narorana pleskei, Bufo minshanicus was studied in Zoige wetland. The effects of road on distribution of amphibians and its possible underline mechanism was discussed based on empirical data and computer simulation. Road killed amphibians was surveyed in different season and those landscape factor which could have impact on road killing distribution was analyses. Core terrestrial habitat of amphibians in Zoige wetland was discussed in the consideration of conservation management. 1. Six pool groups was investigated in breeding season (May) of R. kukunoris, N. pleskei. Five transects at distance of 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m and 150m from road edge was surveyed in each pool groups. There was a significant effects of distance from road edge on relative counts of R. kukunoris, N. pleskei, which is much important than effects of other environmental factors. Road caused the density of R. kukunoris, N. pleskei decreased from distance of 100m from road to 10m from road. Road ecological effect zone of alpine wetland for amphibians is about 100-150m. It is much wider than those of forest roads, which is about 35-40m. However, studies on 16 grassland near road showed no significant effect of road on amphibians after breeding season (Sep.). 2. Quadratic model fit indicated that the distribution of R. kukunoris and N. Pleskei followed a hump like curve. Previous studies on forest road showed similar results. A 100×100 habitat with gradual environment besides road was simulated with a individual-based model, and animal seek for suitable habitat with stochastic locomotion in it. Simulation results indicated that 3 density peak of animal distribution can emergent followed a simply rules. The hump like density cure could be a temporal swarm pattern during the process of individual seeking for habitat. 3. Road traffic caused mass death of amphibians in Zoige wetland. There was much road killed amphibians in May, Aug and Sep than those in July and Oct. The fluctuation of road kill could be related with migration of amphibians between seasons. Logistic regression of landscape variables indicated that wet grassland in 1000-2000m is essential to predict the probability of road kill. Wet grassland is an important breeding and forage habitat for amphibians. It also indicated that mass wet grassland in 1000-2000m is essential for maintain a big amphibian population. 4. There was significant differences among distance from aquatic site of subadults, female and males of R. kukunoris and B. Minshanicus. Possibly, it was because of their dependence on water. There was a significant negative relationship between distance from aquatic site and individuals body mass. Estimates of core habitat that are too large may make it difficult to establish protective regulations. The smallest suitable terrestrial core habitats were defined as the terrestrial habitats used during migration to and from the wetlands, and for foraging by 90% of any life stage (adults, and subadults) in a season. However, even with the same amphibian distribution pattern along the distance from aquatic sites, the radii of smallest suitable terrestrial core habitats will be varied with the fractal parameters of aquatic site.
Liaoning province is located in the Northeast of China, with special topographic features.The pea plants in Liaoning Province distribute extensively.We have seperated and collected 260 samples of rihzobia,including 53 species of 26 genera of pea plants and found that the growth condition of rihzobium was associated with the climate and topographic features.This paper provides original information and important data about the pea plants and the rihzobia in Liaoning Province.
以云雾山封育与未封区为对象,采用样线法进行调查,重点分析二者群落特征和地上生物量的变化,以期为退化草地植被恢复提供依据。结果表明:封育后本氏针茅(Stipa bungeana)群落发生较大变化,物种数显著增加、演替差异明显,由未封区的本氏针茅+大针茅(S. gigantea)群落演替为封育后的大针茅+本氏针茅群落;未封区本氏针茅种群的优势地位明显加强,重要值明显大于封育区;封育与未封区群落的相似性系数为0.419;物种丰富度指数和多样性指数(修正的Simpson指数、Shannon-winner指数、Audair和Groff指数)均表现为封育区>未封区,而均匀度指数则相反;封育区地上生物量明显增加,其中禾本科、蔷薇科和杂类草占总生物量的比例均表现为封育>未封区,而菊科则相反。
主要从家畜营养、生态角度出发 ,围绕如何提高饲料利用率问题 ,重点讲述了饲料生产和家畜饲养两个环节中应注意的问题 ,包括 :饲料营养中负组合效应的消除 ,毒物和抗营养因子的消除 ;鉴于草食动物的特殊性 ,饲养中就如何控制瘤胃发酵阐述了改变饲养程序、水平和日粮成分 ,用活性剂补充日粮 ,非蛋白氮的有效利用和过瘤胃技术 ;最后是如何减轻家畜冷热应激等。
Amphiphilic biodegradable star-shaped polymer was conveniently prepared by the Sn(Oct)(2)-catalyzed ring opening polymerization of c-caprolactone (CL) with hyperbranched poly(ester amide) (PEA) as a macroinitiator. Various monomer/initiator ratios were employed to vary the length of the PCL arms. H-1 NMR and FTIR characterizations showed the successful synthesis of star polymer with high initiation efficiency. SEC analysis using triple detectors, RI, light scattering, and viscosity confirmed the controlled manner of polymerization and the star architecture.
Rare-earth ions (Eu3+, Tb3+) doped AMoO(4) (A = Sr, Ba) particles with uniform morphologies were successfully prepared through a facile solvothermal process using ethylene glycol (EG) as protecting agent. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), photoluminescence (PL) spectra and the kinetic decays were performed to characterize these samples. The XRD results reveal that all the doped samples are of high purity and crystallinity and assigned to the tetragonal scheelite-type structure of the AMoO(4) phase. It has been shown that the as-synthesized SrMoO4:Ln and BaMoO4:Ln samples show respective uniform pea nut-like and oval morphologies with narrowsize distribution. The possible growth process of the AMoO(4):Ln has been investigated in detail. The EG/H2O volume ratio, reaction temperature and time have obvious effect on themorphologies and sizes of the as-synthesized products.
Poly(ethyl acrylate) (PEA)/SiO2 hybrids with different compositions were prepared under different casting temperatures and pH values. Their morphology as investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows that samples with different compositions have different morphologies. When the SiO2 content is lower, PEA is the continuous phase and SiO2 is the dispersed phase. At higher SiO2 content, the change in phase morphology takes place, nd PEA gradually dispersing in the form of latex particles in SiO2 matrix. Change in phase morphology depends mainly on the time the sol-gel transition occurs. At suitable casting temperature and pH value, PEA/SiO2 in 95/5 and 50/50 hybrids with even dispersion was obtained.
Transparent poly(ethyl acrylate) (PEA)/bentonite nanocomposites containing intercalated-exfoliated combinatory structures of clay were synthesized by in situ emulsion polymerizations in aqueous dispersions containing bentonite. The samples for characterization were prepared through direct-forming films of the resulting emulsions without coagulation and separation. An examination with X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy showed that intercalated and exfoliated structures of clay coexisted in the PEA/bentonite nanocomposites. The measurements of mechanical properties showed that PEA properties were greatly improved, with the tensile strength and modulus increasing from 0.65 and 0.24 to 11.16 and 88.41 MPa, respectively. Dynamic mechanical analysis revealed a very marked improvement of the storage modulus above the glass-transition temperature. In addition, because of the uniform dispersion of silicate layers in the PEA matrix, the barrier properties of the materials were dramatically improved. The permeability coefficient of water vapor decreased from 30.8 x 10(-6) to 8.3 x 10(-6) g cm/cm(2)s cmHg. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Prepolymers of poly(ethylene oxide) (Pre-PEG) were synthesized by reacting azoisobutyronitrile (AIBN) with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), and their structures were characterized by IR and UV. The molecular weight of pre-PEG was related to the feed ratio and reaction time. These prepolymers can be used to prepare block copolymers - poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(butyl acrylate) (PEO-b-PBA) by radical polymerization in the presence of butyl acrylate (BA). Solution polymerization was a suitable technique for this step. The yield and the molecular weight of the product were related to the ratio of the prepolymer to BA, the reaction time, and temperature. GPC showed that the molecular weight increased with a higher ratio of BA to pre-PEO. The intrinsic viscosity of the copolymers was only slightly dependent on reaction time, but decreased at higher reaction temperatures, as did the amount of PEA homopolymer. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.