977 resultados para Quasi-stagnation
In inflationary cosmological models driven by an inflaton field the origin of the primordial inhomogeneities which are responsible for large-scale structure formation are the quantum fluctuations of the inflaton field. These are usually calculated using the standard theory of cosmological perturbations, where both the gravitational and the inflaton fields are linearly perturbed and quantized. The correlation functions for the primordial metric fluctuations and their power spectrum are then computed. Here we introduce an alternative procedure for calculating the metric correlations based on the Einstein-Langevin equation which emerges in the framework of stochastic semiclassical gravity. We show that the correlation functions for the metric perturbations that follow from the Einstein-Langevin formalism coincide with those obtained with the usual quantization procedures when the scalar field perturbations are linearized. This method is explicitly applied to a simple model of chaotic inflation consisting of a Robertson-Walker background, which undergoes a quasi-de Sitter expansion, minimally coupled to a free massive quantum scalar field. The technique based on the Einstein-Langevin equation can, however, deal naturally with the perturbations of the scalar field even beyond the linear approximation, as is actually required in inflationary models which are not driven by an inflaton field, such as Starobinsky¿s trace-anomaly driven inflation or when calculating corrections due to nonlinear quantum effects in the usual inflaton driven models.
Conversion electron Mossbauer spectra of composition modulated FeSi thin films have been analysed within the framework of a quasi shape independent model in which the distribution function for the hyperfine fields is assumed to be given by a binomial distribution. Both the hyperfine field and the hyperfine field distribution depend on the modulation characteristic length.
We revisit the analytical properties of the static quasi-photon polarizability function for an electron gas at finite temperature, in connection with the existence of Friedel oscillations in the potential created by an impurity. In contrast with the zero temperature case, where the polarizability is an analytical function, except for the two branch cuts which are responsible for Friedel oscillations, at finite temperature the corresponding function is non analytical, in spite of becoming continuous everywhere on the complex plane. This effect produces, as a result, the survival of the oscillatory behavior of the potential. We calculate the potential at large distances, and relate the calculation to the non-analytical properties of the polarizability.
We show that any cooperative TU game is the maximum of a finite collection of convex games. This max-convex decomposition can be refined by using convex games with non-negative dividends for all coalitions of at least two players. As a consequence of the above results we show that the class of modular games is a set of generators of the distributive lattice of all cooperative TU games. Finally, we characterize zero-monotonic games using a strong max-convex decomposition
Experiments are reported on fractal copper electrodeposits. An electrochemical cell was designed in order to obtain a potentiostatic control on the quasi-two-dimensional electrodeposition process. The aim was focused on the analysis of the growth rate of the electrodeposited phase, in particular its dependence on the electrode potential and electrolyte concentration.
Using atomic force microscopy we have studied the nanomechanical response to nanoindentations of surfaces of highly oriented molecular organic thin films (thickness¿1000¿nm). The Young¿s modulus E can be estimated from the elastic deformation using Hertzian mechanics. For the quasi-one-dimensional metal tetrathiafulvalene tetracyanoquinodimethane E~20¿GPa and for the ¿ phase of the p-nitrophenyl nitronyl nitroxide radical E~2GPa. Above a few GPa, the surfaces deform plastically as evidenced by discrete discontinuities in the indentation curves associated to molecular layers being expelled by the penetrating tip.
The ab initio cluster model approach has been used to study the electronic structure and magnetic coupling of KCuF3 and K2CuF4 in their various ordered polytype crystal forms. Due to a cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion these systems exhibit strong anisotropies. In particular, the magnetic properties strongly differ from those of isomorphic compounds. Hence, KCuF3 is a quasi-one-dimensional (1D) nearest neighbor Heisenberg antiferromagnet whereas K2CuF4 is the only ferromagnet among the K2MF4 series of compounds (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu) behaving all as quasi-2D nearest neighbor Heisenberg systems. Different ab initio techniques are used to explore the magnetic coupling in these systems. All methods, including unrestricted Hartree-Fock, are able to explain the magnetic ordering. However, quantitative agreement with experiment is reached only when using a state-of-the-art configuration interaction approach. Finally, an analysis of the dependence of the magnetic coupling constant with respect to distortion parameters is presented.
Except for the first 2 years since July 29, 1968, Arenal volcano has continuously erupted compositionally monotonous and phenocryst-rich (similar to35%) basaltic andesites composed of plagioclase (plag), orthopyroxene (opx), clinopyroxene (cpx), spinel olivine. Detailed textural and compositional analyses of phenocrysts, mineral inclusions, and microlites reveal comparable complexities in any given sample and identify mineral components that require a minimum of four crystallization environments. We suggest three distinct crystallization environments crystallized low Mg# (<78) silicate phases from andesitic magma but at different physical conditions, such as variable pressure of crystallization and water conditions. The dominant environment, i.e., the one which accounts for the majority of minerals and overprinted all other assemblages near rims of phenocrysts, cocrystallized clinopyroxene (Mg# similar to71-78), orthopyroxene (Mg# similar to71-78), titanomagnetite and plagioclase (An(60) to An(85)). The second environment cocrystallized clinopyroxene (Mg# 71-78), olivine (<Fo(78)), titanomagnetite, and very high An (similar to90) plagioclase, while the third cocrystallized clinopyroxene (Mg# 71-78) with high (>7) Al/Ti and high (>4 wt.%) Al2O3, titanomagnetite with considerable Al2O3 (10-18 wt.%) and possibly olivine but appears to lack plagioclase. A fourth crystallization environment is characterized by clinopyroxene (e.g., Mg#=similar to78-85; Cr2O3=0.15-0.7 wt.%), Al-, Cr-rich spinel olivine (similar toFo(80)), and in some circumstances high-An (>80) plagioclase. This assemblage seems to record mafic inputs into the Arenal system and crystallization at high to low pressures. Single crystals cannot be completely classified as xenocrysts, antecrysts (cognate crystals), or phenocrysts, because they often contain different parts each representing a different crystallization environment and thus belong to different categories. Bulk compositions are mostly too mafic to have crystallized the bulk of ferromagnesian minerals and thus likely do not represent liquid compositions. On the other hand, they are the cumulative products of multiple mixing events assembling melts and minerals from a variety of sources. The driving force for this multistage mixing evolution to generate erupting basaltic andesites is thought to be the ascent of mafic magma from lower crustal levels to subvolcanic depths which at the same time may also go through compositional modification by fractionation and assimilation of country rocks. Thus, mafic magmas become basaltic andesite through mixing, fractionation and assimilation by the time they arrive at subvolcanic depths. We infer new increments of basaltic andesite are supplied nearly continuously to the subvolcanic reservoir concurrently to the current eruption and that these new increments are blended into the residing, subvolcanic magma. Thus, the compositional monotony is mostly the product of repetitious production of very similar basaltic andesite. Furthermore, we propose that this quasi-constant supply of small increments of magma is the fundamental cause for small-scale, decade-long continuous volcanic activity; that is, the current eruption of Arenal is flux-controlled by inputs of mantle magmas. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Actualment el flux migratori internacional s"ha feminitzat, quasi la meitat és compost per dones. No obstant això, malgrat exercir una influència en el comportament i en els projectes migratoris, la variable de gènere habitualment no ha estat recollida com a variable específica. L"article posa atenció en el col·lectiu de treballadores de la llar atesa la poca visibilitat que tenen en el debat públic. Al mateix temps, ha d"assumir un triple risc d"exclusió social (dones, migrants i amb precarietat laboral). Aquest col·lectiu ha estat un suport important per a moltes famílies europees en permetre a la dona, que continua assumint amb major grau la responsabilitat de la llar, conciliar la vida familiar i professional. Les qüestions clau sobre les quals reflexionarem són les possibilitats de conciliació que tenen les mateixes «reconciliadores », i també les oportunitats de participació i, per tant, d"integració a la societat d"acollida. El sector econòmic no afavoreix l"accés a aquests dos processos atès que l"accés a drets laborals és desigual i també hi ha una part important de situacions dins l"economia submergida. Aquesta realitat no ha estat abordada en profunditat dins del debat públic. Són els moviments de dones dins del marc del feminisme dialògic els que estan formulant estratègies més efectives i equitatives d"inclusió social i d"igualtat d"oportunitats. Paraules clau: gènere, immigració, conciliació, inclusió.
We study the dynamics of a water-oil meniscus moving from a smaller to a larger pore. The process is characterised by an abrupt change in the configuration, yielding a sudden energy release. A theoretic study for static conditions provides analytical solutions of the surface energy content of the system. Although the configuration after the sudden energy release is energetically more convenient, an energy barrier must be overcome before the process can happen spontaneously. The energy barrier depends on the system geometry and on the flow parameters. The analytical results are compared to numerical simulations that solve the full Navier-Stokes equation in the pore space and employ the Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method to track the evolution of the interface. First, the numerical simulations of a quasi-static process are validated by comparison with the analytical solutions for a static meniscus, then numerical simulations with varying injection velocity are used to investigate dynamic effects on the configuration change. During the sudden energy jump the system exhibits an oscillatory behaviour. Extension to more complex geometries might elucidate the mechanisms leading to a dynamic capillary pressure and to bifurcations in final distributions of fluid phases in porous
L'actual crisi econòmica, del model de producció i les greus conseqüències que està tenint en el teixit industrial, productiu, econòmic, de consum, de diferents sectors, així com la pèrdua de competitivitat i el descens de la nostra productivitat com quasi la més baixa d'Europa, ens porta a cercar solucions i alternatives en la gestió empresarial i a la direcció de les organitzacions públiques i privades,com un dels factors estratègics que podrien ajudar a col·laborar a la sortida de la crisi.
Dans la prise en charge des maladies oncologiques, la priorité est évidemment d'assurer le contrôle de la maladie (soit le taux de récidive local et la survie globale), surtout lorsque celle-ci est diagnostiquée tôt, à un stade précoce. Cependant, lorsque la maladie est plus avancée et que ce contrôle ne peut être assuré de façon raisonnable, l'accent de la prise en charge est surtout axé sur le confort du patient. Le principe est de fournir à celui-ci, dans la mesure du possible, une qualité de vie acceptable, avec notamment des douleurs bien contrôlées.Dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à la prise en charge palliative des lymphomes non hodgkiniens (LNH) de bas grade. La survie de ces patients peut être relativement longue (de 5 à 10 ans selon les séries), cependant, le traitement est rarement à visée curative, contrairement aux lymphomes de haut grade, dont la survie est bien moindre, mais avec une chance de guérison après un traitement intensif.Plusieurs études cliniques, à la fois prospectives et rétrospectives, ont démontré l'intérêt d'une irradiation à faible dose {2x2 Gy) lors d'atteintes tymphomateuses à l'origine de symptômes gênants (douleurs, compression par une masse, dyspnée, entre autres). Etant donné la facilité d'administration de ce traitement (seulement 2 séances de radiothérapie sont nécessaires), et sa quasi absence de survenue d'effets secondaires avec cette faible dose totale (4 Gy), nous avons voulu y apporter une contribution suisse.Notre étude rétrospective a permis d'inclure 43 patients entre le CHUV et les HUG. Les résultats que nous avons obtenus sont également dans la ligne des autres études parues, avec un excellent contrôle local, soit un soulagement rapide et durable des symptômes dans la majorité des cas.Nous espérons que ce travail de thèse, publié sous forme d'un article dans « International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics », permettra une prise en charge plus optimale des ces patients en leur apportant un traitement facile à administrer, efficace, sans effets secondaires dans la majorité des cas, et pouvant être répété un grand nombre de fois si nécessaire.
La question des différences salariales apparaît quasi quotidiennement dans l'actualité. Qu'elle soit abordée sous l'angle de la discrimination entre hommes et femmes, de l'écart entre le salaire le plus bas et celui le plus élevé dans les entreprises ou des différences qui existent entre les branches économiques, elle préoccupe et interpelle. Et tout particulièrement les apprenants qui, au moment de se lancer dans le monde du travail, s'interrogent sur la voie professionnelle à choisir.
BACKGROUND: In myasthenia gravis, antibody-mediated blockade of acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction abolishes the naturally occurring 'safety factor' of synaptic transmission. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors provide temporary symptomatic treatment of muscle weakness, but there is controversy about their long-term efficacy, dosage and side effects. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the efficacy of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in all forms of myasthenia gravis. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched The Cochrane Neuromuscular Disease Group Specialized Register (5 October 2009), The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library Issue 3, 2009), MEDLINE (January 1966 to September 2009), EMBASE (January 1980 to September 2009) for randomised controlled trials and quasi-randomised controlled trials regarding usage of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in myasthenia gravis. Two authors scanned the articles for any study eligible for inclusion. We also contacted the authors and known experts in the field to identify additional published or unpublished data. SELECTION CRITERIA: Types of studies: all randomised or quasi-randomised trials.Types of participants: all myasthenia gravis patients diagnosed by an internationally accepted definition.Types of interventions: treatment with any form of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.Types of outcome measuresPrimary outcome measureImprovement in the presenting symptoms within 1 to 14 days of the start of treatment.Secondary outcome measures(1) Improvement in the presenting symptoms more than 14 days after the start of treatment.(2) Change in impairment measured by a recognised and preferably validated scale, such as the quantitative myasthenia gravis score within 1 to 14 days and more than 14 days after the start of treatment.(3) Myasthenia Gravis Association of America post-intervention status more than 14 days after start of treatment.(4) Adverse events: muscarinic side effects. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: One author (MMM) extracted the data, which were checked by a second author. We contacted study authors for extra information and collected data on adverse effects from the trials. MAIN RESULTS: We did not find any large randomised or quasi-randomised trials of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in generalised myasthenia gravis. One cross-over randomised trial using intranasal neostigmine in a total of 10 subjects was only available as an abstract. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Except for one small and inconclusive trial of intranasal neostigmine, no randomised controlled trial has been conducted on the use of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in myasthenia gravis. Response to acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in observational studies is so clear that a randomised controlled trial depriving participants in the placebo arm of treatment would be difficult to justify.
Rapport de synthèse : Implication des canaux Ca2+ de type L et des canaux KATP dans la protection induite par pacing dans un modèle de coeur embryonnaire soumis à l'anoxieréoxygénation. Contexte et but : le canal Ca2+ de type L, les canaux K+ du sarcolemme (sarcKatp) et de la mitochondrie (mitoKatp) interviennent dans le préconditionnement ischémique ou pharmacologique du myocarde. La présente étude cherche à déterminer dans quelle mesure ces canaux peuvent aussi jouer un rôle dans la cardioprotection induite par pacing. Méthodes :des coeurs d'embryons de poulet âgés de 4 jours ont été soumis in ovo à un pacing durant 12 heures, en pratiquant une stimulation électrique ventriculaire asynchrone intermittente à 110% de la fréquence cardiaque intrinsèque. Les coeurs contrôles (sham) et les coeurs stimulés ont ensuite été soumis in vitro à une période d'anoxie de 30 minutes, suivie d'une réoxygénation de 60 minutes. Les coeurs ont été exposés à l'agoniste du canal Ca2+ de type L (Bay-K-8644, BAY-K) ou à son bloqueur (vérapamil, VERAP), à l'antagoniste non sélectif des canaux KATP (glibenclamide, GLIB), ainsi qu'à l'agoniste du canal mitoKATP (diazoxide, DIAZO), ou à son antagoniste (5-hydroxydécanoate, 5-HD). L'électrocardiogramme, le délai électro-mécanique (DEM) reflétant le couplage excitation-contraction, ainsi que la contractilité myocardique ont été systématiquement déterminés pendant l'anoxieréoxygénation. Résultats : en normoxie, la fréquence cardiaque, l'intervalle QT, la conduction atrioventriculaire, le DEM et le raccourcissement ventriculaires étaient identiques dans les coeurs sham et les coeurs stimulés. Par contre, au cours de la réoxygénation post-anoxique, les arythmies cessaient plus précocément et le DEM ventriculaire retrouvait plus rapidement son niveau initial dans les coeurs stimulés, comparés aux sham. Dans les coeurs sham, BAY-K (mais pas le VERAP), DIAZO (mais pas le 5HD) ou GLIB accéléraient la récupération du DEM ventriculaire, reproduisant ainsi la protection induite par le pacing. En revanche, aucun de ces agents n'affectait la récupération des cceurs stimulés. Conclusion : un pacing ventriculaire chronique et intermittent délivré à une fréquence quasi physiologique améliore la tolérance myocardique à une anoxie-réoxygénation ultérieure. L'approche pharmacologique amontré qu'une activation discrète du canal Ca2+ de type L, une inhibition du canal sarcKATP et/ou une ouverture du canal mitoKATP peuvent contribuer à la cardioprotection induite par le pacing.