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Explanations for the causes of famine and food insecurity often reside at a high level of aggregation or abstraction. Popular models within famine studies have often emphasised the role of prime movers such as population stress, or the political-economic structure of access channels, as key determinants of food security. Explanation typically resides at the macro level, obscuring the presence of substantial within-country differences in the manner in which such stressors operate. This study offers an alternative approach to analyse the uneven nature of food security, drawing on the Great Irish famine of 1845–1852. Ireland is often viewed as a classical case of Malthusian stress, whereby population outstripped food supply under a pre-famine demographic regime of expanded fertility. Many have also pointed to Ireland's integration with capitalist markets through its colonial relationship with the British state, and country-wide system of landlordism, as key determinants of local agricultural activity. Such models are misguided, ignoring both substantial complexities in regional demography, and the continuity of non-capitalistic, communal modes of land management long into the nineteenth century. Drawing on resilience ecology and complexity theory, this paper subjects a set of aggregate data on pre-famine Ireland to an optimisation clustering procedure, in order to discern the potential presence of distinctive social–ecological regimes. Based on measures of demography, social structure, geography, and land tenure, this typology reveals substantial internal variation in regional social–ecological structure, and vastly differing levels of distress during the peak famine months. This exercise calls into question the validity of accounts which emphasise uniformity of structure, by revealing a variety of regional regimes, which profoundly mediated local conditions of food security. Future research should therefore consider the potential presence of internal variations in resilience and risk exposure, rather than seeking to characterise cases based on singular macro-dynamics and stressors alone.


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A 3-DOF (degrees-of-freedom) multi-mode translational/spherical PM (parallel mechanism) with lockable joints is a novel reconfigurable PM. It has both 3-DOF spatial translational operation mode and 3-DOF spherical operation mode. This paper presents an approach to the type synthesis of translational/spherical PMs with lockable joints. Using the proposed approach, several 3-DOF translational/spherical PMs are obtained. It is found that these translational/spherical PMs do not encounter constraint singular configurations and self-motion of sub-chain of a leg during reconfiguration. The approach can also be used for synthesizing other classes of multi-mode PMs with lockable joints, multi-mode PMs with variable kinematic joints, partially decoupled PMs, and reconfigurable PMs with a reconfigurable platform.


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We show that a spin-1/2 particle in the gravitational field of a massive body of radius R which slightly exceeds the Schwarzschild radius rs, possesses a dense spectrum of narrow resonances. Their lifetimes and density tend to infinity in the limit R → rs. We determine the cross section of the particle capture into these resonances and show that it is equal to the spin-1/2 absorption cross section for a Schwarzschild black hole. Thus black-hole properties may emerge in a non-singular static metric prior to the formation of a black hole.


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In the areas adjacent to the drowned Pleistocene continent of Sunda – present-day Mainland and Island SE Asia – the Austronesian Hypothesis of a diaspora of rice cultivators from Taiwan ∼4200 years ago has often been linked with the start of farming. Mounting evidence suggests that these developments should not be conflated and that alternative explanations should be considered, including indigenous inception of complex patterns of plant food production and early exchange of plants, animals, technology and genes. We review evidence for widespread forest disturbance in the Early Holocene which may accompany the beginnings of complex food-production. Although often insubstantial, evidence for incipient and developing management of rainforest vegetation and of developing complex relationships with plants is present, and early enough to suggest that during the Early to mid-Holocene this vast region was marked by different approaches to plant food production. The trajectory of the increasingly complex relationships between people and their food organisms was strongly locally contingent and in many cases did not result in the development of agricultural systems that were recognisable as such at the time of early European encounters. Diverse resource management economies in the Sunda and neighbouring regions appear to have accompanied rather than replaced a reliance on hunting and gathering. This, together with evidence for Early Holocene interaction between these neighbours, gives cause for us to question some authors continued adherence to a singular narrative of the Austronesian Hypothesis and the ‘Neolithisation’ of this part of the world. It also leads us to suggest that the forests of this vast region are, to an extent, a cultural artefact.


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In this paper, our previous work on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based fault detection method is extended to the dynamic monitoring and detection of loss-of-main in power systems using wide-area synchrophasor measurements. In the previous work, a static PCA model was built and verified to be capable of detecting and extracting system faulty events; however the false alarm rate is high. To address this problem, this paper uses a well-known ‘time lag shift’ method to include dynamic behavior of the PCA model based on the synchronized measurements from Phasor Measurement Units (PMU), which is named as the Dynamic Principal Component Analysis (DPCA). Compared with the static PCA approach as well as the traditional passive mechanisms of loss-of-main detection, the proposed DPCA procedure describes how the synchrophasors are linearly
auto- and cross-correlated, based on conducting the singular value decomposition on the augmented time lagged synchrophasor matrix. Similar to the static PCA method, two statistics, namely T2 and Q with confidence limits are calculated to form intuitive charts for engineers or operators to monitor the loss-of-main situation in real time. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is evaluated on the loss-of-main monitoring of a real system, where the historic data are recorded from PMUs installed in several locations in the UK/Ireland power system.


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The article examines the concept of administrative justice and shows how this term does not lend itself to a singular definition, but it is generally associated with a more holistic approach to citizen redress against government in which judicial review is only one mechanism among many others. After identifying some of the primary mechanisms within the system of administrative justice (Consultation, Ombudsman, Tribunals) and showing how they interact with one another, the article outlines the main challenges that this system faces in an era of austerity. Indeed, the reduction of government spending on the mechanisms which facilitate administrative justice has the potential to hollow out the values that infuse administrative justice as a whole.


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Castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) is poorly characterized and heterogeneous and while the androgen receptor (AR) is of singular importance, other factors such as c-Myc and the E2F family also play a role in later stage disease. HES6 is a transcription co-factor associated with stem cell characteristics in neural tissue. Here we show that HES6 is up-regulated in aggressive human prostate cancer and drives castration-resistant tumour growth in the absence of ligand binding by enhancing the transcriptional activity of the AR, which is preferentially directed to a regulatory network enriched for transcription factors such as E2F1. In the clinical setting, we have uncovered a HES6-associated signature that predicts poor outcome in prostate cancer, which can be pharmacologically targeted by inhibition of PLK1 with restoration of sensitivity to castration. We have therefore shown for the first time the critical role of HES6 in the development of CRPC and identified its potential in patient-specific therapeutic strategies.


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This article presents an analysis of synchronic variation and diachronic change in verbal agreement with the French noun foule. This noun, like many collective nouns in French and other languages, can show variation between singular and plural verbal agreement (la foule des habitants exulteSING de joie dans les rues vs. une foule de gens pressés s'attardentPLU). A novel combination of data, including data from sociolinguistic interviews, a gap-fill exercise, and a corpus of written French, is used to investigate this variation and change, to elucidate some of the factors that play a role in this type of agreement, and to examine the differences between this form used with the definite and indefinite determiner (la foule vs. une foule). Some theoretical issues concerning the definition of collective nouns are also addressed.


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In his essay, Anti-Object, Kengo Kuma proposes that architecture cannot and should not be understood as object alone but instead always as series of networks and connections, relationships within space and through form. Some of these relationships are tangible, others are invisible. Stan Allen and James Corner have also called for an architecture that is more performative and operative – ‘less concerned with what buildings look like and more concerned with what they do’ – as means of effecting a more intimate and promiscuous relationship between infrastructure, urbanism and buildings. According to Allen this expanding filed offers a reclamation of some of the areas ceded by architecture following disciplinary specialization:

‘Territory, communication and speed are properly infrastructural problems and architecture as a discipline has developed specific technical means to deal with these variables. Mapping, projection, calculation, notation and visualization are among architecture’s traditional tools for operating at the very large scale’.

The motorway may not look like it – partly because we are no longer accustomed to think about it as such – but it is a site for and of architecture, a territory where architecture can be critical and active. If the limits of the discipline have narrowed, then one of the functions of a school of architecture must be an attempt occupy those areas of the built environment where architecture is no longer, or has yet to reach. If this is a project about reclamation of a landscape, it is also a challenge to some of the boundaries that surround architecture and often confine it, as Kuma suggests, to the appreciation of isolated objects.

M:NI 2014-15
We tend to think of the motorway as a thing or an object, something that has a singular function. Historically this is how it has been seen, with engineers designing bridges and embankments and suchlike with zeal … These objects like the M3 Urban Motorway, Belfast’s own Westway, are beautiful of course, but they have caused considerable damage to the city they were inflicted upon.

Actually, it’s the fact that we have seen the motorway as a solid object that has caused this problem. The motorway actually is a fluid and dynamic thing, and it should be seen as such: in fact it’s not an organ at all but actually tissue – something that connects rather than is. Once we start to see the motorway as tissue, it opens up new propositions about what the motorway is, is used for and does. This new dynamic and connective view unlocks the stasis of the motorway as edifice, and allows adaptation to happen: adaptation to old contexts that were ignored by the planners, and adaptation to new contexts that have arisen because of or in spite of our best efforts.

Motorways as tissue are more than just infrastructures: they are landscapes. These landscapes can be seen as surfaces on which flows take place, not only of cars, buses and lorries, but also of the globalized goods carried and the lifestyles and mobilities enabled. Here the infinite speed of urban change of thought transcends the declared speed limit [70 mph] of the motorway, in that a consignment of bananas can cause soil erosion in Equador, or the delivery of a new iphone can unlock connections and ideas the world over.

So what is this new landscape to be like? It may be a parallax-shifting, cognitive looking glass; a drone scape of energy transformation; a collective farm, or maybe part of a hospital. But what’s for sure, is that it is never fixed nor static: it pulses like a heartbeat through that most bland of landscapes, the countryside. It transmits forces like a Caribbean hurricane creating surf on an Atlantic Storm Beach: alien forces that mutate and re-form these places screaming into new, unclear and unintended futures.

And this future is clear: the future is urban. In this small rural country, motorways as tissue have made the whole of it: countryside, mountain, sea and town, into one singular, homogenous and hyper-connected, generic city.

Goodbye, place. Hello, surface!


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In his essay, Anti-Object, Kengo Kuma proposes that architecture cannot and should not be understood as object alone but instead always as series of networks and connections, relationships within space and through form. Some of these relationships are tangible, others are invisible. Stan Allen and James Corner have also called for an architecture that is more performative and operative – ‘less concerned with what buildings look like and more concerned with what they do’ – as means of effecting a more intimate and promiscuous relationship between infrastructure, urbanism and buildings. According to Allen this expanding filed offers a reclamation of some of the areas ceded by architecture following disciplinary specialization:

‘Territory, communication and speed are properly infrastructural problems and architecture as a discipline has developed specific technical means to deal with these variables. Mapping, projection, calculation, notation and visualization are among architecture’s traditional tools for operating at the very large scale’.

The motorway may not look like it – partly because we are no longer accustomed to think about it as such – but it is a site for and of architecture, a territory where architecture can be critical and active. If the limits of the discipline have narrowed, then one of the functions of a school of architecture must be an attempt occupy those areas of the built environment where architecture is no longer, or has yet to reach. If this is a project about reclamation of a landscape, it is also a challenge to some of the boundaries that surround architecture and often confine it, as Kuma suggests, to the appreciation of isolated objects.

M:NI 2014-15
We tend to think of the motorway as a thing or an object, something that has a singular function. Historically this is how it has been seen, with engineers designing bridges and embankments and suchlike with zeal … These objects like the M3 Urban Motorway, Belfast’s own Westway, are beautiful of course, but they have caused considerable damage to the city they were inflicted upon.

Actually, it’s the fact that we have seen the motorway as a solid object that has caused this problem. The motorway actually is a fluid and dynamic thing, and it should be seen as such: in fact it’s not an organ at all but actually tissue – something that connects rather than is. Once we start to see the motorway as tissue, it opens up new propositions about what the motorway is, is used for and does. This new dynamic and connective view unlocks the stasis of the motorway as edifice, and allows adaptation to happen: adaptation to old contexts that were ignored by the planners, and adaptation to new contexts that have arisen because of or in spite of our best efforts.

Motorways as tissue are more than just infrastructures: they are landscapes. These landscapes can be seen as surfaces on which flows take place, not only of cars, buses and lorries, but also of the globalized goods carried and the lifestyles and mobilities enabled. Here the infinite speed of urban change of thought transcends the declared speed limit [70 mph] of the motorway, in that a consignment of bananas can cause soil erosion in Equador, or the delivery of a new iphone can unlock connections and ideas the world over.

So what is this new landscape to be like? It may be a parallax-shifting, cognitive looking glass; a drone scape of energy transformation; a collective farm, or maybe part of a hospital. But what’s for sure, is that it is never fixed nor static: it pulses like a heartbeat through that most bland of landscapes, the countryside. It transmits forces like a Caribbean hurricane creating surf on an Atlantic Storm Beach: alien forces that mutate and re-form these places screaming into new, unclear and unintended futures.

And this future is clear: the future is urban. In this small rural country, motorways as tissue have made the whole of it: countryside, mountain, sea and town, into one singular, homogenous and hyper-connected, generic city.

Goodbye, place. Hello, surface!


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A presente investigação, conducente à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Turismo na Universidade de Évora, aborda a temática dos eventos culturais no âmbito da actividade turística na Ilha da Madeira. Nesse sentido, e definido o objecto, o objectivo geral da pesquisa consistiu em analisar o contributo dos principais eventos turísticos - Festa da Flor, Festa do Vinho e Festa do Fim-de-Ano - na valorização das tradições culturais da Ilha e na promoção do destino Madeira. Para atingir os objectivos definidos, foi utilizada uma metodologia dual que consistiu num abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, através da administração de um inquérito por questionário, um inquérito por entrevista e da utilização da observação directa e/ou participante, em triangulação que considerou o lado da procura e o lado da oferta. Foi possível concluir que os eventos analisados dão um contributo importante para a valorização das tradições, para a pertença e coesão social, e que enfatizam a interacção social entre turistas e anfitriões, ao mesmo tempo que consistem numa oferta singular e única; ABSTRACT: This dissertation was conceived to obtain the doctor degree in Tourism at the University of Évora. It approaches the theme of cultural events in the frame work of tourism activity in the island of Madeira. The main objective of the study was to analyze the contribution of the major tourist events (Flower Festival, Wine Festival and the Feast of the End-of-Year) on the value of cultural traditions of the island and the promotion of Madeira. The defined objectives were accomplished by the use of a dual methodology, through an approach of quantitative and qualitative orientation – by means of questionnaire to the tourists, interviews to the organisers and direct and participant observation by the researcher. We can conclude about the cultural importance of the three selected feasts (Flower Festival, Wine Festival and the Feast of the End-of-Year) as a major contribute to value the tradition, to emphasize the social cohesion, to identify the tourist experience and to evaluate social interaction between hosts and guests as an unique and singular offer.


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Este trabalho centra-se na investigação da possibilidade de se conseguir um semicondutor magnético diluído (SMD) baseado em ZnO. Foi levado a cabo um estudo detalhado das propriedades magnéticas e estruturais de estruturas de ZnO, nomeadamente nanofios (NFs), nanocristais (NCs) e filmes finos, dopadas com metais de transição (MTs). Foram usadas várias técnicas experimentais para caracterizar estas estruturas, designadamente difracção de raios-X, microscopia electrónica de varrimento, ressonância magnética, SQUID, e medidas de transporte. Foram incorporados substitucionalmente nos sítios do Zn iões de Mn2+ e Co2+ em ambos os NFs e NCs de ZnO. Revelou-se para ambos os iões dopantes, que a incorporação é heterogénea, uma vez que parte do sinal de ressonância paramagnética electrónica (RPE) vem de iões de MTs em ambientes distorcidos ou enriquecidos com MTs. A partir das intensidades relativas dos espectros de RPE e de modificações da superfície, demonstra-se ainda que os NCs exibem uma estrutura core-shell. Os resultados, evidenciam que, com o aumento da concentração de MTs, a dimensão dos NCs diminui e aumentam as distorções da rede. Finalmente, no caso dos NCs dopados com Mn, obteve-se o resultado singular de que a espessura da shell é da ordem de 0.3 nm e de que existe uma acumulação de Mn na mesma. Com o objectivo de esclarecer o papel dos portadores de carga na medição das interacções ferromagnéticas, foram co-dopados filmes de ZnO com Mn e Al ou com Co e Al. Os filmes dopados com Mn, revelaram-se simplesmente paramagnéticos, com os iões de Mn substitucionais nos sítios do Zn. Por outro lado, os filmes dopados com Co exibem ferromagnetismo fraco não intrínseco, provavelmente devido a decomposição spinodal. Foram ainda efectuados estudos comparativos com filmes de ligas de Zn1-xFexO. Como era de esperar, detectaram-se segundas fases de espinela e de óxido de ferro nestas ligas; todas as amostras exibiam curvas de histerese a 300 K. Estes resultados suportam a hipótese de que as segundas fases são responsáveis pelo comportamento magnético observado em muitos sistemas baseados em ZnO. Não se observou nenhuma evidência de ferromagnetismo mediado por portadores de carga. As experiências mostram que a análise de RPE permite demonstrar directamente se e onde estão incorporados os iões de MTs e evidenciam a importância dos efeitos de superfície para dimensões menores que ~15 nm, para as quais se formam estruturas core-shell. As investigações realizadas no âmbito desta tese demonstram que nenhuma das amostras de ZnO estudadas exibiram propriedades de um SMD intrínseco e que, no futuro, são necessários estudos teóricos e experimentais detalhados das interacções de troca entre os iões de MTs e os átomos do ZnO para determinar a origem das propriedades magnéticas observadas.


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Esta dissertação estuda essencialmente dois problemas: (A) uma classe de equações unidimensionais de reacção-difusão-convecção em meios não uniformes (dependentes do espaço), e (B) um problema elíptico não-linear e paramétrico ligado a fenómenos de capilaridade. A Análise de Perturbação Singular e a dinâmica de Hamilton-Jacobi são utilizadas na obtenção de expressões assimptóticas para a solução (com comportamento de frente) e para a sua velocidade de propagação. Os seguintes três métodos de decomposição, Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM), Decomposition Method based on Infinite Products (DIP), e New Iterative Method (NIM), são apresentados e brevemente comparados. Adicionalmente, condições suficientes para a convergência da solução em série, obtida pelo ADM, e uma aplicação a um problema da Telecomunicações por Fibras Ópticas, envolvendo EDOs não-lineares designadas equações de Raman, são discutidas. Um ponto de vista mais abrangente que unifica os métodos de decomposição referidos é também apresentado. Para subclasses desta EDP são obtidas soluções numa forma explícita, para diferentes tipos de dados e usando uma variante do método de simetrias de Bluman-Cole. Usando Teoria de Pontos Críticos (o teorema usualmente designado mountain pass) e técnicas de truncatura, prova-se a existência de duas soluções não triviais (uma positiva e uma negativa) para o problema elíptico não-linear e paramétrico (B). A existência de uma terceira solução não trivial é demonstrada usando Grupos Críticos e Teoria de Morse.


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A formação do estudante de enfermagem em ensino clínico reveste-se de uma importância singular pelo contacto e vivência de situações em contexto, por lhe proporcionar a aquisição, o desenvolvimento e a consolidação de conhecimentos e competências em vários domínios, assim como de socialização com a profissão. O primeiro ensino clínico pelas actividades em contexto com os profissionais de saúde e os utentes é um período de transição particularmente marcante em termos formativos. Nele frequentemente acontece a ruptura nas suas concepções de formação e de aprendizagem, tornando-se num momento de confronto com uma formação que prepara para a incerteza e imprevisibilidade. Nesta investigação pretendemos compreender o que acontece neste período de aprendizagem, partindo da seguinte questão central de investigação: Que significado tem o primeiro ensino clínico no percurso formativo do estudante de enfermagem? O estudo desta questão exigiu o recurso a uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa baseada na estratégia estudo de caso na sua vertente multicasos. Seleccionámos três casos de estudo respectivamente do 1º, do 2º e 3º anos do Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem de três planos de estudos de Escolas Superiores de Enfermagem. O caso é constituído por um grupo de estudantes no primeiro ensino clínico hospitalar, enfermeiros e docentes que os orientam. Desenvolvemos uma etnometodologia em que privilegiámos a observação no terreno com participação directa do investigador, recolha documental, entrevistas etnográficas e semi-estruturadas aos vários intervenientes. A análise da informação reunida processou-se pela análise de conteúdo dos dados obtidos num percurso recursivo entre as várias fontes com apoio do programa informático Nvivo 7. Concluímos que o primeiro ensino clínico: é um período de formação estruturante, com forte impacto pela transição que se opera na postura do estudante perante a aprendizagem, pelas propriedades (trans)formativas que as vivências em contexto encerram, independentemente do ano do Curso em que este acontece; a preparação prévia dos estudantes modeliza os domínios da aprendizagem e a profundidade em que ocorre; aprendem de um modo fragmentado sem conseguirem integrar os vários domínios do conhecimento na acção; os estudantes do 1º ano dão mais significado à destreza e rapidez na realização de intervenções prescritas e à aplicação dos princípios teóricos aprendidos; a orientação dos enfermeiros, tutores e docentes é fundamental na mobilização, para a acção, dos conhecimentos teóricos ou na sua aquisição; a vivência das situações em contexto e o ambiente relacional estão entre os factores mais influentes; a prática orientada com atenção individualizada, questionamento, análise e reflexão em díade supervisor-aluno, são fundamentais no desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico; ser supervisor deve ser assumido pelo docente e pelo enfermeiro ou tutor como um trabalho de articulação e proximidade com e no contexto onde o ensino clínico decorre; a resposta adequada às funções específicas de supervisão exige participação activa de equipas de enfermagem mais preparadas e hierarquicamente apoiadas; o docente pelo conhecimento dos estudantes, dos fins e objectivos da formação, pelos desafios e exigência que coloca tem um papel insubstituível. No percurso da investigação novas questões emergiram nomeadamente no que se prende com: os modelos de articulação entre instituições de saúde e escolares; com a formação dos supervisores e; o papel dos pares no início da aprendizagem dos estudantes em contexto clínico.


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The energy of a graph is equal to the sum of the absolute values of its eigenvalues. The energy of a matrix is equal to the sum of its singular values. We establish relations between the energy of the line graph of a graph G and the energies associated with the Laplacian and signless Laplacian matrices of G. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.