991 resultados para Tierra del Fuego (Argentina and Chile)
Este proyecto involucró el diseño de una herramienta de evaluación de la gestión para la Fundación Surcos, su construcción se llevó a cabo teniendo en cuenta las características de la fundación, y en general de las empresas del denominado Tercer Sector. Este sector, sin generalizar, se ha caracterizado por contar con gerentes o directivos a quienes les falta la capacitación formal necesaria para asumir la conducción de una organización de este tipo. Es común encontrar que muchos de ellos son movidos por su compromiso social y vocación de ayuda, pero desafortunadamente su perfil es diferente al requerido para ejercer la gestión y los retos que esta conlleva. En ese orden de ideas, la herramienta propuesta se formuló pensando en que su aplicación sea sencilla, comprensible y se alimente de los conocimientos prácticos que estas personas tengan de su organización. El desarrollo del trabajo, contempló la revisión del concepto de gestión, las implicaciones de la evaluación en una organización y algunos modelos de evaluación de la gestión, que sirvieron de referente para la construcción de la herramienta
En el presente trabajo de grado, estudiaremos la utilidad de la Consulta Previa como instrumento político, a partir del análisis del proceso adelantado entre el Resguardo Santa Teresita del Tuparro y la Petrolera BHP Billiton en el año 2010, en el municipio de Cumaribo, Vichada, identificando si existen fortalezas y buenas prácticas que permitan equilibrar el interés general y el de las minorías, en beneficio de la gobernabilidad dentro del contexto colombiano. Para cumplir con el objetivo descrito, haremos un análisis de los diferentes roles de los actores involucrados en el presente estudio de caso, desde los conceptos de legitimidad y representatividad y analizaremos si la Consulta Previa adelantada de manera idónea, mediante la aplicación de principios como buena fe, transparencia, comunicación asertiva, y reconocimiento mutuo entre los actores, puede ser una herramienta eficaz, dentro de la democracia participativa.
El propósito de este artículo es el femicidio considerado como un delito por razones de género. Ofrece un análisis feminista de las dimensiones conceptuales del tipo penal; incluye los principales argumentos explorados en América Latina, examina diferentes aspectos defendidos por feministas y activistas del movimiento de mujeres, tiene en cuenta algunas reacciones desencadenadas por la tipificación y considera la estructura general del delito tal como ha sido aprobado en seis países: Costa Rica (ley especial, 2007), Guatemala (ley especial, 2008), México (ley general, 2007), El Salvador (ley especial e integral, 2010), Colombia y Chile (reformas del código penal, 2008 y 2010). Este studio es muy importante porque los asuntos penales, además de generar diferentes debates a nivel judicial y legislativo han abierto nuevas vías para continuar la investigación crítica de esta expresión extrema de las violencias de género que atacan los cuerpos de las mujeres y menoscaban el derecho a vivir una vida libre de violencias.
Possession and property are two different sides of the same coin. The two institutions have the same axis: the benefit, mainly economic, of a good. In countries like Colombia and Peru, important reforms have been introduced whose main effect has been the following one: the approach to these two institutions. In this article we will speak of these two institutions, today more than ever, connected.
Smoking-related pictures and matched controls are useful tools in experimental tasks of attentional bias. Noteworthy the procedures used to produce and validate these pairs of pictures are poorly reported. This study aimed to describe the production and evidence of validity of a set of smoking-related pictures and their matched controls. Two studies were conducted to assess validity. An online internet-based survey was used to assess face validity of 12 pictures related to smoking behavior and 12 matched controls. All pictures were colored and were 95mm length x 130mm width. Participants were asked if the pictures were related or not to the smoking behavior and also rated how much each picture was related to smoking behavior. The second study investigated attentional bias in smokers (n = 47) and non-smokers (n = 50), and examined how they assessed all pictures in terms of pleasantness and the 12 smoking-related pictures in terms of relevance to their own smoking behavior. Craving was assessed before and after the experiment. Results indicate that this set of pictures are valid since smoking-related pictures were considered more related to smoking behavior compared to their matched controls. Moreover, smokers showed greater attentional bias for smoking-related pictures than non-smokers. Craving and relevance of the smoking-related pictures were higher in smokers than in non-smokers. Smokers considered smoking-related pictures them less unpleasant than non-smokers. These findings provide evidence of face and content validity of this set of pictures, which will be available to researchers, contributing to maximize the standardization of future investigations.
The objectives of this study are: (a) to analyze if the relationship between parenting dimensions and children adjustment regarding coping strategies are similar in Argentinian and Spanish samples within poverty contexts; (b) to compare parental dimensions in the two groups studied, and (c) to determine the efficiency of parenting through the study of their influence in children coping strategies. The Graffar-Méndez Castellano Scale (Méndez-Castellano & Méndez, 1994), that brings a socioeconomic description of the population; an Argentinian Scale of Children Perception of Parental Relationships for 8 to 12 years of age (Richaud, 2007a), and the Argentine Questionnaire of Coping for children (Richaud, 2006) were administered to a sample of 458 Spanish and Argentinian children from 8 to 12 years old. Correlations were carried out to analyze the relationships between parenting dimensions and children coping strategies in both groups, and MANOVA, to study if there were different parental dimensions in the two groups —Argentina and Spain—, and to analyze if there were differences in children coping strategies. The results indicate that correlational pattern is similar in both groups, but parental dimensions are different for each culture, being the Argentinian parents more neglectful than Spanish parents. At the same time, Argentinian children adopt coping strategies less efficient that the Spanish children ones, involving in that way a greater emotional conflict.
This study aims to establish the stress and depression´s prevalence in informal primary caregivers of patients with bipolar affective disorder of the Clínica de Nuestra Señora de la Paz (Bogotá, Colombia). The sample consisted of 40 informal primary caregivers who were tested by several tools: a survey filter, a sociodemographic record, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Daily Stress Questionnaire. Results indicate that there is much more presence of depression than of daily stress in the sample.
This article presents a visual artist’s point of view about art. This view confronts the Eurocentric traditional cannon with some ignored, but valuable traditions, thus proposing a contra-canon. These ideas are examined on the light of a variety of sources, including prehistoric, pre-Columbian, and 20th century art expressions, in a variety of media, from sculpture to literature. Recent art expressions are characterized by their incorporation of minority values and perspectives that challenge “universal” views. Using samples of works from Latino and African American artists, the author shows that, even today, art is a means to know the world and its people, to exhibit personal life, to create personal symbolism, and to show one’s identity or the search for it. Like the human nature it represents, art has multiple faces.
This study examines the notion of permanent object during the first year of life, taking into account the controversy of two approaches about the nature of change: developmental change and cognitive change. Using a longitudinal/cross-sectional design, tasks adapted of the subscale of permanent object and operative causality of the Uzgiris-Hunt Scale (Uzgiris and Hunt, 1975) (Uzgiris & Hunt, 1975) were presented to 110 infants of 0, 3, 6 and 9 months-old, which reside in three cities of Colombia. The results showed three types of strategies: (a) Not resolution; (b) Exploratory and (c) Resolution, which follow different trajectories in children’s performance. This allows affirming that adaptive conquests of the cognitive development stay together with the variety of strategies. Using strategies reveals adjustments and transformations of action programs that consolidate the notion of permanent object not necessarily with age, but with self-regulatory processes. Empirical evidence contributes to the understanding of the relations between the emergence of novelty in the development and performance variability
Introducción: Conocer y diagnosticar las variaciones más frecuentes de la vasculatura renal es de gran importancia para la planificación de la nefrectomía laparoscópica en el donante y para la reconstrucción vascular en el trasplante renal. De igual forma, considerar las variaciones vasculares −especialmente las del sistema venoso− es indispensable en reconstrucción vascular debido a la gran proporción de variaciones venosas asociadas a aneurismas de la aorta abdominal; además, es ideal en el estudio de condiciones clínicas tales como el síndrome de congestión pélvica y la hematuria. Metodología: Se trata de una revisión de la bibliografía sobre la proporción, diagnóstico, procedimientos quirúrgicos y síndromes clínicos asociados a las variaciones de la vasculatura renal, basada en el material encontrado con la siguiente estrategia de búsqueda: “Renal Artery/abnormalities”[Mesh] OR Renal Veins/abnormalities”[Mesh] AND “surgery”[Mesh] OR “transplantation”[Mesh] OR “radiography”[Mesh] “Kidney Pelvis/abnormalities”[Mesh] AND “Kidney Pelvis/blood supply”[Mesh]. Esta estrategia se modificó de acuerdo con las bases de datos: MEDLINE/PubMed, MEDLINE OVID, SCIENCEDIRECT, HINARI y LILACS. Desarrollo: Se revisó el origen y los tipos más frecuentes de variaciones de la vasculatura renal. Se investigó sobre las implicaciones quirúrgicas y los síndromes clínicos asociados.
This article presents a reflection about the Disability like a human phenomenon, which needs not only new definitions if not a criticism point of view as a Concept, with the end of indicate representations forms not only for people with disabilities if not for the citizens in general. Considers discourses that identify arguments from social sciences, appearing the Disability like a differentiate condition between human beings, mainly for an exclusion process that announce social behaviors in relations with the persons with disabilities.
Purpose: there are many studies reporting the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation, but few of them exhibit the behavior and activities of these services. This article presents the characteristics of services, parts management and training level of team members, in addition to the variables or instruments used to measure the effectiveness and impact in these programs. Method: it was made a cross sectional convenience sample which included seven pulmonary rehabilitation services in four Colombian cities (Bogotá, Medellín, Manizales and Cali), selected by the coverage, for having at least one year of experience and for being formally established and recognized nationwide. The interdisciplinary team of each service answered a survey that was validated through a pilot test and expert consensus. Participation was voluntary. Results: labor onset pulmonary rehabilitation services correspond to an average of a decade, with COPD and asthma pathologies of attention. The programs are characterized by an outpatient treatment with an average duration of eight to twelve weeks, with a frequency of an hour three times a week. Also, the director of the service is regularly a pulmonologist and the coordinator a physiotherapist (57.14%). The posgradual training of these professionals is notable, and they report to have procedural, administrative and communicative skills, but qualify regular there research skills. The physical and technological resources are well tested. 71.42% have done impact studies, but only 28.57% have been published. All have in common training in upper limbs, lower limbs, respiratory muscles, counseling, functional assessment and quality of life. The effectiveness and impact of programs is measured by the walking test, quality of life questionnaires and activities of daily living.
Networks and RegionalCompetitiveness: Towards a Transaction Cost Approach of Small-Scale Cooperation
A preoccupation with competition often dominates the study of governance. A focus on competition often unnecessarily precludes the possibility that regional institutions can suspend competition in certain areas and facilitate cooperation among potential rivals, thereby potentially contributing to their mutual success. In many ways companies cooperating through these types of networks have a greater degree of flexibility than firms which are forced to rely solely on hierarchies or markets for solutions to their problems. In order to fully understand how such networks work, this article first parses out differences in definitions of networks in order to understand how the type of network mentioned above actually differs from other uses of this term. Then it develops a theory of governance that goes beyond hierarchies and markets by demonstrating how this type of network can lead to reductions in transaction costs. This claim is illustrated on hand from examples of alternative forms of organization in Germany and Italy.
La movilidad académica es un importante elemento para la internacionalización de la educación superior, pero requiere de una oferta educativa de calidad. Por tanto, es necesaria una adecuada administración y gestión que facilite a las instituciones educativas ser más competitivas y lograr, así, una integración latinoamericana en la educación superior. En consecuencia se analizan los conceptos de administración y gestión y se muestran las diferencias entre ellos, así como algunas estrategias de gestión que hay que considerar. También se presentan los programas de posgrado acreditados en el campo de la administración en Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Perú, lo que puede coadyuvar a la planeación de la oferta educativa en este campo del conocimiento a nivel nacional, y a establecer mecanismos alternativos para apoyar los procesos de movilidad académica.
Este artigo discute um tema complexo como é o planejamento urbano e que está passando por uma grande mudança no mundo revolucionado pela reestruturação da produção capitalista iniciada no fi nal do século XX. Esta análise permite uma série de recomendações: dar visibilidade a cidade real ou desconstruir a cidade virtual edifi cada pelo marketing urbano e interessesglobais, dar visibilidade aos confl itos, contruir reforma administrativa, capacitar agentes para o planejamento da ação, desenvolver reforma fundiária.