985 resultados para Specific volume


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A study has been carried out on the non-specific interference due to serum in the avidin biotin micro-ELISA for monkey chorionic gonadotropin. Results suggest that it is not due to any proteolytic activity in the serum, but immunoglobulin or associated factors interfering at the level of antigen-antibody interaction. This interference was eliminated by heating samples at 60°C for 30 min.


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CMPs enable simultaneous execution of multiple applications on the same platforms that share cache resources. Diversity in the cache access patterns of these simultaneously executing applications can potentially trigger inter-application interference, leading to cache pollution. Whereas a large cache can ameliorate this problem, the issues of larger power consumption with increasing cache size, amplified at sub-100nm technologies, makes this solution prohibitive. In this paper in order to address the issues relating to power-aware performance of caches, we propose a caching structure that addresses the following: 1. Definition of application-specific cache partitions as an aggregation of caching units (molecules). The parameters of each molecule namely size, associativity and line size are chosen so that the power consumed by it and access time are optimal for the given technology. 2. Application-Specific resizing of cache partitions with variable and adaptive associativity per cache line, way size and variable line size. 3. A replacement policy that is transparent to the partition in terms of size, heterogeneity in associativity and line size. Through simulation studies we establish the superiority of molecular cache (caches built as aggregations of molecules) that offers a 29% power advantage over that of an equivalently performing traditional cache.


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This work describes the parallelization of High Resolution flow solver on unstructured meshes, HIFUN-3D, an unstructured data based finite volume solver for 3-D Euler equations. For mesh partitioning, we use METIS, a software based on multilevel graph partitioning. The unstructured graph used for partitioning is associated with weights both on its vertices and edges. The data residing on every processor is split into four layers. Such a novel procedure of handling data helps in maintaining the effectiveness of the serial code. The communication of data across the processors is achieved by explicit message passing using the standard blocking mode feature of Message Passing Interface (MPI). The parallel code is tested on PACE++128 available in CFD Center


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Wear tests were done in a pin-on-disc machine by sliding MoSi2 pins against hard-steel discs in a normal load range of 5-140 N and a speed of 0.5 m/s under nominally dry conditions in the ambient. The specific wear rate of the pin undergoes two transitions: severe to mild at low load and mild to severe at high load. The mild-wear domain is distinguished by the formation of a protective mechanically mixed layer of steel and its oxides, transferred from the counterface in particulate form. Increasing the hardness by densification and TiB2 reinforcement lowers the specific wear rate and expands the mild-wear load domain. However, even when the volume wear rate is normalised with respect to the real contact area (load/hardness) the non-dimensional wear factor is still seen to decrease with densification and reinforcement. This indicates that fracture toughness may also play an important role in determining the wear-resistance of these materials. The surface coverage on the pin by the mechanically mixed layer increases with densification and reinforcement.


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DNA protein interactions that occur during transcription initiation play an important role in regulating gene expression. To initiate transcription, RNA polymerase (RNAP) binds to promoters in a sequence-specific fashion. This is followed by a series of steps governed by the equilibrium binding and kinetic rate constants, which in turn determine the overall efficiency of the transcription process. We present here the first detailed kinetic analysis of promoter RNAP interactions during transcription initiation in the sigma(A)-dependent promoters P-rrnAPCL1, P-rrnB and P-gyr of Mycobacterium smegmatis. The promoters show comparable equilibrium binding affinity but differ significantly in open complex formation, kinetics of isomerization and promoter clearance. Furthermore, the two rrn promoters exhibit varied kinetic properties during transcription initiation and appear to be subjected to different modes of regulation. In addition to distinct kinetic patterns, each one of the housekeeping promoters studied has its own rate-limiting step in the initiation pathway, indicating the differences in their regulation.


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It is currently believed that an unsubstituted axial hydroxyl at the specificity-determining C-4 locus of galactose is indispensable for recognition by galactose/N-acetylgalactosamine-specific lectins. Titration calorimetry demonstrates that 4-methoxygalactose retains binding allegiance to the Moraceae lectin jacalin and the Leguminosae lectin, winged bean (basic) agglutinin (WBA I). The binding reactions were driven by dominant favorable enthalpic contributions and exhibited significant enthalpy-entropy compensation. Proton NMR titration of C-methoxygalactose with jacalin and WBA I resulted in broadening of the sugar resonances without any change in chemical shift. The alpha-and beta-anomers of 4-methoxygalactose were found to be in slow exchange with free and lectin-bound states. Both the anomers experience magnetically equivalent environments at the respective binding sites. The binding constants derived from the dependence of NMR line widths on 4-methoxygalactose concentration agreed well with those obtained from titration calorimetry. The results unequivocally demonstrate that the loci corresponding to the axially oriented C-4 hydroxyl group of galactose within the primary binding site of these lectins exhibit plasticity. These analyses suggest, for the first time, the existence of C-H ... O-type hydrogen-bond(s) in protein-carbohydrate interactions in general and between the C-4 locus of galactose derivative and the lectins jacalin and WBA I in particular.


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Immunoblotting studies using highly specific polyclonal anti-histone H1t-IgG, which was extensively characterized by us previously, did not produce a signal with any of the histone H1 subtypes of either 1-day-old or adult rat ovarian nuclei. The absence of histone H1t in ovarian nuclei was also confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence studies. It is concluded, therefore, that histone H1t is truly a testis-specific histone variant and not a meiotic-specific variant.


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In order to explore idiotypic, anti-idiotypic, and anti-anti-idiotypic responses to allergens, BALB/c mice were immunized with affinity- purified human idiotypic antibodies directed against a highly purified shrimp allergen. This resulted in the production of anti-idiotypic antibodies which were quantitated by using rabbit idiotypic antibodies raised against the same purified allergen. The mouse anti-idiotypic antibodies recognized shrimp-specific human idiotypic antibodies of the IgE isotype from 18 of 20 individuals, and IgG antibodies from 14 of 20 shrimp-sensitive patients. Immunization of BALB/c mice with affinity- purified, allergen-specific anti-idiotypic antibodies induced anti- allergen IgE and IgG responses in the absence of the allergen. This paper thus presents evidence that anti-idiotypic antibodies raised against allergen-specific idiotypic antibodies may substitute for the original allergen in the induction of allergen-specific idiotypic antibodies. The demonstration of shared idiotopes on IgG and IgE antibodies in the sera of shrimp-sensitive patients supports the use of allergen-specific anti-idiotypic antibodies as surrogate allergens.


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The change in the specific heat by the application of magnetic field up to 161 for high temperature superconductor system for DyBa2Cu3O7-x by Revaz et al. [23] is examined through the phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau(G-L) theory of anisotropic Type-II superconductors. The observed specific heat anomaly near T-c with magnetic field is explained qualitatively through the expression <Delta C > = (B-a/T-c) t/(1 - t)(alpha Theta(gamma)lambda(2)(m)(0)), which is the anisotropic formulation of the G-L theory in the London limit developed by Kogan and coworkers; relating to the change in specific heat Delta C for the variation of applied magnetic field for different orientations with c-axis. The analysis of this equation explains satisfactorily the specific heat anomaly near T-c and determines the anisotropic ratio gamma as 5.608, which is close to the experimental value 5.3 +/- 0.5given in the paper of Revaz et al. for this system. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The morbilliviruses which infect ruminants, rinderpest (RPV) and peste des petits ruminants (PPRV), are difficult to distinguish serologically. They can be distinguished by differential neutralisation tests and by the migration of the major virus structural protein, the nucleocapsid protein, on polyacrylamide gels. Both these methods are time consuming and require the isolation of live virus for identification; they are not suitable for analysis of material directly from post-mortem specimens. We describe a rapid method for differential diagnosis of infections caused by RPV or PPRV, which uses specific cDNA probes, derived from the mRNAs for the nucleocapsid protein of each virus, which can be used to distinguish unequivocally the two virus types rapidly.


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The galactose-specific lectin from the seeds of Dolichos lablab has been crystallized using the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion technique. The crystals belong to space group P1, with unit-cell parameters a = 73.99, b = 84.13, c = 93.15 angstrom, alpha = 89.92, beta = 76.01, gamma = 76.99 degrees. X-ray diffraction data to a resolution of 3.0 angstrom have been collected under cryoconditions ( 100 K) using a MAR imaging-plate detector system mounted on a rotating-anode X-ray generator. Molecular-replacement calculations carried out using the available structures of legume lectins as search models revealed that the galactose-specific lectin from D. lablab forms a tetramer similar to soybean agglutinin; two such tetramers are present in the asymmetric unit.


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Lightweight grids for lead-acid battery grids have been prepared from acrylonitrile. butadiene styrene (ABS) copolymer followed by coating with lead. Subsequently, the grids have been electrochemically coated with a conductive and corrosion-resistant layer of polyaniline. These grids are about 75% lighter than those employed in conventional lead-acid batteries. Commercial-grade 6V/3.5 Ah (C-20-rate) lead-acid batteries have been assembled and characterized employing positive and negative plates constituting these grids. The specific energy of such a lead-acid battery is about 50 Wh/kg. The batteries can withstand fast charge-discharge duty cycles.