852 resultados para Strategic Management Process


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A dissertação aborda as transformações no mundo do trabalho neste início do século XXI. Para tanto desenvolve um estudo teórico sobre os processos de subcontratações e o impacto nas relações de trabalho, resultante da reestruturação produtiva ocorrida em uma indústria química, a ALUNORTE S/A, localizada no Município de Barcarena, no Estado do Pará. O estudo ressalta o processo de reestruturação produtiva e a reordenação do trabalho, considerando a transição do regime de acumulação de base taylorista/fordista para um regime de acumulação “flexível”, caracterizado pela flexibilização das relações de trabalho e a racionalização do processo produtivo, que permitiu o uso de tecnologias flexíveis, técnicas organizacionais que levam à intensificação da exploração da força de trabalho e a subcontratação. A análise empírica revelou o aprofundamento da precarização do emprego e a submissão dos trabalhadores terceirizados à condição de invisibilidade frente à empresa, transformando-os em trabalhadores periféricos. Este processo de contratação e alocação de mão-de-obra se tornou excludente do ponto de vista local, haja vista que não absorveu ao quadro funcional da ALUNORTE S/A grande parte dos trabalhadores do município, não contribuindo para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico regional, resultando em maior clivagem no mercado de trabalho.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Normalmente, os programas de manutenções implementados nas empresas de geração, transmissão e distribuição de energia elétrica buscam evitar que falhas venham a provocar a retirada do equipamento do sistema elétrico, o que significa grandes perdas financeiras, seja pela diminuição do faturamento, seja pelo pagamento de multas a agência reguladora, alem da diminuição da confiabilidade do sistema. Para evitar esses inconvenientes, a engenharia de manutencao lanca mao de ferramentas estrategicas para a gestao e solucoes dos problemas, visando a otimizacao, juntamente com circulo virtuoso de melhorias continuas nos processos de manutencao. Este trabalho tem por finalidade fazer uma analise da Metodologia de Analise e Solucao de Problemas (MASP), como ferramenta de gestao estrategica na busca e solucao de problemas no ambito da engenharia de manutencao. Para isso, inicialmente, apresenta-se uma serie de informacoes sobre a gestao da manutencao, bem como todo o arcabouco que envolve qualidade e ferramentas gerenciais. Com o capitulo que trata especificamente do MASP, tem-se uma nocao mais exata do quanto cada ferramenta e necessaria para que se possa desenvolver um bom trabalho, visto que ele retrata que essa metodologia nada mais e do que o somatorio de todas as ferramentas existentes, colocadas de maneira ordenada. Por fim, apresentam-se quatro estudos de casos, pelos quais pretendemos demonstrar a Metodologia de Analise e Solucao de Problemas e a aplicabilidade na gestão estratégica, com visão em resultados no ambiente da engenharia de manutenção no pilar das manutenções programadas e autônomas - MP/MA, no ambito da Divisãoo de Transmissão de Ji-Parana/RO - ORDJ, vinculada a Centrais Eletricas do Norte do Brasil (Eletronorte). Na conclusao, faz-se uma analise critica do uso da metodologia na prestação de serviços, baseada na aplicaão supracitada.


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Health care waste (HCW) is the type of waste that results from activities performed in health care services during care provision to humans or animals. Presently, according to RDC 306/04, issued in 2004 by Anvisa, and Resolution no. 358/05, by CONAMA, waste groups have the following classification: Group A (biological waste), Group B (chemical waste), Group C (waste containing radionucleotides), Group D (common waste) and Group E (piercing and cutting waste). In Brazil, 149 tons of wastes are collected every day, and HCW corresponds to approximately 1% to 3 % of that total. An efficient way to adequately manage HCW is through the Health Care Waste Management Plan (HCWMP), and it is possible to reduce the risk posed by certain materials in addition to ensuring disposal in an ecologically correct and economical fashion. According to the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), the management process enables health care establishments to adequately manage waste. Hence, there is greater control and reduction in the health risks caused by infectious or special waste, in addition to facilitated recycling, treatment, storage, transport and final disposal of solid hospital waste in an environmentally safe fashion. To evaluate the management of HCW of Groups A and D from the Intensive Care Unit of the University Emergency Hospital - FMB - UNESP in the city of Botucatu according to the guidelines presently in force. The waste flow was followed up, and during four random days in the month of September 2011, waste was quantified by estimating daily and monthly values, according to its classification. : In 2011, the University hospital has produced an average of 57,676.8 kg/month of biological and common waste. By adding Groups A and D, during the four days, approximately 209.8 Kg of waste (202.2 Kg of Group A and 7.6 Kg of Group D) were produced in the establishment under study, which... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The present production aims to approach environmental sustainability and communication to demonstrate that the public relations´s professional is capable of legitimation process´s assistance of ethics and coherent speechs and capable of sense´s construction´s assistance for environmental sustainability on contemporary organizations. This position shows that organization´s consistent speechs are connected with its institutional mission and effort besides, it is value and sensitive to interested parts that emphasis the environmental preservation and environmental project´s introduction, integrating organization with community. On this context it is constructed a discussion about Sustainability Report´s content and guidelines used for sustainability reporting framework, as where as main environmental organizational activities, analyzing three different companies and its respective Sustainability Reports on 2009. Thereby, it is pointed out relevance of efficient communication which deal with opposite interests between organizations and its stakeholders so that public relations focus on strategic management trying to include negotiation, dialogue, transparency and ethics to line up both interests


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The theme approached relates contemporaneous organizational competitive scenario to draw parallels between the organizational structure, Knowledge Management and Public Relations. Many aspects are complementary and can be grouped, enabling the idea of verifying the possibility of a Public Relations work like a manager of Knowledge Management. The objective of this study focuses in analyzing the administration ways of the organizational environment to verify the best kind of structure for the competitive development pattern, then we sought the meaning of Knowledge Management and their results to draw a parallel between the image of the Knowledge Management process manager and the Public Relations professional. The methodology chosen was bibliographic research, by which we noticed the theme relevance, the proposal validity and build a convergence between the skills of a person responsible for managing processes in Knowledge Management and the capabilities of a Public Relations professional. This way adopts a human feature to the managing process, respecting the technical-informational scenario of this area


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The knowledge currently stands as one of the intangible assets of fundamental importance in the competitive market in which it is organizations. Knowledge management has become mandatory in the competitive environment of today, as a tool to systematize knowledge within the organization. Underscoring the importance of this management process, this thesis aimed to identify possible problems and generate recommendations for improving the performance of Knowledge Management. The objective was achieved by conducting the analysis of a case study of a fast-food franchise through a case study in the ground plan of all the franchise restaurants. For the preparation of the case study was required to respect a theoretical review on the introduction of the concepts of knowledge management in fast-food restaurants, in addition to reviewing the theory on the concepts of organizational learning and on Standardization. When finalizing the theoretical review and analyze the case study was proposed recommendations and highlight difficulties and good practice found in the analyzed organization, and procedures for demonstrating the success of knowledge management in organizations


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Internal Communications, a central theme of this project, it is essential to support a transparent and effective cooperation between organization and em ployee. In companies with Quality Management System, as certified in ISO 9001, need to adhere to the quality not only in its management policy, but as in all of its processes and the various agencies in which there is interaction, especially the internal. This paper aims to reflect on the interaction with the internal audience, paying attention to the fact that the information required and the strategic management of public relations positively interfere in the relationship between organization and employe e and the resulting benefits that these entail in quality management. The demonstration of the policies employed by the company Vien a Grafica & Editora as the basis for developing a model suggestive of internal communication in business quality. Thus, we intend to understand how effective communication arouses feelings of motivation and engagement among employees, so there is the realization of quality in all organizational sectors


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Many companies have invested substantial resources in recent years in implementing the Balanced Scorecard, a strategic management tool that embraces not only financial perspectives, but also three other perspectives that create an overall and long-term vision of the company. The purpose of this article is to analyze, through interviews and action research, the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard in a provider of information technology and suitability for the company area Alliances and Channels, identifying determinants factors that exist in the literature and contributing to a greater understanding around this strategic management tool. The study shows that the implementation of the company was not successful, but the area of Alliances and Channels suit tool in order to find good results and two new determinants, other than those existing in the literature, were found


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The general purpose of this study was a reflexive-theoretical analysis, based on the authors of Psycho-Sociology, seeking to understand how to establish working relationships in organizations considered strategic in the contemporary world. To do so, we identify the strategies that these organizations use to hold the individual in theirs meshes of power, emphasizing the effects of the psychological dynamics and the illusion of “drug organization”. Finally, we elucidated some of the major diseases related to working in organizations with strategic management model, which reflect the violence imposed by managerial policy that promotes a moral harassment and naturalization of suffering at work.


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This paper aims to present a reflection on the contemporary way of life substantiated by its pillars -consumption, individualism, competitiveness, fluid relationship - aiming to assimilate it to an administrative management model that is widely distributed in monopolistic-financial capitalism - strategic management model - guided by the question: Why does this management model find such a fertile field for development in the contemporary scenario? Thus, the study was theoretically and methodologically based on the approach of psychosociology and was developed from a theoretical review. We have conducted a contextualization and definition of contemporaneity in which a market society that celebrates the spectacle lies, analyzing, from this point, the strategic organizational management model that has been working as a drug in the subjective constitution of the individuals producing the striking resonances in the psychosocial field. The assimilation performed in this paper allowed us to clarify some possible causes of social pathologies arising from the increasingly cruel world we face in professional life.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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This article aims to analyze the use of human resource practices in a public organization in Sao Paulo. In this paper we try to answer the question: is the human resource management in the organization Y compatible with the new strategic issues this area? We adopted a qualitative approach, through case study. The primary data were obtained through interviews and secondary data were obtained through analysis of information and documents provided by the studied organization as well as direct observation of organizational routine. The results indicate that, despite the organization uses the term strategic human resources management, it is focused on legal and operational issues. The human resource practices are not integrated and some practices do not exist (career plan and training). Thus, it is believed that if the organization adopts some of the improvements suggested in this article, it will be walking toward a more strategic human resource management entering in the new public management.