993 resultados para Rousseau, J.-J.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
It was the romanticists who tended to write poetry of “autobiography,” who inquired of themselves concerning themselves, and assumed that the world was interested in what they found. Nor was the habit of self-consciousness regarding the poetic office let drop by their successors. That the words poet and poetry were so often on Emerson’s lips would be evidence enough to students of literature, in its changing temper and shifting modes, of his probable localization in time. It is also evidence of his relation to certain European movements of thought to which he gave—comparatively late in their currency and much tempered —American expression. In his doctrine of the superiority and the aloofness of the poet, of the latter’s severance from others to whom he yet bears messages of light, in his self-sufficiency and his sovereignty, his belief in the intrinsic goodness of nature and of man, and his concern with poetic thought rather than poetic form, Emerson may be termed the American representative of ideas which already had had wide circulation in Europe. In great part they emanated from Rousseau, and some of them, especially the gospel of the rights and the supremacy of the individual, had metamorphosed the politics and the map of Europe as well as its literature.
As luzes do Iluminismo francês consagradas por certa história da filosofia foram indubitavelmente as masculinas. As presenças de Voltaire, Rousseau e Diderot nas pesquisas e nas obras sobre o período são quase absolutas. A finalidade deste artigo é explorar as Luzes francesas, particularmente, a questão ética da felicidade, pelo olhar de uma razão tão ilustrada quanto a de Voltaire, Rousseau ou Diderot, porém de saiotes e espartilho: o pensamento de Émilie du Châtelet (1706-1749). Pouco conhecida pelo público brasileiro e menos estudada ainda pelos dix-huitièmistes locais, Madame du Châtelet, marquesa de berço, escreveu, por volta de 1746, um Discurso sobre a felicidade. O exame de algumas das teses e propostas éticas contidas nesse opúsculo é uma oportunidade instigante para se entenderem um pouco melhor não só as Luzes francesas, mas, sobretudo, a sensibilidade e as angústias das mulheres de vanguarda da França pré-revolucionária.
Este estudio se propone indagar el problema de la relación entre individuo, multitud y libertad en la obra de Spinoza, problema que, es nuestra hipótesis, permite echar luz sobre las alternativas fundamentales que se pusieron en juego en el debate teórico-político de la primera modernidad, y consecuentemente, en la formación de los órdenes políticos secularizados contemporáneos. ¿Cómo es posible la fundación y la conservación de un orden político en estas condiciones de incertidumbre? Más aún: ¿cómo hacer de esta incertidumbre no ya una amenaza, sino la fuerza motriz de un orden político? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que Spinoza responde a partir de una política y una filosofía de la inmanencia y que presentan, para nosotros, el doble interés de una interrogación “histórica” que busca en los orígenes de la modernidad sus posibilidades no transitadas, y “teórico política” en tanto busca en la ontología política spinoziana una forma de interrogar, desde las posibilidades inscriptas en su origen, las encrucijadas de la política moderna. Para llevar adelante esta investigación tomaremos como punto de partida la noción spinoziana de individualidad, buscando comprender sus determinaciones, su especificidad y el modo en que, a partir de ella, resulta posible pensar la "naturaleza humana" y las condiciones de la vida en común. Esta noción de individualidad, sostendremos, implica una crítica moderna de las categorías centrales del proyecto moderno, cuya clave se encuentra justamente en una crítica radical de la concepción moderna de la subjetividad (ya sea en su dimensión individual, como concepción del hombre, o en su dimensión política, como concepción del sujeto soberano). A partir de este desarrollo, daremos tratamiento a la concepción spinoziana de la política, y del que se revela en sus últimos escritos como su actor fundamental: la multitud. Para ello, hemos pretendido poner de relieve la distancia de Spinoza respecto del paradigma de la soberanía estatal desarrollado por Hobbes (y continuado en toda la tradición filosófica del derecho natural, pasando por Locke, Rousseau y Kant) y las consecuencias históricas, políticas e institucionales de tal distancia, así como las posibilidades abiertas a un pensamiento político a partir del registro conceptual abierto por Spinoza.
Endovascular stent grafting represents a novel concept for type B aortic dissection both in the acute and subacute/chronic setting, with an unknown effect on outcomes.
Thoracic endovascular aortic repair is increasingly becoming the standard treatment of many thoracic aortic pathologies. New reliable and accurate stent grafts are emerging to widen the endovascular treatment options. We report the results of RELAY (Bolton Medical, Barcelona, Spain) in the large RELAY Endovascular Registry for Thoracic Disease (RESTORE) European registry.
To evaluate the safety and performance of Relay stent-grafts in patients with acute or chronic aortic dissections.
This article brings to light a debate on tragic fiction in eighteenth-century France, and more specifically, on whether or not tragedy has the power to transform individuals intellectually and emotionally. Through analysis of abbé Dubos’s Reflexions critiques sur la poésie et sur la peinture and Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Lettre à d’Alembert sur les spectacles, I contend that Dubos’s overwhelmingly positive conception of fiction—and especially his contention that we learn through the emotions when we engage with tragic fiction—can serve as an admirable pedagogical model for today’s fiction-focused foreign language classrooms.
Available data on clinical outcomes of hybrid aortic arch repair are limited, especially for patients with aortic dissection. The objective of this review was to provide pooled analysis of periprocedural mortality and neurologic outcomes in hybrid procedures involving the aortic arch for dissection and other aortic diseases.
An expert multidisciplinary panel in the treatment of type B aortic dissection reviewed available literature to develop treatment algorithms using a consensus method. Data from 63 studies published from 2006 to 2012 were retrieved for a total of 1,548 patients treated medically, 1,706 patients who underwent open surgery, and 3,457 patients who underwent thoracic endovascular repair (TEVAR). For acute (first 2 weeks) type B aortic dissection, the pooled early mortality rate was 6.4% with medical treatment and increased to 10.2% with TEVAR and 17.5% with open surgery, mostly for complicated cases. Limited data for treatment of subacute (2 to 6 weeks after onset) type B aortic dissection showed an early mortality rate of 2.8% with TEVAR. In chronic (after 6 weeks) type B aortic dissection, 5-year survival of 60% to 80% was expected with medical therapy because complications were likely. If interventional treatment was applied, the pooled early mortality rate was 6.6% with TEVAR and 8.0% with open surgery. Medical treatment of uncomplicated acute, subacute, and chronic type B aortic dissection is managed with close image monitoring. Hemodynamic instability, organ malperfusion, increasing periaortic hematoma, and hemorrhagic pleural effusion on imaging identify patients with complicated acute type B aortic dissection requiring urgent aortic repair. Recurrence of symptoms, aortic aneurysmal dilation (>55 mm), or a yearly increase of >4 mm after the acute phase are predictors of adverse outcome and need for delayed aortic repair ("complicated chronic aortic dissections"). The expert panel is aware that this consensus document provides proposal for strategies based on nonrobust evidence for management of type B aortic dissection, and that literature results were largely heterogeneous and should be interpreted cautiously.
Are Feminism and Monotheistic Religions Compatible? Dr. Roberta K. Ray How compatible are the three major monotheistic religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) with feminism and the goal of equal rights for women in Western democracies? A special focus is on how Christian religions have functioned as a barrier to equal rights for women in the United States from Colonial period through the 21st century. Religion and Liberal Democracy: Are They Philosophically Compatible? Dr. John W. Ray American government is based on liberal democratic political theory. Based on an examination of the political philosophies of Locke, Mill, Rousseau, Hegel, Emerson and Rawls, Ray concludes that adherence to a liberal democratic political ideology is fundamentally incompatible with a religious grounding of political reality.
In this issue...Junior Prom, Blackbird Mining Camp, badminton, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Finlen Hotel, Continental Oil Company, Lee Saperstein, Oceanography