912 resultados para Reinforced concrete buildings


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The vibration serviceability limit state is an important design consideration for two-way, suspended concrete floors that is not always well understood by many practicing structural engineers. Although the field of floor vibration has been extensively developed, at present there are no convenient design tools that deal with this problem. Results from this research have enabled the development of a much-needed, new method for assessing the vibration serviceability of flat, suspended concrete floors in buildings. This new method has been named, the Response Coefficient-Root Function (RCRF) method. Full-scale, laboratory tests have been conducted on a post-tensioned floor specimen at Queensland University of Technology’s structural laboratory. Special support brackets were fabricated to perform as frictionless, pinned connections at the corners of the specimen. A series of static and dynamic tests were performed in the laboratory to obtain basic material and dynamic properties of the specimen. Finite-element-models have been calibrated against data collected from laboratory experiments. Computational finite-element-analysis has been extended to investigate a variety of floor configurations. Field measurements of floors in existing buildings are in good agreement with computational studies. Results from this parametric investigation have led to the development of new approach for predicting the design frequencies and accelerations of flat, concrete floor structures. The RCRF method is convenient tool to assist structural engineers in the design for the vibration serviceability limit-state of in-situ concrete floor systems.


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Partially grouted wider reinforced masonry wall, built predominantly using face shell bedded hollow concrete blocks, is an economical structural system and is popularly used in the cyclonic areas; its out-of-plane response to lateral loading is well understood, unfortunately its inplane shear behaviour is less well understood as to the effect of partial gouting in intervening the load paths within the wall. For rational analysis of the wall clarification is sought as to whether the wall acts as a composite of unreinforced panels and reinforced cores or as a continuum of masonry embedded with reinforced at wider spacing. This paper reports the results of four full scale walls tested under inplane cyclic shear loading to provide some insight into the effect of the grout cores in altering the load paths within the wall. The global lateral load - lateral deflection hysteric curves as well as local responses of some critical zones of the shear walls are presented.


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Partially grouted wider reinforced masonry wall, built predominantly with the use of face shell bedded hollow concrete blocks, is adopted extensively in the cyclonic areas due to its economy. Its out-of-plane response to lateral pressure loading is well definied; however its in-plane shear behaviour is less well understood, in particular it is unclear how the grouted reinforced cores affect the load paths within the wall. For the rational design of the walls, clarification is sought as to whether the wall acts as a composite of unreinforced panels surrounded by the reinforced cores or simply as a continuum embedded with reinforcement at wider spacing. This paper reports four full scale walls tested under in-place cyclic shear loading to provide some insight into the effect of the grout cores in altering the load paths within the wall. The global lateral load - lateral deflection hysteretic curves as well as the local responses of some critical zones of the shear walls are presented. It is shown that the aspect ratio of the unreinforced masonry panels surrounded by the reinforced grouted cores within the shear walls have profound effect in ascertaining the behaviour of the shear walls.


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Concrete made of brick chips as coarse aggregate are extensively used in Bangladesh for construction of different types of structures from residential and commercial buildings to industrial complex. As creep is influenced among many factors including the constituents’ materials, relative humidity and temperature, it is essential to examine the creep behavior for Bangladeshi brick chips made concrete in Bangladeshi environment. In this work, investigation on the behaviour of creep in concrete of same grade made with brick chips collected from various locations under single stage loading was done. With these investigations, a formula was derived to get theoretical creep values for 24 MPa brick chips made concrete in Bangladeshi environment.


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Population increase and economic developments can lead to construction as well as demolition of infrastructures such as buildings, bridges, roads, etc and used concrete is the main waste product of them. Recycling of waste concrete to obtain the recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) for base and/or sub-base materials in road construction is a foremost application to be promoted to gain economical and sustainable benefits. As the mortar, bricks, glass and asphalt present in different constituents in RCA, it exhibits inconsistent properties and performance. In this study, six different types of RCA samples were subjected classification tests such as particle size distribution, plasticity, compaction test and California Bearing Ratio (CBR). Results were compared with those of the standard road materials used in Queensland, Australia and found that ‘RM1-100/RM3-0’ and ‘RM1-80/RM3-20’ samples are sitting in the margin of the minimum required specifications of base materials while others are lower than that.


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In the modern built environment, building construction and demolition consume a large amount of energy and emits greenhouse gasses due to widely used conventional construction materials such as reinforced and composite concrete. These materials consume high amount of natural resources and possess high embodied energy. More energy is required to recycle or reuse such materials at the cessation of use. Therefore, it is very important to use recyclable or reusable new materials in building construction in order to conserve natural resources and reduce the energy and emissions associated with conventional materials. Advancements in materials technology have resulted in the introduction of new composite and hybrid materials in infrastructure construction as alternatives to the conventional materials. This research project has developed a lightweight and prefabricatable Hybrid Composite Floor Plate System (HCFPS) as an alternative to conventional floor system, with desirable properties, easy to construct, economical, demountable, recyclable and reusable. Component materials of HCFPS include a central Polyurethane (PU) core, outer layers of Glass-fiber Reinforced Cement (GRC) and steel laminates at tensile regions. This research work explored the structural adequacy and performance characteristics of hybridised GRC, PU and steel laminate for the development of HCFPS. Performance characteristics of HCFPS were investigated using Finite Element (FE) method simulations supported by experimental testing. Parametric studies were conducted to develop the HCFPS to satisfy static performance using sectional configurations, spans, loading and material properties as the parameters. Dynamic response of HCFPS floors was investigated by conducting parametric studies using material properties, walking frequency and damping as the parameters. Research findings show that HCFPS can be used in office and residential buildings to provide acceptable static and dynamic performance. Design guidelines were developed for this new floor system. HCFPS is easy to construct and economical compared to conventional floor systems as it is lightweight and prefabricatable floor system. This floor system can also be demounted and reused or recycled at the cessation of use due to its component materials.


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This paper describes an investigation into the effectiveness of using spray-on nano-particle reinforced polymer and aluminium foam as new types of retrofit material to prevent the breaching and collapse of unreinforced concrete masonry walls subjected to blast over a whole range of dynamic and impulsive regimes. Material models from the LSDYNA material library were used to model the behaviors of each of the materials and its interface for retrofitted and unretrofitted masonry walls. Available test data were used to validate the numerical models. Using the validated LS-DYNA numerical models, the pressure-impulse diagrams for retrofitted concrete masonry walls were constructed. The efficiency of using these retrofits to strengthen the unreinforced concrete masonry unit (CMU) walls under various pressures and impulses was investigated using pressure-impulse diagrams. Comparisons were made to find the most efficient retrofits for masonry walls against blasts.


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Railway is one of the most important, reliable and widely used means of transportation, carrying freight, passengers, minerals, grains, etc. Thus, research on railway tracks is extremely important for the development of railway engineering and technologies. The safe operation of a railway track is based on the railway track structure that includes rails, fasteners, pads, sleepers, ballast, subballast and formation. Sleepers are very important components of the entire structure and may be made of timber, concrete, steel or synthetic materials. Concrete sleepers were first installed around the middle of last century and currently are installed in great numbers around the world. Consequently, the design of concrete sleepers has a direct impact on the safe operation of railways. The "permissible stress" method is currently most commonly used to design sleepers. However, the permissible stress principle does not consider the ultimate strength of materials, probabilities of actual loads, and the risks associated with failure, all of which could lead to the conclusion of cost-ineffectiveness and over design of current prestressed concrete sleepers. Recently the limit states design method, which appeared in the last century and has been already applied in the design of buildings, bridges, etc, is proposed as a better method for the design of prestressed concrete sleepers. The limit states design has significant advantages compared to the permissible stress design, such as the utilisation of the full strength of the member, and a rational analysis of the probabilities related to sleeper strength and applied loads. This research aims to apply the ultimate limit states design to the prestressed concrete sleeper, namely to obtain the load factors of both static and dynamic loads for the ultimate limit states design equations. However, the sleepers in rail tracks require different safety levels for different types of tracks, which mean the different types of tracks have different load factors of limit states design equations. Therefore, the core tasks of this research are to find the load factors of the static component and dynamic component of loads on track and the strength reduction factor of the sleeper bending strength for the ultimate limit states design equations for four main types of tracks, i.e., heavy haul, freight, medium speed passenger and high speed passenger tracks. To find those factors, the multiple samples of static loads, dynamic loads and their distributions are needed. In the four types of tracks, the heavy haul track has the measured data from Braeside Line (A heavy haul line in Central Queensland), and the distributions of both static and dynamic loads can be found from these data. The other three types of tracks have no measured data from sites and the experimental data are hardly available. In order to generate the data samples and obtain their distributions, the computer based simulations were employed and assumed the wheel-track impacts as induced by different sizes of wheel flats. A valid simulation package named DTrack was firstly employed to generate the dynamic loads for the freight and medium speed passenger tracks. However, DTrack is only valid for the tracks which carry low or medium speed vehicles. Therefore, a 3-D finite element (FE) model was then established for the wheel-track impact analysis of the high speed track. This FE model has been validated by comparing its simulation results with the DTrack simulation results, and with the results from traditional theoretical calculations based on the case of heavy haul track. Furthermore, the dynamic load data of the high speed track were obtained from the FE model and the distributions of both static and dynamic loads were extracted accordingly. All derived distributions of loads were fitted by appropriate functions. Through extrapolating those distributions, the important parameters of distributions for the static load induced sleeper bending moment and the extreme wheel-rail impact force induced sleeper dynamic bending moments and finally, the load factors, were obtained. Eventually, the load factors were obtained by the limit states design calibration based on reliability analyses with the derived distributions. After that, a sensitivity analysis was performed and the reliability of the achieved limit states design equations was confirmed. It has been found that the limit states design can be effectively applied to railway concrete sleepers. This research significantly contributes to railway engineering and the track safety area. It helps to decrease the failure and risks of track structure and accidents; better determines the load range for existing sleepers in track; better rates the strength of concrete sleepers to support bigger impact and loads on railway track; increases the reliability of the concrete sleepers and hugely saves investments on railway industries. Based on this research, many other bodies of research can be promoted in the future. Firstly, it has been found that the 3-D FE model is suitable for the study of track loadings and track structure vibrations. Secondly, the equations for serviceability and damageability limit states can be developed based on the concepts of limit states design equations of concrete sleepers obtained in this research, which are for the ultimate limit states.


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Over the last decade advanced composite materials, like carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP), have increasingly been used in civil engineering infrastructure. The benefits of advanced composites are rapidly becoming evident. This paper focuses on the comparative performance of steel and concrete members retrofitted by carbon fibre reinforced polymers. The objective of this work is a systematic assessment and evaluation of the performance of CFRP for both the concrete and steel members available in the technical literature. Existing empirical and analytical models were studied. Comparison is made with respect to failure mode, bond characteristics, fatigue behaviour, durability, corrosion, load carrying capacity and force transfer. It is concluded that empirical expressions for the concrete-CFRP composite are not readily suited for direct use in the steel-CFRP composite. This paper identifies some of the major issues that need further investigation.


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Population increase and economic developments can lead to construction as well as demolition of infrastructures such as buildings, bridges, roads, etc resulting in used concrete as a primary waste product. Recycling of waste concrete to obtain the recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) for base and/or sub-base materials in road construction is a foremost application to be promoted to gain economical and sustainability benefits. As the mortar, bricks, glass and reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) present as constituents in RCA, it exhibits inconsistent properties and performance. In this study, six different types of RCA samples were subjected classification tests such as particle size distribution, plasticity, compaction test, unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and California bearing ratio (CBR) tests. Results were compared with those of the standard road materials used in Queensland, Australia. It was found that material type ‘RM1-100/RM3-0’ and ‘RM1-80/RM3-20’ samples are in the margin of the minimum required specifications of base materials used for high volume unbound granular roads while others are lower than that the minimum requirement.


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A combined experimental and numerical program was conducted to study the in-plane shear behaviour of hollow concrete masonry panels containing reinforced grout cores. This paper is focused on the numerical program. A two dimensional macromodelling strategy was used to simulate the behaviour of the confined masonry (CM) shear panels. Both the unreinforced masonry and the confining element were modelled using macromasonry properties and the steel reinforcement was modelled as an embedded truss element located within the grout using perfectly bonded constraint. The FE model reproduced key behaviours observed in the experiments, including the shear strength, the deformation and the crack patterns of the unconfined and confined masonry panels. The predictions of the validated model were used to evaluate the existing in-plane shear expressions available in the national masonry standards and research publications.


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Steel hollow sections used in structures such as bridges, buildings and space structures involve different strengthening techniques according to their structural purpose and shape of the structural member. One such technique is external bonding of CFRP sheets to steel tubes. The performance of CFRP strengthening for steel structures has been proven under static loading while limited studies have been conducted on their behaviour under impact loading. In this study, a comprehensive numerical investigation is carried out to evaluate the response of CFRP strengthened steel tubes under dynamic axial impact loading. Impact force, axial deformation impact velocities are studied. The results of the numerical investigations are validated by experimental results. Based on the developed finite element (FE) model several output parameters are discussed. The results show that CFRP wrapping is an effective strengthening technique to increase the axial dynamic load bearing capacity by increasing the stiffness of the steel tube.


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Concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns have shown great potential as axial load carrying member and used widely in many mission critical infrastructures. However, attention is needed to strengthen these members where transverse impact force is expected to occur due to vehicle collisions. In this work, finite element (FE) model of carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) strengthened CFST columns are developed and the effect of CFRP bond length is investigated under transverse impact loading. Initially the numerical models have been validated by comparing impact test results from literature. The validated models are then used for detail parametric studies by varying the length of externally bonded CFRP composites. The parameters considered for this research are impact velocity, impact mass, CFRP modulus, adhesive type, and axial static loading. It has been observed that the effect of CFRP strengthening is consistent after an optimum effective bond length of CFRP wrapping. The effect of effective bond length has been studied for above parameters. The results show that, under combined axial static and transverse impact loads CFST columns can successfully prevent global buckling failure by strengthening only 34% of column length. Therefore, estimation of effective bond length is essential to utilise the CFRP composites cost effectively.


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The inclusion of fibers into a matrix over only a partial thickness of the beam is regarded as partially fiber reinforcing a beam. This concept is fully invoked in the present investigation. A tensile strain enhancement factor, t, as determined by a direct tension test, forms a convenient engineering parameter that takes care of the influence of the aspect ratio and volume fraction of the given type of fiber. The appropriate thickness of the beam section to be reinforced with fibers is computed using the above parameter. Necessary analytical expressions were developed to compute the moment enhancement factor associated with different values of the parameter, t. The validity of the approach was experimentally demonstrated. Practically similar deflection patterns for fully and partially fibrous sections were observed. The applicability of the method developed in practical situations, such as the design of airfield and highway pavements with fiber conretes, is cited.


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Concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) columns are increasingly used in bridge piers and high-rise buildings due to their excellent axial load bearing capacity. These columns may experience severe damage or failure due to transverse impact of vehicle collisions. In this study, numerical investigation is carried out to evaluate the effect of carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) strengthening CFST columns under vehicular impact. The CFRP composites damage mechanisms are simulated to account four different failure criteria. The cohesive elements are introduced as interface element to properly simulate the adhesively bonded regime. Simplified vehicle model is also developed to represent real vehicle behaviour. The FE analysis results show that externally bonded CFRP composites improve the impact resistance capacity compared to bare CFST column.