906 resultados para Standard of living


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The hardship of poverty bestowed on people has become a problem of horrifying enormity. Which attracts global concern to a steadfast search on the best approach to address the menace and to improve the living standard of people particularly those in the rural areas. These areas equally represent where majority of the fishermen lives. They are found frequently isolated, living along margin of lakes, rivers etc often unheard and unseen in development process. The study reviews the concept of poverty, perception and situation in Nigeria, as well as the past approaches to poverty alleviation. Due to the failure of the past approaches to tackle poverty adequately, the paper outlines a new concept of poverty alleviation-sustainable livelihood. Basically the paper highlights its concept, principles, framework and its application in poverty alleviation projects and general development process with particular reference to the Nigerian rural fishing communities


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Optical microscopy has become an indispensable tool for biological researches since its invention, mostly owing to its sub-cellular spatial resolutions, non-invasiveness, instrumental simplicity, and the intuitive observations it provides. Nonetheless, obtaining reliable, quantitative spatial information from conventional wide-field optical microscopy is not always intuitive as it appears to be. This is because in the acquired images of optical microscopy the information about out-of-focus regions is spatially blurred and mixed with in-focus information. In other words, conventional wide-field optical microscopy transforms the three-dimensional spatial information, or volumetric information about the objects into a two-dimensional form in each acquired image, and therefore distorts the spatial information about the object. Several fluorescence holography-based methods have demonstrated the ability to obtain three-dimensional information about the objects, but these methods generally rely on decomposing stereoscopic visualizations to extract volumetric information and are unable to resolve complex 3-dimensional structures such as a multi-layer sphere.

The concept of optical-sectioning techniques, on the other hand, is to detect only two-dimensional information about an object at each acquisition. Specifically, each image obtained by optical-sectioning techniques contains mainly the information about an optically thin layer inside the object, as if only a thin histological section is being observed at a time. Using such a methodology, obtaining undistorted volumetric information about the object simply requires taking images of the object at sequential depths.

Among existing methods of obtaining volumetric information, the practicability of optical sectioning has made it the most commonly used and most powerful one in biological science. However, when applied to imaging living biological systems, conventional single-point-scanning optical-sectioning techniques often result in certain degrees of photo-damages because of the high focal intensity at the scanning point. In order to overcome such an issue, several wide-field optical-sectioning techniques have been proposed and demonstrated, although not without introducing new limitations and compromises such as low signal-to-background ratios and reduced axial resolutions. As a result, single-point-scanning optical-sectioning techniques remain the most widely used instrumentations for volumetric imaging of living biological systems to date.

In order to develop wide-field optical-sectioning techniques that has equivalent optical performance as single-point-scanning ones, this thesis first introduces the mechanisms and limitations of existing wide-field optical-sectioning techniques, and then brings in our innovations that aim to overcome these limitations. We demonstrate, theoretically and experimentally, that our proposed wide-field optical-sectioning techniques can achieve diffraction-limited optical sectioning, low out-of-focus excitation and high-frame-rate imaging in living biological systems. In addition to such imaging capabilities, our proposed techniques can be instrumentally simple and economic, and are straightforward for implementation on conventional wide-field microscopes. These advantages together show the potential of our innovations to be widely used for high-speed, volumetric fluorescence imaging of living biological systems.


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The ability to regulate gene expression is of central importance for the adaptability of living organisms to changes in their internal and external environment. At the transcriptional level, binding of transcription factors (TFs) in the vicinity of promoters can modulate the rate at which transcripts are produced, and as such play an important role in gene regulation. TFs with regulatory action at multiple promoters is the rule rather than the exception, with examples ranging from TFs like the cAMP receptor protein (CRP) in E. coli that regulates hundreds of different genes, to situations involving multiple copies of the same gene, such as on plasmids, or viral DNA. When the number of TFs heavily exceeds the number of binding sites, TF binding to each promoter can be regarded as independent. However, when the number of TF molecules is comparable to the number of binding sites, TF titration will result in coupling ("entanglement") between transcription of different genes. The last few decades have seen rapid advances in our ability to quantitatively measure such effects, which calls for biophysical models to explain these data. Here we develop a statistical mechanical model which takes the TF titration effect into account and use it to predict both the level of gene expression and the resulting correlation in transcription rates for a general set of promoters. To test these predictions experimentally, we create genetic constructs with known TF copy number, binding site affinities, and gene copy number; hence avoiding the need to use free fit parameters. Our results clearly prove the TF titration effect and that the statistical mechanical model can accurately predict the fold change in gene expression for the studied cases. We also generalize these experimental efforts to cover systems with multiple different genes, using the method of mRNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Interestingly, we can use the TF titration affect as a tool to measure the plasmid copy number at different points in the cell cycle, as well as the plasmid copy number variance. Finally, we investigate the strategies of transcriptional regulation used in a real organism by analyzing the thousands of known regulatory interactions in E. coli. We introduce a "random promoter architecture model" to identify overrepresented regulatory strategies, such as TF pairs which coregulate the same genes more frequently than would be expected by chance, indicating a related biological function. Furthermore, we investigate whether promoter architecture has a systematic effect on gene expression by linking the regulatory data of E. coli to genome-wide expression censuses.


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Essa dissertação pretende deter-se sobre três pequenos e específicos textos constantes da obra Ou... Ou, do dinamarquês Sören Aybe Kierkegaard (1813-1855). Os dois primeiros textos são Os estados eróticos imediatos e Diário do Sedutor, e estão entre os textos da primeira parte do livro supracitado; o terceiro texto intitula-se O equilíbrio entre o estético e o ético na formação da personalidade e pertence à segunda parte do mesmo livro. Partindo de uma explicitação detalhada do conteúdo destes textos pretende-se pensar a questão dos estádios kierkegaardianos (estético, ético e religioso) e a forma como estes se relacionam com a existência e a consciência. No âmbito da existência concreta, a questão da consciência aparece para o filósofo dinamarquês a partir da explanação destas três dimensões existenciais, as quais se constituem em sintonia com disposições afetivas e também com modos materiais de viver e agir, detidamente descritos pela existência cotidiana de personagens. Desprovida, inicialmente, de qualquer determinação, a consciência vai se concretizando a partir de sua existência sensível, que guarda constantemente diferentes momentos ou possibilidades próprias. A tese fundamental a ser discutida, neste contexto, é a de que esses momentos existenciais não podem ser considerados de forma evolutiva, mas precisam ser tomados como possibilidades ou formas de vida, com sua positividade e seus riscos. O trabalho pretende mostrar de que forma as leituras correntes da filosofia de Kierkegaard tendem a enaltecer o aspecto ético e moral dos estádios, acabando por ignorar a dimensão mais originária do ser, qual seja, a dimensão da disposição imediata que, ao ser desprezada, abre um flanco entre o homem e ele mesmo.


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Wide field-of-view (FOV) microscopy is of high importance to biological research and clinical diagnosis where a high-throughput screening of samples is needed. This thesis presents the development of several novel wide FOV imaging technologies and demonstrates their capabilities in longitudinal imaging of living organisms, on the scale of viral plaques to live cells and tissues.

The ePetri Dish is a wide FOV on-chip bright-field microscope. Here we applied an ePetri platform for plaque analysis of murine norovirus 1 (MNV-1). The ePetri offers the ability to dynamically track plaques at the individual cell death event level over a wide FOV of 6 mm × 4 mm at 30 min intervals. A density-based clustering algorithm is used to analyze the spatial-temporal distribution of cell death events to identify plaques at their earliest stages. We also demonstrate the capabilities of the ePetri in viral titer count and dynamically monitoring plaque formation, growth, and the influence of antiviral drugs.

We developed another wide FOV imaging technique, the Talbot microscope, for the fluorescence imaging of live cells. The Talbot microscope takes advantage of the Talbot effect and can generate a focal spot array to scan the fluorescence samples directly on-chip. It has a resolution of 1.2 μm and a FOV of ~13 mm2. We further upgraded the Talbot microscope for the long-term time-lapse fluorescence imaging of live cell cultures, and analyzed the cells’ dynamic response to an anticancer drug.

We present two wide FOV endoscopes for tissue imaging, named the AnCam and the PanCam. The AnCam is based on the contact image sensor (CIS) technology, and can scan the whole anal canal within 10 seconds with a resolution of 89 μm, a maximum FOV of 100 mm × 120 mm, and a depth-of-field (DOF) of 0.65 mm. We also demonstrate the performance of the AnCam in whole anal canal imaging in both animal models and real patients. In addition to this, the PanCam is based on a smartphone platform integrated with a panoramic annular lens (PAL), and can capture a FOV of 18 mm × 120 mm in a single shot with a resolution of 100─140 μm. In this work we demonstrate the PanCam’s performance in imaging a stained tissue sample.


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Este trabalho visa identificar os determinantes da ampliação de demandas judiciais contra os gestores do SUS. Em sua maioria (85%) relacionam-se ao fornecimento de medicamentos e são geradas, no âmbito do Judiciário, pelo entendimento daquele órgão que o Poder Público está descumprindo o direito à saúde constitucionalmente adquirido. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica acerca de sistemas nacionais de saúde com princípios constitutivos básicos semelhantes aos do SUS, tendo sido selecionados o Canadá, Colômbia e Espanha. O objetivo foi observar se àqueles sistemas apresentam as dificuldades experimentadas pelo SUS, ou se existe, no sistema nacional, alguma peculiaridade. Foram analisados os artigos da Constituição de 1988 relativos à saúde, observando-se em vários deles pouca clareza na descrição de conceitos que parecem dar margem a múltiplos entendimentos dos atores envolvidos com a implementação do SUS. Desenvolveuse uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa: o 1 componente foi realizado por meio de entrevistas com atores chave, representantes do Executivo, Legislativo, Judiciário, Órgãos de Classe, Conselhos de Saúde e Gestores. A etapa quantitativa foi realizada a partir da coleta, sistematização e análise de dados acerca das demandas judiciais chegadas aos gestores do SUS localizados no Rio de Janeiro (SMS, SESDEC e NERJ). Os entendimentos dos entrevistados mostraram-se muito distintos e bastante relacionados com seus locais de atuação. Foi observado que o Judiciário, grosso modo, ratifica as prescrições médicas, determinando aos gestores, tornados réus, o fornecimento de produtos de saúde que vão desde os medicamentos essenciais até os de dispensação excepcional e mesmo, algumas substâncias importadas. As liminares não atendem as padronizações definidas pelas Políticas Nacionais de Assistência Farmacêutica, nem as que dizem respeito às relações pactuadas entre os gestores nem a responsabilização existente por nível de gestão. Tais questões têm gerado um tensionamento permanente entre o Executivo da saúde, Judiciário e população, uma vez que o cumprimento das determinações judiciais representa, para o gestor, uma necessidade de realocação orçamentária para a aquisição de medicamentos não planejados, que pode determinar a não realização de ações programáticas prioritárias. Parece que estas ações do Judiciário, ainda que legítimas, não necessariamente favorecem a equidade de acesso ao SUS. Por último, foram definidos 3 núcleos causais para a ampliação das demandas judiciais de saúde: o 1, derivado da pouca clareza de alguns conceitos constitucionais determinada pela falta de consenso político quando dos trabalhos da ANC, que deixaram estas definições para regulamentações posteriores, que não ocorreram; o 2, representado pela não contestação da maior parcela das prescrições médicas, pelo Judiciário, o que parece demonstrar o poder das profissões, medicina e direito, e, a inexistência de regulação do exercício profissional pelo Estado e o 3, determinado pela pouca articulação no SUS entre a gestão financeira e da atenção à saúde, o que parece impedir que os gestores atuem como protagonistas destas situações, deixando de promover articulações entre os Poderes do Estado, Instituições, Órgãos de Classe e a sociedade para definição de estratégias comuns voltadas à resolução dos problemas apontados neste estudo.


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Esta tese discute a vida após a alta hospitalar através de uma etnografia da experiência de um grupo de famílias, ao cuidarem de um membro dependente de cuidados de saúde. Foi realizada entre agosto de 2001 e julho de 2005 em Juiz de Fora-MG. O foco da investigação foi a convivência cotidiana da família com um membro requerendo cuidados de saúde especializados após ter recebido assistência de alta complexidade. O objetivo foi compreender a questão: como a família cuida, em casa, de um familiar que necessita de cuidados de saúde após a alta hospitalar? Adotamos a etnografia orientada por Geertz (1989), que nos permitiu, através da análise interpretativa das teias de significados apreendidas pela observaçãoconvivência com os sujeitos, uma compreensão de como o fenômeno (cuidado) se evidencia e se transforma em experiência nas relações que se estabelecem dentro e fora da família. A identificação das famílias-sujeito iniciou com a observação das internações na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) do Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, no segundo semestre de 2003, seguida da observação nas enfermarias e, posteriormente, nos seus domicílios. De 137 pacientes internados nesta UTI naquele semestre, 59 foram a óbito, 12 foram transferidos para outro hospital da cidade, por demandarem tecnologias não oferecidas pela instituição e 66 tiveram alta hospitalar na condição de melhorado. Destes, observamos 12 casos, residentes na cidade de Juiz de Fora, que compartilham de uma mesma cultura assistencial e que foram submetidas a um mesmo padrão de organização e de fluxo de atendimento no sistema de saúde local. Destas, uma família se destacou como principal sujeito, pela repetição de eventos significativos à questão principal da pesquisa e utilizamos dados de outras cinco dentre as observadas. Os dados foram arquivados em um banco de dados qualitativos LOGOS. A prioridade nos cuidados com o corpo; a dependência dos serviços de saúde especializados do SUS e as alterações na organização e no funcionamento da família, com redefinições de papéis, para se adaptar à realidade de convivência com um membro doente, estão dentre os achados. Dois fenômenos que se relacionam com o desenvolvimento da experiência de cuidar pelas famílias se destacaram: a individualização na família, que parece influenciar a forma de abordagem clínica (individualizada) pelos profissionais de saúde, e uma concepção de família como sujeito coletivo Bourdieu (1998) como possibilidade para o planejamento de ações coletivas. O sofrimento, observado pela contínua convivência dos sujeitos com sentimentos de angústia nas trajetórias de busca de cuidados no Sistema, nas instituições de saúde, evidenciou a desassistência a que esse grupo de cidadãos está exposto no modelo assistencial vigente. A lida das famílias com uma diversidade de cuidados, incluindo a prática de cuidados técnicos desencadeou uma rede extrafamiliar de aproximações, para o enfrentamento das necessidades. Apesar da dependência de tecnologias, de saberes técnicos e das restrições no acesso a esses, evidenciou-se um tipo de autonomia pelos sujeitos na prática de cuidados no espaço intrafamiliar e no entorno micro-sociológico de convivência. No Sistema de Saúde a preferência primeira das famílias para busca de ajuda é o hospital, depois, as unidades de referência secundária e, por último, as Equipes de Saúde da Família (ESF). A procura pelas ESF é por que estas representam parte obrigatória no fluxo inicial dos usuários do SUS local, garantem a aquisição de medicamentos, oferecem serviços de natureza cartorial, como atestados e pareceres para juiz e, ainda, encaminhamentos e solicitação de exames.


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[ES] La situación socioeconómica actual ha provocado la traslación de una mayor responsabilidad a la población para organizar su ahorro a largo plazo. La planificación financiera será la hoja de ruta de los ciudadanos para, a lo largo de su ciclo vital, destinar los ahorros necesarios para su jubilación. Sin embargo, la planificación no termina una vez alcanzada dicha edad, sino que los ahorros deben seguir gestionándose de forma que garanticen la cobertura de las necesidades de los jubilados hasta su fallecimiento. La elevada tasa de paro, el aumento de la longevidad y el envejecimiento de la población son factores que afectan a las arcas públicas de la Seguridad Social. Por lo tanto, ¿tienen los actuales pensionistas la garantía de recibir una pensión de jubilación que les permita vivir dignamente? Para dar respuesta a esta pregunta, será de vital importancia conocer la acumulación de capital durante su vida de activo para así, combinando la fuente de ingresos públicos, sus gastos y sus ahorros privados, conocer cuál será su nivel de vida durante su etapa como jubilados. Por lo tanto, a lo largo de este informe trataremos de identificar cuáles son los diferentes productos de ahorro en los que ha venido invirtiendo la población española previo a la jubilación, en función de su edad y renta. Para ello analizaremos la Encuesta Financiera de las Familias del año 2011. Con todo este estudio, pretendemos obtener resultados para determinar el nivel de ingresos y gastos de los pensionistas.


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The Northeast Fisheries Science Center of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service has a long history of research on benthic invertebrates and habitats in support of the management of living marine resources. These studies began in the 1870's under Spencer F. Baird's guidance as part of an effort to characterize the Nation's fisheries and living marine resources and their ecological interactions. This century and a quarter of research has included many benthic invertebrate studies, including community characterizations, shellfish biology and culture, pathology, ecosystem energy budget modeling, habitat evaluations, assessments of human impacts, toxic chemical bioaccumulation in demersal food webs, habitat or endangered species management, benthic autecology, systematics (to define new species and species population boundaries), and other benthic studies. Here we review the scope of past and current studies as a background for strategic research planning and suggest areas for further research to support NOAA's goals of sustainable fisheries management, healthy coastal ecosystems, and protected species populations.


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This study is the third output of the SDC-funded “Improving Employment and Income through Development of Egyptian Aquaculture” (IEIDEAS), a three-year project being jointly implemented by the WorldFish Center and CARE International in Egypt with support from the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation. The aim of the study is to gather data on the retailer segment of the aquaculture value chain in Egypt, namely on the employment and market conditions of the women fish retailers in the five target governorates. In addition, this study provides a case study in Minya and Fayoum of the current income levels and standards of living of this target group. Finally, the study aims to identify the major problems and obstacles facing these women retailers and suggest some relevant interventions.


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The mission of NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS) is to serve as the trustee for a system of marine protected areas, to conserve, protect and enhance biodiversity. To assist in accomplishing this mission, the ONMS has developed a partnership with NOAA’s Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment’s Biogeography Branch (CCMA-BB) to conduct biogeographic assessments of marine resources within and adjacent to the marine waters of NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuaries (Kendall and Monaco, 2003). Biogeography is the study of spatial and temporal distributions of organisms, their associated habitats, and the historical and biological factors that influence species’ distributions. Biogeography provides a framework to integrate species distributions and life history data with information on the habitats of a region to characterize and assess living marine resources within a sanctuary. The biogeographic data are integrated in a Geographical Information System (GIS) to enable visualization of species’ spatial and temporal patterns, and to predict changes in abundance that may result from a variety of natural and anthropogenic perturbations or management strategies (Monaco et al., 2005; Battista and Monaco, 2004). Defining biogeographic patterns of living marine resources found throughout the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) was identified as a priority activity at a May 2003 workshop designed to outline scientifi c and management information needs for the NWHI (Alexander et al., 2004). NOAA’s Biogeography Branch and the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument (PMNM) under the direction of the ONMS designed and implemented this biogeographic assessment to directly support the research and management needs of the PMNM by providing a suite of spatially-articulated products in map and tabular formats. The major fi ndings of the biogeographic assessment are organized by chapter and listed below.


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Environmental managers strive to preserve natural resources for future generations but have limited decision-making tools to define ecosystem health. Many programs offer relevant broad-scale, environmental policy information on regional ecosystem health. These programs provide evidence of environmental condition and change, but lack connections between local impacts and direct effects on living resources. To address this need, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Ocean Service (NOAA/NOS) Cooperative Oxford Laboratory (COL), in cooperation with federal, state, and academic partners, implemented an integrated biotic ecosystem assessment on a sub-watershed 14-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUD) scale in Chesapeake Bay. The goals of this effort were to 1) establish a suite of bioindicators that are sensitive to ecosystem change, 2) establish the effects of varying land-use patterns on water quality and the subsequent health of living resources, 3) communicate these findings to local decision-makers, and 4) evaluate the success of management decisions in these systems. To establish indicators, three sub-watersheds were chosen based on statistical analysis of land-use patterns to represent a gradient from developed to agricultural. The Magothy (developed), Corsica (agricultural), and Rhode (reference) Rivers were identified. A random stratified design was developed based on depth (2m contour) and river mile. Sampling approaches were coordinated within this structure to allow for robust system comparisons. The sampling approach was hierarchal, with metrics chosen to represent a range from community to cellular level responses across multiple organisms. This approach allowed for the identification of sub-lethal stressors, and assessment of their impact on the organism and subsequently the population. Fish, crabs, clams, oysters, benthic organisms, and bacteria were targeted, as each occupies a separate ecological niche and may respond dissimilarly to environmental stressors. Particular attention was focused on the use of pathobiology as a tool for assessing environmental condition. By integrating the biotic component with water quality, sediment indices, and land- use information, this holistic evaluation of ecosystem health will provide management entities with information needed to inform local decision-making processes and establish benchmarks for future restoration efforts.


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Bone as most of living tissues is able, during its entire lifetime, to adapt its internal microstructure and subsequently its associated mechanical properties to the specific mechanical and physiological environment in a process commonly known as bone remodelling. Bone is therefore continuously renewed and microdamage removed minimizing the risk of fracture. Bone remodelling is controlled by mechanical and metabolical stimuli. In this paper, we introduce a new model of bone remodelling that takes into account both types of influences. The predicted results show a good correspondence with experimental and clinical data. For example, in disuse, bone porosity increases until an equilibrium situation, while, in overloading, decreases unless the damage rate is so high that causes resorption and "stress fracture". This model has been employed to predict bone adaptation in the proximal femur after total hip replacement proving its consistence and good correspondence with well-known clinical experiences.


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This study was conducted to determine reproduction characteristics, diet regime, age structure and population dynamics parameters of the vimba vimba persa (Pallas, 1811) in Mazandaran waters of the Caspian Sea, from October 2008 to September 2009. A total of 994 specimens were monthly collected by beach seine and cast net from six fish landings of Ramsar, Tonekabon, Chaloos, Mahmood Abad, Sari and Behshahr. Biometric characters were measured for each specimen at the laboratory. Scales were used for age determination. Sex determination and fecundity were determined. Population dynamic parameters as well as stock assessment including cohort analysis were estimated using FISAT software. The finding showed that the mean of fork length and body weight of the Caspian Vimba were 168.4±2.6 mm and 71.94±32.24 g respectively. Strong correlation was found between these two variables (a= 0.012; b = 3.047; r2 = 0.955). 92 specimens were studied from the fecundity point of view. This species was found to have more abundance in spring (esp. Apr-May). The samples composed of 397(42.6%) male, 537(57.4%) female; Overall sex ratio (M: F =1: 1.35) was significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio (p ≤0.05). The advanced stages of maturity (4th & 5th) were found in April and May. The highest Gonadosomatic Index in female was in May and the lowest one was in July. This fish is therefore a spring spawner. The maximum absolute and relative fecundities were 34640 and 260.9, respectively; the minimum absolute and relative fecundities were 5400 and 94.5 respectively. The averages of absolute and relative fecundities were 17198±7710 and 171.85±48.8, respectively. Coefficient vacuity index was 59.2% which indicates that this fish is mesophagous. Among of living creature consumes by Caspian Vimba mollusks, 76 arthropods, worms, plants, detritus and fishes were found 32.9% , 26.7% , 13.4% , 17% , 4.4% and 1.6% respectively. The infinite fork lengths were 261 mm for females, 25mm for males and 261 mm for both sexes respectively. For population growth and mortality parameters; K ( 0.28 per year for both sexes, 0.3 per year for males, 0.33 per year for females); t0 ( -0.65 year for both sexes, -0.23 year in females, -0.51 year in males ); Φ' ( 2.28 ); Z ( 0.98 per year ); M ( 0.59 per year); F ( 0.39 per year) and Exploitation coefficient was 0.4. The analysis showed that total biomass and MSY were 1336 and 528.8 tonnes respectively.


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Many short-term studies have reported groups of black crested gibbons containing >= 2 adult females (Nomascus concolor). We report the stability of multifemale groups in this species over a period of 6 yr. Our focal group and 2 neighboring groups included 2 breeding females between March 2003 and June 2009. We also habituated 1 multifemale group to observers and present detailed information concerning their social relationships over a 9-mo observation period. We investigated interindividual distances and agonistic behavior among the 5 group members. The spatial relationship between the 3 adult members (1 male, 2 females) formed an equilateral triangle. A subadult male was peripheral to the focal group, while a juvenile male maintained a closer spatial relationship with the adult members. We observed little agonistic behavior among the adult members. The close spatial relationship and lack of high rates of agonistic behavior among females suggest that the benefits of living in a multifemale group were equal to or greater than the costs for both females, given their ecological and social circumstances. The focal group occupied a large home range that was likely to provide sufficient food sources for the 2 females and their offspring. Between March 2003 and June 2009, 1 adult female gave 2 births and the other one gave 1 birth. All individuals in the focal group survived to June 2009. A long-term comparative study focused on females living in multifemale groups and females living in pair-living groups would provide insight into understanding the evolutionary mechanisms of the social system in gibbons.