985 resultados para Soviet Linguistics- Linguistic Politics -Phonology - Alphabets - Script Reforms


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This paper describes the main features and present results of MPRO-Spanish, a parser for morphological and syntactic analysis of unrestricted Spanish text developed at the IAI1. This parser makes direct use of X-phrase structure rules to handle a variety of patterns from derivational morphology and syntactic structure. Both analyses, morphological and syntactic, are realised by two subsequent modules. One module analyses and disambiguates the source words at morphological level while the other consists of a series of programs and a deterministic, procedural and explicit grammar. The article explains the main features of MPRO and resumes some of the experiments on some of its applications, some of which still being implemented like the monolingual and bilingual term extraction while others need further work like indexing. The results and applications obtained so far with simple and relatively complex sentences give us grounds to believe in its reliability.


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Aquest estudi és una aproximació crítica a la dicotomia establerta per Saussure entre la lingüística interna i la lingüística externa i l'aplicació que se n'ha fet als tractats historiogràfics de la llengua anglesa. Pel caràcter ontològic de la investigació diacrònica, aquestes consideracions saussurianes posen les bases empíriques per teoritzar sobre el canvi lingüístic en la llengua anglesa. D'altra banda, la distinció més o menys explícita entre la història interna de la llengua anglesa i l'externa és un fet comunament acceptat i utilitzat pels tractats historiogràfics consultats. A l'hora de dur a terme la investigació diacrònica, però, la història interna necessita, per a la delimitació cronològica, les aportacions de l'externa; així, encara que els condicionants sociològics es considerin marginals, els factors externs adquireixen importància no només pel fet d'incloure el context social on s'emmarquen els fenòmens lingüístics, sinó també per les consideracions de tipus sociolingüístic que en resulten, les quals aporten noves línies de recerca historiogràfica, basada en els models de variacions en el registre escrit de la llengua anglesa.


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La reseña presenta el libro que K. Allan ha editado, The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics (2013), en la colección de la Oxford University Press sobre Lingüística. En la obra participan más de treinta especialistas, que tratan de la historia en Occidente y, en menor medida, en Oriente. Los ámbitos de estudio respetan un orden tradicional: el sonido, la sintaxis y el significado y, como relativa novedad, la lingüística aplicada. Un interés complementario de la obra es su articulacíón en la amplia colección de manuales de lingüística.


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Selostus: Maatalouspolitiikkauudistusten vaikutuksista pellonkäytön diversiteettiin


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[spa] El artículo plantea una breve revisión de la idea de ironía desde el punto de vista de la retórica y sus derivaciones en algunos de los estudios lingüísticos del siglo XX. Se parte de la clasificación tradicional de la ironía socrática, la ironía retórica y la ironía romántica para centrar el análisis en aspectos básicos del fenómeno irónico tales como la oposición, la verosimilitud, la complicidad con el intérprete o el papel desempeñado por el contexto. [eng] This article is a brief review of the concept of irony from the point of view of rhetoric and its influences in some of the twentieth century linguistic studies. The review begins with the traditional classification of Socratic irony, rhetoric irony and romantic irony in order to focus the analysis on some fundamental elements of ironic phenomenon such as opposition, verisimilitude, camaraderie with the interpreter or the role played by the context.


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In this paper we present ClInt (Clinical Interview), a bilingual Spanish-Catalan spoken corpus that contains 15 hours of clinical interviews. It consists of audio files aligned with multiple-level transcriptions comprising orthographic, phonetic and morphological information, as well as linguistic and extralinguistic encoding. This is a previously non-existent resource for these languages and it offers a wide-ranging exploitation potential in a broad variety of disciplines such as Linguistics, Natural Language Processing and related fields.


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CoCo is a collaborative web interface for the compilation of linguistic resources. In this demo we are presenting one of its possible applications: paraphrase acquisition.


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This article examines the mainstream categorical definition of coreference as "identity of reference." It argues that coreference is best handled when identity is treated as a continuum, ranging from full identity to non-identity, with room for near-identity relations to explain currently problematic cases. This middle ground is needed to account for those linguistic expressions in real text that stand in relations that are neither full coreference nor non-coreference, a situation that has led to contradictory treatment of cases in previous coreference annotation efforts. We discuss key issues for coreference such as conceptual categorization, individuation, criteria of identity, and the discourse model construct. We redefine coreference as a scalar relation between two (or more) linguistic expressions that refer to discourse entities considered to be at the same granularity level relevant to the linguistic and pragmatic context. We view coreference relations in terms of mental space theory and discuss a large number of real life examples that show near-identity at different degrees.


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