971 resultados para critical electrolyte concentration
The dynamics of the control of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti Linnaeus, (Diptera, Culicidae) by Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis has been related with the temperature, density and concentration of the insecticide. A mathematical model for biological control of Aedes aegypti with Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis (Bti) was constructed by using data from the literature regarding the biology of the vector. The life cycle was described by differential equations. Lethal concentrations (LC50 and LC95) of Bti were determined in the laboratory under different experimental conditions. Temperature, colony, larvae density and bioinsecticide concentration presented marked differences in the analysis of the whole set of variables; although when analyzed individually, only the temperature and concentration showed changes. The simulations indicated an inverse relationship between temperature and mosquito population, nonetheless, faster growth of populations is reached at higher temperatures. As conclusion, the model suggests the use of integrated control strategies for immature and adult mosquitoes in order to achieve a reduction of Aedes aegypti.
We present a new general concentration-of-measure inequality and illustrate its power by applications in random combinatorics. The results find direct applications in some problems of learning theory.
Serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon treated with low doses (0.5 nM) of epidermal growth factor (EGF) showed a small, transient increase in DNA synthesis but no significant changes in total DNA and protein content. By contrast, treatment with high doses (13 nM) of EGF caused a marked stimulation of DNA synthesis as well as a net increase in DNA and protein content. The expression of the astrocyte-specific enzyme, glutamine synthetase, was greatly enhanced both at low and at high EGF concentrations. These results suggest that at low concentration EGF stimulates exclusively the differentiation of astrocytes, whereas at high concentration, EGF has also a mitogenic effect. Nonproliferating astrocytes in cultures treated with 0.4 microM 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl-cytosine were refractory to EGF treatment, indicating that their responsiveness to EGF is cell cycle-dependent. Binding studies using a crude membrane fraction of 5-day cultures showed a homogeneous population of EGF binding sites (Kd approximately equal to 2.6 nM). Specific EGF binding sites were found also in non-proliferating (and nonresponsive) cultures, although they showed slightly reduced affinity and binding capacity. This finding suggests that the cell cycle-dependent control of astroglial responsiveness to EGF does not occur at the receptor level. However, it was found that the specific EGF binding sites disappear with progressive cellular differentiation.
The cortical collecting duct (CCD) plays a key role in regulated K(+) secretion, which is mediated mainly through renal outer medullary K(+) (ROMK) channels located in the apical membrane. However, the mechanisms of the regulation of urinary K(+) excretion with regard to K(+) balance are not well known. We took advantage of a recently established mouse CCD cell line (mCCD(cl1)) to investigate the regulation of K(+) secretion by mineralocorticoid and K(+) concentration. We show that this cell line expresses ROMK mRNA and a barium-sensitive K(+) conductance in its apical membrane. As this conductance is sensitive to tertiapin-Q, with an apparent affinity of 6 nM, and to intracellular acidification, it is probably mediated by ROMK. Overnight exposure to 100 nM aldosterone did not significantly change the K(+) conductance, while it increased the amiloride-sensitive Na(+) transport. Overnight exposure to a high K(+) (7 mM) concentration produced a small but significant increase in the apical membrane barium-sensitive K(+) conductance. The mRNA levels of all ROMK isoforms measured by qRT-PCR were not changed by altering the basolateral K(+) concentration but were decreased by 15-45% upon treatment with aldosterone (0.3 or 300 nM for 1 and 3 h). The paradoxical response of ROMK expression to aldosterone could possibly work as a preventative mechanism to avoid excessive K(+) loss which would otherwise result from the increased electrogenic Na(+) transport and associated depolarization of the apical membrane in the CCD. In conclusion, mCCD(cl1) cells demonstrate a significant K(+) secretion, probably mediated by ROMK, which is not stimulated by aldosterone but increased by overnight exposure to a high K(+) concentration.
Recent decisions by the Spanish national competition authority (TDC) mandate paymentsystems to include only two costs when setting their domestic multilateral interchange fees(MIF): a fixed processing cost and a variable cost for the risk of fraud. This artificiallowering of MIFs will not lower consumer prices, because of uncompetitive retailing; but itwill however lead to higher cardholders fees and, likely, new prices for point of saleterminals, delaying the development of the immature Spanish card market. Also, to the extent that increased cardholders fees do not offset the fall in MIFs revenue, the task of issuing new cards will be underpaid relatively to the task of acquiring new merchants, causing an imbalance between the two sides of the networks. Moreover, the pricing scheme arising from the decisions will cause unbundling and underprovision of those services whose costs are excluded. Indeed, the payment guarantee and the free funding period will tend to be removed from the package of services currently provided, to be either provided by third parties, by issuers for a separate fee, or not provided at all, especially to smaller and medium-sized merchants. Transaction services will also suffer the consequences that the TDC precludes pricing them in variable terms.
O estudo teve por objectivo fazer a caracterização dos atributos de qualidade de duas variedades (Solo e Local) de papaia produzida em Santiago, Cabo Verde, e definir os atributos que os distribuidores procuram. Foram realizadas avaliações físico-químicas, sensorial e um estudo de mercado. Os parâmetros avaliados foram o peso, cor interior e exterior, textura, espessura da polpa, pH, acidez titulável, SST, fez-se avaliação sensorial a aplicação de um questionário aos importadores de papaia. Os parâmetros SST, Acidez, pH e peso variam significativamente com as variedades, sendo as papaias da variedade Local mais pesadas. A textura varia em função dos graus de maturação, a firmeza apresenta uma diminuição ao longo do amadurecimento, na deformação percebe-se um decréscimo com avançar da maturação, nos parâmetros de cor interna e externa as diferenças encontram-se na interacção entre Variedade e Estado de maturação. A variedade Solo foi mais valorizada na avaliação sensorial assim como no preço, certificação/selo qualidade e doçura pelos distribuidores.
Under natural environmental conditions, blowflies utilize discrete and ephemeral feeding resources such as decaying carcasses. Competition for food on such feeding substrates is usually very severe, and only the individuals that are capable of attaining the critical larval weight for pupation will be able to survive. This critical weight is hitherto unknown for several blowfly species; therefore, the current work is aimed at obtaining such a critical value for four blowfly species of the genera Chrysomya and Lucilia, deploying two types of feeding substrate, namely, artificial diet and macerated bovine meat. On the whole, the critical weights ranged from 30 to 35 mg. The lowest larval weight which permitted pupation was 30.0 mg for Chrysomya megacephala reared on macerated bovine meat. This species was also the best adapted to pupation at low larval weights in relation to the maximum larval weight for males. Regarding the pupation of females, the best-adapted individual was a C. albiceps specimen exhibiting a critical weight that was equal to 39.20 % of the maximum value obtained. Concerning all the species and diet types, the female individuals exhibited the lowest critical weights that produced viable pupae, probably representing an evolutionary strategy that favoured the survival of females, responsible for the egg formation, contributing to the establishment of future generations. Regarding the loss (in percentage) of adult biomass in relation to the third instar larvae, the females of C. megacephala lost less weight than males in both feeding substrates. On the other hand, such a loss of weight occurred in males of C. albiceps and L. cuprina.
Within a simple model of non-localized, Hotelling-type competitionamong arbitrary numbers of media outlets we characterize qualityand content of media under different ownership structures. Assumingadvertising-sponsored, profit-maximizing outlets, we show that (i) topicssensitive to advertisers can be underreported (self-censored) by alloutlets in the market, (ii) self-censorship increases with the concentrationof ownership, (iii) adding outlets, while keeping the number ofowners fixed, may even increase self-censorship; the latter result relieson consumers' most preferred outlets being potentially owned by thesame media companies. We argue that externalities resulting fromself-censorship could be empirically large.
OBJECTIVE: Macrophages play a critical role in intestinal wound repair. However, the molecular pathways that regulate macrophage wound repair activities remain poorly understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of GM-CSF receptor signaling in the wound repair activities of macrophages. METHODS: Murine macrophages were differentiated from bone marrow cells and human macrophages from monocytes isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of Crohn's disease (CD) patients. In vitro models were used to study the repair activities of macrophages. RESULTS: We provide evidence that GM-CSF receptor signaling is required for murine macrophages to promote epithelial repair. In addition, we demonstrate that the deficient repair properties of macrophages from CD patients with active disease can be recovered via GM-CSF therapy. CONCLUSION: Our data support a critical role of the GM-CSF signaling pathway in the pro-repair activities of mouse and human macrophages. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Within the emerging policy debate on interculturalism we critically review two recent books in 2012: Bouchard’s L’interculturalisme: un point de vue quebecois, and Cantle’s Interculturalism: The New Era of Cohesion and Diversity. In my view, both contribute very directly to open a foundational debate on interculturalism. In addressing the point of convergence and the dividing lines of these two contributions, I will claim that in spite of having one core concept of interculturalism, there are, however, at least two basic conceptions that have to be interpreted in complementary ways: Bouchard’s essay represents the contractual strand, Cantle’s book the cohesion strand. At the end I would also suggest that these two strands do not manage to express explicitly that diversity can also be seen as a resource of innovation and creativity, and so can drive individual and social development. This view is based on the diversity advantage literature already informing most of the diversity debate in Europe and elsewhere. This is what I will call the constructivist strand. My ultimate purpose is to defend a comprehensive view, grounded on the argument that no one can have the sole authority to define intercultural policy, since the three strands can be applied at different moments, according to different purposes and policy needs. The challenge now is that policy managers be able to achieve a balance between these three policy drivers.
Abstract The 5q deletion is a chromosomal abnormality that is observed in a subset of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). When isolated, this abnormality defines a specific clinical syndrome termed MDS associated with isolated deletion 5q, presenting with macrocytic anemia, normal platelet count or slight thrombocytosis, hypolobated megakaryocytes and fewer than 5% blasts in the bone marrow. MDS with the 5q deletion have a particular sensitivity to treatment with lenalidomide, a thalidomide analog. In this article, molecular changes in 5q- MDS derived from haploinsufficiency of genes encoded from the deleted region in 5q are reviewed, and mechanisms that link these molecular lesions with lenalidomide sensitivity are proposed.
In Part I of this review, we have covered basic concepts regarding cardiorespiratory interactions. Here, we put this theoretical framework to practical use. We describe mechanisms underlying Kussmaul's sign and pulsus paradoxus. We review the literature on the use of respiratory variations of blood pressure to evaluate volume status. We show the possibilities of attaining the latter aim by investigating with ultrasonography how the geometry of great veins fluctuates with respiration. We provide a Guytonian analysis of the effects of PEEP on cardiac output. We terminate with some remarks on the potential of positive pressure breathing to induce acute cor pulmonale, and on the cardiovascular mechanisms that at times may underly the failure to wean a patient from the ventilator.
The only currently available method to measure brain glycogen in vivo is 13C NMR spectroscopy. Incorporation of 13C-labeled glucose (Glc) is necessary to allow glycogen measurement, but might be affected by turnover changes. Our aim was to measure glycogen absolute concentration in the rat brain by eliminating label turnover as variable. The approach is based on establishing an increased, constant 13C isotopic enrichment (IE). 13C-Glc infusion is then performed at the IE of brain glycogen. As glycogen IE cannot be assessed in vivo, we validated that it can be inferred from that of N-acetyl-aspartate IE in vivo: After [1-13C]-Glc ingestion, glycogen IE was 2.2 +/- 0.1 fold that of N-acetyl-aspartate (n = 11, R(2) = 0.77). After subsequent Glc infusion, glycogen IE equaled brain Glc IE (n = 6, paired t-test, p = 0.37), implying isotopic steady-state achievement and complete turnover of the glycogen molecule. Glycogen concentration measured in vivo by 13C NMR (mean +/- SD: 5.8 +/- 0.7 micromol/g) was in excellent agreement with that in vitro (6.4 +/- 0.6 micromol/g, n = 5). When insulin was administered, the stability of glycogen concentration was analogous to previous biochemical measurements implying that glycogen turnover is activated by insulin. We conclude that the entire glycogen molecule is turned over and that insulin activates glycogen turnover.
CONTEXT: Controversy exists regarding the therapeutic benefit and cost effectiveness of photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) with 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) or hexyl aminolevulinate (HAL) in addition to white-light cystoscopy (WLC) in the management of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). OBJECTIVE: To systematically evaluate evidence regarding the therapeutic benefits and economic considerations of PDD in NMIBC detection and treatment. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: We performed a critical review of PubMed/Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Library in October 2012 according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) statement. Identified reports were reviewed according to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) and Standards for the Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (STARD) criteria. Forty-four publications were selected for inclusion in this analysis. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Included reports used 5-ALA (in 26 studies), HAL (15 studies), or both (three studies) as photosensitising agents. PDD increased the detection of both papillary tumours (by 7-29%) and flat carcinoma in situ (CIS; by 25-30%) and reduced the rate of residual tumours after transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT; by an average of 20%) compared to WLC alone. Superior recurrence-free survival (RFS) rates and prolonged RFS intervals were reported for PDD, compared to WLC in most studies. PDD did not appear to reduce disease progression. Our findings are limited by tumour heterogeneity and a lack of NMIBC risk stratification in many reports or adjustment for intravesical therapy use in most studies. Although cost effectiveness has been demonstrated for 5-ALA, it has not been studied for HAL. CONCLUSIONS: Moderately strong evidence exists that PDD improves tumour detection and reduces residual disease after TURBT compared with WLC. This has been shown to improve RFS but not progression to more advanced disease. Further work to evaluate cost effectiveness of PDD is required.