838 resultados para digital cultural heritage
Master Thesis Presented at Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto for obtaining the Master’s degree in Digital Marketing under the supervision of Professor José de Freitas Santos
To date few studies have been undertaken in Portugal dealing with the attitudes, motivations, and profile of tourists who visit World Heritage Sites. Also, few studies have dealt with destination image (e.g., Agapito, Mendes & Valle, 2010; Lopes, 2011). As far as it is known, none have approached the issue of gender differences in the choice of a Portuguese heritage destination. Since cultural tourism destinations need to differentiate themselves from each other, appropriate market segmentation must be based on a deep understanding of the customers’ motivations and preferences. Keeping in mind results from empirical literature (e.g., Silberberg, 1995; Beerli & Martin, 2004; Richards, 2004; Pérez, 2009; Sheng, Shen, & Chen, 2008), gender seems to be a possible approach to market segmentation, whether for Guimarães or for other cultural tourism destinations around the world. Located in the north-western region of Portugal, Guimarães is a city of strong symbolic and cultural significance, and the nomination of its historical centre as a World Heritage Site in 2001 enhanced its tourism potential. This study analyses the possible relation between gender and attitudes and motivations towards a World Heritage Site, such as Guimarães. Additionally, the empirical approach used in the study tries to capture differences in the perceived attributes of the city. Commonalities and distinctions within and between groups of tourists, by focusing on the specific characteristic of gender, were analysed. The study addressed two main questions: first, whether males and females have similar or different preferences in choosing the city as their destination; and, second, whether there are gender differences in the perception of the attributes of Guimarães. A better understanding of the gendered nature of the destination is a valuable cue for shaping products and services according to visitors’ preferences.
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Novos Média e Prácticas Web
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Comunicação e Artes
Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Novos Media e Práticas Web
Este relatório conclui o estágio no Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, em que o meu contributo passou por programar três percursos que valorizassem o património cultural da Universidade de Lisboa, no atual contexto. Através destes passeios, é pretendido envolver o público, em geral, no mundo universitário, dando a conhecer toda a riqueza e diversidade patrimonial, toda a história dos espaços pertença de cada uma das Faculdades da Universidade de Lisboa e o cruzamento possível e desejável com a história do País. Estes são alguns dos percursos possíveis, tendo em conta todo o património da Universidade de Lisboa, muito diverso, riquíssimo e em alguns casos pouco conhecido do grande público. É agora necessário que este património seja, também, incorporado em visitas turísticas.
Partindo da configuração de um novo ecossistema comunicacional, que tem na internet o seu epicentro, procura-se refletir sobre a influência do mesmo na socialização de crianças e jovens, através da análise da presença de literatura infantojuvenil neste novo media. A observação de que os dispositivos de comunicação digital alargam as oportunidades de acesso à informação entre cidadãos que falam, pensam e sentem em língua portuguesa, foca a questão no espaço cultural da lusofonia.
Introdução: informação, conteúdos, saberes: Os conteúdos digitais; Projeto 1: A vida quotidiana dos infonautas; Netiquette; Produção e consumo cultural na sociedade da informação; Cibercultura e vida académica; Media studies e new media studies; Diversas áreas de pesquisa; Proliferação de questões; Reflexividade dos especialistas do saber prático; A falência das antigas certezas. Estética digital: Sean Cubbit: Digital Aesthetics; Computação estética; Natureza da arte digital; Interfaces; o iPhone e iPad; o Windows 8; Design da interação digital; Luvas de realidade virtual; Inputs diretos da eletricidade cerebral; o Sistema de interação com múltiplas interfaces.
Dissertação de mestrado em Património e Turismo Cultural
Patrimoni Digital de Catalunya (PADICAT) es un proyecto de la Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya iniciado en 2005. Éste consiste en capturar, procesar y dar acceso permanente a toda la producción cultural, científica y de carácter general catalana producida en formato digital. En definitiva, el objetivo de PADICAT es archivar el web catalán. Después de un año, se dispone de 2.400 capturas de más de 810 webs en 24 millones de ficheros (páginas HTML, imágenes…) que ocupan casi un terabyte de disco.
En el presente trabajo de investigación realizamos un análisis sobre el impacto de la revolución digital en las industrias culturales. Reflejamos como el Derecho español se adapta a las nuevas necesidades de la tecnología para garantizar la protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (PI). Indagamos en las competencias de las entidades de gestión y que se encargan de la gestión de los derechos de autor así como la aplicación conjunta del canon digital. Nuestro objetivo general es mostrar cuales son las particularidades del nuevo contexto cultural-digital, esclareciendo cual es el papel que cada uno de los actores implicados desarrolla, así como mostrar cual es el valor económico, legal y social que esta tendencia de consumo representa para el desarrollo cultural y tecnológico en el territorio español. iv. Al present treball d’investigació realitzem un anàlisi sobre l’ impacte de la revolució digital a les indústries culturals. Reflectirem com el Dret espanyol s’adapta a les noves necessitats de la tecnologia per garantir la protecció de la Propietat Intel•lectual (PI). Indagarem en les competències de les entitats de gestió i que s’encarrega de la gestió dels drets d’autor, així com l’aplicació conjunta del canon digital. El nostre objectiu general és mostrar quines són les particularitats del nou context cultural-digital, aclarint quin és el paper que cadascú dels actors implicats desenvolupa, així com mostrar quin és el valor econòmic, legal i social que aquesta tendència de consum representa per al desenvolupament cultural i tecnològic al territorio espanyol.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland is an all-island body which aims to improve health in Ireland by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute promotes co-operation in research, training, information and policy in order to contribute to policies which tackle inequalities in health. Over the past ten years the Institute has worked closely with the Department of Health and Children and the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in Northern Ireland to build capacity for public health across the island of Ireland. The Institute takes the view that health is determined by policies, plans and programmes in many sectors outside the health sector as well as being dependent on access to and availability of first class health services. The importance of other sectors is encapsulated in a social determinants of health perspective which recognises that health is largely shaped and influenced by the physical, social, economic and cultural environments in which people live, work and play. Figure 1 illustrates these multi-dimensional impacts on health and also serves to highlight the clear and inextricable links between health and sustainable development. Factors that impact on long-term sustainability will thus also impact on health.
Among the key points of the Digital Strategy are: Dedicated multi-annual funding to schools to invest in technology Build on the successful roll-out of high-speed broadband to every second-level school by investing in high-speed wifi networks in every school Integration of digital skills in the curriculum and in assessment Develop opportunities for students to take an in-depth ICT course at Leaving Cert, as well as embedding digital skills within other subjects Promotion of the use of e-portfolios at primary and post-primary level Provide enhanced digital content to schools, including working with cultural institutions, sporting bodies and other to expand this range of resources Embed ICT skills as part of initial teacher education and ongoing training for teachers
The article is the result of an attempt to define universal categories which permit a nonandrocentric conceptualization of the natural environment, in which femenine experience in environmental topics is unveiled and emphatized as a collective heritage. The theoretic content concentrates on defining and outlining the characteristics of two basic concepts: the femenine model of conscience and environmental actionr and ccwomen's ecologismn. The potential of both concepts for structuring research in genderlenvironment relations is demostrated. Finally, the article offers reasoned criticism of the androcentric nature of the guide-lines which predominate in environmental management and proposes, as the basis of an alternative model, the recognition of the legitimacy and authority of feminine experience in environmental affairs
Reflexió sobre les possibilitats que tenen els espais d’art contemporani de les comarques gironines de constituir-se en punts de referència importants com a dinamitzadors de turisme cultural