992 resultados para Stage structure


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Mixed ligand complexes of the type Ni(R-AB)(AC') and Ni(R-AC)(AB') where AB/AC denote N-bonded isonitroso- [3-ketoimino ligands, AB'/AC' denote the corresponding Obonded ligands and R = Me, Et, n-Pr are synthesised and characterised. The complexes are neutral with square planar geometry around nickel(II). The bonding isomerism of the isonitroso group is discussed on the basis of i.r. and 1H n.m.r. studies. The crystal structure of the title complex, Ni(n-Pr-IEAI)(IMAI') has been determined from diffractometer data by Patterson and Fourier methods and refined by least squares to R = 0.088 for 2209 observed reflections. Unit cell constants are: a = 11.945(2), b = 22.436(7), c = 13.248(5) ~, [3 = 95.13(2) ~ The space group is P2Jc with Z = 8. Niekel(II) has a square planar coordination of two imine nitrogens, an isonitroso-nitrogen (from n-Pr-IEAI) and another isonitrosooxygen (from IMAI').


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M r = 188.22, monoclinic, P21/n, a = 6.219 (2), b= 10.508 (2), c=7.339 (1)A, t= 107.64 (2) °, V= 457 ,/k 3, Z = 2, D m - - 1.360 (3), D x = 1.366 (2)Mgm -3, ~,(MoKa) = 0.7107/~, #= 0.053 mm -I, F(000) = 200, T= 293 K. Final R = 5.8% for 614 significant reflections. The molecule, which does not possess a centre of symmetry, occupies a crystallographic centre of symmetry because of the statistical enantiomeric and rotational disorder. Latticeenergy calculations, based on van der Waals attractive and repulsive potentials, clearly show minima at the observed disordered positions.


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M r = 251.34, monoclinic, P21/n, a =14.626 (3), b= 7.144 (1), c= 11.996 (2)\AA \betat=90.03 (2) °, V= 1253.4 (6) \AA 3, Z = 4, Dm= 1.326 (3),Dx=1.331(3)gcm -3, MoKat, \lambda = 0.7107 )\AA , \mu=3.51 cm -3, F(000) = 528.0, T-- 293 K, R -- 3.5% for1455 significant reflections. Of particular interest is an intramolecular attractive interaction between the sulphur and oxygen atoms with an S...O distance of 2.658 (3)\AA, in which the oxygen atom appears to actas a nucleophile.


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Ultrastructural and electrophysiological investigations carried out on larval rasters of Rhopaea magnicomis Blackburn, Lepidiota frerzclzi Black, and Antitr-ogus consanguineus Blackburn revealed that the raster is a complex of mechanoreceptive setae. Chemical and morphological investigations provide no evidence that the raster is a site for chemical emissions; however, species differences in hydrocarbon profiles were found among larval cuticle samples. Ultrastructure of the setae (pali) show that each seta is innervated by a single dendrite which ends in a tubular body at the base of the seta. The connection with the seta is on the proximal side, which corresponds to the production of a phasic-tonic electrophysiological signal on downward deflection. The dendrite is surrounded by a granular, electron-dense sheath which has inwardly directed arms distally and outwardly directed arms proximally. Two sheath cells are present, 1 forming a large receptor lymph cavity which is lamellate and lined with electron-dense material.


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The theatrical censorship of the Third Reich considered the playwright's race and politics alongside the content of the drama. Given the political stigma of its "leftist" author, it is rather surprising that Hella Wuolijoki's Niskavuoren naiset opened in 1938 at the Staatliches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg. The play ran for fourteen performances before being closed by the Reichsdramaturgie, apparently at the instigation of Finnish critics. Yet this was not the end of the play's or its author's fortunes in the Third Reich, as the possibility of staging the play was raised several times over the next four years, coming to a close in 1942. Playing "Nordic" examines the ideological and theatrical background of this extended "cultural performance," as a means to reopening and reconstructing the work of the 1938 Die Frauen auf Niskavuori. Written by a Finnish, northern, "Nordic" author, and preoccupied with the dynamics of rural culture in an increasingly urbanized world, Niskavuoren naiset was understood in the Third Reich to illustrate and reinforce the racial, agri/cultural themes of Blut und Boden ("veri ja maa"). Playing "Nordic" examines this thematic relationship in three phases. The first phase uses archival materials to investigate the Reichsdramaturgie's understanding of the play and its author, and its ongoing discussion of Wuolijoki from 1937 to 1942. Play evaluator Sigmund Graff's description of Niskavuoren naiset as hamsunartig, or "Hamsun-esque," inspires the second phase of the dissertation, which first elaborates the meanings of Blut und Boden through a reading of contemporary "racial" theory and anthropology, and then assesses the representation of Finland within this discourse, one of the dominant cultural paradigms of the Third Reich. Imaging Finland for German audiences, the play stood among analogous, continued efforts to represent Finland and the rural life in the Third Reich, colored by Blut und Boden: art and agricultural exhibitions, essays and propaganda literature, mass demonstrations of the peasantry. This wider framework for the performance of "Finland" materializes the abstract or theoretical program of Blut und Boden in its everyday performed meanings; as such it provides the essential background for reading the Hamburg production of Die Frauen auf Niskavuori, which sustains the third and final phase. The German translation and the Hamburg photographic record are compared with the Helsinki premiere to assess the impact of Blut und Boden on the representation of Wuolijoki's play in the Third Reich. The journalistic critical response illuminates the effect that the dramatic complex of rural and racial values - generically identified as Bauerndrama in the Third Reich - had on the reception of the play; at the same time, both visual and critical documents also suggest possible moments of theatrical dissent in the Hamburg production. Playing "Nordic" undertakes a documentary and cultural reading of the changing theatrical meanings of Wuolijoki's Niskavuoren naiset as it crossed the frontier from Finland to the stage of the Third Reich. It also provides a model for the ways theatrical signification operates within a network of cultural and ideological meanings, suggesting the ideological work of theatrical production depends on, reinforces, and contests that tissue of values. Although Finnish criticism of Niskavuoren naiset has assumed the play's Blut und Boden resonance contributed to Wuolijoki's success in the Third Reich, this study shows a considerably more complex situation. This revealing production dramatizes the changing uses of plays in a politicized national and transnational context. As part of the framing of "Nordic" identity on the wider stage of the Third Reich, Die Frauen auf Niskavuori exemplifies the conjunction of concurrent - sometimes independent, sometimes interlocking - "racial" and national ideologies.


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Anselm of Canterbury (1033–1109) was a prolific letter writer. The modern edition of his letter collection comprises more than 600 folio-size pages in print and includes 472 letters, the vast majority of which were sent by him. Our knowledge of Anselm’s letters is derived from collections of his letters, for none of his correspondence survives in its original form of individual letters. There was no one canonical version of the collection, and the extant manuscripts generally differ substantially: the largest medieval manuscript witnesses include over 400 letters, while the smallest contain only a few. We know 38 manuscript witnesses, but no authorial manuscript survives. Certain references in Anselm’s letters reveal, however, that he collected his correspondence on at least two occasions while he was still abbot of Bec, and this study proposes that a third collection was possibly made under his supervision in Christ Church. The third collection also covered Anselm’s Canterbury period. Whether the third collection was authorial or posthumous is unclear. Certain contextual evidence and references in letters would suggest that the collection was authorial. If so, the collection was probably a register book, which was started in c. 1101 at the earliest. There is no positive proof that any of the three surviving minor collections may be authorial. Each of these collections was circulating at a very early stage, however, some probably in Anselm’s lifetime. Moreover, the minor collections seem to have been put together from smaller source units, which possibly originated at Bec. The contents of these units suggest very early and possibly authorial origins: the letters are mainly from Anselm’s years as prior of Bec. The critical edition by F. S. Schmitt represents the current phase in the textual tradition of Anselm’s letter collection. This study demonstrates that the value of the edition is weakened in particular by the way in which Schmitt selected manuscripts for collation, doubtless influenced by the fact that he had not established the structure of the tradition properly. Ultimately it is impossible to undertake systematic research on the letter collection on the basis of Schmitt’s edition.


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A new hydrazinium uranyl oxalate complex (N2H5)6[(UO2)2(C2O4)5]·2H2O has been prepared and characterized by chemical analysis, infrared, visible spectra and TG-DTA. The single crystal X-ray structure of the complex shows the presence of discrete N2H5+ cations, water molecules and [(UO2)2(C2O4)5]6− anions. In the anion, the linear uranyl groups are coordinated by two chelating bidentate oxalates and one bridging oxalate which lies on the center of symmetry between the two uranyl groups. The coordination polyhedron around each uranium atom is approximately a pentagonal bipyramid.


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A geometrical structure called the implied minterm structure (IMS) has been developed from the properties of minterms of a threshold function. The IMS is useful for the manual testing of linear separability of switching functions of up to six variables. This testing is done just by inspection of the plot of the function on the IMS.


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Mr= 363.17, orthorhombic, P21212 ~, a= 5.251(4), b=14.962(5), c=19.112(5)A, U= 1501.41/k 3, Z=4, Dx=1.61Mgm -3, /t(CuKa)= 3.02 mm -1, 2(Cu Ka)= 1.5418/~, final R = 7.0% for 1091 reflections with Fo> 2e(Fo). The glycosidic torsion angle ZCN is 13"1 (12) °. The ribose has a C (3')-exo,C (4)-endo twist geometry. The dioxolane ring assumes an envelope conformation with 0(3') displaced by 0.453 (10)/k from the plane of the other four atoms. The conformation about the C(4')-C(5') bond is gauche-gauche. The structure is stabilized by two hydrogen bonds between screw-axis-related molecules. The crystal packing and the conformation of the molecule are very similar to those found in the structure of 2',3'-O-isopropylideneuridine which lacks the Br atom at the 5-position.


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M r = 438.45, trigonal, P32, a = b = 13.385 (4), c = 9.900 (5) A,, V = 1536.0 A 3, Z = 3, D x = 1.42, D m = 1.42 Mg m -3, 2(Cu Ka) = 1.5418 A,,g(CuKa) = .800mm -], T=290K, F(000)=690, R=6.0% for 1222 unique reflections with F o>_2o(Fo). This is the first 2',3'-O-isopropylidene pyrimidine nucleoside with the base in a syn orientation with respect to the ribose [Xcy= 116.0(7)°]. The ribose has a C(3')-endo conformation with the phase angle of pseudorotation P = 16.36 (2) °. The dioxolane ring assumes an envelope conformation with 0(2') displaced from the best four-atom plane by 0.50 (1) k. The crystal structure is possibly stabilized by a bifurcated hydrogen bond between N(3) and the 0(2) and 0(4) atoms of screw-related molecules.


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This paper proposes a multilevel inverter which produces hexagonal voltage space vector structure in lower modulation region and a 12-sided polygonal space vector structure in the over-modulation region. Normal conventional multilevel inverter produces 6n +/- 1 (n=odd) harmonics in the phase voltage during over-modulation and in the extreme square wave mode operation. However, this inverter produces a 12-sided polygonal space vector location leading to the elimination of 6n 1 (n=odd) harmonics in over-modulation region extending to a final 12-step mode operation. The inverter consists of three conventional cascaded two level inverters with asymmetric dc bus voltages. The switching frequency of individual inverters is kept low throughout the modulation index. In the low speed region, hexagonal space phasor based PWM scheme and in the higher modulation region, 12-sided polygonal voltage space vector structure is used. Experimental results presented in this paper shows that the proposed converter is suitable for high power applications because of low harmonic distortion and low switching losses.


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M,=477.3, orthorhombic, P2~2~2~, a= 6.719.(4), b=29.614(15), c= 9.559 (3) ~, Z=4, U-- 1902.0 A 3, D x = 1.67 Mg m -3, 2(Cu Ka) = 1.5418A, /~=l.90mm -1, T=290K. Final R for 1809 observed reflections is 0.045. The structure shows an unusual gauche-trans conformation about the C(4')-C(5') bond, while the sugar pucker [C(3')-exo] and glycosidic torsion angle [)CCN = 70.2 (5) °, anti] are normal. The two Na + ions do not interact with the molecule directly, being completely surrounded by water molecules. The cytosine bases are stacked, with a separation distance of 3.36 (5) A.


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A two stage Gifford-McMahon cycle cryorefrigerator operating at 20 K is described. This refrigerator uses a very simple ‘spool valve’ and a modified indigenous compressor to compress helium gas. This cryorefrigerator reaches a lowest temperature of 15.5 K; it takes ≈ 50 min to reach 20 K and the cooling capacity is ≈ 2.5 W at 25 K. The cool-down characteristics and load characteristics are presented in graphical form. The effect of changing the operating pressure ratio and the second stage regenerator matrix size are also reported. Pressure-volume (P-V) diagrams obtained at various temperatures indicate that P-V losses form the major fraction of the total losses and this becomes more pronounced as the temperature is decreased. A heat balance analysis shows the relative magnitudes of various losses.


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The caseins (αs1, αs2, β, and κ) are phosphoproteins present in bovine milk that have been studied for over a century and whose structures remain obscure. Here we describe the chemical synthesis and structure elucidation of the N-terminal segment (1–44) of bovine κ-casein, the protein which maintains the micellar structure of the caseins. κ-Casein (1–44) was synthesised by highly optimised Boc solid-phase peptide chemistry and characterised by mass spectrometry. Structure elucidation was carried out by circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. CD analysis demonstrated that the segment was ill defined in aqueous medium but in 30% trifluoroethanol it exhibited considerable helical structure. Further, NMR analysis showed the presence of a helical segment containing 26 residues which extends from Pro8 to Arg34. This is the first report which demonstrates extensive secondary structure within the casein class of proteins.