874 resultados para electronic healthcare data
Introduction: Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Nutrition may affect occurrence, recurrence and survival rates and many cancer patients and survivors seek individualized nutrition advice. Appropriately skilled nutritional therapy (NT) practitioners may be well-placed to safely provide this advice, but little is known of their perspectives on working with people affected by cancer. This mixed-methods study seeks to explore their views on training, barriers to practice, use of evidence, and other resources, to support the development of safe evidence-based practice. Preliminary data on barriers to practice are reported here. Methods: Two cohorts of NT practitioners were recruited from all UK registered NT practitioners, by an on-line anonymous survey. 84 cancer practitioners (CP) and 165 non-cancer practitioners (NCP) were recruited. Mixed quantitative and qualitative data was collected by the survey. Content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data on the use of evidence, barriers to practice and perceived needs for working with clients with cancer, for further exploration using interviews and focus groups. Preliminary results: For the NCP cohort, exploring themes of perceived barriers to working with people affected by cancer suggested that perceived complexity, risk and need for caution in this area of practice were important barriers. Insufficient specialist knowledge and skills also emerged as barriers. Some NCPs perceived opposition from medical practitioners and other mainstream healthcare professions as an obstacle to starting cancer practice. To overcome these barriers, specialist training emerged as most important. For the CP cohort, in exploring the skills they considered enabled them to undertake cancer work, specialist clinical and technical knowledge emerged strongly. Only 10% CP participants did not want more work with people affected by cancer. 10% CPs reported some NHS referrals, whereas most received clients by self-referral or from other practitioners. When considering barriers that impede their cancer practice, the dominant categories for CPs were hostility or opposition by mainstream oncology professionals, and lack of dialogue and engagement with them. To overcome these barriers, CPs desired engagement with oncology professionals and recognized specialist cancer NT training. For both NCPs and CPs, evidence resources, practice guidelines and practitioner support networks also emerged as potential enablers to cancer practice. Conclusions: This is the first detailed exploration of NT practitioners’ perceived barriers to working with people affected by cancer. Acquiring specialist skills and knowledge appears important to enable NCPs to start cancer work, and for CPs with these skills, the perceived barriers appear foremost in the relationship with mainstream cancer professionals. Further exploration of these themes, and other NT practitioner perspectives on working with people affected by cancer, is underway. This work will inform and support the development of professional practice, training and other resources.
Purpose: To qualitatively explore the communication between healthcare professionals and oncology patients based on the perception of patients undergoing chemotherapy.Method: Qualitative and exploratory design. Participants were 14 adult patients undergoing chemotherapy at different stages of the disease. A socio-demographic and clinical data form was utilized along with semi-structured interviews. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and content analysis was performed. Two independent judges evaluated the interview content in regards to emerging categories and obtained a Kappa index of 0.834.Results: Three categories emerged from the data: 1) Technical communication without emotional support, in which the information provided is composed of strictly technical information regarding the diagnosis, treatment and/or prognosis; 2) Technical communication, in which the information provided is oriented towards the technical aspects of the patient’s physical condition, while also providing psychological support for the patients’ subjective needs; and 3) Insufficient technical communication, win which there are gaps in the information provided causing confusion and suffering to the patient.Conclusions: Communication with emotional support contributes to greater satisfaction of chemotherapy patients. Practical implications: the results provide elements for the training of healthcare professionals regarding the importance of the emotional support that can be offered to cancer patients during their treatment.
The hypothesis that the same educational objective, raised as cooperative or collaborative learning in university teaching does not affect students’ perceptions of the learning model, leads this study. It analyses the reflections of two students groups of engineering that shared the same educational goals implemented through two different methodological active learning strategies: Simulation as cooperative learning strategy and Problem-based Learning as a collaborative one. The different number of participants per group (eighty-five and sixty-five, respectively) as well as the use of two active learning strategies, either collaborative or cooperative, did not show differences in the results from a qualitative perspective.
This research paper presents the work on feature recognition, tool path data generation and integration with STEP-NC (AP-238 format) for features having Free form / Irregular Contoured Surface(s) (FICS). Initially, the FICS features are modelled / imported in UG CAD package and a closeness index is generated. This is done by comparing the FICS features with basic B-Splines / Bezier curves / surfaces. Then blending functions are caculated by adopting convolution theorem. Based on the blending functions, contour offsett tool paths are generated and simulated for 5 axis milling environment. Finally, the tool path (CL) data is integrated with STEP-NC (AP-238) format. The tool path algorithm and STEP- NC data is tested with various industrial parts through an automated UFUNC plugin.
Objective: To determine what, how, for whom, why, and in what circumstances educational interventions to improve the delivery of nutrition care by doctors and other healthcare professionals work?
Design: Realist synthesis following a published protocol and reported following Realist and Meta-narrative Evidence Synthesis: Evolving Standards (RAMESES) guidelines. A multidisciplinary team searched Medline, CINAHL, ERIC, EMBASE, PsyINFO, Sociological Abstracts, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Science Direct for published and unpublished (grey) literature. The team identified studies with varied designs; appraised their ability to answer the review question; identified relationships between contexts, mechanisms, and outcomes (CMOs); and entered them into a spreadsheet configured for the purpose. The final synthesis identified commonalities across CMO configurations.
Results: Over half of the 46 studies from which we extracted data originated from the US. Interventions that improved the delivery of nutrition care improved skills and attitudes rather than just knowledge; provided opportunities for superiors to model nutrition care; removed barriers to nutrition care in health systems; provided participants with local, practically relevant tools and messages; and incorporated non-traditional, innovative teaching strategies. Operating in contexts where student and qualified healthcare professionals provided nutrition care in both developed and developing countries, these interventions yielded health outcomes by triggering a range of mechanisms, which included: feeling competent; feeling confident and comfortable; having greater self-efficacy; being less inhibited by barriers in healthcare systems; and feeling that nutrition care was accepted and recognised.
Conclusion: These findings show how important it is to move education for nutrition care beyond the simple acquisition of knowledge. They show how educational interventions embedded within systems of healthcare can improve patients’ health by helping health students and professionals to appreciate the importance of delivering nutrition care and feel competent to deliver it.
Background: There are a lack of reliable data on the epidemiology and associated burden and costs of asthma. We sought to provide the first UK-wide estimates of the epidemiology, healthcare utilisation and costs of asthma.
Methods: We obtained and analysed asthma-relevant data from 27 datasets: these comprised national health surveys for 2010-11, and routine administrative, health and social care datasets for 2011-12; 2011-12 costs were estimated in pounds sterling using economic modelling.
Results: The prevalence of asthma depended on the definition and data source used. The UK lifetime prevalence of patient-reported symptoms suggestive of asthma was 29.5 % (95 % CI, 27.7-31.3; n = 18.5 million (m) people) and 15.6 % (14.3-16.9, n = 9.8 m) for patient-reported clinician-diagnosed asthma. The annual prevalence of patient-reported clinician-diagnosed-and-treated asthma was 9.6 % (8.9-10.3, n = 6.0 m) and of clinician-reported, diagnosed-and-treated asthma 5.7 % (5.7-5.7; n = 3.6 m). Asthma resulted in at least 6.3 m primary care consultations, 93,000 hospital in-patient episodes, 1800 intensive-care unit episodes and 36,800 disability living allowance claims. The costs of asthma were estimated at least £1.1 billion: 74 % of these costs were for provision of primary care services (60 % prescribing, 14 % consultations), 13 % for disability claims, and 12 % for hospital care. There were 1160 asthma deaths.
Conclusions: Asthma is very common and is responsible for considerable morbidity, healthcare utilisation and financial costs to the UK public sector. Greater policy focus on primary care provision is needed to reduce the risk of asthma exacerbations, hospitalisations and deaths, and reduce costs.
Au cours des dernières décennies, l’effort sur les applications de capteurs infrarouges a largement progressé dans le monde. Mais, une certaine difficulté demeure, en ce qui concerne le fait que les objets ne sont pas assez clairs ou ne peuvent pas toujours être distingués facilement dans l’image obtenue pour la scène observée. L’amélioration de l’image infrarouge a joué un rôle important dans le développement de technologies de la vision infrarouge de l’ordinateur, le traitement de l’image et les essais non destructifs, etc. Cette thèse traite de la question des techniques d’amélioration de l’image infrarouge en deux aspects, y compris le traitement d’une seule image infrarouge dans le domaine hybride espacefréquence, et la fusion d’images infrarouges et visibles employant la technique du nonsubsampled Contourlet transformer (NSCT). La fusion d’images peut être considérée comme étant la poursuite de l’exploration du modèle d’amélioration de l’image unique infrarouge, alors qu’il combine les images infrarouges et visibles en une seule image pour représenter et améliorer toutes les informations utiles et les caractéristiques des images sources, car une seule image ne pouvait contenir tous les renseignements pertinents ou disponibles en raison de restrictions découlant de tout capteur unique de l’imagerie. Nous examinons et faisons une enquête concernant le développement de techniques d’amélioration d’images infrarouges, et ensuite nous nous consacrons à l’amélioration de l’image unique infrarouge, et nous proposons un schéma d’amélioration de domaine hybride avec une méthode d’évaluation floue de seuil amélioré, qui permet d’obtenir une qualité d’image supérieure et améliore la perception visuelle humaine. Les techniques de fusion d’images infrarouges et visibles sont établies à l’aide de la mise en oeuvre d’une mise en registre précise des images sources acquises par différents capteurs. L’algorithme SURF-RANSAC est appliqué pour la mise en registre tout au long des travaux de recherche, ce qui conduit à des images mises en registre de façon très précise et des bénéfices accrus pour le traitement de fusion. Pour les questions de fusion d’images infrarouges et visibles, une série d’approches avancées et efficaces sont proposés. Une méthode standard de fusion à base de NSCT multi-canal est présente comme référence pour les approches de fusion proposées suivantes. Une approche conjointe de fusion, impliquant l’Adaptive-Gaussian NSCT et la transformée en ondelettes (Wavelet Transform, WT) est propose, ce qui conduit à des résultats de fusion qui sont meilleurs que ceux obtenus avec les méthodes non-adaptatives générales. Une approche de fusion basée sur le NSCT employant la détection comprime (CS, compressed sensing) et de la variation totale (TV) à des coefficients d’échantillons clairsemés et effectuant la reconstruction de coefficients fusionnés de façon précise est proposée, qui obtient de bien meilleurs résultats de fusion par le biais d’une pré-amélioration de l’image infrarouge et en diminuant les informations redondantes des coefficients de fusion. Une procédure de fusion basée sur le NSCT utilisant une technique de détection rapide de rétrécissement itératif comprimé (fast iterative-shrinking compressed sensing, FISCS) est proposée pour compresser les coefficients décomposés et reconstruire les coefficients fusionnés dans le processus de fusion, qui conduit à de meilleurs résultats plus rapidement et d’une manière efficace.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07
Advances in communication, navigation and imaging technologies are expected to fundamentally change methods currently used to collect data. Electronic data interchange strategies will also minimize data handling and automatically update files at the point of capture. This report summarizes the outcome of using a multi-camera platform as a method to collect roadway inventory data. It defines basic system requirements as expressed by users, who applied these techniques and examines how the application of the technology met those needs. A sign inventory case study was used to determine the advantages of creating and maintaining the database and provides the capability to monitor performance criteria for a Safety Management System. The project identified at least 75 percent of the data elements needed for a sign inventory can be gathered by viewing a high resolution image.
Background Dementia is a global issue, with increasing prevalence rates impacting on health services internationally. People with dementia are frequently admitted to hospital, an environment that may not be suited to their needs. While many initiatives have been developed to improve their care in the acute setting, there is a lack of cohesive understanding of how staff experience and perceive the care they give to people with dementia in the acute setting. Objectives The aim of this qualitative synthesis was to explore health care staffs’ experiences and perceptions of caring for people with dementia in the acute setting. Qualitative synthesis can bring together isolated findings in a meaningful way that can inform policy development. Settings A screening process, using inclusion/exclusion criteria, identified qualitative studies that focused on health care staff caring for people with dementia in acute settings. Participants Twelve reports of nine studies were included for synthesis. Data extraction was conducted on each report by two researchers. Methods Framework synthesis was employed using VIPS framework, using Values, Individualised, Perspective and Social and psychological as concepts to guide synthesis. The VIPS framework has previously been used for exploring approaches to caring for people with dementia. Quality appraisal was conducted using Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) and NVivo facilitated sensitivity analysis to ensure confidence in the findings. Results Key themes, derived from VIPS, included a number of specific subthemes that examined: infrastructure and care pathways, person-centred approaches to care, how the person interacts with their environment and other patients, and family involvement in care decisions. The synthesis identified barriers to appropriate care for the person with dementia. These include ineffective pathways of care, unsuitable environments, inadequate resources and staffing levels and lack of emphasis on education and training for staff caring for people with dementia. Conclusions This review has identified key issues in the care of people with dementia in the acute setting: improving pathways of care, creating suitable environments, addressing resources and staffing levels and placing emphasis on the education for staff caring for people with dementia. Recommendations are made for practice consideration, policy development and future research. Leadership is required to instil the values needed to care for this client group in an effective and personcentred way. Qualitative evidence synthesis can inform policy and in this case, recommends VIPS as a suitable framework for guiding decisions around care for people with dementia in acute settings.
The automated transfer of flight logbook information from aircrafts into aircraft maintenance systems leads to reduced ground and maintenance time and is thus desirable from an economical point of view. Until recently, flight logbooks have not been managed electronically in aircrafts or at least the data transfer from aircraft to ground maintenance system has been executed manually. Latest aircraft types such as the Airbus A380 or the Boeing 787 do support an electronic logbook and thus make an automated transfer possible. A generic flight logbook transfer system must deal with different data formats on the input side – due to different aircraft makes and models – as well as different, distributed aircraft maintenance systems for different airlines as aircraft operators. This article contributes the concept and top level distributed system architecture of such a generic system for automated flight log data transfer. It has been developed within a joint industry and applied research project. The architecture has already been successfully evaluated in a prototypical implementation.
The use of secondary data in health care research has become a very important issue over the past few years. Data from the treatment context are being used for evaluation of medical data for external quality assurance, as well as to answer medical questions in the form of registers and research databases. Additionally, the establishment of electronic clinical systems like data warehouses provides new opportunities for the secondary use of clinical data. Because health data is among the most sensitive information about an individual, the data must be safeguarded from disclosure.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Objective: The study was designed to validate use of elec-tronic health records (EHRs) for diagnosing bipolar disorder and classifying control subjects. Method: EHR data were obtained from a health care system of more than 4.6 million patients spanning more than 20 years. Experienced clinicians reviewed charts to identify text features and coded data consistent or inconsistent with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Natural language processing was used to train a diagnostic algorithm with 95% specificity for classifying bipolar disorder. Filtered coded data were used to derive three additional classification rules for case subjects and one for control subjects. The positive predictive value (PPV) of EHR-based bipolar disorder and subphenotype di- agnoses was calculated against diagnoses from direct semi- structured interviews of 190 patients by trained clinicians blind to EHR diagnosis. Results: The PPV of bipolar disorder defined by natural language processing was 0.85. Coded classification based on strict filtering achieved a value of 0.79, but classifications based on less stringent criteria performed less well. No EHR- classified control subject received a diagnosis of bipolar dis- order on the basis of direct interview (PPV=1.0). For most subphenotypes, values exceeded 0.80. The EHR-based clas- sifications were used to accrue 4,500 bipolar disorder cases and 5,000 controls for genetic analyses. Conclusions: Semiautomated mining of EHRs can be used to ascertain bipolar disorder patients and control subjects with high specificity and predictive value compared with diagnostic interviews. EHRs provide a powerful resource for high-throughput phenotyping for genetic and clinical research.
Abstract not available