894 resultados para Sho nen kyo go.
Pro gradu -tutkielmani ksittelee Yleisradion Radioteatterin kuunnelmaa Puhdistus, joka esitettiin syksyll 2011. Tutkin feministisen affektitutkimuksen ja (audiovisuaalisen) nitutkimuksen keinoin sit, miten kuunnelman net ilmentvt Puhdistuksen tarinassa keskeisen esiintyv hpeaffektia kuuntelijalle. Tutkin mys hpen kietoutuneita tunteita ja affekteja, jotka ilmentvt hpe tai peittvt sen. Jaan tutkimani net hahmojen ruumiiden tuottamiin niin, joihin kuuluu mys puhe, ja efekteihin. Efektej ovat kaikki net, jotka eivt ole lhtisin ihmisruumiista. Olen jakanut nm edelleen tarinatilan niin eli diegeettisiin niin, tarinatilan ulkopuolisiin eli ei-diegeettisiin niin ja niihin niin, joita ei voi mritell tarinatilaan kuuluviksi tai kuulumattomiksi. Puhdistuksen toisen phenkiln Zaran ruumis nyttytyy raskaasti hengittvn ja nyyhkyttvn, tuoreesti ja hallitsemattomasti hpevn. Toisen phenkiln Aliiden ruumis on puolestaan omaksunut hpeaffektin kymmeni vuosia aiemmin, mist johtuen hnen hpens on peittynyt ylpeyden ja inhon kokemusten sek hallitun puhenen alle. Kumpikin phenkil kokee lisksi hpest kumpuavaa pelkoa ja vihaa. Aliiden ja Zaran ruumiit affektoituvat paitsi hpisijidens vaikutuksesta, mys kohdatessaan toisensa. Phenkiliden hpe ilmentvt mys kuunnelman niefektit. Niist keskeisimpi ovat terv kirskunta ja Aliiden hahmoon kietoutuva krpsensurina. Nm molemmat luovat tulkintani mukaan ahdistavaa ja kaoottista nimaailmaa.
Language socialization is a life-long process in which individuals are continuously socialized into new roles, statuses, and practices. This process becomes more complex in multilingual contexts. However, we know little of the language socialization of older adults and we know even less of minority-speaking elders' experiences of linguistic marginalization in contemporary communicative milieus. In this ethnographic and discourse-analytic study, I examine the language socialization of non-Mandarin-speaking elderly Taiwanese women in senior adult education programs in a rural township in Taiwan. Through examining autobiographical narratives, master narratives about elders, and classroom discourses, this study explores the historical construction of their sociolinguistic marginalization and their negotiation and resistance of such marginalization. The majority of the elderly women were denied education when they were young. Some received Japanese education during the Japanese colonization period. While the uneducated and illiterate elders have a strong aspiration for learning, they are dismissed as "unable to learn" by their teachers, peer students, and community leaders. By contrast, the Japanese literate exhibit a strong learning identity associated with colonial modernity. These two groups, however, have to contend with the social stereotype associated with their non-Mandarin speaking status. Under a Mandarin-only ideology that links Mandarin with modernity, discourses that have actively mobilized the category of illiterate to reference the older population are part and parcel of Taiwans modern identity. By demonstrating how these women are treated, in official discourses and in classroom interactions, as children for their lack of Mandarin abilities, I argue that the literacy education that set out to compensate these women for their earlier lack of educational opportunity has paradoxically reinforced their marginalization. Further, in recent years, they have become even more marginalized as the government has prioritized the education of recent young female marriage immigrants from Southeast Asia, who are considered in charge of educating the future sons and daughters of Taiwan. This research demonstrates how language socialization is a contested and life-long process and calls attention to the effects of language ideologies on literacy and language education. The findings have policy implications for improving literacy and language education both within Taiwan and elsewhere in the world.
A dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements to the degree of Master in Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Cincias Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Geografia, 2015.
Music played a prominent role in the United States womens suffrage movement (18481920). Suffragists left behind hundreds of compositions supporting their cause and historical accounts indicate that musical performances were common at suffrage events. With only a few exceptions, scholars have disregarded the music used in this movement, and have underemphasized its significance. This study examines the use of music in the suffrage movement from three perspectives: music with lyrics, titles, and images that espouse womens enfranchisement; music performed at national suffrage conventions held by the National American Woman Suffrage Association; and music accompanying suffrage parades. Though the music used varies in each case, it is clear that music played an important role in unifying suffragists and underscoring the ideals and goals of the movement.
Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Tecnologia Ambiental e Recursos Hdricos, 2015.
Lobjectif de ce travail tait dapporter une rflexion sur les influences du colonialisme europen aux XVII-XVIIIe sicles. Ayant dj rdig mon mmoire de fin de matrise sur la Corinthe archaque et ses colonies, jai souhait approfondir la question, en choisissant de situer la problmatique dans un contexte historiographique plus large, dans le temps comme dans lespace. Plusieurs auteurs se sont intresss aux rceptions de lAntiquit des priodes spcifiques (Grell et Alexandre le Grand en France, Richard et les influences antiques de la Rvolution amricaine,). Cependant, aucune analyse sur le long terme navait encore t fournie, pas davantage quune rflexion de fonds sur la place de lAntiquit dans la manire de penser les colonies en Europe moderne. Cet tat de fait, de mme que la relative raret des sources modernes traitant des colonies grecques, mont oblig largir au maximum le champ de recherche, en y incluant des auteurs qui, sils ne se proccuprent pas de colonisation, recoururent nanmoins au prcdent grec pour illustrer des problmatiques de leur temps. Toutefois, il est possible de constater quel point les rpertoires historiographiques concernant la Grce antique et ses colonisations se sont dvelopps dans le courant de ces deux sicles qui virent lapoge et la chute des premiers empires coloniaux europens en Amrique du nord. Si la comparaison lHistoire grecque ne relevait souvent que du Topos et de la propagande (comme dans le cas de la comparaison du Grand Cond ou de Louis XIV Alexandre le Grand), son utilisation dans le cadre de controverses plus large chelle outrepassait aussi le seul lieu commun pour sinscrire dans un discours rhtorique plus approfondi. Le choix de la colonisation grecque comme modle de comparaison simposait dautant plus logiquement que les divers auteurs, depuis les premiers colons jusquaux pres fondateurs amricains, insistaient sur les mrites conomiques des colonies europennes. Dautres rgimes, comme lempire espagnol au XVIe sicle ou lempire britannique au XIXe sicle, ont davantage recouru une terminologie dinspiration romaine. En effet, leur politique se fondait plus sur lide dune extension imprialiste de ltat que sur une vision commerciale du colonialisme. Larticle de Krishan Kumar demeure lun des plus importants sur la question. La rception de lHistoire des colonies grecques aux Temps modernes fut avant tout le fruit dune tentative de dfinition du colonialisme comme phnomne global, et dune volont de situer les nations europennes dans un contexte remontant aux origines de lOccident. lheure o lEurope amorait sa domination sur la totalit de la plante, et o la course la colonisation sacclrait, la majorit des auteurs sabritaient derrire limage de thalassocraties antiques qui, si elles ne dnotaient pas un pouvoir politique centralis, nen contriburent pas moins imposer la culture fondatrice de la pense occidentale tout le bassin mditerranen. Quant aux guerres qui poussrent les puissances antiques les unes contre les autres, elles ne faisaient quaugurer des conflits large chelle que furent les guerres franco-britanniques du XVIIIe sicle.
Fondo Margaritains Restrepo
My thesis explores the formation of the subject in the novels of Faulkners Go Down, Moses, Toni Morrisons Song of Solomon, and Gloria Naylors Mama Day. I attach the concept of property in terms of how male protagonists are obsessed with materialistic ownership and with the subordination of women who, as properties, consolidate their manhood. The three novelists despite their racial, gendered, and literary differences share the view that identity and truth are mere social and cultural constructs. I incorporate the work of Judith Butler and other poststructuralist figures, who see identity as a matter of performance rather than a natural entity. My thesis explores the theme of freedom, which I attached to the ways characters use their bodies either to confine or to emancipate themselves from the restricting world of race, class, and gender. The three novelists deconstruct any system of belief that promulgates the objectivity of truth in historical documents. History in the three novels, as with the protagonists, perception of identity, remains a social construct laden with distortions to serve particular political or ideological agendas. My thesis gives voice to African American female characters who are associated with love and racial and gender resistance. They become the reservoirs of the African American legacy in terms of their association with the oral and intuitionist mode of knowing, which subverts the male characters obsession with property and with the mainstream empiricist world. In this dissertation, I use the concept of hybridity as a literary and theoretical devise that African-American writers employ. In effect, I embark on the postcolonial studies of Henry Louise Gates, Paul Gilroy, W. E. B Du Bois, James Clifford, and Arjun Appadurai in order to reflect upon the fluidity of Morrisons and Naylors works. I show how these two novelists subvert Faulkners essentialist perception of truth, and of racial and gendered identity. They associate the myth of the Flying African with the notion of hybridity by making their male protagonists criss-cross Northern and Southern regions. I refer to Mae Gwendolyn Hendersons article on Speaking in Tongues in my analysis of how Naylor subverts the patriarchal text of both Faulkner and Morrison in embarking on a more feminine version of the flying African, which she relates to an ex-slave, Sapphira Wade, a volatile female character who resists fixed claim over her story and identity. In dealing with the concept of hybridity, I show that Naylor rewrites both authors South by making Willow Springs a more fluid space, an assumption that unsettles the scores of critics who associate the island with authenticity and exclusive rootedness.
Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Faculdade de Educao, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Educao, 2015.
This experiment used a modified go/no-go paradigm to investigate the processes by which response inhibition becomes more efficient during mid-childhood. The novel task, which measured trials on which a response was initiated but not completed, was sensitive to developmental changes in response inhibition. The effect of inducing time pressure by narrowing allowable response time was also examined. While increasing time pressure did not reduce the inhibitory demands of the task for either age group, older children (aged 9-to-11 years) were able to inhibit their responses at an earlier stage of movement than younger children (aged 5-to-7 years). This shows that as children get older they become more efficient at controlling their behaviour which drives developmental improvements in response inhibition.
Abstract: The area near the Araguaia River, between Gois and Mato Grosso States, is the location of a portion of the recharging of the Guarani Aquifer, which is one of the worlds largest aquifer systems and an important source of drinking water. This reservoir could be threatened by the widespread use of pesticides in maize and soybean cultivation in this area. Thus, this work developed analytical methods for the determination of imazethapyr, nicosulfuron, imazaquin, carbofuran, atrazine, linuron, clorimuronethyl and diflubenzuron, pesticides used in maize and soybean cultivation. Pesticide separation, identification and quantification were performed using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array Detection (HPLC-DAD) and Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS). Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) with C18 sorbents was optimized for sample extraction from water. Soil samples were extracted by mechanical shaking, sonication or microwave-assisted extraction with industrial and home microwave ovens. Methods were validated resulting in limits of quantification (LOQ) for the pesticides in water in the range of 0.015-0.1 ng mL, using SPE-HPLC-DAD, and 0.01 ng mL using LC-ESI-MS/MS. LOQ of 1 ng mL for all pesticides in soil were achieved using the home microwave oven and LC-ESI-MS/MS. Recoveries for pesticides with all methods were in the range 70-120 %. Relative standard deviations for repeatability and intermediate precision were less than 15 %. SPEHPLC- DAD and LC-ESI-MS/MS were employed for the analysis of samples of water from the recharge area and most of the pesticides were detected at concentrations below the minimum residue limit (MRL) of 0.1 ng mL established by the European Community. The home microwave oven and LC-ESI-MS/MS were used for the analysis of soil samples from two other regions of Brazil and the pesticides were not detected in these samples. Adsorption and desorption parameters were determined for imazethapyr, imazaquin, nicosulfuron and chlorimuron-ethyl, indicating that these pesticides have little affinity for the soil of the region of the Guarani Aquifer recharge, and show significant leaching potential, according to the ground water ubiquity score (GUS index) for these pesticides.