986 resultados para Uni-Hochhaus


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New multimedia applications that use the Internet as a communication media are pressing for the development of new technologies, such as: MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) and DiffServ. These technologies introduce new and powerful features to the Internet backbone, as the provision of QoS (Quality of Service) capabilities. However, to obtain a true end-to-end QoS, it is not enough to implement such technologies in the network core, it becomes indispensable to extend such improvements to the access networks, what is the aim of the several works presently under development. To contribute to this process, this Thesis presents the RSVP-SVC (Resource Reservation Protocol Switched Virtual Connection) that consists in an extension of RSVP-TE. The RSVP-SVC is presented herein as a mean to support a true end-to-end QoS, through the extension of MPLS scope. Thus, it is specified a Switched Virtual Connection (SVC) service to be used in the context of a MPLS User-to-Network Interface (MPLS UNI), that is able to efficiently establish and activate Label Switched Paths (LSP), starting from the access routers that satisfy the QoS requirements demanded by the applications. The RSVP-SVC was specified in Estelle, a Formal Description Technique (FDT) standardized by ISO. The edition, compilation, verification and simulation of RSVP-SVC were made by the EDT (Estelle Development Toolset) software. The benefits and most important issues to be considered when using the proposed protocol are also included


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Dados de 19.458 animais da raça Nelore, nascidos entre 1975 e 2002 e pertencentes a oito fazendas participantes do Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Raça Nelore (PMGRN), foram utilizados para estimar componentes de covariância, herdabilidade e correlações genéticas dos pesos ao nascimento, à desmama, ao sobreano e aos 2, 3 e 5 anos de idade. Utilizou-se o método da máxima verossimilhança restrita, em análises uni, bi e multicaracterísticas, com modelos que incluíram o efeito genético aditivo direto, como aleatório, além dos efeitos fixos de grupo de contemporâneos e os efeitos linear e quadrático da idade do animal à pesagem (com exceção do modelo para peso ao nascer) e da idade da mãe ao parto. O efeito aleatório de ambiente permanente materno também foi incluído nos modelos de análise do peso ao nascer, peso à desmama e peso ao sobreano e o efeito aleatório genético materno somente no modelo do peso à desmama. As herdabilidades estimadas em análise multicaracterística para os pesos ao nascer, à desmama, ao sobreano, aos 2, 3 e aos 5 anos de idade foram 0,25; 0,33; 0,34; 0,32; 0,33 e 0,35, respectivamente. As correlações genéticas estimadas entre os pesos foram positivas e de moderadas a altas magnitudes e tenderam a diminuir com o aumento da distância entre as pesagens, o que indica que a seleção para peso em qualquer idade deverá promover mudança genética nos pesos nas demais idades, inclusive no peso adulto de fêmeas da raça Nelore. As estimativas de herdabilidade obtidas na análise multicaracterística foram superiores, sobretudo para os pesos aos 3 e aos 5 anos de idade, o que sugere melhor partição das variâncias genética e de ambiente em comparação às análises uni e bicaracterísticas, porém a alta demanda de recursos computacionais em análises de muitas características pode ainda dificultar o uso dessas análises em grandes bancos de dados.


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Microstrip antennas are subject matter in several research fields due to its numerous advantages. The discovery, at 1999, of a new class of materials called metamaterials - usually composed of metallic elements immersed in a dielectric medium, have attracted the attention of the scientific community, due to its electromagnetic properties, especially the ability to use in planar structures, such as microstrip, without interfering with their traditional geometry. The aim of this paper is to analyze the effects of one and bidimensional metamaterial substrates in microstrip antennas, with different configurations of resonance rings, SRR, in the dielectric layer. Fractal geometry is applied to these rings, in seeking to verify a multiband behavior and to reduce the resonance frequency of the antennas. The results are then given by commercial software Ansoft HFSS, used for precise analysis of the electromagnetic behavior of antennas by Finite Element Method (FEM). To reach it, this essay will first perform a literature study on fractal geometry and its generative process. This paper also presents an analysis of microstrip antennas, with emphasis on addressing different types of substrates as part of its electric and magnetic anisotropic behavior. It s performed too an approach on metamaterials and their unique properties


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Brazil is the world s leading coffee producer. In 2008, 45.99 million of 60 kg bags of benefited coffee were produced. In the process of improvement 50% is grain and 50% is husk, thus, 1.38 million tons of coffee husk are produced annually. The husk is used as combustible in the drying and improvement ovens in the coffee farms, generating ash as residue. These ashes contain a high concentration of alkaline metals and earth metals, mainly K2O and CaO. This work studies the use of this residue in the ceramic tiles industry, as fluxing agents in substitution to the feldspar. Ten mixtures with equal ratios of clay and kaolin, proceeding from Bahia and the residue (varying from 30 to 5%) were defined and produced in uniaxial tool die of 60x20mm with approximately 5 mm of thickness and 45MPa compacting pressure. The samples were fired in four different temperatures: 1100 °C, 1150 °C, 1185 °C and 1200 °C during 60 minutes and characterized by means of X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, gravimetric thermal analysis and differential thermal analysis. The results of water absorption, apparent porosity, linear shrinkage, XRD, dilatometry, flexural strength and SEM were also analysed. The test specimen with addition of 10% of ash fired in 1200 °C resulted in 0.18% water absorption and 40.77 MPa flexural strength, being classified as porcelain stoneware tiles according to ABNT, UNI and ISO norms


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Because of disability in public policy development in mind to attend issues of sanitation in the municipalities, companies known as "clean-blue" appeared proposing to solve a simple collection and management of wastewater produced in single or multifamily residences, commercial, hospitals, etc. In the case of an activity in which there are no worries about the fate of sewage, emerged some doubts about the degree of health and environmental safety in these companies. Traditionally, most of them makes the provision of waste depleted soil or wetland, open, usually located on the outskirts of cities (MENESES, 2001). In turn, the sludge from septic tanks exhausted, provided no technical criteria - in the soil, rivers and as an agricultural fertilizer put in risk the health of the population and environmental quality. This work was entered in the search network 5 of the Notice of the Research Program in Sanitation - PROSAB-5, aimed to study the theme 'Characterization and study of alternative ways of treating sludge from septic tanks in the city of Natal, RN', proposing to evaluate the performance of the use of stabilization ponds as a system to handle waste from septic tanks exhausted. A series of lakes studied belong to one of the largest clean-pit of Natal, consisting of two anaerobic ponds, one facultative and maturation, and a tank disinfection, the wastewater being released in the Potengi River. Samples were collected between the months of October 2007 to October 2008, at six points previously defined and judged as more appropriate to what is proposed study. The analysis results in field and laboratory showed the most significant removal of COD (88.93%), total suspended solids (94.87%), organic nitrogen (66.87%) and thermotolerant coliforms (99.88%). Some results have not reached the expected because the system under study had operating problems that have undermined the efficiency of the reactors


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A aceitação de 11 amostras de aguardentes de cana envelhecidas e não envelhecidas foi avaliada por testes sensoriais afetivos e análises estatísticas uni e multivariada. As aguardentes estudadas compreenderam seis amostras comerciais de diferentes marcas, (sendo três não envelhecidas e três envelhecidas) e ainda outras cinco amostras correspondentes a zero, 12, 24, 36 e 48 meses de envelhecimento em um tonel de carvalho de 200L. As amostras foram avaliadas por 100 provadores consumidores do produto, recrutados por questionário de avaliação quanto à afetividade. Para os testes afetivos foi utilizada escala hedônica não estruturada de 9cm, sendo os dados obtidos avaliados por dois métodos estatísticos distintos: o Mapa de Preferência Interno (MDPREF) e a análise de variância univariada (ANOVA) com comparação de médias pelo teste de Tukey e análise de correlação. As amostras de aguardente envelhecidas por 12, 36 e 48 meses obtiveram maior aceitação, com médias ao redor de 7,0 na escala hedônica. A amostra com menor aceitação foi a correspondente ao tempo zero de envelhecimento (controle). As demais amostras obtiveram aceitação intermediária. A análise por MDPREF gerou em espaço multidimensional (onde as variações com relação aos dados de preferência foram extraídas em eixos ortogonais e para cada dimensão de preferência), coordenadas relativas aos produtos, que foram geradas em função da resposta dos consumidores. Os dados de aceitação de cada provador foram utilizados para o desenvolvimento de vetores individuais de preferência, resultando na construção de um mapa mutidimensional das amostras, em função dos dados de aceitação. No presente estudo o MDPREF foi gerado pelas primeira e segunda dimensões de preferência, as quais explicaram em conjunto 89,83% das variações observadas entre as amostras com relação à aceitação. O MDPREF confirmou os resultados da ANOVA, indicando uma maior preferência dos provadores pelas amostras de aguardentes envelhecidas. Os resultados sugerem também que aguardentes envelhecidas por mais de 24 meses em tonel de carvalho de 200L são preferidas pelos consumidores, em detrimento das comerciais não envelhecidas e mesmo das comerciais envelhecidas, que podem ser adicionadas de aguardente não envelhecida (processo denominado corte) e também ter correção da cor, conforme permite a Legislação Brasileira. O conteúdo de polifenóis totais e a intensidade de cor também foram determinados, e ambos apresentaram correlação linear positiva significativa (p<=0,05) com o aumento do tempo de envelhecimento das amostras.


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This work is a detailed study of self-similar models for the expansion of extragalactic radio sources. A review is made of the definitions of AGN, the unified model is discussed and the main characteristics of double radio sources are examined. Three classification schemes are outlined and the self-similar models found in the literature are studied in detail. A self-similar model is proposed that represents a generalization of the models found in the literature. In this model, the area of the head of the jet varies with the size of the jet with a power law with an exponent γ. The atmosphere has a variable density that may or may not be spherically symmetric and it is taken into account the time variation of the cinematic luminosity of the jet according to a power law with an exponent h. It is possible to show that models Type I, II and III are particular cases of the general model and one also discusses the evolution of the sources radio luminosity. One compares the evolutionary curves of the general model with the particular cases and with the observational data in a P-D diagram. The results show that the model allows a better agreement with the observations depending on the appropriate choice of the model parameters.


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Sugarcane is one of the most important products of the world and Brazil is responsible for 25 % of the world production. One problem of this culture at northeast of Brazil is the early flowering. In our laboratory, it has been made before four subtractive libraries using early and late flowering genotypes in order to identify messages related to the flowering process. In this work, two cDNAs were chosen to make in silico analysis and overexpression constructs. Another approach to understand the flowering process in sugarcane was to use proteomic tools. First, the protocol for protein extraction using apical meristem was set up. After that, these proteins were separated on two bidimensional gels. It was possible to observe some difference for some regions of these gels as well as some proteins that can be found in all conditions. The next step, spots will be isolated and sequence on MS spectrometry in order to understand this physiological process in sugarcane


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Ensaios de tração uniaxiais foram empregados para deformar aços inoxidáveis austeníticos do tipo 304, em diferentes temperaturas abaixo da ambiente (de 77 K a 300 K). A relação entre a estabilidade da austenita e o encruamento, em função da temperatura de teste, é discutida quanto à transformação martensítica induzida por deformação e ao deslizamento de discordâncias na austenita. em curvas tensão-deformação que assumem a equação de Ludwik sigma = sigmao + képsilonn, na qual sigma é a tensão verdadeira e e a elongação plástica verdadeira, um modo conveniente para analisar o encruamento é por meio do diagrama log dsigma / dépsilon versus log épsilon. O aspecto significativo é a variação da taxa de encruamento dsigma / dépsilon com a elongação plástica verdadeira nas diferentes temperaturas. As mudanças no comportamento do encruamento motivando até três estágios de deformação são associadas a diferentes processos microestruturais. A transformação martensítica pode ser considerada como um processo de deformação que compete com o processo usual de deslizamento. A investigação desses estágios, na região plástica, produz uma referência qualitativa de como diferentes fatores, tais como o grau de deformação, temperatura e composição química da austenita, afetam a transformação austenita-martensita.


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Recently, marine organisms have attracted attention because of the complexity and potent biological activity from your secondary metabolites. Our planet has 80% it surface covered by oceans and seas, therefore, housing a wide number of different forms of life, among them, the sponges. These sessile and filtrating animals, according to numerous researches, come showing like true chemistry factories. The substances from these animals, sometimes show as news targets to therapeutics agents, and some countries has already use them for treatment of some diseases. Further of the secondary metabolites, the polysaccharides of marine origin also have been target of studies, because the presence of the sulfates groups in its molecules. Polysaccharides with differents biological activities have been related in a large number of researches. Actually, many studies show the sponges as source of promising medicine. These studies inspire new researches, because the few number of sponges species studied until now. Because of that, the present work shows the chemistry prospection of the sponge Callyspongia vaginalis. Chromatographic methods in silica gel allowed the isolations of two secondary metabolites: the known β- sitosterol and a ceramide, no reported in the genus Callyspongia, previously. The analysis of the their lipid extracts show different kinds of fatty acids with a variety of chain length (saponifiable fraction), and others metabolites like Lupenone and stigmasterol, also unprecedented in the genus. The Polysaccharide characterization and the elucidation of the secondary metabolites acquired through of chromatography analysis (CC, molecular exclusion) and spectrometric (NMR 1H and 13C, mass, IR), respectively and comparison with literature data


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The genus Herpsilochmus is composed mainly of cryptic species, among them is Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus, which is currently represented by four subspecies: H. r. rufimarginatus, H. r. frater, H. r. scapularis and H. r. exiguus. Differences in plumage and vocalization suggest that there are more than one species involved in this complex. Thus this and other subspecific taxa need urgent revision, the disjunct distribution of this species also allows us to infer the relationship between birds that occur in this biome and / or different centers of endemism. This study aims to make a taxonomic revision of the taxa included in the complex time Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus based on morphological, morphometric, vocals and geographical distribution of this bird. Besides creating distribution models current potential and make the reconstruction of the distribution bygone using ecological niche modeling, and testing the niche conservatism and divergence between different subspecies. Consultations for examination of the skins of specimens of the museums: Museum of Zoology, University of São Paulo (MZUSP), National Museum of Rio de Janeiro (MN) and Emilio Goeldi Museum of Pará (MPEG), and the skins deposited at the collection of Ornithological Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (COUFRN). We studied the following measures length of specimens: exposed culmen, culmen and total culmen nostril, tarsus, wing and tail flattened. The voice analysis was performed with vocalizations banks and / or digital banks people where 17 voice parameters were measured. This information and more available in the literature were used to assemble a bunch of data under the limit distribution of taxa and generate ecological niche models. This analyzes carried out in the program Maxent, having as model selection criterion the AUC, and the models were greater than 0.80 are considered good models. Environmental data for the realization of the modeling were downloaded on the website of Worldclim. The morphometric information, vocals and geographic distribution point for the separation of these taxa to be considering various uni and multivariate analyzes. The potential distribution models performed well (AUC> 0.80), and its distribution associated with environmental characteristics of the Amazon forest and Atlantic forest (forests of south and southeast, northeast and forest). The reconstruction of the distribution indicates a possible contact between the southern part of the Atlantic forest in the northern part of the Amazon. The analysis of niche overlap showed a low overlap between taxa and comparisons between the null model and the generated overlay link probably occurring niche conservatism. The data suggest that the taxa that occur in the Amazon and Atlantic forest represent three distinct species


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This thesis aims to identify how civil servants perceive changes made inthe carrying out of their work after their taking part in the Course forTechnicians in Public Management of the Government of Rio Grande do NorteState. As for the methodological procedures, an exploratory-descriptivequantitative research has been carried out through structured questionnaires appliedto 118 civil servants from the first groups of the Course for Technicians, thusshowing a margin of error of 4.18% to 95% of confidence, according to theprocedures of finite sampling. The table processing and analysis rested uponthe Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS and was carried outthrough univariate, bivariate and multivariate techniques with emphasis on thetechnique called Factor Analysis. It was possible to identify that the level ofsatisfaction of the students was high and there was a clear perception by themthat the course assisted to changes in their work. Through Factor Analysis itwas verified that the factors that may be related to changes in the work of thecivil servants are "Contribution to Society", "Efficiency andEfficacy in the Work Environment", "Applicability of Contents"and "Capacitating for Leadership". The conclusion of the studyindicates that the factors obtained are directly related to the basis of thenew public management by means of guidance toward efficiency and efficacy in aperspective of leadership, the contents of the course being thus made into newattitudes toward work which end up yielding better results for society


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Objetivos: avaliar a evolução ultra-sonográfica de cistos subependimários (CSE) do ângulo externo dos ventrículos laterais, e a evolução clínica dos pacientes. Comparar os pacientes com CSE isolados e os com CSE associados a outras lesões. Métodos: foram diagnosticados um a vários cistos no ângulo externo de um ou de ambos os ventrículos laterais, por meio de ultra-som transfontanelar (US) de rotina, realizado nos primeiros dias de vida, caracterizando os CSE. Durante o período de 1981-2000, 66 recém-nascidos tiveram CSE evidenciados na UTI neonatal do Hospital de Port-Royal. Foram constituídos dois grupos: G-I, com CSE isolados (n=21), e G-II, com CSE associados a outras lesões (n=45). Resultados: os recém-nascidos do GI apresentaram maior maturidade, melhores condições de nascimento e menor morbidade respiratória em relação a GII. A incidência de malformações congênitas foi elevada em ambos os grupos. Houve baixa taxa de infecção bacteriana e ausência de infecção congênita. Os CSE foram uni ou bilaterais, únicos ou múltiplos (colar de pérolas), sem diferença entre os grupos estudados, e predominaram à esquerda. US seriados foram realizados em 49/66 pacientes (74%), mostrando aumento no tamanho do cisto em 21/49 (45%), no primeiro mês de vida, enquanto 12 CSE (24%) desapareceram. O óbito ocorreu em dez recém-nascidos com lesões neurológica graves (quatro leucomalácias periventriculares, cinco hemorragias peri e intraventriculares), e somente um com hérnia diafragmática não apresentava outras lesões ao US transfontanelar. Conclusões: as características dos CSE não diferiram quando esses estavam associados a outras lesões. O nítido predomínio no lado esquerdo sugere uma etiologia vascular. Foi encontrada uma alta taxa de malformações associadas, alertando para a possibilidade de uma etiologia malformativa. Ambas hipóteses sugerem um desvio de desenvolvimento, e não de uma fetopatia viral.


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We use a tight-binding formulation to investigate the transmissivity and the currentvoltage (I_V) characteristics of sequences of double-strand DNA molecules. In order to reveal the relevance of the underlying correlations in the nucleotides distribution, we compare theresults for the genomic DNA sequence with those of arti_cial sequences (the long-range correlated Fibonacci and RudinShapiro one) and a random sequence, which is a kind of prototype of a short-range correlated system. The random sequence is presented here with the same _rst neighbors pair correlations of the human DNA sequence. We found that the long-range character of the correlations is important to the transmissivity spectra, although the I_V curves seem to be mostly inuenced by the short-range correlations. We also analyze in this work the electronic and thermal properties along an _-helix sequence obtained from an _3 peptide which has the uni-dimensional sequence (Leu-Glu-Thr- Leu-Ala-Lys-Ala)3. An ab initio quantum chemical calculation procedure is used to obtain the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) as well as their charge transfer integrals, when the _-helix sequence forms two di_erent variants with (the so-called 5Q variant) and without (the 7Q variant) _brous assemblies that can be observed by transmission electron microscopy. The di_erence between the two structures is that the 5Q (7Q) structure have Ala ! Gln substitution at the 5th (7th) position, respectively. We estimate theoretically the density of states as well as the electronic transmission spectra for the peptides using a tight-binding Hamiltonian model together with the Dyson's equation. Besides, we solve the time dependent Schrodinger equation to compute the spread of an initially localized wave-packet. We also compute the localization length in the _nite _-helix segment and the quantum especi_c heat. Keeping in mind that _brous protein can be associated with diseases, the important di_erences observed in the present vi electronic transport studies encourage us to suggest this method as a molecular diagnostic tool


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Objetivo: estudar a validade da prova de trabalho de parto (PTP) em gestantes com uma cesárea anterior. Métodos: estudo retrospectivo, tipo coorte, incluindo 438 gestantes com uma cesárea anterior ao parto em estudo e seus 450 recém-nascidos (RN), divididas em dois grupos - com e sem PTP. O tamanho amostral mínimo foi de 121 gestantes/grupo. Considerou-se variável independente a PTP e as dependentes relacionaram-se à ocorrência de parto vaginal e à freqüência de complicações maternas e perinatais. Foram efetuadas análises uni e multivariada, respectivamente. A comparação entre as freqüências (%) foi analisada pelo teste do qui-quadrado (chi²) com significância de 5% e regressão logística com cálculo do odds ratio (OR) e do intervalo de confiança a 95% (IC95%). Resultados: a PTP associou-se a 59,2% de partos vaginais. Foi menos indicada nas gestantes com mais de 40 anos (2,7% vs 6,5%) e nas portadoras de doenças associadas e complicações da gravidez: síndromes hipertensivas (7,0%) e hemorragias de 3º trimestre (0,3%). A PTP não se relacionou às complicações maternas e perinatais. As gestantes que tiveram o parto por cesárea, independente da PTP, apresentaram maior risco de complicações puerperais (OR = 3,53; IC95% = 1,57-7,93). A taxa de mortalidade perinatal foi dependente do peso do RN e das malformações fetais e não se relacionou à PTP. Ao contrário, as complicações respiratórias foram mais freqüentes nos RN de mães não testadas quanto à PTP (OR = 1,92; IC95% = 1,20-3,07). Conclusões: os resultados comprovaram que a PTP em gestantes com uma cesárea anterior é estratégia segura - favoreceu o parto vaginal em 59,2% dos casos e não interferiu com a morbimortalidade materna e perinatal. Portanto, é recurso que deve ser estimulado.