847 resultados para Waiting for Godot
“Enjoy your baby” Internet-based CBT for mothers with babies: a feasibility randomised control trial
Background: Postnatal depression is a global health problem with lasting effects on the family. Government policy is focussed on early intervention and increasing access to psychological therapies. There is a growing evidence base for the use of computerised CBT packages and this study investigated the feasibility of a CBT-based self-help internet intervention for new mothers. Objective: To assess the ability to recruit mothers, deliver an internet course, obtain follow-up data and evaluate what mothers think of the course. Design: A feasibility randomised control design was used to compare a waiting list control group (delayed access= DA) to the Enjoy Your Baby course (immediate access= IA). Measures were administered at baseline and 8 week follow-up. Methods: Adverts were placed in the Metro freesheet, on charity web pages, on social media, posters were put up in the community, and leaflets were handed out at mother and baby groups. Participants had to be 18 years old or over with a child less than 18 months old. The IA arm was given access to the course straight away. After 8 weeks all participants were asked to recomplete the original measures and those in the IA arm also gave feedback on the course. Participants in the DA arm were given access after recompleting the questionnaires. Due to a lack of follow-up data a small discussion group was conducted. Intervention: The course contains 4 core modules including helping mothers understand why they feel the way they do and helping them build closeness to their babies. Additional modules, worksheets and homework tasks were available. The DA group were given a list of additional support resources and services, and encouraged to seek additional help if required. All participants received weekly automated emails for 12 weeks as they worked through the course. It was not possible to deliver individualised support. 34 Results: Despite using a number of recruitment strategies, recruitment was lower and slower than anticipated, and attrition was high. 41 women, primarily recruited via the internet, were randomised (IA n=21, DA n=20). No significant differences were observed between participants in either arm at baseline and no statistically significant differences were identified when the demographics and baseline measures of participants who logged-on to the course were compared to those who did not, or when participants who completed follow-up measures were compared to those who did not. Pre and post intervention scores on the EPDS approached statistical significance (P=.059, r=.444) favouring the intervention arm. The discussion group suggested strengths of the course and recommended areas for improvement, including making the course more mobile friendly. Conclusion: Internet interventions show promise; however it is difficult to recruit mothers, engagement is low and attrition high. A number of recommendations are made and a further pilot or an internal pilot of a larger substantive study should be conducted to confirm recruitment and retention. Trial ID: ISRCTN90927910.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2015.
Dix années après le décès d’Haroldo de Campos, il n’existe pas encore à ce jour d’études exhaustives sur la théorie de la traduction du poète, critique et traducteur littéraire brésilien. Dans la présente thèse, nous examinons de manière critique une affirmation d’Haroldo de Campos à l’effet qu’il aurait été influencé par le philosophe allemand Max Bense. Nous tentons de retracer dans les textes publiés d’Haroldo de Campos quand et comment ce dernier a été initié aux thèses du concepteur de l’esthétique de l’information. Pour parvenir à évaluer la nature et la valeur de cette influence nous avons passé en revue l’ensemble des textes, c’est-à-dire des monographies, des essais, des articles de journaux ou tout autre type de source de référence, afin de questionner la pertinence de l’affirmation d’Haroldo de Campos. Diverses hypothèses sont examinées, à partir de la visite de Décio Pignatari à Ulm, jusqu’à l’analyse d’une allocution d’Elisabeth Walther-Bense sur le rapport qui existait entre Haroldo de Campos et son feu mari, Max Bense. Au terme de notre investigation, nous devons constater que les textes théoriques d’Haroldo de Campos sont insuffisants en soi pour que l’on puisse expliquer comment s’est opérée et articulé le rapport entre ces deux ténors de la poésie concrète.
Enquadramento: O carácter inovador da Cirurgia de Ambulatório reside no seu modelo organizativo específico, centrado no doente, que o envolve num circuito independente do de internamento, procurando-se ganhos em eficiência e em qualidade e obtendo-se níveis de maior humanização e satisfação dos utentes e seus familiares. Objetivos: Analisar de que forma as variáveis sociodemográficos influenciam a qualidade percebida dos utentes de uma Unidade de Cirurgia de Ambulatório de um Hospitalar Central; verificar se existem efeitos significativos das variáveis circunstanciais na qualidade percebida dos utentes de uma Unidade de Cirurgia de Ambulatório de um Hospitalar Central; verificar a existência de efeitos significativos das variáveis sociofamiliares na qualidade percebida nos utentes. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, com corte transversal, descritivo e correlacional; enquadra-se num estudo descritivo analítico-correlacional porque o mesmo tem por objetivo explorar as relações entre variáveis e descrevê-las. Os dados foram colhidos junto dos utentes tendo como base escalas e questionários. A amostra é não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 140 utentes de uma Unidade de Cirurgia de Ambulatório de um Hospitalar Central, na maioria, do sexo masculino (60,7%), com uma idade mínima de 19 anos e uma máxima de 94 anos, ao que corresponde uma idade média de 58,01 (±19.26 anos). Foi aplicado um Questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica e sociofamiliar, incluindo-se o Questionário (Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey) MOS-SSS (Fachado et al., 2007) e o Questionário Service Quality (SERVQUAL) (Parasuraman et al., 1988). Resultados: Os utentes do sexo feminino manifestam mais satisfação em relação à UCA (cortesia/empatia p=0.000; compreensão do utente p=0.000; fiabilidade p=0.005; acessibilidade p=0.010; qualidade global p=0.001; os utentes idosos obtiveram valores mais elevados em quase todas as dimensões e na qualidade global (aspetos físicos p=0.006); os participantes com o ensino básico manifestaram mais satisfação (fiabilidade p<0,016); os que possuem um rendimento familiar até 1000€ apresentaram maior nível de satisfação (cortesia/empatia p=0,033); os utentes que não se deslocam em meio de transporte próprio atribuem mais qualidade à UCA (fiabilidade p=0,028); aqueles cuja residência está situada a uma distância superior a 15 km do hospital revelam índices mais elevados de qualidade (cortesia/simpatia p=0.037; compreensão do utente p=0.044; fiabilidade p=0.022; acessibilidade p=0.001; qualidade global p=0.013); os participantes cuja distância de casa ao centro de saúde é superior a 9 km revelam mais satisfação (fiabilidade p=0.038); os utentes com tempos de espera para a cirurgia entre 6-12 meses atribuem mais qualidade à UCA (cortesia/empatia p=0.000; compreensão do utente p=0.011; fiabilidade p=0.007; acessibilidade p=0.001; qualidade global p=0.001). Conclusão: A maioria dos utentes atribui qualidade à UCA, tendo em conta a cortesia/empatia, a compreensão do utente, fiabilidade, acessibilidade e aspetos físicos, pode afirmar-se que a referida Unidade adequa os serviços prestados às suas necessidades, garantindo, deste modo, a satisfação dos utentes. Palavras-chave: Cirurgia de Ambulatório; Satisfação dos utentes; Qualidade; Atendimento.
Relatório de Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica
Automotive producers are aiming to make their order fulfilment processes more flexible. Opening the pipeline of planned products for dynamic allocation to dealers/ customers is a significant step to be more flexible but the behaviour of such Virtual-Build-To-Order systems are complex to predict and their performance varies significantly as product variety levels change. This study investigates the potential for intelligent control of the pipeline feed, taking into account the current status of inventory (level and mix) and of the volume and mix of unsold products in the planning pipeline, as well as the demand profile. Five ‘intelligent’ methods for selecting the next product to be planned into the production pipeline are analysed using a discrete event simulation model and compared to the unintelligent random feed. The methods are tested under two conditions, firstly when customers must be fulfilled with the exact product they request, and secondly when customers trade-off a shorter waiting time for compromise in specification. The two forms of customer behaviour have a substantial impact on the performance of the methods and there are also significant differences between the methods themselves. When the producer has an accurate model of customer demand, methods that attempt to harmonise the mix in the system to the demand distribution are superior.
Background: Levels of endoscopic demand and capacity in West Africa are unclear. Objectives: This paper aims to: 1. describe the current labor and endoscopic capacity, 2. quantify the impact of a mixed-methods endoscopy course on healthcare professionals in West Africa, and 3. quantify the types of diagnoses encountered. Methods: In a three-day course, healthcare professionals were surveyed on endoscopic resources and capacity and were taught through active observation of live cases, case discussion, simulator experience and didactics. Before and after didactics, multiplechoice exams as well as questionnaires were administered to assess for course efficacy. Also, a case series of 23 patients needing upper GI endoscopy was done. Results: In surveying physicians, less than half had resources to perform an EGD and none could perform an ERCP, while waiting time for emergency endoscopy in urban populations was at least one day. In assessing improvement in medical knowledge among participants after didactics, objective data paired with subjective responses was more useful than either alone. Of 23 patients who received endoscopy, 7 required endoscopic intervention with 6 having gastric or esophageal varices. Currently the endoscopic capacity in West Africa is not sufficient. A formal GI course with simulation and didactics improves gastrointestinal knowledge amongst participants.
Uma das áreas de aplicação da optimização é a Engenharia Biomédica, pois a optimização intervém no estudo de próteses e implantes, na reconstrução tomográfica, na mecânica experimental, entre outras aplicações. Este projecto tem como principal objectivo a criação de um novo programa de marcação de exames médicos a fim de minimizar o tempo de espera na realização dos mesmos. É efectuada uma breve referência à teoria da optimização bem como à optimização linear e não-linear, aos algoritmos genéticos, que foram usados para a realização deste trabalho. É também apresentado um caso de estudo, formulado como um problema de optimização não linear com restrições. Com este estudo verificou-se que o escalonamento de exames médicos nunca poderá ser optimizado a 100por cento devido à quantidade de variáveis existentes, sendo que algumas delas não são passíveis de prever com antecedência.
A saúde em Portugal encontra-se no caminho da mudança, rumo à excelência, pois questiona-se o sistema, a sua estrutura, os seus processos e os resultados. Uma das condições que mais influencia a competitividade entre instituições da saúde é a qualidade. Sendo a sociedade cada vez mais exigente, medi-la e avalia-la é um imperativo da época actual. O presente estudo teve como objectivo, contribuir para a realização de um diagnóstico de um processo de melhoria implementado num hospital privado de Lisboa - Hospital CUF Descobertas (HCD), no Serviço de Atendimento Permanente (SAP), à luz dos princípios da qualidade total. O procedimento da Triagem de Manchester é um processo que tem como principal objectivo o estabelecimento de prioridades, ou seja, identificar critérios de gravidade, de forma objectiva e sistematizada, que indicam a prioridade clínica com que o cliente deve ser atendido e o respectivo tempo de espera alvo recomendado até observação médica. Não se trata de estabelecer diagnósticos. Para o efeito, utilizou-se uma abordagem metodológica, suportada pelo modelo de auto-avaliação, designado Modelo Common Assessment Framework (CAF). Neste sentido, privilegiando-se a utilização dos critérios de meios deste modelo. Foi aplicado um questionário aos colaboradores do Serviço de Atendimento Permanente do Hospital CUF Descobertas. O Tratamento de dados estatísticos foi realizado com o apoio do SPSS, versão 16.0 e do Microsoft Excel. Os resultados deste estudo culminam com a identificação de pontos fortes, pontos fracos e sugestões de melhorias para o serviço em estudo. Neste sentido, este trabalho serviu de diagnóstico para se poder identificar em que ponto se situa e que rumo se deve seguir para se atingir um patamar de excelência relativamente à qualidade. Abstract: Health in Portugal finds itself on the path toward change, trying to find excellence while challenging the system and its structure, processes, and results. One of the conditions that most influences the competitiveness between the institutes of health is quality because society is becoming more demanding. Measuring and evaluating this change is happening in this current time. The present study has the objective of contributing and establishing a diagnostic tool relative to the process of improvement. This tool was used in a private hospital in Lisbon, Hospital CUF Descobertas, in the Emergency Room, in looking at the principles of total quality. This process designed through the Manchester Triage System has the main objective of the establishment of priorities through which we want to identify criteria of seriousness in an objective and systematic way that indicate a clinical priority with which the client is attended to in respect to the waiting time, giving a recommended time until medical observation. ln this sense, we do not diagnose patients in triage. For this effect, we used a methodological overview supported by the model of self-evaluation, the Common Assessment Framework (CAF}, in which we used the criteria: Leadership, Planning and Strategy, People, Resources and Processes. To arrive at this, a questionnaire was used by the collaborators of the emergency room of Hospital CUF Descobertas. The statistical analysis of the data was performed using SPSS version 16.0 and Microsoft Excel. The results of this study culminated with the identification of strong points, weak points, and suggestions for improvements for the work in study. ln this way, with this study, we can identify in where an organization finds itself and the path it should take in order to achieve a high level of quality excellence.
Cette étude exploratoire dresse un portrait des transitions de milieux de vie (MDV) dans des Centres de réadaptation en déficience intellectuelle et en troubles envahissants du développement (CRDITED) de la grande région de Montréal. Elle permet d’identifier 1) les pratiques de transition de MDV des intervenants pivots en CRDITED, 2) les critères de succès de la transition de MDV et les moyens de les évaluer selon les personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle et les intervenants pivots et 3) l’écart entre les pratiques souhaitées et les pratiques actuelles à partir du point de vue des deux types de participants. Des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle (N = 9) et des intervenants pivots (N = 19) se sont exprimés sur leurs expériences de transition de MDV en participant à des entretiens de groupe. Une analyse qualitative de contenu a permis d’identifier une typologie des expériences de transition de MDV du point de vue des intervenants pivots. Un seul type de transition de MDV parmi les cinq identifiés, le type préparée, offre des conditions favorisant la réalisation de la transition dans des conditions satisfaisantes pour les intervenants pivots. Les autres types de transitions (types dernière minute, explosive, clé en main et salle d’attente) offrent peu d’occasions pour la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle de s’impliquer dans le processus de transition. Les propos des intervenants pivots permettent d’identifier les caractéristiques d’une transition de MDV qu’ils jugent idéale (type comme si c’était moi). Les types de transitions sont comparés entre eux sur deux axes, soit sur l’axe représentant un continuum d’implication de la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle dans sa propre transition et sur l’axe identifiant les grandes étapes de réalisation de la transition. Les résultats permettent de déceler un écart important entre les transitions actuellement effectuées et les politiques, intentions et engagements de l’offre de service auprès de cette clientèle, notamment au regard de l’implication de la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle dans les décisions relatives à sa transition de MDV. L’étude permet aussi d’identifier trois dimensions importantes de l’évaluation du succès de la transition selon les perspectives des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle et des intervenants pivots. Les dimensions identifiées sont : bien-être psychologique et comportement, santé physique et collaboration. Les propos des intervenants pivots permettent de constater qu’il existe parfois un paradoxe entre leurs perceptions du succès de la transition de MDV et celles des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle. L’interprétation des résultats a permis d’élaborer des recommandations afin de favoriser de meilleures pratiques de transition.
Some of the secondary findings from the circumcision studies conducted in Africa, are both interesting and difficult to explain. This paper focuses on the finding that uncircumcised men who waited for ten minutes after sexual intercourse and then wiped their penises using a dry cloth, had lower rates of HIV infection compared to those who cleaned using a wet cloth or those who cleaned within three minutes of having intercourse. The paper also focuses on the finding on men who became infected and yet they reported no sexual acts or 100% condom use. Interpretations that have been provided so far in trying to explain these two interesting findings are somewhat inadequate. Because of the inadequate interpretation that has been provided, anti-circumcision lobbyist are presenting the “wait and wipe strategy” as an alternative to circumcision for HIV prevention. In this paper, we argue that waiting for ten minutes and wiping with a dry cloth does not prevent men from becoming infected by HIV. We therefore attempt to present some alternative views.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações.
Background The prevalence of geriatric syndromes (falls, immobility, intellectual or memory impairment, and incontinence) is unknown in many resource-poor countries. With an aging population such knowledge is essential to develop national policies on the health and social needs of older people. The aim of this study was to provide a preliminary survey to explore the prevalence of falls and other geriatric syndromes and their association with known risk factors in people aged > 60 years in urban Blantyre, Malawi. Methods This was a cross-sectional, community survey of adults aged > 60 years. Subjects were recruited at home or in the waiting areas of chronic care clinics. They were interviewed to complete a questionnaire on ageassociated syndromes and comorbid problems. The Abbreviated Mental Test (AMT) and Timed Up and Go (TUG) tests were carried out. Results Ninety-eight subjects were studied; 41% reported falling in the past 12 months, 33% of whom (13% of all subjects) were recurrent fallers. Twenty-five percent reported urine incontinence, 66% self-reported memory difficulties, and 11% had an AMT score < 7. A history of falling was significantly associated with urine incontinence (p=0.01), selfreported memory problems (p=0.004) and AMT score < 7 (p=0.02). Conclusions Geriatric syndromes, including falls, appear to be prevalent in older people in Blantyre, Malawi. Falling is associated with cognitive impairment and urinary incontinence. There is an urgent need for more understanding of geriatric problems in this setting to develop national policies on health and social needs of older people. It is likely that many of the contributory factors to falls would be amenable to multifactorial interventions similar to those found to be effective in developed countries.
This article contests Sean McMeekin’s claims concerning Russian culpability for the First World War. McMeekin maintains that Ottoman rearmament, particularly the purchase of several battleships released onto the global arms market by South American states, threatened to create a situation where the Russian Black Sea Fleet would be outclassed by its Ottoman opposite number. Rather than waiting for this to happen, the tsarist regime chose to go to war. Yet, contrary to McMeekin’s claims, the Ottoman naval expansion never assumed threatening dimensions because the Porte was unable to purchase battleships from Chile or Argentina. As a result, it provided no incentive for Russia to go to war in 1914.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.