825 resultados para Task-Based Instruction (TBI)
Forskning visar att avvikande sexuell preferens (ASP) är en av de mest centrala prediktorerna för återfall i sexualbrott. Eftersom det är viktigt att det i juridiskt beslutsfattande och behandling av sexualförbrytare finns valida och standardiserade verktyg att tillgå för bedömning av ASP, har forskningen under de senaste åren fokuserats på uppmärksamhetsbaserade metoder. Syftet med avhandlingen var att förbättra uppmärksamhetsbaserade metoder genom utvecklingen av en s.k. Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (dtRSVP) metod för att identifiera ASP. Innan vi testade sampel med sexualbrottslingar så genomförde vi tre studier för att kalibrera förfarandena. I dessa studier undersökte vi möjligheten att differentiera mellan homosexuella och heterosexuella män och hur enkelt deltagarna kunde fuska. Dessutom skapade vi en ny uppsättning standardiserade stimuli för bedömningen av pedofilt sexuellt intresse (Virtual People Set, VPS). I skapandet av stimuli togs de etiska och juridiska problemen i beaktande så långt som möjligt. När vi använde dtRSVP som mätningsförfarande för att skilja åt sexuellläggning i ett sampel av homosexuella och heterosexuella män fann vi att sexuellt relevanta stimuli påverkade informationsbehandlingen på ett förutsägbart sätt. Förfarandet hade en god förmåga att skilja sexuella preferenser mellan grupperna och förfarandet var svårt att påverka genom att fuska. När vi använde dtRSVP som mätningsförfarande för att identifiera avvikande sexuell läggning bland dömda sexbrottslingar fann vi att de visade en annorlunda bearbetning av sexuella stimuli jämfört med andra deltagare och att dessa skillnader var i de förväntade riktningarna. Det var däremot svårt att dra några slutsatser angående denna mätmetods förmåga att skilja mellan grupperna pedofiler och icke-pedofiler. Slutligen fann vi att VPS verkar vara ett användbart stimuluspaket för experimentell forskning om pedofilt sexuellt intresse. ---------------------------------------------------- Tutkimuksien mukaan poikkeava seksuaalinen mieltymys (PSM) on yksi seksuaalirikoksen uusimisen keskeisimmistä ennustajista. Oikeudellisessa päätöksenteossa ja seksuaalirikollisten hoidossa on tärkeää, että on käytettävissä kelvollisia ja standardisoituja välineitä PSM:n arvioinnissa. Sen vuoksi on tutkimuksissa viime vuosina keskitytty huomaavaisuuteen perustuviin menetelmiin. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus oli parantaa huomaavaisuuteen perustuvia menetelmiä kehittämällä nk. Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (dtRSVP) menetelmän. Kalibroidakseen menettelytapoja suoritettiin kolme tutkimusta ennen kuin tutkittiin koeryhmää, johon kuuluvat seksuaalirikollisia. Näissä tutkimuksissa tutkittiin mahdollisuutta erotella homoseksuaalisia ja heteroseksuaalisia miehiä ja tutkittiin missä määrin osallistujien oli helppo huiputtaa. Sen lisäksi, pedofiilisen seksuaalisen mieltymyksen arviointia varten kehitettiin uutta sarjaa standardisoituja virikkeitä (Virtual People Set, VPS). Kehitettäessä virikkeitä otettiin mahdollisimman pitkälti huomioon eettisiä ja oikeudellisia ongelmia. Käytettäessä dtRSVP mittausmenetelmää erotellakseen homo- ja heteroseksuaalista suuntautumista havaitsimme, että seksuaaliset virikkeet vaikuttivat tietojenkäsittelyyn ennustettavalla tavalla. Menettelytavan avulla pystyttiin erotella koeryhmässä olevia seksuaalisia mieltymyksiä ja menettelytapaan oli vaikeaa vaikuttaa huijaamalla. Käytettäessä dtRSVP mittausmenetelmää tunnistaakseen poikkeavaa seksuaalista mieltymystä tuomittujen seksuaalirikollisten keskenään havaitsimme, että he osoittivat erilaista käsittelyä seksuaalisista virikkeistä toisiin osallistujiin verrattuna ja tulokset olivat ennustettavia. Silti oli vaikeaa tehdä johtopäätöksiä mittausmenetelmän kyvystä erotella ryhmiä pedofiilisiä ja ei-pedofiilisiä miehiä. Lopuksi havaitsimme, että VPS näyttää olevan käyttökelpoinen stimulussarja pedofiilisen seksuaalisen mieltymyksen kokeellisissa tutkimuksissa.
International audience
The immune system is a complex biological system with a highly distributed, adaptive and self-organising nature. This paper presents an Artificial Immune System (AIS) that exploits some of these characteristics and is applied to the task of film recommendation by Collaborative Filtering (CF). Natural evolution and in particular the immune system have not been designed for classical optimisation. However, for this problem, we are not interested in finding a single optimum. Rather we intend to identify a sub-set of good matches on which recommendations can be based. It is our hypothesis that an AIS built on two central aspects of the biological immune system will be an ideal candidate to achieve this: Antigen-antibody interaction for matching and idiotypic antibody-antibody interaction for diversity. Computational results are presented in support of this conjecture and compared to those found by other CF techniques.
Human operators are unique in their decision making capability, judgment and nondeterminism. Their sense of judgment, unpredictable decision procedures, susceptibility to environmental elements can cause them to erroneously execute a given task description to operate a computer system. Usually, a computer system is protected against some erroneous human behaviors by having necessary safeguard mechanisms in place. But some erroneous human operator behaviors can lead to severe or even fatal consequences especially in safety critical systems. A generalized methodology that can allow modeling and analyzing the interactions between computer systems and human operators where the operators are allowed to deviate from their prescribed behaviors will provide a formal understanding of the robustness of a computer system against possible aberrant behaviors by its human operators. We provide several methodology for assisting in modeling and analyzing human behaviors exhibited while operating computer systems. Every human operator is usually given a specific recommended set of guidelines for operating a system. We first present process algebraic methodology for modeling and verifying recommended human task execution behavior. We present how one can perform runtime monitoring of a computer system being operated by a human operator for checking violation of temporal safety properties. We consider the concept of a protection envelope giving a wider class of behaviors than those strictly prescribed by a human task that can be tolerated by a system. We then provide a framework for determining whether a computer system can maintain its guarantees if the human operators operate within their protection envelopes. This framework also helps to determine the robustness of the computer system under weakening of the protection envelopes. In this regard, we present a tool called Tutela that assists in implementing the framework. We then examine the ability of a system to remain safe under broad classes of variations of the prescribed human task. We develop a framework for addressing two issues. The first issue is: given a human task specification and a protection envelope, will the protection envelope properties still hold under standard erroneous executions of that task by the human operators? In other words how robust is the protection envelope? The second issue is: in the absence of a protection envelope, can we approximate a protection envelope encompassing those standard erroneous human behaviors that can be safely endured by the system? We present an extension of Tutela that implements this framework. The two frameworks mentioned above use Concurrent Game Structures (CGS) as models for both computer systems and their human operators. However, there are some shortcomings of this formalism for our uses. We add incomplete information concepts in CGSs to achieve better modularity for the players. We introduce nondeterminism in both the transition system and strategies of players and in the modeling of human operators and computer systems. Nondeterministic action strategies for players in \emph{i}ncomplete information \emph{N}ondeterministic CGS (iNCGS) is a more precise formalism for modeling human behaviors exhibited while operating a computer system. We show how we can reason about a human behavior satisfying a guarantee by providing a semantics of Alternating Time Temporal Logic based on iNCGS player strategies. In a nutshell this dissertation provides formal methodology for modeling and analyzing system robustness against both expected and erroneous human operator behaviors.
Abstract-The immune system is a complex biological system with a highly distributed, adaptive and self-organising nature. This paper presents an artificial immune system (AIS) that exploits some of these characteristics and is applied to the task of film recommendation by collaborative filtering (CF). Natural evolution and in particular the immune system have not been designed for classical optimisation. However, for this problem, we are not interested in finding a single optimum. Rather we intend to identify a sub-set of good matches on which recommendations can be based. It is our hypothesis that an AIS built on two central aspects of the biological immune system will be an ideal candidate to achieve this: Antigen - antibody interaction for matching and antibody - antibody interaction for diversity. Computational results are presented in support of this conjecture and compared to those found by other CF techniques.
The immune system is a complex biological system with a highly distributed, adaptive and self-organising nature. This paper presents an artificial immune system (AIS) that exploits some of these characteristics and is applied to the task of film recommendation by collaborative filtering (CF). Natural evolution and in particular the immune system have not been designed for classical optimisation. However, for this problem, we are not interested in finding a single optimum. Rather we intend to identify a sub-set of good matches on which recommendations can be based. It is our hypothesis that an AIS built on two central aspects of the biological immune system will be an ideal candidate to achieve this: Antigen - antibody interaction for matching and antibody - antibody interaction for diversity. Computational results are presented in support of this conjecture and compared to those found by other CF techniques. Notes: Uwe Aickelin, University of the West of England, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS16 1QY, UK
Abstract : CEGEPs are now reaping the ‘first fruits’ of the last Educational Reform in Quebec and as a result, ‘English as Second Language’ (ESL) teachers are noticing an improvement in fluency and a seemingly lower level of inhibition when it comes to production skills. However, this output is accompanied by a noticeable lack of accuracy. Keeping in mind that the purpose of language is communication, we need to find a way to reduce the number of basic common errors made by CEGEP ESL students, while maintaining a natural and motivating learning environment. Thanks to recent advances in computer-mediated communication (CMC), we now have the necessary tools to access peer native speakers throughout the world. Although this technology can be used for other language courses, this study explored the potential value of collaboration with native English speakers through the use of synchronous screen-sharing technology, in order to improve CEGEP ESL students’ accuracy in writing. The instrumentation used consisted of a questionnaire, tests, plus documents of collaborative tasks, using the ‘Google for Education’ screen-sharing tool. Fourteen Intermediate/Advanced ESL CEGEP students participated in this study. Despite the positive tendencies revealed, only a prolonged use of the innovative method yielded a significant positive impact. Moreover, a mixed linear regression for the group with more L1 intervention revealed a significant correlation between the number of errors in the task documents and the number of tasks accomplished. Thus, it could be inferred that ESL accuracy improves in proportion to the number of synchronous text-based screen-sharing tasks done with L1 collaboration.
The immune system is a complex biological system with a highly distributed, adaptive and self-organising nature. This paper presents an Artificial Immune System (AIS) that exploits some of these characteristics and is applied to the task of film recommendation by Collaborative Filtering (CF). Natural evolution and in particular the immune system have not been designed for classical optimisation. However, for this problem, we are not interested in finding a single optimum. Rather we intend to identify a sub-set of good matches on which recommendations can be based. It is our hypothesis that an AIS built on two central aspects of the biological immune system will be an ideal candidate to achieve this: Antigen-antibody interaction for matching and idiotypic antibody-antibody interaction for diversity. Computational results are presented in support of this conjecture and compared to those found by other CF techniques.
Los sistemas de respuesta activa tienen por objetivo ejecutar una respuesta en contra de una intrusión de forma automática. Sin embargo, ejecutar una respuesta automáticamente no es una tarea trivial ya que el costo de ejecutar una respuesta podría ser más grande que el efecto que cause la intrusión propiamente dicha. También, el sistema debe contar con un amplio conjunto de acciones de respuesta y un algoritmo que seleccione la respuesta óptima. Este artículo propone un toolkit de respuestas que será integrado a un IRS basado en Ontologías para permitir la ejecución automática de la mejor respuesta cuando una intrusión es detectada. Se presenta un conjunto de respuestas basadas en host y basadas en red que pueden ser ejecutadas por el IRS, dicha ejecución es llevada a cabo mediante agentes basados en plugins que han sido distribuidos en la red. Finalmente, se realiza la verificación del sistema propuesto, tomando como caso de uso un ataque de defacement obteniéndose resultados satisfactorios.
Perspective taking is a crucial ability that guides our social interactions. In this study, we show how the specific patterns of errors of brain-damaged patients in perspective taking tasks can help us further understand the factors contributing to perspective taking abilities. Previous work (e.g., Samson, Apperly, Chiavarino, & Humphreys, 2004; Samson, Apperly, Kathirgamanathan, & Humphreys, 2005) distinguished two components of perspective taking: the ability to inhibit our own perspective and the ability to infer someone else’s perspective. We assessed these components using a new nonverbal false belief task which provided different response options to detect three types of response strategies that participants might be using: a complete and spared belief reasoning strategy, a reality-based response selection strategy in which participants respond from their own perspective, and a simplified mentalising strategy in which participants avoid responding from their own perspective but rely on inaccurate cues to infer the other person’s belief. One patient, with a self-perspective inhibition deficit, almost always used the reality-based response strategy; in contrast, the other patient, with a deficit in taking other perspectives, tended to use the simplified mentalising strategy without necessarily transposing her own perspective. We discuss the extent to which the pattern of performance of both patients could relate to their executive function deficit and how it can inform us on the cognitive and neural components involved in belief reasoning.
Les enfants d’âge préscolaire (≤ 5 ans) sont plus à risque de subir un traumatisme crânio-cérébral (TCC) que les enfants plus agés, et 90% de ces TCC sont de sévérité légère (TCCL). De nombreuses études publiées dans les deux dernières décennies démontrent que le TCCL pédiatrique peut engendrer des difficultés cognitives, comportementales et psychiatriques en phase aigüe qui, chez certains enfants, peuvent perdurer à long terme. Il existe une littérature florissante concernant l'impact du TCCL sur le fonctionnement social et sur la cognition sociale (les processus cognitifs qui sous-tendent la socialisation) chez les enfants d'âge scolaire et les adolescents. Or, seulement deux études ont examiné l'impact d'un TCCL à l'âge préscolaire sur le développement social et aucune étude ne s'est penchée sur les répercussions socio-cognitives d'un TCCL précoce (à l’âge préscolaire). L'objectif de la présente thèse était donc d'étudier les conséquences du TCCL en bas âge sur la cognition sociale. Pour ce faire, nous avons examiné un aspect de la cognition sociale qui est en plein essor à cet âge, soit la théorie de l'esprit (TE), qui réfère à la capacité de se mettre à la place d'autrui et de comprendre sa perspective. Le premier article avait pour but d'étudier deux sous-composantes de la TE, soit la compréhension des fausses croyances et le raisonnement des désirs et des émotions d'autrui, six mois post-TCCL. Les résultats indiquent que les enfants d'âge préscolaire (18 à 60 mois) qui subissent un TCCL ont une TE significativement moins bonne 6 mois post-TCCL comparativement à un groupe contrôle d'enfants n'ayant subi aucune blessure. Le deuxième article visait à éclaircir l'origine de la diminution de la TE suite à un TCCL précoce. Cet objectif découle du débat qui existe actuellement dans la littérature. En effet, plusieurs scientifiques sont d'avis que l'on peut conclure à un effet découlant de la blessure au cerveau seulement lorsque les enfants ayant subi un TCCL sont comparés à des enfants ayant subi une blessure n'impliquant pas la tête (p.ex., une blessure orthopédique). Cet argument est fondé sur des études qui démontrent qu'en général, les enfants qui sont plus susceptibles de subir une blessure, peu importe la nature de celle-ci, ont des caractéristiques cognitives pré-existantes (p.ex. impulsivité, difficultés attentionnelles). Il s'avère donc possible que les difficultés que nous croyons attribuables à la blessure cérébrale étaient présentes avant même que l'enfant ne subisse un TCCL. Dans cette deuxième étude, nous avons donc comparé les performances aux tâches de TE d'enfants ayant subi un TCCL à ceux d'enfants appartenant à deux groupes contrôles, soit des enfants n'ayant subi aucune blessure et à des pairs ayant subi une blessure orthopédique. De façon générale, les enfants ayant subi un TCCL ont obtenu des performances significativement plus faibles à la tâche évaluant le raisonnement des désirs et des émotions d'autrui, 6 mois post-blessure, comparativement aux deux groupes contrôles. Cette étude visait également à examiner l'évolution de la TE suite à un TCCL, soit de 6 mois à 18 mois post-blessure. Les résultats démontrent que les moindres performances sont maintenues 18 mois post-TCCL. Enfin, le troisième but de cette étude était d’investiguer s’il existe un lien en la performance aux tâches de TE et les habiletés sociales, telles qu’évaluées à l’aide d’un questionnaire rempli par le parent. De façon intéressante, la TE est associée aux habiletés sociales seulement chez les enfants ayant subi un TCCL. Dans l'ensemble, ces deux études mettent en évidence des répercussions spécifiques du TCCL précoce sur la TE qui persistent à long terme, et une TE amoindrie seraient associée à de moins bonnes habiletés sociales. Cette thèse démontre qu'un TCCL en bas âge peut faire obstacle au développement sociocognitif, par le biais de répercussions sur la TE. Ces résultats appuient la théorie selon laquelle le jeune cerveau immature présente une vulnérabilité accrue aux blessures cérébrales. Enfin, ces études mettent en lumière la nécessité d'étudier ce groupe d'âge, plutôt que d'extrapoler à partir de résultats obtenus avec des enfants plus âgés, puisque les enjeux développementaux s'avèrent différents, et que ceux-ci ont potentiellement une influence majeure sur les répercussions d'une blessure cérébrale sur le fonctionnement sociocognitif.
When a task must be executed in a remote or dangerous environment, teleoperation systems may be employed to extend the influence of the human operator. In the case of manipulation tasks, haptic feedback of the forces experienced by the remote (slave) system is often highly useful in improving an operator's ability to perform effectively. In many of these cases (especially teleoperation over the internet and ground-to-space teleoperation), substantial communication latency exists in the control loop and has the strong tendency to cause instability of the system. The first viable solution to this problem in the literature was based on a scattering/wave transformation from transmission line theory. This wave transformation requires the designer to select a wave impedance parameter appropriate to the teleoperation system. It is widely recognized that a small value of wave impedance is well suited to free motion and a large value is preferable for contact tasks. Beyond this basic observation, however, very little guidance exists in the literature regarding the selection of an appropriate value. Moreover, prior research on impedance selection generally fails to account for the fact that in any realistic contact task there will simultaneously exist contact considerations (perpendicular to the surface of contact) and quasi-free-motion considerations (parallel to the surface of contact). The primary contribution of the present work is to introduce an approximate linearized optimum for the choice of wave impedance and to apply this quasi-optimal choice to the Cartesian reality of such a contact task, in which it cannot be expected that a given joint will be either perfectly normal to or perfectly parallel to the motion constraint. The proposed scheme selects a wave impedance matrix that is appropriate to the conditions encountered by the manipulator. This choice may be implemented as a static wave impedance value or as a time-varying choice updated according to the instantaneous conditions encountered. A Lyapunov-like analysis is presented demonstrating that time variation in wave impedance will not violate the passivity of the system. Experimental trials, both in simulation and on a haptic feedback device, are presented validating the technique. Consideration is also given to the case of an uncertain environment, in which an a priori impedance choice may not be possible.
Part 5: Service Orientation in Collaborative Networks
The relevance of explicit instruction has been well documented in SLA research. Despite numerous positive findings, however, the issue continues to engage scholars worldwide. One issue that was largely neglected in previous empirical studies - and one that may be crucial for the effectiveness of explicit instruction - is the timing and integration of rules and practice. The present study investigated the extent to which grammar explanation (GE) before practice, grammar explanation during practice, and individual differences impact the acquisition of L2 declarative and procedural knowledge of two grammatical structures in Spanish. In this experiment, 128 English-speaking learners of Spanish were randomly assigned to four experimental treatments and completed comprehension-based task-essential practice for interpreting object-verb (OV) and ser/estar (SER) sentences in Spanish. Results confirmed the predicted importance of timing of GE: participants who received GE during practice were more likely to develop and retain their knowledge successfully. Results further revealed that the various combinations of rules and practice posed differential task demands on the learners and consequently drew on language aptitude and WM to a different extent. Since these correlations between individual differences and learning outcomes were the least observed in the conditions that received GE during practice, we argue that the suitable integration of rules and practice ameliorated task demands, reducing the burden on the learner, and accordingly mitigated the role of participants’ individual differences. Finally, some evidence also showed that the comprehension practice that participants received for the two structures was not sufficient for the formation of solid productive knowledge, but was more effective for the OV than for the SER construction.
The new generation of artificial satellites is providing a huge amount of Earth observation images whose exploitation can report invaluable benefits, both economical and environmental. However, only a small fraction of this data volume has been analyzed, mainly due to the large human resources needed for that task. In this sense, the development of unsupervised methodologies for the analysis of these images is a priority. In this work, a new unsupervised segmentation algorithm for satellite images is proposed. This algorithm is based on the rough-set theory, and it is inspired by a previous segmentation algorithm defined in the RGB color domain. The main contributions of the new algorithm are: (i) extending the original algorithm to four spectral bands; (ii) the concept of the superpixel is used in order to define the neighborhood similarity of a pixel adapted to the local characteristics of each image; (iii) and two new region merged strategies are proposed and evaluated in order to establish the final number of regions in the segmented image. The experimental results show that the proposed approach improves the results provided by the original method when both are applied to satellite images with different spectral and spatial resolutions.