969 resultados para Territories


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Se os cronistas espanhóis inventaram paulatinamente o que viria a ser a América, como O' Gorman propôs, os cronistas portugueses da primeira metade do século XVI foram bem mais cautelosos na construção de uma identidade para os territórios do ultramar visitados por Colombo e por Cabral. Esses cronistas quinhentistas, com os olhos na Ásia, só tardiamente deixaram de pensar esse quase um outro mundo como lugar de passagem para pensá-lo como lugar de parada. Embora distanciando-se do tom de espanto que marca cartas e relatos utilizados como fontes e revelando uma preocupação em atribuir um lugar específico para a viagem de Cabral na construção da história portuguesa, as peripécias dos navegadores sobressaem às peculiaridades das terras e gentes que viriam futuramente a merecer dos seus congêneres uma atenção especial. Neste ensaio, o alvo visado é o lugar, na cronística portuguesa quinhentista, conferido a esses territórios de pouco prestígio, melhor, o lugar que lhe é concedido na memória portuguesa desses primeiros tempos.


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In this thesis I discuss the reproductive behaviour and ecology of the libellulid Diastatops obscura Fabricius, 1775, (Insecta: Odonata) in natural conditions. Populations of this species were studied on the middle stretch of the Pitimbu River, Parnamirim municipality, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, during four discontinuous periods between 2002 and 2004. The objectives include the description of strategies and behaviors of both sexes, with especial interest in the intra-male competition for territories and females, the mate selection by females and the importance of male body size and other secondary characters on their reproductive success; from an adaptationist point of view. It was observed that the behavior of males and females in the reproductive areas are interrelated : the males came earlier to compete for the best territories and the females waited the result of that competition to be fertilized by dominants males, which preferably occupied areas near the river margin. The reproductive success of males with territories on the margin, estimated by number of copulations, ovipositions and days acting as territorial, was better than obtained by more separated territorial males and by satellite males. The body size of males is an important factor for the copulation and oviposition taxes and for the number of territorial days, favoring the biggest individuals. I also discuss the apparently importance of wing brilliance and wing integrity on male reproductive success. On inter-sexual relationships, I proved that females of D. obscura participate in mate selection, rejecting non-territorial males or substituting their sperm for other of higher status


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The use of habitat is an important part of a species biology. One resource of great importance for the survivor and reproduction of an individual is the food resource. Thus, the social interactions an animal has during the feeding activities are of extremely importance within its behavioral aspects, which represents the part of an organism trough which it interacts with the environment, adapting to changes and variations. Herons are known to form feeding aggregations of even more than thousands of individuals, in which social components of foraging have been identified and studied for several species. More profound studies of these aspects are yet to poor for the Little Blue Heron, Egretta caerulea. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the social behavior (display postures, vocalizations and co-specific interactions) and the territoriality of the specie during the feeding period in an area of mud bank in the estuarine system of Cananéia, south coast of São Paulo state, Brazil. The defense of a fixed and exclusive area, closest to the mangrove, trough expulsion was observed; some thing that have not yet been registered with concrete data for the specie. Higher capture and success rates, and lower investment rates (steps/min and stabs/min) were registered for individuals foraging in areas corresponding to the defended territory. This could be one of possible reasons for the establishment of territories in the area. Four display postures were registered for the specie, two of then new in the literature, which are used in the interactions between individuals; one vocalization, that apparently is important in the social context of foraging for the specie and, possibly, has a function of advertising and proclaiming the dominance position of the territorial individual within the group. A territorial individual uses three behaviors, of the ones described: expulsion, vocalization and encounter (agonistic encounter between individuals, without physical aggression). Of these, the expulsion is apparently used in the actual defense, actively; while the other two behaviors are used in a more passive way, in the maintenance of the dominance position of the individual, helping it in the defense of its territory in a less direct manner. Therefore, with the results presented in here, new components of the social utilization of the feeding resource for the Little Blue Heron were identified, incorporating aspects of the territorial behavior for a future understanding of its possible adaptive significance. And it also reinforces the importance of the social interactions of herons foraging in great aggregations, in areas ecologically important


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This study presents an approach to tourism activity from the perspective of the territory, analyzing the importance of the roles of the State and public policies for tourism development. Tourism in the northeastern region of Brazil begins to take its rise from the late 1970 through public policies, whose goal was to provide the necessary conditions for tourism development. The tourism public policies were the key elements in the production process of tourist territories in the region. In the state of Paraíba, the public authorities elected the coastline as the main attraction and the state capital, João Pessoa, as the locus for the tourism development, with the city receiving a series of public policies. In this context, this research aims to analyze the development process of three specific public policies for tourism development in João Pessoa: The (mega)Projeto Costa do Sol (1988), the PRODETUR/PB I and II (1997 e 2005) and the Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento do Turismo na Paraíba, the Plano Amanhecer (2000). This study was guided by the question that even having been contemplated by the tourism public policies, João Pessoa still remains in a peripheral position in the regional tourism market. The methodological procedures for this study were literature and documents research and semi-structured interviews with tourism public officials and representatives from local tourism trade. The research came to prove that the discontinuity between governmental administrations hampered the implementation process of the tourism public policies studied. It was observed that the implementation of tourism public policies in the long term depends on the interaction between governments, as well as the collective political will to develop tourism in Joao Pessoa


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The research Reforma Agrária de Mercado e Territorialização: um estudo a partir do Programa Cédula da Terra em Canindé-Ce , has an objective to discuss until whas time denominated agrarium refom has capacity of territory the of families in Five from the seven settlements cmated by resourles from the prgramme cell of earth em Canindé-Ce. In this context, the present work analysis the relation sitip between power and kind of identity, in special in those settlements, trying to learn the dialetic relationship. That passes by the process and appropriation in these spaces by these families gave the beginning of buying the land. The procedure methologic used by us gave privilege to realize the interview included in this process, wita the leaders of rural associations (STR); commission clero of earth (CPT); rural workers movement without land (MST); wita agricolas tecnics, and so the local coordinators of cell of earth in Fortaleza. The analysis of agrarium reform in Canindé, infects that the families giving entrance in buying the land, they could creatieg a hope in quality of life for getting the land. Nevertheless, it did not happen, in the rost of the parts of the areas in study. The territories present in general focus, the worse process of poomest besides the amount of debiths of these families, putting in risk the territorialization of themselves


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Since the second semester of 2004, the first refugees guided by ACNUR arrived at Potiguar s territory. Then we follow closely, with other local actors, the implementation and development of this innovative action, namely the resettlement of those refugees in Rio Grande do Norte. To accomplish this, we consider the concepts of territory, dispossession, repossession and international migration. The state of Rio Grande do Norte is a pioneer in the Northeast, in this type of action, since, before this experience, just Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo were engaged in this kind of action. Therefore, this paper analyzes the process of resettlement of refugees, fulfilled in Rio Grande do Norte, between 2004 and 2005. The research broaches the regards that resulted in departure of these refugees from their respective territories (Colombia and Palestine) as well as the characteristics and prospects of the areas that hosted the refugees (Natal, Lajes e Poço Branco). Finally, the work deals with the results achieved afield, through interviews and photographic record, near by refugees


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In the norte-rio-grandense backwoods is possible to join to the power forms both political and economical ones, religious groups keeping under your control areas, people and flow of them, as well as settling new places of acts. That control refers to a field of power delimited by space, in other words, it refers to a territory marked and planned to reproductive intentions on the space. In relation to the religious pluralism, the Assembly of God church, in your territorial dynamics, has been standing out by the strategies of delimitation and space increase which by a constant territorial division process (1943-2010) managed to widen material and symbolic scale of its power for all cities of the Rio Grande do Norte backwoods. The Assembly of God church as the greatest Pentecostal denomination of Brazil was formed in the Rio Grande do Norte Seridó, following a ecclesiastical and governmental model divided into three ecclesiastical fields hosted in those following cities: Caicó, Currais Novos and Parelhas. Those headquarters interlink a limited number of churches through normative codes, which they express a functional dimension (bureaucratic) and in another symbolic one (charismatic) in an only field of territorial control. In this manner, the maintenance of the territorial power in the Assembly of God church is done by a charismatic-bureaucratic administration, expressed in the interdependent of material and abstract mechanisms. The believers permanent contact toward those mechanisms of institutional control revealed territorial identities which causes a feeling of property of the believer as much to the Pentecostal belief system as to community of the Assembly of God church. Considering new possibilities of articulation of the Rio Grande do Norte backwoods towards others territories more multiple, culturally, noticed cultural adjustments and revaluation at themselves. In relation to the territory of the Assembly of God church this one has exposed itself defensive faced with that cultural hybridization tendency, resisting a closer dialogue to new symbolic elements, mainly those came from the multifaceted neo-pentecostal movement. Unlike more open and flexible churches towards others significant systems, The Assembly of God church tries to reinforce the boundaries of its territory considering by the orthodoxy of its routine and customs


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The work present entitled the participation of resident in the production process of the tourist territory in Canoa Quebrada/CE has as objective analyse of which form the site population participates of the manufacturing process and appropriation of the territory s tourist Canoa Quebrada CE , in period undestood between from 1980 to the present day. The theoretical variable about which rest this search is the concept the territory expressed in the manifested in the process deterritorialization that always appears in conjuction whith the reconstruction of territories, in other words, the process of repossession. The migratory movement of new residents acts in the new sociospatial configuration that location, form new territoriality and (de) territorializing in space turistificado reflected dialectically through the emergence of a new sociospatial setting consisting of forms and images expressed physically in place.Finish the job showing that the participation of resident native and nonnative in the production process of the tourist territory in Canoa Quebrada occurred unevenly characterized by dominance of a small group, who has control of the practice of this activity, thus appears that tourism can be tendentious, since a large portion of the population does not benefit from their results, having a exclusion with various impacts that directly affect the everyday social population


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The study done has as objective the comprehension of the constructed territorial spaces through the commercial perspective, because it is a social practice which enables the dynamic of the space and the appearing of territories. Related to the territory, we emphasized the interest for the idea of used territory treated by Milton Santos, because we agreed with him believing that is the use of the territory which warrants its legitimacy. Then, the spatial dimension chose concentrates itself into the district of Alecrim, localized at the east zone of Natal/RN, where it is recognized by its strong commercial dynamic which was built during years, facing some events which happened in the context of the city. However, this dynamic counts with a hard dichotomy which involves as the considered by the State formal activities, as the informal one. About the commerce of the district, it has characteristics into its activities whose make him to be considered popular, as by the existing products, as by the strong presence of informal workers that constitutes the district s landscape. The informal workers practice expresses one of the multiples constructed alternative territorialities. We believe that this fact has direct relation with the growing process of the exclusion from the formal jobs market. Still talking about the spatial dimension, this real example of the Alecrim district shows how the techniques changes, together with the capitalism process, may influence one entire spatial dynamic across years, involving many agents, since the transient people from somewhere, until the State. Shall the Geography understand the multiple forms from the space, face to the relations that occur into it and also how new territories have been built


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The genesis of the research emerges from reflection about the space dynamics of the capital and to the capital. The expansion and the incorporation of territory for capital reveal, in part, strategies of the capitalism production way, which shows the search for accumulation conditions, expanding the alternatives of territory use that is, nowadays, selective and uneven. The present work verified the mechanisms where the capital imposes its practices through the agrarian structure and the valuation of land market, meaning, in our knowledge, that the reproduction of inequalities is showed, many times, by the wide land speculation and the fast land valuation. For this, the snip space will be the Sibaúma community, belonging to Tibau do Sul district, located in Rio Grande do Norte state. It‟s a rural area that has, gradually, changing through the advent of urban characteristics, given the association of public and private investments, both domestic and international. Through the empirical observations, inside the Sibaúma community, it was found expansion strategies, incorporation and appropriation of territory by capital. As a result of this practice, it‟s occurring the land valuation and the presence of a process of socio-spatial segregation, through the encouraging the opening of new subdivisions, mainly for construction of second homes and tourism enterprises in order to meet the demand of a higher socioeconomic level. The areas still available in Sibaúma, constitute into a reserve of value for the achievement of capitalist rent, being a mechanism of capital reproduction. In this way, to studying the socio-spatial transformations, caused by spatial valuation, we turn to the project of social space designed by Santos(2006), from the perspective of capitalist production of space, by understanding the historical process of formation, the mechanisms and the actions of social actors that produce and consume space


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The present work is a study on the functions performed by landmarks landscape Natal / RN in the urban fabric, in the case of Midway Mall, the Portico dos Reis Magos, the Morro do Careca and Newton Navarro Bridge. For such goals established itself as analyze the functionality of the milestones presented here in the urban fabric; discuss the importance of these landmarks of the city landscape in the process of urbanization of Natal, and identify and spatialize actions related to the use of territories where are located landmarks, discussing their reflections. To achieve these goals we chose to use as a literature search procedures, the problematic concept, working with oral sources, and reading speechless. To support this research the main concepts were worked landscape, city, landmark, public space, circuits, among others. After going over the theory, consistent with the empirical data, it appears that the landmarks studied here have different functions and features, but all carry different forms of fascination for the public and visitors to the city, and every man your way, influence the public space, land speculation and feature importance in the process of urbanization of Natal


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The city, with all its complexity, is marked by the different uses that emerge and give the current composition of its forms, functions, processes and structures (SANTOS, 2008). These uses are responsible for defining the territoriality that engender public squares, especially from the projection of the practices of sociability and pleasure experienced by social groups and urban households, giving rise to the emergence of agreements and conflicts, especially when the public sphere and negotiates a private residence in the same territory. Thus, from analyzes performed in the public squares of the city of Caico / RN in the current context, did a survey of territorialities undertaken by these groups and social aggregates. These squares were seized territories while public use, but marked by the presence of private, becoming as important elements of the urban space caicoense


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The parasite Schistosoma mansoni lacks the de novo pathway for purine biosynthesis and depends on salvage pathways for its purine requirements. Schistosomiasis is endemic in 76 countries and territories and amongst the parasitic diseases ranks second after malaria in terms of social and economic impact and public health importance. The PNP is an attractive target for drug design and it has been submitted to extensive structure-based design. The atomic coordinates of the complex of human PNP with inosine were used as template for starting the modeling of PNP from S. mansoni complexed with inosine. Here we describe the model for the complex SmPNP-inosine and correlate the structure with differences in the affinity for inosine presented by human and S. mansoni PNPs. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Caste polyethism has been recorded in some termite species, however the foraging behavior of subterranean termites remains poorly known. Heterotermes tenuis Hagen (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) is a subterranean termite that is native to Brazil and is an agricultural and urban pest. The aim of this study was to investigate which caste acts as scouts when searching for food sources and determinate the percentages of each caste present in the foraging territories of field colonies of H. tenuis. Our results showed no significant differences among the caste proportions present in the foraging territories of the three colonies studied in the field. Laboratory experiments showed that minor soldiers were the most frequent initiators of foraging activities. This result suggests that the exploratory phase of the foraging behavior may be regulated by the number of soldiers present in the foraging territories of each colony.