993 resultados para Well stimulation


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Connectivity depends on rates of dispersal between communities. For marine soft-sediment communities continued small-scale dispersal as post-larvae and as adults can be equally important in maintaining community composition, as initial recruitment of substrate by pelagic larvae. In this thesis post-larval dispersal strategies of benthic invertebrates, as well as mechanisms by which communities are connected were investigated. Such knowledge on dispersal is scarce, due to the difficulties in actually measuring dispersal directly in nature, and dispersal has not previously been quantified in the Baltic Sea. Different trap-types were used underwater to capture dispersing invertebrates at different sites, while in parallel measuring waves and currents. Local community composition was found to change predictably under varying rates of dispersal and physical connectivity (waves and currents). This response was, however, dependent on dispersal-related traits of taxa. Actively dispersing taxa will be relatively better at maintaining their position, as they are not as dependent on hydrodynamic conditions for dispersal and will be less prone to be passively transported by currents. Taxa also dispersed in relative proportions that were distinctly different from resident community composition and a significant proportion (40 %) of taxa were found to lack a planktonic larval life-stage. Community assembly was re-started in a large-scale manipulative field experiment over one year across several sites, which revealed how patterns of community composition (α-, β- and λ-diversity) change depending on rates of dispersal. Results also demonstrated that in response to small-scale disturbance, initial recruitment was by nearby-dominant species after which other species arrived from successively further away. At later assembly time, the number of coexisting species increased beyond what was expected purely by local niche requirements (species sorting), transferring regional differences in community composition (β-diversity) to the local scale (α-diversity, mass effect). Findings of this thesis complement more theoretical studies in metacommunity ecology by demonstrating that understanding how and when individuals disperse relative to underlying environmental heterogeneity is key to interpreting how patterns of diversity change across different spatial scales. Such information from nature is critical when predicting responses to, for example, different types of disturbances or management actions in conservation.


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Vision affords us with the ability to consciously see, and use this information in our behavior. While research has produced a detailed account of the function of the visual system, the neural processes that underlie conscious vision are still debated. One of the aims of the present thesis was to examine the time-course of the neuroelectrical processes that correlate with conscious vision. The second aim was to study the neural basis of unconscious vision, that is, situations where a stimulus that is not consciously perceived nevertheless influences behavior. According to current prevalent models of conscious vision, the activation of visual cortical areas is not, as such, sufficient for consciousness to emerge, although it might be sufficient for unconscious vision. Conscious vision is assumed to require reciprocal communication between cortical areas, but views differ substantially on the extent of this recurrent communication. Visual consciousness has been proposed to emerge from recurrent neural interactions within the visual system, while other models claim that more widespread cortical activation is needed for consciousness. Studies I-III compared models of conscious vision by studying event-related potentials (ERP). ERPs represent the brain’s average electrical response to stimulation. The results support the model that associates conscious vision with activity localized in the ventral visual cortex. The timing of this activity corresponds to an intermediate stage in visual processing. Earlier stages of visual processing may influence what becomes conscious, although these processes do not directly enable visual consciousness. Late processing stages, when more widespread cortical areas are activated, reflect the access to and manipulation of contents of consciousness. Studies IV and V concentrated on unconscious vision. By using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) we show that when early visual cortical processing is disturbed so that subjects fail to consciously perceive visual stimuli, they may nevertheless guess (above chance-level) the location where the visual stimuli were presented. However, the results also suggest that in a similar situation, early visual cortex is necessary for both conscious and unconscious perception of chromatic information (i.e. color). Chromatic information that remains unconscious may influence behavioral responses when activity in visual cortex is not disturbed by TMS. Our results support the view that early stimulus-driven (feedforward) activation may be sufficient for unconscious processing. In conclusion, the results of this thesis support the view that conscious vision is enabled by a series of processing stages. The processes that most closely correlate with conscious vision take place in the ventral visual cortex ~200 ms after stimulus presentation, although preceding time-periods and contributions from other cortical areas such as the parietal cortex are also indispensable. Unconscious vision relies on intact early visual activation, although the location of visual stimulus may be unconsciously resolved even when activity in the early visual cortex is interfered with.


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The aim of this study is to analyze and understand a well-being service brand. Brands most definitely are a hot topic of today’s business world. Companies have started to realize the importance of branding, especially when talking about product related industries. Branding of services is a relatively new concept, which has gained less attention within academic literature. Though there is no legal distinction between product and service brands, they both have their own characteristics and qualities. The focus of the study is especially on the current brand images of both internal and external stakeholder groups. Understanding these brand perceptions will help in managing and developing the brand, so that it becomes even stronger, more recognized, and unified. This study is a quantitative, semi hypothetic-deductive single case study. The data for this study was collected throughout an online survey. The respondents represent both internal stakeholders, in direct contact with the service, as well as external stakeholders, who have no previous history with the service brand. The respondents represent a wide age spread, and are also geographically diverse. The study relies on a Finnish context. The study provides numerous managerial takeaways, especially because of its wide scope, on a topic that has never before been studied. All findings strongly reflected existing service brand theory, in addition with making the findings implementable for the case company.


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This article discusses three possible ways to derive time domain boundary integral representations for elastodynamics. This discussion points out possible difficulties found when using those formulations to deal with practical applications. The discussion points out recommendations to select the convenient integral representation to deal with elastodynamic problems and opens the possibility of deriving simplified schemes. The proper way to take into account initial conditions applied to the body is an interesting topict shown. It illustrates the main differences between the discussed boundary integral representation expressions, their singularities and possible numerical problems. The correct way to use collocation points outside the analyzed domain is carefully described. Some applications are shown at the end of the paper, in order to demonstrate the capabilities of the technique when properly used.


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This monograph dissertation looks into the field of ICT-mediated health and well-being services. Through six chapters that extend the work done in the reviewed and published articles, the dissertation focuses on new and emerging technologies, and to impact of their use on the beneficiary; the individual who eventually derives advantage from the services. As the field is currently going through major changes particularly in the OECD countries, the focus is on shortterm developments in the field and the analysis on the long term developments is cursory by nature. The dissertation includes theoretical and empirical elements. Most of the empirical elements are linked to product development and conceptualization performed in the national MyWellbeing project that ended in 2010. In the project, the emphasis was on conceptualization of a personal aid for the beneficiary that could be used for managing information and services in the field of health and well-being services. This work continued the theme of developing individual-centric solutions for the field; a work that started in the InnoElli Senior program in 2006. The nature of this thesis is foremost a conceptual elaboration based on a literature review, illustrated in empirical work performed in different projects. As a theoretical contribution, this dissertation elaborates the role of a mediator, i.e. an intermediary, and it is used as an overarching theme. The role acts as a ‘lens’ through which a number of technology-related phenomena are looked at, pinned down and addressed to a degree. This includes introduction of solutions, ranging from anthropomorphic artefacts to decision support systems that may change the way individuals experience clinical encounters in the near-future. Due to the complex and multiform nature of the field, it is impractical and effectively impossible to cover all aspects that are related to mediation in a single work. Issues such as legislation, financing and privacy are all of equal importance. Consideration of all these issues is beyond the scope of this dissertation and their investigation is left to other work. It follows from this that the investigation on the role is not intended as inclusive one. The role of the mediator is also used to highlight some of the ethical issues related to personal health information management, and to mediating health and well-being related issues on behalf of another individual, such as an elderly relative or a fellow member of a small unit in the armed forces. The dissertation concludes in a summary about the use and functions of the mediator, describing some potential avenues for implementing such support mechanisms to the changing field of ICT-mediated health and well-being services. The conclusions also describe some of the limitations of this dissertation, including remarks on methodology and content.


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The allelopathic effect studied in many cultures has currently generated great expectations that displayed a natural and environmentally friendly tool for weed management using bioherbicides. The objective of this work was to assess allelopathic influence of residues of S. trilobata on the germination and growth of weeds, as well as their relation with some crops and effects on soil properties. Results show that residues from S. trilobata have inhibited the germination of weeds (31.6 - 72%), increasingly with the applied dose. All residue doses of this specie have inhibited dicotyledonous germination, but only maximum concentration has affected monocotyledons. The residues did not affect onion germination, but stimulated it in radish and tomato, while the dose applied at 50% produced tomato stimulation and inhibition of cabbage. The effects of residues on hypocotyl growth in different crops showed changes in species response. For onion, the three doses had negative effects on the growth of hypocotyl, while tomato was stimulated. For radish, the growth was hindered by any dose applied, and were only different (50 and 100%) compared to control. For cabbage, only hypocotyl length was stimulated, when maximum dose (100%) was applied. For the radicle growth, in onion and radish no differences were found compared to control. While the tomato radicle growth was inhibited, in cabbage, all doses encouraged the elongation of the radicle. The dry mass of weed was affected by increased dose of residue (0.49 - 8.8 g m-2), however the soil microflora was stimulated, while the population of Azotobacter spp. was not affect. Some soil properties were affected, the level of organic material, Na+ and electrical conductivity were increased, while pH (H2O) decreased a bit, however it remained basic.


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Two animal models of pain were used to study the effects of short-term protein malnutrition and environmental stimulation on the response threshold to aversive stimuli. Eighty male Wistar rats were used. Half of the pups were submitted to malnutrition by feeding their mothers a 6% protein diet from 0 to 21 days of age while the mothers of the other half (controls) were well nourished, receiving 16% protein. From 22 to 70 days all rats were fed commercial lab chow. Half of the animals in the malnourished and control groups were maintained under stimulating conditions, including a 3-min daily handling from 0 to 70 days and an enriched living cage after weaning. The other half was reared in a standard living cage. At 70 days, independent groups of rats were exposed to the shock threshold or to the tail-flick test. The results showed lower body and brain weights in malnourished rats when compared with controls at weaning and testing. In the shock threshold test the malnourished animals were more sensitive to electric shock and environmental stimulation increased the shock threshold. No differences due to diet or environmental stimulation were found in the tail-flick procedure. These results demonstrate that protein malnutrition imposed only during the lactation period is efficient in inducing hyperreactivity to electric shock and that environmental stimulation attenuates the differences in shock threshold produced by protein malnutrition


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We have previously demonstrated that acute third ventricle injections of both Pb2+ and Cd2+ impair the dipsogenic response elicited by three different situations: dehydration and central cholinergic or angiotensinergic stimulation. ß-Adrenergic activation is part of the multifactorial integrated systems operating in drinking behavior control in the central nervous system. In the present study acute third ventricle injections of Pb2+ (3, 30 and 300 pmol/rat) or Cd2+ (0.3, 3 and 30 pmol/rat) blocked the dipsogenic response induced by third ventricle injections of isoproterenol (ISO; 160 nmol/rat) in a dose-dependent manner. Normohydrated animals receiving ISO + NaAc (sodium acetate) or saline (controls) displayed a high water intake after 120 min (ISO + saline = 5.78 ± 0.54 ml/100 g; ISO + NaAc = 6.00 ± 0.6 ml/100 g). After the same period, animals receiving ISO but pretreated with PbAc at the highest dose employed (300 pmol/rat) drank 0.78 ± 0.23 ml/100 g while those receiving ISO and pretreated with the highest dose of CdCl2 (30 pmol/rat) presented a water intake of 0.7 ± 0.30 ml/100 g. Third ventricle injections of CdCl2 (3 nmol/rat) or PbAc (3 nmol/rat) did not modify food intake in rats deprived of food for 24 h. Thus, general central nervous system depression explaining the antidipsogenic action of the metals can be safely excluded. It is concluded that both Pb2+ and Cd2+ inhibit water intake induced by central ß-adrenergic stimulation


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(ANP, 1 µM) on the kinetics of bicarbonate reabsorption in the rat middle proximal tubule, we performed in vivo experiments using a stopped-flow microperfusion technique with the determination of lumen pH by Sb microelectrodes. These studies confirmed that ANG II added to the luminal or peritubular capillary perfusion fluid stimulates proximal bicarbonate reabsorption and showed that ANP alone does not affect this process, but impairs the stimulation caused by ANG II. We also studied the effects and the interaction of these hormones in cortical distal nephron acidification. Bicarbonate reabsorption was evaluated by the acidification kinetic technique in early (ED) and late (LD) distal tubules in rats during in vivo stopped-flow microperfusion experiments. The intratubular pH was measured with a double-barreled microelectrode with H+-sensitive resin. The results indicate that ANG II acted by stimulating Na+/H+ exchange in ED (81%) and LD (54%) segments via activation of AT1 receptors, as well as vacuolar H+-ATPase in LD segments (33%). ANP did not affect bicarbonate reabsorption in either segment and, as opposed to what was seen in the proximal tubule, did not impair the stimulation caused by ANG II. To investigate the mechanism of action of these hormones in more detail, we studied cell pH dependence on ANG II and ANP in MDCK cells using the fluorescent probe BCECF. We showed that the velocity of cell pH recovery was almost abolished in the absence of Na+, indicating that it is dependent on Na+/H+ exchange. ANP (1 µM) alone had no effect on this recovery but reversed both the acceleration of H+ extrusion at low ANG II levels (1 pM and 1 nM), and inhibition of H+ extrusion at higher ANG II levels (100 nM). To obtain more information on the mechanism of interaction of these hormones, we also studied their effects on the regulation of intracellular free calcium concentration, [Ca2+]i, monitored with the fluorescent probe Fura-2 in MDCK cells in suspension. The data indicate that the addition of increasing concentrations of ANG II (1 pM to 1 µM) to the cell suspension led to a progressive increase in [Ca2+]i to 2-3 times the basal level. In contrast, the addition of ANP (1 µM) to the cell suspension led to a very rapid 60% decrease in [Ca2+]i and reduced the increase elicited by ANG II, thus modulating the effect of ANG II on [Ca2+]i. These results may indicate a role of [Ca2+]i in the regulation of the H+ extrusion process mediated by Na+/H+ exchange and stimulated/impaired by ANG II. The data are compatible with stimulation of Na+/H+ exchange by increases of [Ca2+]i in the lower range, and inhibition at high [Ca2+]i levels


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The hemodynamic responses to acute (45 min) partial aortic constriction were studied in conscious intact (N = 7) or sinoaortic denervated (SAD) adult male Wistar rats (280-350 g, N = 7) implanted with carotid and femoral arterial catheters, a pneumatic cuff around the abdominal aorta and a pulsed Doppler flow probe to measure changes in aortic resistance. In addition, the hypertensive response and the reflex bradycardia elicited by total (N = 8) vs partial (N = 7) aortic constriction (monitored by maintenance of the pressure distal to the cuff at 50 mmHg) were compared in two other groups of intact rats. Intact rats presented a smaller hypertensive response (26 to 40% above basal level) to partial aortic constriction than SAD rats (38 to 58%). The calculated change in aortic resistance imposed by constriction of the aorta increased progressively only in intact rats, but was significantly smaller (193 to 306%) than that observed (501 to 591%) in SAD rats. Intact rats showed a significant bradycardia (23 to 26% change in basal heart rate) throughout coarctation, whereas the SAD rats did not (1 to 3%). Partial or total occlusion of the aorta induced similar hypertensive responses (37-38% vs 24-30% for total constriction) as well as reflex bradycardia (-15 to -17% vs -22 to -33%) despite a greater gradient in pressure (97-98 vs 129-140 mmHg) caused by total constriction. The present data indicate that the integrity of the baroreflex in intact rats can cause the hypertensive response to level off at a lower value than in SAD rats despite a progressive increase in aortic resistance. In addition, they also indicate that the degree of partial aortic constriction by maintenance of the pressure distal to the cuff at 50 mmHg already elicits a maximal stimulation of the arterial baroreflex


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Immunohistochemistry was used to evaluate the effects of neonatal handling and aversive stimulation during the first 10 days of life on the number of corticotrophs in the anterior lobe of the pituitary of 11-day-old male Wistar rats. Since adult rats handled during infancy respond with reduced corticosterone secretion in response to stressors and with less behavior inhibition in novel environments, we assumed that neonatal stimulation could affect pituitary morphology during this critical period of cell differentiation. Three groups of animals were studied: intact (no manipulation, N = 5), handled (N = 5) and stimulated (submitted to 3 different aversive stimuli, N = 5). The percentage of ACTH-immunoreactive cells in the anterior lobe of the pituitary (number of ACTH-stained cells divided by total number of cells) was determined by examining three slices per pituitary in which a minimum of 200 cells were counted by two independent researchers. Although animals during the neonatal period are less reactive to stress-like stimulation in terms of ACTH and corticosterone secretion, results showed that the relative number of ACTH-stained cells of neonatal handled (0.25 ± 0.01) and aversive stimulated (0.29 ± 0.03) rats was not significantly different from intact (0.30 ± 0.03) animals. Neonatal stimulation may have a differential effect on the various subpopulations of corticotroph cells in the anterior pituitary


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The role of different cytokines in the peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) proliferative response and in in vitro granuloma formation was evaluated in a cross-sectional study with patients with the different clinical forms and phases of Schistosoma mansoni infection, as well as a group of individuals "naturally" resistant to infection named normal endemic (NE). The blockage of IL-4 and IL-5 using anti-IL-4 and anti-IL-5 antibodies significantly reduced the PBMC proliferative response to soluble egg (SEA) and adult worm (SWAP) antigens in acute (ACT), chronic intestinal (INT) and hepatosplenic (HS) patients. Similar results were obtained in the in vitro granuloma formation. Blockage of IL-10 had no significant effect on either assay using PBMC from ACT or HS. In contrast, the addition of anti-IL-10 antibodies to PBMC cultures from INT patients significantly increased the proliferative response to SEA and SWAP as well as the in vitro granuloma formation. Interestingly, association of anti-IL-4 and anti-IL-10 antibodies did not increase the PBMC proliferative response of these patients, suggesting that IL-10 may act by modulating IL-4 and IL-5 secretion. Addition of recombinant IL-10 decreased the proliferative response to undetectable levels when PBMC from patients with the different clinical forms were used. Analysis of IFN-g in the supernatants showed that PBMC from INT patients secreted low levels of IFN-g upon antigenic stimulation. In contrast, PBMC from NE secreted high levels of IFN-g. These data suggest that IL-10 is an important cytokine in regulating the immune response and possibly controlling morbidity in human schistosomiasis mansoni, and that the production of IFN-g may be associated with resistance to infection.


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The actions of fibroblast growth factors (FGFs), particularly the basic form (bFGF), have been described in a large number of cells and include mitogenicity, angiogenicity and wound repair. The present review discusses the presence of the bFGF protein and messenger RNA as well as the presence of the FGF receptor messenger RNA in the rodent brain by means of semiquantitative radioactive in situ hybridization in combination with immunohistochemistry. Chemical and mechanical injuries to the brain trigger a reduction in neurotransmitter synthesis and neuronal death which are accompanied by astroglial reaction. The altered synthesis of bFGF following brain lesions or stimulation was analyzed. Lesions of the central nervous system trigger bFGF gene expression by neurons and/or activated astrocytes, depending on the type of lesion and time post-manipulation. The changes in bFGF messenger RNA are frequently accompanied by a subsequent increase of bFGF immunoreactivity in astrocytes in the lesioned pathway. The reactive astrocytes and injured neurons synthesize increased amount of bFGF, which may act as a paracrine/autocrine factor, protecting neurons from death and also stimulating neuronal plasticity and tissue repair


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The inferior colliculus is a primary relay for the processing of auditory information in the brainstem. The inferior colliculus is also part of the so-called brain aversion system as animals learn to switch off the electrical stimulation of this structure. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether associative learning occurs between aversion induced by electrical stimulation of the inferior colliculus and visual and auditory warning stimuli. Rats implanted with electrodes into the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus were placed inside an open-field and thresholds for the escape response to electrical stimulation of the inferior colliculus were determined. The rats were then placed inside a shuttle-box and submitted to a two-way avoidance paradigm. Electrical stimulation of the inferior colliculus at the escape threshold (98.12 ± 6.15 (A, peak-to-peak) was used as negative reinforcement and light or tone as the warning stimulus. Each session consisted of 50 trials and was divided into two segments of 25 trials in order to determine the learning rate of the animals during the sessions. The rats learned to avoid the inferior colliculus stimulation when light was used as the warning stimulus (13.25 ± 0.60 s and 8.63 ± 0.93 s for latencies and 12.5 ± 2.04 and 19.62 ± 1.65 for frequencies in the first and second halves of the sessions, respectively, P<0.01 in both cases). No significant changes in latencies (14.75 ± 1.63 and 12.75 ± 1.44 s) or frequencies of responses (8.75 ± 1.20 and 11.25 ± 1.13) were seen when tone was used as the warning stimulus (P>0.05 in both cases). Taken together, the present results suggest that rats learn to avoid the inferior colliculus stimulation when light is used as the warning stimulus. However, this learning process does not occur when the neutral stimulus used is an acoustic one. Electrical stimulation of the inferior colliculus may disturb the signal transmission of the stimulus to be conditioned from the inferior colliculus to higher brain structures such as amygdala