956 resultados para computer science, artificial Intelligence


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The purpose of this paper is to propose a Neural-Q_learning approach designed for online learning of simple and reactive robot behaviors. In this approach, the Q_function is generalized by a multi-layer neural network allowing the use of continuous states and actions. The algorithm uses a database of the most recent learning samples to accelerate and guarantee the convergence. Each Neural-Q_learning function represents an independent, reactive and adaptive behavior which maps sensorial states to robot control actions. A group of these behaviors constitutes a reactive control scheme designed to fulfill simple missions. The paper centers on the description of the Neural-Q_learning based behaviors showing their performance with an underwater robot in a target following task. Real experiments demonstrate the convergence and stability of the learning system, pointing out its suitability for online robot learning. Advantages and limitations are discussed


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This paper presents a hybrid behavior-based scheme using reinforcement learning for high-level control of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). Two main features of the presented approach are hybrid behavior coordination and semi on-line neural-Q_learning (SONQL). Hybrid behavior coordination takes advantages of robustness and modularity in the competitive approach as well as efficient trajectories in the cooperative approach. SONQL, a new continuous approach of the Q_learning algorithm with a multilayer neural network is used to learn behavior state/action mapping online. Experimental results show the feasibility of the presented approach for AUVs


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Aquest projecte està emmarcat dins el grup eXiT d’Intel•lig`encia Artificial del Departament d’Electrònica i Automàtica (EIA) de la Universitat de Girona. Pertany a l’àmbit de la Intel•ligència Artificial i, concretament, en l’apartat d’agents intel•ligents. En el nostre cas, tractarem el desenvolupament d’un agent intel•ligent en un entorn determinat, el de la gestió d’una cadena de producció. Amb l’objectiu de proporcionar un marc experimental on provar diferents tecnologies de suport a la gestió de la cadena de producció, la comunitat d’investigadors va proposar una competició internacional: la Trading Agent Competiton (TAC). En aquesta competició existeixen diferents modalitats. En particular, la Swedish Institution of Computer Science (SICS), juntament amb la Carnegie Mellon University de Pittsburg, Minnesotta, van proposar al 2003 un escenari de muntatge de PC’s basat en el proveïment de recursos, l’embalatge de PC’s i les ventes a clients. Aquesta modalitat és coneguda com a TAC-SCM (Supply Chain Management)


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En este texto se presentan algunos conceptos y marcos teóricos útiles para el análisis del trabajo en ergonomía. El objetivo es mostrar los conceptos de base para el estudio del trabajo en la tradición de la ergonomía de la actividad, y analizar de manera general algunos de los modelos empleados para el análisis de una actividad de trabajo. Inicialmente se abordan los principios teóricos de la ergonomía y los principios que provienen de la fisiología, la biomecánica, la psicología y la sociología; también se presentan los acercamientos metodológicos empleados en esta misma perspectiva para el análisis de actividades de trabajo. Se parte del principio de que un estudio ergonómico del trabajo se puede llevar a cabo desde una doble perspectiva: la perspectiva analítica y la perspectiva comprensiva.


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La gestió de l'aigua residual és una tasca complexa. Hi ha moltes substàncies contaminants conegudes però encara moltes per conèixer, i el seu efecte individual o col·lgectiu és difícil de predir. La identificació i avaluació dels impactes ambientals resultants de la interacció entre els sistemes naturals i socials és un assumpte multicriteri. Els gestors ambientals necessiten eines de suport pels seus diagnòstics per tal de solucionar problemes ambientals. Les contribucions d'aquest treball de recerca són dobles: primer, proposar l'ús d'un enfoc basat en la modelització amb agents per tal de conceptualitzar i integrar tots els elements que estan directament o indirectament involucrats en la gestió de l'aigua residual. Segon, proposar un marc basat en l'argumentació amb l'objectiu de permetre als agents raonar efectivament. La tesi conté alguns exemples reals per tal de mostrar com un marc basat amb agents que argumenten pot suportar diferents interessos i diferents perspectives. Conseqüentment, pot ajudar a construir un diàleg més informat i efectiu i per tant descriure millor les interaccions entre els agents. En aquest document es descriu primer el context estudiat, escalant el problema global de la gestió de la conca fluvial a la gestiódel sistema urbà d'aigües residuals, concretament l'escenari dels abocaments industrials. A continuació, s'analitza el sistema mitjançant la descripció d'agents que interaccionen. Finalment, es descriuen alguns prototips capaços de raonar i deliberar, basats en la lògica no monòtona i en un llenguatge declaratiu (answer set programming). És important remarcar que aquesta tesi enllaça dues disciplines: l'enginyeria ambiental (concretament l'àrea de la gestió de les aigües residuals) i les ciències de la computació (concretament l'àrea de la intel·ligència artificial), contribuint així a la multidisciplinarietat requerida per fer front al problema estudiat. L'enginyeria ambiental ens proporciona el coneixement del domini mentre que les ciències de la computació ens permeten estructurar i especificar aquest coneixement.


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Deep Brain Stimulator devices are becoming widely used for therapeutic benefits in movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease. Prolonging the battery life span of such devices could dramatically reduce the risks and accumulative costs associated with surgical replacement. This paper demonstrates how an artificial neural network can be trained using pre-processing frequency analysis of deep brain electrode recordings to detect the onset of tremor in Parkinsonian patients. Implementing this solution into an 'intelligent' neurostimulator device will remove the need for continuous stimulation currently used, and open up the possibility of demand-driven stimulation. Such a methodology could potentially decrease the power consumption of a deep brain pulse generator.


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Modern methods of spawning new technological motifs are not appropriate when it is desired to realize artificial life as an actual real world entity unto itself (Pattee 1995; Brooks 2006; Chalmers 1995). Many fundamental aspects of such a machine are absent in common methods, which generally lack methodologies of construction. In this paper we mix classical and modern studies in order to attempt to realize an artificial life form from first principles. A model of an algorithm is introduced, its methodology of construction is presented, and the fundamental source from which it sprang is discussed.


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This paper focuses on improving computer network management by the adoption of artificial intelligence techniques. A logical inference system has being devised to enable automated isolation, diagnosis, and even repair of network problems, thus enhancing the reliability, performance, and security of networks. We propose a distributed multi-agent architecture for network management, where a logical reasoner acts as an external managing entity capable of directing, coordinating, and stimulating actions in an active management architecture. The active networks technology represents the lower level layer which makes possible the deployment of code which implement teleo-reactive agents, distributed across the whole network. We adopt the Situation Calculus to define a network model and the Reactive Golog language to implement the logical reasoner. An active network management architecture is used by the reasoner to inject and execute operational tasks in the network. The integrated system collects the advantages coming from logical reasoning and network programmability, and provides a powerful system capable of performing high-level management tasks in order to deal with network fault.


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To construct Biodiversity richness maps from Environmental Niche Models (ENMs) of thousands of species is time consuming. A separate species occurrence data pre-processing phase enables the experimenter to control test AUC score variance due to species dataset size. Besides, removing duplicate occurrences and points with missing environmental data, we discuss the need for coordinate precision, wide dispersion, temporal and synonymity filters. After species data filtering, the final task of a pre-processing phase should be the automatic generation of species occurrence datasets which can then be directly ’plugged-in’ to the ENM. A software application capable of carrying out all these tasks will be a valuable time-saver particularly for large scale biodiversity studies.


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This paper represents the first step in an on-going work for designing an unsupervised method based on genetic algorithm for intrusion detection. Its main role in a broader system is to notify of an unusual traffic and in that way provide the possibility of detecting unknown attacks. Most of the machine-learning techniques deployed for intrusion detection are supervised as these techniques are generally more accurate, but this implies the need of labeling the data for training and testing which is time-consuming and error-prone. Hence, our goal is to devise an anomaly detector which would be unsupervised, but at the same time robust and accurate. Genetic algorithms are robust and able to avoid getting stuck in local optima, unlike the rest of clustering techniques. The model is verified on KDD99 benchmark dataset, generating a solution competitive with the solutions of the state-of-the-art which demonstrates high possibilities of the proposed method.


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In this paper, we will address the endeavors of three disciplines, Psychology, Neuroscience, and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modeling, in explaining how the mind perceives and attends information. More precisely, we will shed some light on the efforts to understand the allocation of attentional resources to the processing of emotional stimuli. This review aims at informing the three disciplines about converging points of their research and to provide a starting point for discussion.


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The Twitter network has been labelled the most commonly used microblogging application around today. With about 500 million estimated registered users as of June, 2012, Twitter has become a credible medium of sentiment/opinion expression. It is also a notable medium for information dissemination; including breaking news on diverse issues since it was launched in 2007. Many organisations, individuals and even government bodies follow activities on the network in order to obtain knowledge on how their audience reacts to tweets that affect them. We can use postings on Twitter (known as tweets) to analyse patterns associated with events by detecting the dynamics of the tweets. A common way of labelling a tweet is by including a number of hashtags that describe its contents. Association Rule Mining can find the likelihood of co-occurrence of hashtags. In this paper, we propose the use of temporal Association Rule Mining to detect rule dynamics, and consequently dynamics of tweets. We coined our methodology Transaction-based Rule Change Mining (TRCM). A number of patterns are identifiable in these rule dynamics including, new rules, emerging rules, unexpected rules and ?dead' rules. Also the linkage between the different types of rule dynamics is investigated experimentally in this paper.


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Paraconsistent logics are non-classical logics which allow non-trivial and consistent reasoning about inconsistent axioms. They have been pro- posed as a formal basis for handling inconsistent data, as commonly arise in human enterprises, and as methods for fuzzy reasoning, with applica- tions in Artificial Intelligence and the control of complex systems. Formalisations of paraconsistent logics usually require heroic mathe- matical efforts to provide a consistent axiomatisation of an inconsistent system. Here we use transreal arithmetic, which is known to be consis- tent, to arithmetise a paraconsistent logic. This is theoretically simple and should lead to efficient computer implementations. We introduce the metalogical principle of monotonicity which is a very simple way of making logics paraconsistent. Our logic has dialetheaic truth values which are both False and True. It allows contradictory propositions, allows variable contradictions, but blocks literal contradictions. Thus literal reasoning, in this logic, forms an on-the- y, syntactic partition of the propositions into internally consistent sets. We show how the set of all paraconsistent, possible worlds can be represented in a transreal space. During the development of our logic we discuss how other paraconsistent logics could be arithmetised in transreal arithmetic.