861 resultados para Sterilized impressions


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La coexistence des services de francisation au Québec pour les personnes immigrantes adultes a fait l'objet de divers enjeux liés notamment au passage des apprenants d'un lieu de formation à un autre (Québec, MICC, 2011a). Dans le but de répondre à ces enjeux et d’harmoniser l'offre de services gouvernementaux en matière de francisation des adultes, le ministère de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles (MICC) a élaboré en collaboration avec le ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS), une innovation pédagogique, soit un référentiel commun québécois composé de deux instruments : l’Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes et le Programme-cadre de français pour les personnes immigrantes adultes au Québec. Le but de notre étude était de mieux comprendre l'implantation du référentiel commun québécois, de faire état des représentations du personnel enseignant en francisation vis-à-vis de cette innovation pédagogique et d’identifier les principaux facteurs qui structurent son implantation. Pour atteindre ces objectifs de recherche, nous avons mené une étude qualitative dans laquelle nous nous sommes appuyée sur le modèle d'implantation de Vince-Whitman (2009) qui identifie douze facteurs facilitant l’implantation d’une politique et d’une pratique. Nous avons accédé aux représentations de douze enseignantes et enseignants en francisation qui œuvrent au MICC et au MELS lors d’entretiens de groupe en leur permettant de s'exprimer sur leurs pratiques pédagogiques et sur leurs impressions du référentiel commun québécois. À l’aide du logiciel QSF NVivo 8, nous avons analysé le contenu des propos de nos participants de recherche. Nos résultats démontrent que le manque appréhendé de ressources – humaines, matérielles et financières, et un manque de temps, de formation et de collaboration professionnelle pourraient représenter des obstacles et nuire à une éventuelle implantation du référentiel commun québécois. À la lumière de ces résultats, nous proposons un cadre de référence composé de sept facteurs d’implantation d’une innovation pédagogique afin de mieux rendre compte d’une réalité spécifique et contemporaine, celle de l'implantation du référentiel commun québécois pour la francisation des immigrants adultes scolarisés. Les écrits scientifiques et nos résultats de recherche démontrent que de diverses formes de soutien, principalement du matériel pédagogique approprié et suffisant, peuvent constituer un facteur-clé dans la réussite de l’implantation d’une innovation pédagogique.


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Travail créatif / Creative Work


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Respiration and ammonium excretion rates at different oxygen partial pressure were measured for calanoid copepods and euphausiids from the Eastern Tropical South Pacific and the Eastern Tropical North Atlantic. All specimens used for experiments were caught in the upper 400 m of the water column and only animals appearing unharmed and fit were used for experiments. Specimens were sorted, identified and transferred into aquaria with filtered, well-oxygenated seawater immediately after the catch and maintained for 1 to 13 hours prior to physiological experiments at the respective experimental temperature. Maintenance and physiological experiments were conducted in darkness in temperature-controlled incubators at 11, 13 or 23 degree C (±1). Before and during experiments, animals were not fed. Respiration and ammonium excretion rate measurements (both in µmol h-1 gDW-1) at varying oxygen concentrations were conducted in 12 to 60 mL gas-tight glass bottles. These were equipped with oxygen microsensors (ø 3 mm, PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH, Regensburg, Germany) attached to the inner wall of the bottles to monitor oxygen concentrations non-invasively. Read-out of oxygen concentrations was conducted using multi-channel fiber optic oxygen transmitters (Oxy-4 and Oxy-10 mini, PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH, Regensburg, Germany) that were connected via optical fibers to the outside of the bottles directly above the oxygen microsensor spots. Measurements were started at pre-adjusted oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. For this, seawater stocks with adjusted pO2 and pCO2 were prepared by equilibrating 3 to 4 L of filtered (0.2 µm filter Whatman GFF filter) and UV - sterilized (Aqua Cristal UV C 5 Watt, JBL GmbH & Co. KG, Neuhofen, Germany) water with premixed gases (certified gas mixtures from Air Liquide) for 4 hours at the respective experimental temperature. pCO2 levels were chosen to mimic the environmental pCO2 in the ETSP OMZ or the ETNA OMZ. Experimental runs were conducted with 11 to 15 trial incubations (1 or 2 animals per incubation bottle and three different treatment levels) and three animal-free control incubations (one per experimental treatment). During each run, experimental treatments comprised 100% air saturation as well as one reduced air saturation level with and without CO2. Oxygen concentrations in the incubation bottles were recorded every 5 min using the fiber-optic microsensor system and data recording for respiration rate determination was started immediately after all animals were transferred. Respiration rates were calculated from the slope of oxygen decrease over selected time intervals. Chosen time intervals were 20 to 105 min long. No respiration rate was calculated for the first 20 to 60 min after animal transfer to avoid the impact of enhanced activity of the animal or changes in the bottle water temperature during initial handling on the respiration rates and oxygen readings. Respiration rates were obtained over a maximum of 16 hours incubation time and slopes were linear at normoxia to mild hypoxia. Respiration rates in animal-free control bottles were used to correct for microbial activity. These rates were < 2% of animal respiration rates at normoxia. Samples for the measurement of ammonium concentrations were taken after 2 to 10 hours incubation time. Ammonium concentration was determined fluorimetrically (Holmes et al., 1999). Ammonium excretion was calculated as the concentration difference between incubation and animal-free control bottles. Some specimens died during the respiration and excretion rate measurements, as indicated by a cessation of respiration. No excretion rate measurements were conducted in this case, but the oxygen level at which the animal died was noted.


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We investigated the sensitivity of algae towards silver nanoparticles with OECD test medium and lower nutrient concentrations under standard test conditions to improve comparability and to exclude any other confounding factor aside nutrient levels. Two unicellular freshwater microalgae Desmodesmus subspicatus and Raphidocelis subcapitata were chosen due to their status as standard test organisms for the algae growth inhibition test and the response to changes in nutrient supply was compared. The original medium was used as the reference (standard). For the other four media, the amount of either nitrogen or phosphorus in the medium was lowered from half (50%) to one-fourth (25 %) of that of the OECD guideline, resulting in the following media: 50% N, 25% N, 50% P and 25% P medium. As test substance, the OECD reference material NM-300K was used. For this reason, the characterization of AgNP was done using DLS and Absorption spectra (UV/vis). Actual silver concentrations and ionic silver concentrations were measured at the highest test concentration used (100 µg Ag L-1) in R. subcapitata treatments only to reduce the number of samples. All tests were run according to the OECD guideline 201 with sterilized 50 mL cell culture flask. Each medium was tested using the test conditions for culturing with 3 replicates. Test concentrations for both algae species were 0, 25, 50 and 100 µg Ag L-1 for OECD, 50% P and 25% P while for both N reductions, the silver concentrations were 0, 10, 25 and 100 µg Ag L-1. Samples for determining the algal density were taken at every 24 h.


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Understanding the nature of the earliest complex fossils has presented many challenges over the past century since Billings first described Ediacaran fossils from Newfoundland in 1872. Previous studies have documented abundant Ediacaran fossils in the Bonavista Peninsula of Newfoundland. This thesis focuses on the H14 surface north of Catalina, which contains a nearly monospecific assemblage that includes hundreds of specimens of the rangeomorph, Fractofusus andersoni. Three factors need to be considered when trying to interpret these organisms. The first of these three factors is structural deformation. The area has undergone deformation during the formation of the Appalachian orogenic belt. This has distorted both fossil shape and orientation, requiring retrodeformation to restore the shapes and relationships of fossils to their original form. Two additional taphonomic factors influencing fossil visibility are: partly or completely ash covered fossils and the removal of fossil impressions from the bedding plane by modern weathering. These processes hinder acceptance of some previously published interpretations.


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Previous research on person perception has shown that people form first impressions with remarkable speed and accuracy, but relatively little is known about the speed and accuracy of trustworthiness judgments across cultures. The present research examined these by asking Chinese and Canadians to infer trustworthiness from faces of criminals and non-criminals from different cultural backgrounds across two domains (i.e., financial crime in Study 1 and violent crime in Study 2). Across both studies, we found that when participants were given time and opportunity, Chinese tended to take a longer time than Canadians to make trustworthiness judgments (although this difference did not reach statistical significance in Study 2). In Study 1, we found that perceivers from both cultures were accurate at judging European North Americans (ENA) corporate criminals as less trustworthy than ENA non-criminal executives, although they did not differentiate Asian corporate criminals from Asian non-criminal executives. In Study 2, we found that perceivers from both cultures were accurate at judging both Asian and ENA violent criminals as less trustworthy than Asian and ENA non-criminals. Chinese were also accurate at rating Middle Eastern violent criminals as less trustworthy than Middle Eastern non-criminals, but Canadians did not differentiate them in terms of their trustworthiness ratings. In terms of their crime likelihood ratings, however, both Chinese and Canadians accurately rated all the criminals as more likely to commit violent crimes than the non-criminals, regardless of the targets’ ethnicities. Finally, we discussed some of the practical implications of our findings on detection of deception, as well as how providing a context for trustworthiness judgments might have played an important role in people’s judgmental accuracy.


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Research on the relationship between reproductive work and women´s life trajectories including the experience of labour migration has mainly focused on the case of relatively young mothers who leave behind, or later re-join, their children. While it is true that most women migrate at a younger age, there are a significant number of cases of men and women who move abroad for labour purposes at a more advanced stage, undertaking a late-career migration. This is still an under-estimated and under-researched sub-field that uncovers a varied range of issues, including the global organization of reproductive work and the employment of migrant women as domestic workers late in their lives. By pooling the findings of two qualitative studies, this article focuses on Peruvian and Ukrainian women who seek employment in Spain and Italy when they are well into their forties, or older. A commonality the two groups of women share is that, independently of their level of education and professional experience, more often than not they end up as domestic and care workers. The article initially discusses the reasons for late-career female migration, taking into consideration the structural and personal determinants that have affected Peruvian and Ukrainian women’s careers in their countries of origin and settlement. After this, the focus is set on the characteristics of domestic employment at later life, on the impact on their current lives, including the transnational family organization, and on future labour and retirement prospects. Apart from an evaluation of objective working and living conditions, we discuss women’s personal impressions of being domestic workers in the context of their occupational experiences and family commitments. In this regard, women report varying levels of personal and professional satisfaction, as well as different patterns of continuity-discontinuity in their work and family lives, and of optimism towards the future. Divergences could be, to some extent, explained by the effect of migrants´ transnational social practices and policies of states.


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Historical archaeology, in its narrow temporal sense -as an archaeology of the emergence and subsequent evolution of the Modern world- is steadily taking pace in Spanish academia. This paper aims at provoking a more robust debate through understanding how Spanish historical archaeology is placed in the international scene and some of its more relevant particularities. In so doing, the paper also stresses the strong links that have united historical and prehistorical archaeology since its inception, both in relation to the ontological, epistemological and methodological definition of the first as to the influence of socio-political issues in the latter. Such reflection is partly a situated reflection from prehistory as one of the paper’s authors has been a prehistorian for most of her professional life.


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Many of the principles and indeed the rhetoric of New Public Management proved attractive to both politicians and senior bureaucrats across the developed world as a remedy for problems in policy processes. Ireland shares many features of its constitutional structures and political practices with Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, all of them early and enthusiastic adopters of NPM. Some of the organizational and procedural changes in Irish public administration do indeed bear similarities to those we would expect to see as a result of adopting principles of NPM. However, we contend that surface impressions are misleading. Drawing on a time-series database of Irish state institutions, we show that organizational changes were not necessarily driven by NPM. The absence of strong political drivers meant that reform initiatives did not fundamentally alter the configuration of the Irish public administration. Many of the problems that NPM was intended to address are only now coming under scrutiny.


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Caló is a language/variety spoken by the Spanish Calé (i.e. the Roma). The variety belongs to a group oflanguages referred to as “Para-Romani”, characterized by Romani vocabulary, but largely non-Romani morphology, phonology and syntax, in the case of Caló deriving from Spanish. Much research has been carried out regarding the vocabulary and the grammar of this variety.The conclusions drawn in those studies indicate that Caló is on its way to extinction. However, thereis an expressed interest in reintroducing the variety, in a form called “Romanó-Caló”. Language attitudes play a decisive role for the destiny of endangered languages. In order for arevitalization project to be successful, the attitudes towards the variety being reintroduced have to bepositive. The aim of this study is to measure the attitudes that both Calé and non-Calé have towards Calóand Caló speakers, a type of study never carried out in the past. The methods applied are both direct andindirect. In part one, 231 informants listened to different recordings of voices acting as either a “Spanishspeaking person” or a “Caló speaking person”, a technique referred to as ‘matched guise’. Firstly,the informants were asked to write down their first three impressions of the speakers. Secondly, nineshort questions related to the voices were asked, to which the subjects expressed their answers on attitudescales. They were also asked to match the voices with photos of people. Furthermore, theinformants have answered questions regarding what variety is spoken at home, as well as if he or she hasany knowledge of, or contact with, any language/variety, apart from Spanish. 182 informants continuedwith part two of the questionnaire, which consisted of 20 items – positive and negative statementstowards Caló and Caló speakers. The informants have rated their agreement or disagreement to thesestatements on a Likert scale. Another exercise measured the willingness of the informants to use Calówords for naming various objects. In addition, the subjects were tested on their knowledge of some Calówords, as well as asked whether they thought it was “useful” to know how to speak Caló. Variousstatistical methods have been used in order to establish whether or not the results are statisticallysignificant. The results of the analysis indicate that the attitudes differ towards Caló and Calóspeakers, depending on the informant’s (a) ethnicity (b) contact with Caló as well as with Calóspeakers, and (c) gender. It is those who – in their own opinion – belong to the ethnic group Calé, as wellas those who claim that they have some contact with the variety and its speakers, who show positiveattitudes in both parts of the study. The women also show more positive attitudes than the men. It is alsopossible to note positive attitudes towards the variety and its speakers among the subjects with a highlevel of knowledge of Caló words, as well as among those with the highest willingness to use Caló. These observations suggest that a revitalization project of the variety Caló has a clear chance ofbeing successful.


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Based on recent ethnographic research, this article explores young people’s opportunities of formal and informal democracy learning and expressions of such learning in the highly market-influenced Swedish upper secondary education. With its ambitious democracy-fostering goals and far-reaching marketisation, Swedish education constitutes an interesting case in this respect. The analysis indicates that ‘voting with the feet’ emerges as an important way of exerting student influence. At the same time, young people’s voice is surprisingly neglected in classroom practice. Increased focus on performance and goal attainment tends to overshadow less ‘rewarding’ aspects of the curriculum, such as democracy teaching and learning, both from the side of teachers and students. Students are also increasingly expected to act as school representatives and to avoid giving negative impressions of their school.


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Real Estate is by nature a hands-on business in which real-world experience and new challenges are the best teacher. With this in mind, graduate real estate education has embraced case competitions as a way to apply education-based learning to real world project simulation. In recent years, teams from Cornell have consistently stood out in these competitions, making impressions and forming relationships that they will carry with them over their careers. In this issue of the Review, we recognize a composite of previous winners of the four major real estate-focused case competitions, and look back on what was a very successful year for case competition teams at Cornell. The case competitions draw students from all the constituent programs of Real Estate at Cornell, including the Baker Program, Johnson Graduate School of Management, City and Regional Planning, Architecture, and Landscape Architecture.


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Ce mémoire présente la conception, le contrôle et la validation expérimentale d’une boussole haptique servant à diriger les utilisateurs aux prises avec une déficience visuelle, et ce, dans tous les environnements. La revue de littérature décrit le besoin pour un guidage haptique et permet de mettre en perspective cette technologie dans le marché actuel. La boussole proposée utilise le principe de couples asymétriques. Son design est basé sur une architecture de moteur à entraînement direct et un contrôle en boucle ouverte étalonné au préalable. Cette conception permet d’atteindre une vaste plage de fréquences pour la rétroaction haptique. Les propriétés mécaniques de l’assemblage sont évaluées. Puis, l’étalonnage des couples permet d’assurer que le contrôle en boucle ouverte produit des couples avec une précision suffisante. Un premier test avec des utilisateurs a permis d’identifier que les paramètres de fréquence entre 5 et 15 Hz combinés avec des couples au-delà de 40 mNm permettent d’atteindre une efficacité intéressante pour la tâche. L’expérience suivante démontre qu’utiliser une rétroaction haptique proportionnelle à l’erreur d’orientation améliore significativement les performances. Le concept est ensuite éprouvé avec dix-neuf sujets qui doivent se diriger sur un parcours avec l’aide seule de cette boussole haptique. Les résultats montrent que tous les sujets ont réussi à rencontrer tous les objectifs de la route, tout en maintenant des déviations latérales relativement faibles (0:39 m en moyenne). Les performances obtenues et les impressions des utilisateurs sont prometteuses et plaident en faveur de ce dispositif. Pour terminer, un modèle simplifié du comportement d’un individu pour la tâche d’orientation est développé et démontre l’importance de la personnalisation de l’appareil. Ce modèle est ensuite utilisé pour mettre en valeur la stratégie d’horizon défilant pour le placement de la cible intermédiaire actuelle dans un parcours sur une longue distance.


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The present study has got as its aim to show how the impressions management is being used by the hotels in Paraiba State. For that, the dramma or role play perspective has been adopted as a model for service management. From the theater metaphor, the physical environment and its components can be seen as a scenery of the service show. We conduct the reader to notice the importance of the consummer about the service quality demand and its influence on his satisfaction. A methodology with exploring and qualifying nature has been adopted by using the analyses of content technique in interviews applied to hotel managers lebeled as having 4 and 5 stars in the State, trying to check how impression management takes place, identifying impression management tools used in relation to the physical evidences and to contacting people, as well as checking managers views in the survey about the use of impression management for client satisfaction make. The information revealed that managers, maybe for being unaware about impression management theory, haven t considered neither the physical evidences yet, nor contacting people as marketing tools. About the physical evidences, we could see that hotels take actions in a pulverized way referring to environment decoration and colors, however there isn t a global usage of physical evidences to highlight the service. Contacting people by their turn, receive better importance and attention. It was possible to make sure that managers are aware about the influence of the employee over the attendance quality. This way, we may come into a conclusion that impression management at Paraiba hotels has been under used, as long as managers seem to be, most times, turned to actions related to contacting people, not having realized the planning importance and national-wide use of service scenery in a genaral way yet


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Objectif : Évaluer l’impact de l’exposition d’un biofilm de Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) pendant une période de 28 jours sur la rugosité de surface de matériaux de restauration dentaire. Matériel et méthode : Les matériaux testés étaient : six résines composites (fluide, bulk-fill fluide, microparticules, nanoparticules, microhybride et nanohybride), un verre ionomère conventionnel, un verre ionomère modifié à la résine, de l’amalgame, du disilicate de lithium et de la porcelaine feldspathique renforcie de cristaux de nanoleucite. Cent soixante-dix-sept disques de 5 mm de diamètre par 2 mm d’épaisseur ont été fabriqués et polis selon une méthode standardisée. Des répliques ont été fabriquées puis réservées pour les mesures de rugosité. Les échantillons ont été stérilisés puis placés dans un milieu de culture pendant 28 jours, avec S. mutans pour les groupes tests et sans S. mutans pour leurs contrôles. Le milieu de culture a été renouvelé toutes les 48 heures. De nouvelles répliques des échantillons ont été fabriquées. Finalement, la rugosité de la surface avant et après l’exposition au biofilm a été évaluée sur les répliques à l’aide d’un profilomètre. Les analyses statistiques ont été effectuées à l’aide d’un modèle d’analyse de variance à deux facteurs. Résultats : Aucune différence statistiquement significative n’a été notée entre la rugosité initiale et finale des groupes tests et des groupes contrôles (p < 0,05). Conclusion : Dans les limites de cette étude in vitro, l’exposition à un biofilm de S. mutans pendant 28 jours n’a pas démontré avoir d’impact sur la rugosité des matériaux testés.