890 resultados para Robot movil


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215 p.


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Proiektu honetan IK4-Tekniker fundazioaren Mainbot robotaren simulazioa eta nabigazioa garatu dira. Mainbot robota zentral termosolar baten mantentze-lanetan lagungarria izateko dago pentsatua, eta Ackermann mugimendu-sistema du. Proiektuaren barnean ondorengoak garatu dira: simulazioaren ingurunea, robot simulatua eta nabigazio-sistema. Robota A puntutik B puntura modu autonomoan nabigatzeko gai izan beharko da, eta, horretarako, sentsoreetatik jasotako informazioa erabili beharko du oztopoak ekiditeko.


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Denontzat jakina da, azken urteetan robotikaren munduak zelako garrantzia hartu duen teknologiaren munduan. Hurrengo urteetan badirudi hainbat lanetan giza faktorearen beharra txikiagoa izango dela, roboten erabilera handiagotzen baitoa. Robotak lana modu eraginkor batean egiten du eta horrek bere abantailak ditu, bai produktibitate aldetik, bai alde ekonomikotik. Proiektu honetan Pololu 3pi izeneko robot txiki batekin egin da lan. Nahiz eta robot honek bere mugak badituen, aisialdiko eremuetan pieza garrantzitsua izan daitekela uste da. Robot honek eduki dezakeen ohiko erabilera bat da lurrean marrazturik dagoen labirinto batean ibiltzea marrari jarraituz. Proiektu honetan sistema bat garatu nahi izan da, Pololu 3pi robotaren mugimendua urrutiko aginte batez kontrolatzeko, non erabiltzaileak aukeratu ahal duen zein funtzionalitate nahi duen robota kontrolatzeko: Biraketa Zoroa, Mugitu azeleratuz, Wiimote-a mugituz eta Biraketa normal. Hortaz, proiektuan bi zati uztartzen dira, alde batetik Pololu 3pi robota eta bestetik urrutiko aginte bat, kasu honetan Wii bideokontsolaren Wiimote-a. Programa bat sortu da Pololu 3pi-a Wiimote-arekin mugitu eta kontrolatu ahal izateko. Hori posible izan da Atmega328 izeneko mikrokontrolagailuaren bitartez, berari esker programatu ahal izan baita robotaren programa. Aplikazioak bi zati ditu, alde batetik ikusgai zaigun interfaze grafiko bat, non robotaren funtzionalitate ezberdinak ikusten diren PC-aren pantailan. Bestetik robotak berak duen programa, interfazetik eta Wiimote-tik bidaltzen diren aginduei kasu egiten diena.


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This thesis presents a novel framework for state estimation in the context of robotic grasping and manipulation. The overall estimation approach is based on fusing various visual cues for manipulator tracking, namely appearance and feature-based, shape-based, and silhouette-based visual cues. Similarly, a framework is developed to fuse the above visual cues, but also kinesthetic cues such as force-torque and tactile measurements, for in-hand object pose estimation. The cues are extracted from multiple sensor modalities and are fused in a variety of Kalman filters.

A hybrid estimator is developed to estimate both a continuous state (robot and object states) and discrete states, called contact modes, which specify how each finger contacts a particular object surface. A static multiple model estimator is used to compute and maintain this mode probability. The thesis also develops an estimation framework for estimating model parameters associated with object grasping. Dual and joint state-parameter estimation is explored for parameter estimation of a grasped object's mass and center of mass. Experimental results demonstrate simultaneous object localization and center of mass estimation.

Dual-arm estimation is developed for two arm robotic manipulation tasks. Two types of filters are explored; the first is an augmented filter that contains both arms in the state vector while the second runs two filters in parallel, one for each arm. These two frameworks and their performance is compared in a dual-arm task of removing a wheel from a hub.

This thesis also presents a new method for action selection involving touch. This next best touch method selects an available action for interacting with an object that will gain the most information. The algorithm employs information theory to compute an information gain metric that is based on a probabilistic belief suitable for the task. An estimation framework is used to maintain this belief over time. Kinesthetic measurements such as contact and tactile measurements are used to update the state belief after every interactive action. Simulation and experimental results are demonstrated using next best touch for object localization, specifically a door handle on a door. The next best touch theory is extended for model parameter determination. Since many objects within a particular object category share the same rough shape, principle component analysis may be used to parametrize the object mesh models. These parameters can be estimated using the action selection technique that selects the touching action which best both localizes and estimates these parameters. Simulation results are then presented involving localizing and determining a parameter of a screwdriver.

Lastly, the next best touch theory is further extended to model classes. Instead of estimating parameters, object class determination is incorporated into the information gain metric calculation. The best touching action is selected in order to best discern between the possible model classes. Simulation results are presented to validate the theory.


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Computer science and electrical engineering have been the great success story of the twentieth century. The neat modularity and mapping of a language onto circuits has led to robots on Mars, desktop computers and smartphones. But these devices are not yet able to do some of the things that life takes for granted: repair a scratch, reproduce, regenerate, or grow exponentially fast–all while remaining functional.

This thesis explores and develops algorithms, molecular implementations, and theoretical proofs in the context of “active self-assembly” of molecular systems. The long-term vision of active self-assembly is the theoretical and physical implementation of materials that are composed of reconfigurable units with the programmability and adaptability of biology’s numerous molecular machines. En route to this goal, we must first find a way to overcome the memory limitations of molecular systems, and to discover the limits of complexity that can be achieved with individual molecules.

One of the main thrusts in molecular programming is to use computer science as a tool for figuring out what can be achieved. While molecular systems that are Turing-complete have been demonstrated [Winfree, 1996], these systems still cannot achieve some of the feats biology has achieved.

One might think that because a system is Turing-complete, capable of computing “anything,” that it can do any arbitrary task. But while it can simulate any digital computational problem, there are many behaviors that are not “computations” in a classical sense, and cannot be directly implemented. Examples include exponential growth and molecular motion relative to a surface.

Passive self-assembly systems cannot implement these behaviors because (a) molecular motion relative to a surface requires a source of fuel that is external to the system, and (b) passive systems are too slow to assemble exponentially-fast-growing structures. We call these behaviors “energetically incomplete” programmable behaviors. This class of behaviors includes any behavior where a passive physical system simply does not have enough physical energy to perform the specified tasks in the requisite amount of time.

As we will demonstrate and prove, a sufficiently expressive implementation of an “active” molecular self-assembly approach can achieve these behaviors. Using an external source of fuel solves part of the the problem, so the system is not “energetically incomplete.” But the programmable system also needs to have sufficient expressive power to achieve the specified behaviors. Perhaps surprisingly, some of these systems do not even require Turing completeness to be sufficiently expressive.

Building on a large variety of work by other scientists in the fields of DNA nanotechnology, chemistry and reconfigurable robotics, this thesis introduces several research contributions in the context of active self-assembly.

We show that simple primitives such as insertion and deletion are able to generate complex and interesting results such as the growth of a linear polymer in logarithmic time and the ability of a linear polymer to treadmill. To this end we developed a formal model for active-self assembly that is directly implementable with DNA molecules. We show that this model is computationally equivalent to a machine capable of producing strings that are stronger than regular languages and, at most, as strong as context-free grammars. This is a great advance in the theory of active self- assembly as prior models were either entirely theoretical or only implementable in the context of macro-scale robotics.

We developed a chain reaction method for the autonomous exponential growth of a linear DNA polymer. Our method is based on the insertion of molecules into the assembly, which generates two new insertion sites for every initial one employed. The building of a line in logarithmic time is a first step toward building a shape in logarithmic time. We demonstrate the first construction of a synthetic linear polymer that grows exponentially fast via insertion. We show that monomer molecules are converted into the polymer in logarithmic time via spectrofluorimetry and gel electrophoresis experiments. We also demonstrate the division of these polymers via the addition of a single DNA complex that competes with the insertion mechanism. This shows the growth of a population of polymers in logarithmic time. We characterize the DNA insertion mechanism that we utilize in Chapter 4. We experimentally demonstrate that we can control the kinetics of this re- action over at least seven orders of magnitude, by programming the sequences of DNA that initiate the reaction.

In addition, we review co-authored work on programming molecular robots using prescriptive landscapes of DNA origami; this was the first microscopic demonstration of programming a molec- ular robot to walk on a 2-dimensional surface. We developed a snapshot method for imaging these random walking molecular robots and a CAPTCHA-like analysis method for difficult-to-interpret imaging data.


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Flies are particularly adept at balancing the competing demands of delay tolerance, performance, and robustness during flight, which invites thoughtful examination of their multimodal feedback architecture. This dissertation examines stabilization requirements for inner-loop feedback strategies in the flapping flight of Drosophila, the fruit fly, against the backdrop of sensorimotor transformations present in the animal. Flies have evolved multiple specializations to reduce sensorimotor latency, but sensory delay during flight is still significant on the timescale of body dynamics. I explored the effect of sensor delay on flight stability and performance for yaw turns using a dynamically-scaled robot equipped with a real-time feedback system that performed active turns in response to measured yaw torque. The results show a fundamental tradeoff between sensor delay and permissible feedback gain, and suggest that fast mechanosensory feedback provides a source of active damping that compliments that contributed by passive effects. Presented in the context of these findings, a control architecture whereby a haltere-mediated inner-loop proportional controller provides damping for slower visually-mediated feedback is consistent with tethered-flight measurements, free-flight observations, and engineering design principles. Additionally, I investigated how flies adjust stroke features to regulate and stabilize level forward flight. The results suggest that few changes to hovering kinematics are actually required to meet steady-state lift and thrust requirements at different flight speeds, and the primary driver of equilibrium velocity is the aerodynamic pitch moment. This finding is consistent with prior hypotheses and observations regarding the relationship between body pitch and flight speed in fruit flies. The results also show that the dynamics may be stabilized with additional pitch damping, but the magnitude of required damping increases with flight speed. I posit that differences in stroke deviation between the upstroke and downstroke might play a critical role in this stabilization. Fast mechanosensory feedback of the pitch rate could enable active damping, which would inherently exhibit gain scheduling with flight speed if pitch torque is regulated by adjusting stroke deviation. Such a control scheme would provide an elegant solution for flight stabilization across a wide range of flight speeds.


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Modern robots are increasingly expected to function in uncertain and dynamically challenging environments, often in proximity with humans. In addition, wide scale adoption of robots requires on-the-fly adaptability of software for diverse application. These requirements strongly suggest the need to adopt formal representations of high level goals and safety specifications, especially as temporal logic formulas. This approach allows for the use of formal verification techniques for controller synthesis that can give guarantees for safety and performance. Robots operating in unstructured environments also face limited sensing capability. Correctly inferring a robot's progress toward high level goal can be challenging.

This thesis develops new algorithms for synthesizing discrete controllers in partially known environments under specifications represented as linear temporal logic (LTL) formulas. It is inspired by recent developments in finite abstraction techniques for hybrid systems and motion planning problems. The robot and its environment is assumed to have a finite abstraction as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP), which is a powerful model class capable of representing a wide variety of problems. However, synthesizing controllers that satisfy LTL goals over POMDPs is a challenging problem which has received only limited attention.

This thesis proposes tractable, approximate algorithms for the control synthesis problem using Finite State Controllers (FSCs). The use of FSCs to control finite POMDPs allows for the closed system to be analyzed as finite global Markov chain. The thesis explicitly shows how transient and steady state behavior of the global Markov chains can be related to two different criteria with respect to satisfaction of LTL formulas. First, the maximization of the probability of LTL satisfaction is related to an optimization problem over a parametrization of the FSC. Analytic computation of gradients are derived which allows the use of first order optimization techniques.

The second criterion encourages rapid and frequent visits to a restricted set of states over infinite executions. It is formulated as a constrained optimization problem with a discounted long term reward objective by the novel utilization of a fundamental equation for Markov chains - the Poisson equation. A new constrained policy iteration technique is proposed to solve the resulting dynamic program, which also provides a way to escape local maxima.

The algorithms proposed in the thesis are applied to the task planning and execution challenges faced during the DARPA Autonomous Robotic Manipulation - Software challenge.


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[ES]El objetivo principal del presente Trabajo Fin de Grado es diseñar un interpolador de trayectorias y programarlo en Labview. Para ello, se ha de analizar primeramente la cinemática del mecanismo a utilizar, un robot de cinemática paralela 5R, y calcular su espacio de trabajo. Después, se deducirán y programarán diversos perfiles de velocidades (trapezoidal de velocidades, trapezoidal de aceleraciones y sinusoidal) para moverse en rectas, así como el movimiento en curvas mediante splines. También se hallarán experimentalmente las características de los motores disponibles y se averiguarán las velocidades máximas que puede alcanzar el mecanismo. Así podremos presentar un software que sirva para generar trayectorias para el robot 5R. Se presentan también, entre otros, el presupuesto del proyecto y los riesgos en los que se puede incurrir. El documento finaliza con unos anexos de planos CAD, resultados y código de programación.


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[ES]El origen de este proyecto se encuentra dentro de la línea de investigación del equipo CompMech del Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica de la Escuela, el cual financia tanto la inversión como el mantenimiento del prototipo utilizado en este proyecto. Partiendo de esta base, el objetivo principal de esta línea de estudio es profundizar en el control del robot para poder después llegar a desarrollar una aplicación práctica. Para lograr este objetivo se trabajará con el software RobotStudio, mediante el cual se llevarán a cabo diferentes tareas tales como la generación de trayectorias, optimización de las mismas y la implementación de aplicaciones prácticas. En este trabajo se dan los primeros pasos hacia el control del robot, siendo una base de partida para estudios más complejos y profundos. De modo que el objetivo principal es dar los primeros pasos en el campo de estudio de la robótica, para proporcionar una base sólida y útil que sea válida para el desarrollo de posteriores aplicaciones prácticas más complejas.


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[ES]El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene la finalidad de contribuir al desarrollo de una línea de investigación mediante la implementación de un sistema neumático de agarre al mecanismo de cinemática paralela 5R. Dicho proyecto se integra dentro de una línea de investigación basada en el desarrollo y estudio de mecanismos de este tipo. Así, este Trabajo supone una pequeña parte de un proyecto de mayor envergadura, para cuyo éxito será necesaria la colaboración con otros investigadores y la integración de este trabajo al realizado por ellos. Consiste en diseñar, fabricar y controlar un sistema neumático de agarre al mecanismo 5R. El diseño se realizará sopesándose las distintas alternativas que existen, teniéndose en cuenta las limitaciones impuestas por el 5R. En el diseño se escogen los componentes correctos para conseguir que el sistema realice sus dos funciones:  Agarrar piezas.  Movimiento en el eje z que le permita desplazar el objeto. Antes del ensamblaje de los componentes neumáticos, y teniendo en cuenta el diseño realizado, se fabricarán las piezas necesarias para poder integrarlo al 5R y para, a su vez, juntar los componentes entre sí. A continuación, se desarrollará un programa informático para poder controlar el sistema. Finalmente, para verificar su correcto funcionamiento, se realizarán las pruebas pertinentes.


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[ES]El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo contribuir al desarrollo de un proyecto de investigación mediante la programación y control del movimiento de mecanismos de cinemática paralela para la realización de ensayos dinámicos. Dicho proyecto está enmarcado dentro de una línea de investigación del grupo de investigación CompMech de la UPV-­‐EHU que gira en torno al desarrollo y estudio de este tipo de mecanismos. Esto es; este trabajo, más allá de la utilidad que pudiera tener por sí mismo, está pensado para formar parte de un proyecto de mayor envergadura, para cuyo éxito será imprescindible la colaboración con otros investigadores y la integración de este trabajo con los realizados por ellos. Consiste en la creación de un software para el control y movimiento de mecanismos, generando vibraciones para la realización de ensayos dinámicos. Para ello, se programarán sobre la plataforma LabVIEW la interfaz de usuario y el motor de cálculo. Una vez se compruebe que el programa funciona correctamente, se integrará dentro de un programa principal, un control articular que será el encargado de comunicarse con la máquina. Posteriormente, se procederá a la realización de ensayos experimentales sobre los propios robots, en taller. Se tomarán medidas mediante acelerómetros y otros dispositivos, determinando las medidas más adecuadas para su correcta validación. Finalmente, se generalizará el trabajo realizado para posibilitar su empleo futuro en diferentes mecanismos


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[EU]Lan honen gaia SCARA errobot motaren mugimendu gaitasunen analisia egitea da, eta ibilbideen sorkuntzarako metodoekin batera software grafiko batean inplementatzea mugimenduaren simulazioa egin ahal izateko. Errobot serieen zinematikaren oinarrizko ezagutzatik hasita, mota konkretu batetara aplikatu egiten da eta honek aurkezten dituen berezitasunak garatu egiten dira, bi helburutara bideratuta: SCARA errobotaren mugimendu gaitasunak ezagutzea. Ibilbideen sorkuntzarako metodo baten inplementazioa. Hasteko, gaiaren egoera aztertu da, aplikazio nagusien eta ibilbide moten informazioa batzeko. Halaber ibilbideen sorkuntzarako metodoak arakatu dira, erabilera honetarako aproposena aurkitzeko. Jarraian, errobotaren analisia burutu da, ohizko erreminta matematikoak erabiliz, funtsezkoak diren lan eremua eta kokapen singularrak lortzeko. Ostean, software grafikoa garatu da mugimendu gaitasun hauek simulatzeko. Ohiko aplikazioetan oinarritutako ibilbideak sortzeko aukerak gehitu dira. Amaitzeko, oztopoak saihesten dituen ibilbideen sorkuntzarako metodoa inplementatu da, “pick and place” ibilbide motaren barruan.


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[ES]Este proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar una línea de investigación de opciones de sensorización de un mecanismo mediante acelerómetros. Se construirá para ello un sistema de adquisición y tratamiento de señales destinado a la sensorización de un mecanismo de cinemática paralela en base a los conocimientos adquiridos durante el curso. Se trabajará además con otros alumnos para llevar a cabo el diseño y montaje de un robot prototipo de cinemática paralela de dos grados de libertad sobre el que se experimentará y llevará a cabo el proyecto. Se plantean de este modo dos líneas de trabajo que se desarrollarán en este proyecto: Elaboración de un sistema de adquisición y tratamiento de señales adaptable a distintos sensores. Utilización de señales de múltiples acelerómetros para conocer en primer lugar aceleración, y de ser posible, posición de puntos de interés del mecanismo.


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[ES]Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado “Control de un sistema de accionamientos de traslación basado en correa para un manipulador de cinemática paralela” tiene como objetivo principal la implementación de un sistema de control que nos permita manejar un manipulador de cinemática paralela de dos grados de libertad accionado mediante dos motores eléctricos de corriente continua. Como componente central de este sistema de control, se dispondrá de un ordenador portátil cuyo procesador será el encargado de ejecutar las acciones necesarias para que pueda llevarse a cabo esta actividad de control. De esta forma, la tarea más importante y laboriosa a llevar cabo en este proyecto será el desarrollo de un aplicación de control que, corriendo en el citado ordenador, permitirá al usuario manejar el manipulador de cinemática paralela en cuestión. Para ello, esta aplicación deberá ser capaz de interpretar las ordenes de movimiento dadas por el usuario y transmitirlas al procesador del mencionado ordenador. Además de todo lo anterior, para completar el desarrollo del sistema de control, será necesaria la implementación de diversos sensores que se encargarán de detectar y transmitir las señales necesarias para evitar situaciones de emergencia en el que el manipulador estuviese a punto de chocar con algún objeto o persona. En conclusión, mediante el cumplimiento de los objetivos de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, se va a disponer de un sistema de control sencillo, intuitivo y fácilmente operable, que va a permitir a cualquier futuro usuario del mismo el manejo de un robot de cinemática paralela.