985 resultados para amorphous detritus


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Most of the Pb isotope data for the Leg 92 metalliferous sediments (carbonate-free fraction) form approximately linear arrays in the conventional isotopic plots, extending from the middle of the field for mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) toward the field for Mn nodules. These arrays are directed closely to the average values of Mn nodules, the composition of which reflects the Pb isotope composition of seawater (Reynolds and Dasch, 1971). Since the Leg 92 samples are almost devoid of continentally derived detritus, it can be inferred that the more radiogenic end-member is seawater. The less radiogenic end-member lies in the very middle of the MORB field, and hence can be considered to reflect the Pb isotope composition of typical ocean-ridge basalt. The array of data lying between these two end-members is most readily interpreted in terms of simple linear mixing of Pb from the two different end-member sources. According to this model, eight samples from Sites 599 to 601 contain 50 to 100% basaltic Pb. Five of these samples have compositions that are identical within the uncertainty of the analyses. We use the average of these five values to define our unradiogenic end-member in the linear mixing model. The ratios used for this average are 206Pb/204Pb = 18.425 ± 0.010; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.495 ± 0.018; 208Pb/204Pb = 37.879 ± 0.068. These values should approximate the average Pb isotope composition of discharging hydrothermal solutions, and therefore also that of the basaltic crust, over the period of time represented by these samples ( 4 m.y., from 4 to 8 Ma). Sr isotope ratios show a significant range of values, from 0.7082 to 0.7091. The lower ratios are well outside the value of 0.70910 ± 6 for modern-day seawater (Burke et al., 1982). However, most values correspond very closely to the curve of 87Sr/86Sr versus age for seawater, with older samples having progressively lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The simplest explanation for this progressive reduction is that recrystallization of the abundant biogenic carbonate in the sediments released older seawater Sr which was incorporated into ferromanganiferous phases during diagenesis. Leg 92 metalliferous sediments have total rare earth element (REE) contents that range on a carbonate-free basis from 131 to 301 ppm, with a clustering between 167 and 222 ppm. The patterns have strong negative Ce anomalies. Samples from Sites 599 to 601 display a slight but distinct enrichment in the heavy REE relative to the light REE, whereas those from Sites 597 to 598 show almost no heavy REE enrichment. The former patterns (those for Sites 599 to 601) are interpreted as indicating moderate diagenetic alteration of metalliferous sediments originating at the EPR axis; the latter reflect more complete diagenetic modification.


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Distribution of Fe, Mn, P, Ti, Cu, Ni, Co, V, Cr, W, Mo, and As in the surface sediment layer on the section from the Hawaiian Islands to the coast of Mexico (Mexico section) is studied. Contents of all studied elements increase from biogenic-terrigenous sediments off the coast of Mexico to pelagic red clays of the Northeast Basin, and more sharply for mobile elements - Mn, Mo, Cu, Ni, Co, and As. In near Hawaii sediments rich in coarsely fragmented volcanic-terrigenous and pyroclastic material of basaltic composition with high contents of Ti, Fe, V, Cr, W, and P, contents of these elements increase sharply, and contents of Mn, Mo, Ni, Co, and Cu for the same reason decrease sharply in comparison with red clay. Abnormally high contents of Mn, Mo, Cu, Ni, Co, and As in the upper layer of hemipelagic and transition sediments of the Mexico section result from diagenetic redistribution and their accumulation on the surface. Processes of diagenetic redistribution in hemipelagic and transition sediment mass of the Mexico section are more rapid than in similar sediments of the Japan section due lower sedimentation rates and higher initial concentrations of Mn. Basic similarity of element distribution regularities in sediments of Japan and Mexico sections is shown.


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Results of studies in two biogeochemically active zones of the Atlantic Ocean (the Benguela upwelling waters and the region influenced by the Congo River run-off) are reported in the book. A multidisciplinary approach included studies of the major elements of the ocean ecosystem: sea water, plankton, suspended matter, bottom sediments, interstitial waters, aerosols, as well as a wide complex of oceanographic studies carried out under a common program. Such an approach, as well as a use of new methodical solutions led to obtaining principally new information on different aspects of oceanology.


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The raw material for these investigations are samples from marine (sub)surface sediments around the northern part of the Antarctic Peninsula. They had been sampled in the years 1981 to 1986 during several expeditions of the research vessels Meteor, Polarstern and Walther Herwig. 83 box core, gravity core and dredge samples from the area of the Bransfield Strait, the Powell Basin and the northern Weddell Sea have been examined for their grain-size distribution, their mineralogical and petrographical composition. Silt prevails and its clay proportions exceed 25% wt. in water depths greater than 2000 m. The granulometrical results reveal some typical sedimentation processes within the area of investigation. While turbiditic processes together with sediment input from melting icebergs control the sedimentation in the Weddell Sea, the South Orkney Island Plateau and the Powell Basin, the fine grained material from Bransfield Strait mainly relies on marine currents in the shelf area. In addition, the direct sediment input of coarse shelf sediments from the Bransfield Strait into the Powell Basin through submarine canyons could be proven. Variations in the grain-size composition with sediment depth are smalI. The mineral composition of the clay and fine silt fractions is quite uniform in all samples. There are (in decreasing order): illite, montmorillonite, chlorite, smectite, mixed-Iayers, as well as detrital quartz and feldspars. A petrographically based sediment stratigraphy can be established in using the considerable changes in the chlorite- and Ca-plagioclase portions in samples from Core 224. For this sedimentation area a mean sedimentation rate of 7 cm/1000 a is assumed. Remarkable changes in the portions of amorphous silica components - diatom skeletons and volcanic glass shards - appear all over the area of investigation. They contribute between 4-83 % to the clay and fine silt fraction. Several provinces according to the heavy mineral assemblages in the fine sand fraction can be distinguished: (i) a province remarkably influenced by minerals of volcanic origin south and north of the South Shetland Islands; (ii) a small strip with sediment dominated by plutonic material along the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula and (iii) a sediment controlled by metamorphic minerals and rock fragments in the area of the Weddell Sea and Elephant Island. While taking the whole grain-size spectrum into account a more comprehensive interpretation can be given: the accessoric but distinct appearance of tourmaline, rutile and zircon in the heavy mineral assembly along the northwestern coast of the Antarctic Peninsula is in agreement with the occurrence of acid volcanic rock pieces in the coarse fraction of the ice load detritus in this region. In the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands chlorite appears in remarkable portions in the clay fraction in combination with leucoxene, sphene and olivine, and pumice as well as pyroclastic rocks in the medium and coarse grain fractions, respectively. Amphiboles and amphibole-schists are dominant on the South Orkney Island Plateau. In the sediments of the northwestern Weddell Sea the heavy mineral phases of red spinel, garnet, kyanite and sillimanite in connection with medium to highgrade metamorphic rocks especially granulitic gneisses, are more abundant. A good conformity between the ice rafted rock sampIes and the rocks in the island outcrops could be proven, especially in the vicinity of offshore islands nearby. On the continent enrichments of rock societies and groups appear in spacious outlines: acid effusive rocks in the west of the ice divide on the Antarctic Peninsula, clastic sedimentites at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and granoblastic gneisses in central and eastern Antarctica. Coarse grain detritus with more than 1 cm of diameter must have been rafted by icebergs. These rock fragments are classified as rock types, groups and societies. The spacial distribution of their statistically determined weight relations evidently shows the paths of the iceberg drift and in nexus with already known iceberg routes also point to the possible areas of provenance, provided that the density of sample locations and the number of rock pieces are sufficient.


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Surveys of the areas surrounding the sites drilled on the Leg 92 19°S transect showed that sedimentation at all except the oldest site is dominated by calcium carbonate deposition. The sediments in the area of the oldest site, west of the Austral Fracture Zone, are being deposited beneath the calcium carbonate compensation depth and are dominated by terrigenous and metal-rich hydrogenous and hydrothermal sediments. The noncarbonate sediments in all of the areas east of the Austral Fracture Zone are dominated by hydrothermal sediment similar in composition to that presently being deposited at the East Pacific Rise. Although no biogenic microfossils were present in smear slides of the sediment, geochemical partitioning suggests that a remnant signal of siliceous biogenic deposition may be preserved, especially in gravity core (GC) 8, which was collected from a high heat flow zone near Site 600. The siliceous sediment may also result from the deposition of amorphous hydrothermal silica from the higher concentrations of pore water SiO2 characteristic of the upwelling waters. Sedimentation on the broad plateaus that characterize each area is quite uniform and suggests that sites on these plateaus will be broadly representative of pelagic sedimentation in the area.